Blown Away! - Surprise Finds Metal Detecting an Old 1820s House Premission - Silver & Treasures

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what's up guys quarter hoarder here's Paul was in the back shorts guy in the back now get to the front look we got a gaggle of us today we got an old pal this is Kyle's permission everyone collect clap for Kyle House goes back to 1800 to in front of me we're gonna do the side yard the backyard the owner lost a ring we're gonna look for of course I got me I got the has matador I got the PA pyar Paul got the nickeled nibbler and I got the heritage relic recovery rescue charlie something like that it's gonna be a great day we got a big fields here so back in the first day you can see how soon later [Music] it's called worm the worm yeah Kyle and I are starting down here by this really old rock wall I'll show you and Kyle had a heck of a good fine can see that Kyle Kyle's got a massive we think it's a rearing er and this is like a 50 caliber dog if that's what it is I think it's bigger than that it's huge it's a big sow and we very rarely if ever now I'm not positive it sure looks like it and it feels dense like lead yep and when he cleans it out you know we'll find out for sure and it's definitely mushy where was wormed yeah Doug said he thinks it was worm where it gets stuck in the barrel and you stick in a corkscrew and kind of yank it out yeah hopefully so yeah I mean that's my I mean that's what it looks like to me well you guys can check out the nickel nibblers video for more details excellent fun hey how just over here I was digging I pulled out I thought it was slag it's like it looks like it's an angel's wings I got one hand I don't want to ruin it I thought it was just been up slag but I swear it looks like an angel's wings or bird's wings let me clay I'm gonna spray it and clean this up and not hang on the dock in a second there's my angel's wings Kyle still over here it's only me in column where the other guys are i cleaned over the front look at that she's playing a banjo I thought it was can / angels it looks like above her head Kyle it looks like there may have been an attachment like maybe it was a bracelet or something they're not a bracelet yeah thank you a necklace oh good you know I'm talking about I'm gonna have to clean it really well I'll look for a marquee this is cleaned up just with a toothbrush so it's got to be sterling yeah I mean nothing else would clean up that well with just a toothbrush and Kyle's got to Civil War bullets big ones so I'm gonna take a picture and email me someone who knows more about them than we do we very rarely find Civil War bullets so this is a pretty good day that's my angel right off the bat and an in return for the ground giving me this angel I'm gonna put the banana in the hole because that you gotta give something back it's give and take that's how it works but look at that wait guys see that that's got to be sterling I'll hope for a marking later and show at the end good start alright I'm guessing behind this little wood retaining wall maybe used to be the old dump because I just found a piece of a clock and I've done a lot of clock parts but look at the size of this one in my hand it's like an old male clock gears and it's huge they must have just buried the whole clock as big as my hand it's hard to see but it's a big sucker I might have to just go put in the car let me feel like carrying around my bag cool piece I will take it let's try get some coins so far in the day at zero let's keep going I got another hole here on rate near the spring house through here it was redone this is the original ones I'll block the house is up there I want to show too much today there's some of the old retaining wall right a good high tone and it looks like it's going to be a toy car I don't know if it's gonna be on you were hot or lesney or it's not quite a tipsy it's gonna be a hot wheel I could have read lines the red line hot wheels are good ones I can't tell I'll clean it off with the heck I like those little kids toys let's take a look at it there it is cleaned up with a toothbrush it's a 57 t-bird really hard to date les you're a collector I know the red real ones are gonna hit like a red line around the wheel I don't see it so this might only be like from the 70s or so it's got a lot of original paint and what's really cool in the collection she goes I walked over to see how the boys are doing my me and Kyle are behind the house there in the field I'm just reaction on baby I don't want to ruin it for him and you see Paul's God oh yeah Paul's got two matching buckles those are nice ones too Paul they're looking at that shape to look at I'm still rotating Paul so he's got four or five Wheaties so far no silver coins yet but you know we just got