Blue hydrogen in the industry

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[Music] the Netherlands has set clear climate goals over 50% reduction of co2 emissions in 2030 and a low-carbon energy system in 2050 for the industry in the port of rotterdam this means a major transition a large share of the port's current emissions come from the use of coal oil or natural gas to produce electricity and for industrial processes that require vast amounts of heat for some industrial processes the industry can switch to green electricity however for high temperature heat applications this is not feasible this can be achieved by switching from natural gas to low carbon hydrogen this can be produced using natural gas or renewable electricity when hydrogen is produced from natural gas co2 is released by capturing and storing the co2 from the process the hydrogen becomes low-carbon this is called blue hydrogen hydrogen can also be produced using green electricity here no co2 is emitted this is called green hydrogen to generate the required amounts of green hydrogen more green electricity is needed then will become available in the coming decades to significantly reduce emissions in the short term to meet the Dutch climate goals blue hydrogen is a pragmatic and feasible solution in the H vision project parties within the hydrogen value chain are working together to achieve a step chain in emissions in the Rotterdam port area through blue hydrogen almost all of the co2 captured during the blue hydrogen production will be stored in empty gas fields in the North Sea or it will be used the required infrastructure and the installations that will be installed can also be used for the application of green hydrogen in the future in this way investing in blue hydrogen's paves the way for a green hydrogen future with blue hydrogen the industry in the port of rotterdam can contribute to a significant reduction of co2 emissions in the short term and build a sustainable future for everyone
Channel: Deltalinqs
Views: 19,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fI3Dkb1AW4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 50sec (170 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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