Blown Up one Day Racing the Next! #gridlife

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[Music] yes what's going on guys welcome back to pfi speed a blast down the road in the nsx headed to uh ppir our local race one of our local race tracks i'm gonna go meet the team from daily racer and uh enjoy the evening watching them get down with the s2000s from what i have heard they qualify pretty good um i think it was number two and number four or six i'm not sure but i'm pretty excited also i follow sally who does all this good life and i'm super stoked to meet her and all all these guys that are race knocker i think it's pretty neat there's a big part of me that wants to get involved with them all and i just think it would be just a super good time so i'm headed out here to see what it's all about i'm all on my own everybody else is at the lake and uh we had just finished dying sketchy the night before so everybody's kind of beat it's been one heck of a week and i just finished one of the videos and i was like man i really want to go see what this is about so i got my laptop in case any tune needs done and headed out here to have a good time so i appreciate you guys joining me let's get to the track and check this [Music] out all right welcome to the grid ppir my guy gale right here in the yellow little cart about to run over his strap [Music] there's sally right there the little borla 2018 civic it's so awesome here we are i was like i was following you i was like oh man he might run over a strap no i hope not it's not my strap all right so it's me and gill and we're gonna go for a cruise [Music] this is rad i'm a sally fan it's awesome very cool jackie ding's car more glcc competitors that's the guy who finished first yesterday nice another nice vehicles yeah man this is sweet that is quite the exhaustion that is quite the exhausted he's having fun that's what it's all about that's it yeah and there's so many i mean there's so many racers this is really cool and different flavors everywhere so it's always power to wait that's everybody's kind of the most part yeah that's how they clash them hi what's up thank you appreciate it so now we're starting to get into some of the driftwood yeah this is rad what a deal hey how's it going man all the falcon cars yeah protein coming out four birds 370. we got vaughn getting fun have her tour [Music] oh awesome did you guys race against him yeah yeah we're just doing the whole uh at the uh burnout rival yeah right yeah then we've got the trophy trucks and later today they're gonna have the gltc racers justin and tiffany go out on the track and then the trophy truck's gonna jump down oh there it is uh [Music] yeah that's sick [Music] this is awesome man i don't know why i've never done this this is like so my flavor right just hang out for the weekend oh yeah a little car show oh there's a car shifting bring the nsx down so we got a little bit of everything yeah look at all the flavors so this is like a festival so normally if we weren't in quarantine there'd be djs playing and literally a music festival 16 000 people and just all enjoying cars and music and having a good time so this one's the light one yeah we're life life great life flight but at least we get to have one yeah exactly awesome we're just thankful that we're able to be out here and still race with the situation that's going on you know yeah [Music] this is cool and yeah let's go yeah this is awesome man we'll go up top yeah on this little pit road [Music] why not [Music] this is awesome [Music] hi this is too cool man [Music] over here so you have the whole bank all the way down to here and then it drops into the into the main field and very technical too this is freaking awesome man [Music] yeah i don't know i've never done this before i am i'm gonna be thinking about cars and everything else to build it looks like about anything right i mean hello sally hi i'm brent i'm a big fan hi nice to meet you good to meet you too it's pretty awesome thank you i love what you're doing it's pretty cool thank you so much yeah he actually yesterday really sucked for us so yeah um we went out for practice when practice was fine we were just kind of learning the car um but we went out for qualifying and one the marker bolt like the see that black like marker yeah yeah there's a metal bracket behind it on the other side and it cut into my brand new tires oh no all the way down to the cords and then so we put on our spare tires after all of that and then we went they dropped the green black for the race one and i hit the gas and the car went nowhere oh no this is what happened over here this is the chewed up turbo this is our turbo that decided to have a nice light oh no so like try to spin that oh my goodness [Music] she's uh not happy so let's just say i coasted over start finish yesterday they said a whole bunch of people like jumped the green flag i'd love to say that i tried [Laughter] better luck next time [Music] found a dealership that had a turbo we picked up the turbine they gave us 400 off oh that was awesome because we told them we're like racing and they're like i want you to make your race we'll hook you up no problem and wow we got back thrashed put it together um change the oil because we didn't want to have any kind of like oil like possible metal shavings yeah right the bearings yeah bearings in there and so we like barely got enough time for the brake ducts and everything else went out for practice and went almost a second faster oh that's awesome and even people came over like how do you get faster did you like turn up the turbo like no i just like put a new one on yeah that's awesome yeah but we found one and we got it you did it now we just need to go to the races that's it awesome well good luck it's awesome it was good to meet you finally food i think it's awesome it's very cool you try to do clothing yeah you are doing cool things and you represent awesome so good work thank you great to meet you yeah so basically the idle thing so low so i keep having it it just keeps shutting off on me and so i'm like trying to feather it the whole time but i think i'm kind of like over feathering it and then i'll keep dying i don't know myself okay because out there on my last practice race around 7 500 it did not die thing where it dies and i don't know if it just couldn't be smart maybe okay um yeah other than that though it's been running it's awesome it was around 7 500 it did that okay and then what do i have my right limiter set at 88. yes does it feel okay there's a there's a place out there where i could use it like big deal i mean these red nine stock good it's on video too all right so i'm going to try to get her idle in a little bit higher a little bit cleaner [Music] down low it was happier at idle and better so i i zeroed that out and then i went into the ignition map here and i put some ignition timing in here because these were all 10 degrees so that you know that makes it a little harder i don't care because it's not as clean so a little fuel and a little