Blue Diamond Pan Review | Testing As Seen on TV Product
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Vivian Tries
Views: 197,798
Rating: 4.8319411 out of 5
Keywords: Blue Diamond Pan, Blue Diamond, Blue Diamond Pan Reviews, blue diamond review, blue diamond as seen on tv, as seen on tv, blue diamond pan as seen on tv, vivian tries, blue diamond cookware, blue diamond pans as seen on tv, blue diamond pan review, blue diamond non stick pan, blue diamond pans, blue diamond frying pan, diamond pan, diamond cookware, diamond frying pan, as seen on tv skillet, non stick cookware, non stick pan, best non stick frying pan, nonstick pans
Id: 53EBOf8iSAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 26 2018
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