timing and just trying to balance it all and make it crisper so they're all geared up to head out and we're we're gonna go back up to the observation area and uh watch how they all do it should be kind of fun try to i don't know tell you what's going on the best i can you know it's new to me but this is awesome i'm still stoked to be here still to be part of this and have some fun all right so they're off so we're off oh we're off this way [Applause] i was gonna run and they're like come on well the rear certainly could have been uh hotter considering how much i felt like i had to use the rear but yeah there's no weight on them that's the thing it was sliding across the track instead [Music] i know it gets down hi babe okay so i want you to be as aggressive as you were last time but definitely follow me high so if we go high you're just gonna have to be aggressive if you're pulling on me i will give you room on the inside to let you go by me [Music] as long as i know what happens right [Music] [Music] [Music] rainbow [Music] [Music] sick more [Music] come on [Music] um [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] about [Music] um and uh we need to get i need more weight transfer onto the rear coming out of life we just won't put the power down let's get the lid back there [Music] yeah jeff well we gotta put 25 pounds in now anyway did it sound like it was on three holes there yeah all right so after i blow the braking zone the second time something was going on so i don't know if that's just me like maybe trying to get it restarted maybe i you know yeah then we've got the man the myth the legend we're gonna figure it out aren't we i know well let's find out what's wrong with this thing so the plugs actually look pretty good the timing mark looks all dead on [Music] before i put those back in then and keep trucking along try to find what else is wrong that's it put them in start up for a second try to pull the log see what's up yeah we raced last night without him talk about sketchy not a good time and then he goes and runs his fastest lap in the dark second place guys i was in second and the first place guy had already checked out when i was behind the second place guy i was thought using his headlights to the apexes when i passed and i was like oh no [Music] we've been looking for that little bit of torque for quite a while the two leader just wouldn't do it yeah so that s 2000 over there is k so on the hit we hit the exact same time and i pulled half a car and then as soon as we had to shift he got that right back you know as soon as we had to drop it because this power band is right on the shift yep everybody here's got their lights on and they're going to get out here pretty soon and make some laps i can't wait to see what it looks like in the dark and it's pretty cool all right so justin's going out isn't that cool with all the underglows seeing them race around like that it's so much fun you can knock it or you can just like just appreciate what it is all right so we got our top ten and they're gonna start from last to first and they get to make a lap all the way around this thing to find out what order they'll start on the grid so let's see how justin does come on buddy [Music] hey it's cool how inviting this like you know what i mean it's just awesome really cool event you guys already gave me a bug bro good it's not good we're talking about eating ice cream and especially match set of tires like days and thunder and yeah it's great bro sorry we're eating ice cream why don't you go hit the pace car hit the pace because i want you to be perfect ride sally ride this is fine 2018 civic si she had lost a turbo and now she's out here ripping i kind of lost her but you get the point go check her out over here see how she comes in and out of this corner sorry i'm getting any wind all right here she is rabbit dang she's fun to watch that's cool this is that it for her laps yep yeah they just do one yeah because they're just trying to figure out where they line up well not even this is a new thing that they're trying and it's just like let's have like a little mini time attack deal just yeah to re you know boost a little more life in it you know so here goes justin here goes justin [Music] all right i'm gonna get down this end so i can see him do the road course stuff too a man justin here we go i hear that f20c f22 [Music] starting to sink [Music] there goes that bright light right there in the middle this is that car just making music [Music] epic epic [Music] then it comes out [Music] [Music] i love this walk back and forth [Music] i love that i can hear it [Music] [Music] 1034 it sounded good it's nice being able to just hear the sound of that one you know it sounds good [Music] that was fun yeah man it sounded great man you're working buddy you got to keep coming along i'm down this is great yeah i love this 27.55 yeah 155 pounds overweight that's awesome those changes um [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] come on justin come on come on man there fight she's on three holes we had to lose a coil injector or a pump failure [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] come on brother keep pushing [Music] come on tiff [Music] she's got a good pass oh he just bumped her it sounds like [Music] those tapes make a lot of power [Music] what a battle justin is fighting for first place stay in first place super hard to keep leading like that the entire time setting the pace [Music] come on man and tiffany's i can hear a coil or a projector not happy [Music] so [Music] come on justin [Music] let's go [Music] [Applause] get close [Music] come on justin [Music] hmm [Music] we wanted to win [Music] [Music] dean those are the match tires walden how'd it go couldn't get any better now can get any better now [Music] that was the whole time [Music] oh thanks buddy run live all your laughs within half a second most of within a couple times it was broken a couple days ago got a borrowed engine but you know everything happens for a reason we needed that torque this weekend this is the way we found it so even though things don't always work like you think they should they work like they're supposed to and that's kind of the most important thing about all this we're all on our paths and they're i like to think they're kind of set so the things just kind of happened to us to create us who we are and make us all better this weekend was justin's it's pretty awesome super stoked proud of this guy it's been awesome to work with her team and everybody else from daily race super special to me now like 30 40 minutes [Music] good on this side so [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: PFI Speed
Views: 71,961
Rating: 4.975831 out of 5
Keywords: PFISpeed, BoostedBoiz, Street2Track, PFI, Boosted, Boiz, 1320, Cleetus, Mcfarland, Brent, Turbo, Sho'nuff, Honda, Civic, Acura, Integra
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 52sec (2212 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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