here meaning that long Doug's got a big harmonica Reed oh well it's a little piece of harmonica yeah can we play like two notes we gotta find something good starts at four over you're 20 minutes I almost predicted so Paul I said I saw a head it's deep 86 87 I said Paul it's gonna be a soft recorder there's my plug it's probably Paul shadows in the way sevens is deep and it's right there in the side I haven't even touched yet I'm gonna pull it out in a second but it sounded great deep enough squeaky enough it's a washing no I just saw silver in the hole I'm just messing no doubt about it can you hold my camera I'm gonna spray it because sure just in case what other good day Washington's 32d Paul said I was just over there and I said well that Equinox only finds pennies balls no 50-something well same year as the other thing I dug dug dug 57 silver Washington and a 57 t-bird I got a hot wheel and it was deep it was 86 87 about six seven inches down one way it didn't sound too good the other way it did and I was rewarded did you purchase over for today did you put it up now it's the second one for me this could be a store on it on the side here with like sergeant mark sir oh no sergeant mark yeah like sorry get Chevron oh I do see it Charlie and there's a story yeah like a ring I don't want to bend it back in the shape I think it was some sort of a kind of picking it up dog sorrow in it here give me the camera because I've mastered as a star and like stripes like military stripes underneath the stars it's got it's kind of an odd thing but I thought its ring at first too but it does look like a ring but maybe it rang up 78 I hate to say toy ring oh yeah like it because most rings are a circle in this right if it's even it but I'm going with you it's hard for me to hold it yes sir I've to clean up but maybe there's something underneath the inside to read maybe but I definitely see the star and and the bars there three bars you think it's a sergeant 1919 age three stripes I think I stole three stripes on here that's a good father it's my first fine so far well no I actually had some Clyde quarters and stuff won't count them now we it's a dog tag dog tag Doug where's dog tag dog oh he's over there with Charlie Kyle and Paul are still near the house we're all from the side but uh new jersey to Waco didn't even know that was the name of the town fact I think it's a different town maybe the dog right over here whatever well peace he fallen digging Paul's got this the Mount my shovel Paul look at the second car of the day he swung over and I swung over he came up home with a 90 thanks to mine was a hot wheels it marked on the bottom it's gonna be a hot wheel but I'm saying that something a dragster oh I see the grill on it cuz I think it says army you know like the funny car that the thing copal it's better than the aluminum piece of house siding I thought you're gonna be diggin you think I'd be a Hot Wheels going exactly oh it's a highway we're gonna check it and see I think it feels too heavy to be a Hot Wheel I think it's gonna be something a little more that's cause it to lift up funny sorry it was a funny car for a funny looking guy good job Paul Thanks we've already plucked three toy cars out of this yard and now dogs got one Oh making me hungry got a pizza and a pizza maker on the hood well that's not good it might be and I don't think it's that old not with a people now there's a marking it's got a couple twos on there but I was a sucker one than at least you think for the 22nd I don't think it's even from the toys I think this is no pickup looks like it's from like nineties and then what's the pizza place Pizza Planet like Buzz Lightyear I have no idea doughnuts in this car I might go get one one because you're causing lock right there oh I gotta go check something out man this sounds good and in the hole with a little dirt on it I thought was gonna be a silver dime it's a lid for something I can't make out what the heck it says at the bottom and let's say it says remedy homo homo cream homo homo pay the camp at Camp you say homo pass I don't know what the heck it says ha ha macho I don't know the lid the body to me looks like this is probably from the fifties but it's not enough of it to really love it ok it's got some age to it it's kind of cool and keep on going maybe I'll find the rest of it but it's all I heard in the hole there's dog over there Paul's creeping up semi-live one Paul at a good signal he called me over I can car so we're gonna try the live dig he already kind of did the perimeter we didn't flip the plug over yet so let's see what it is I'm thinking it might be a silver dime or maybe a quarter or six inches deep I found a silver quarter not far from here I only got probably within 10 feet or so up what's up in the hole [Music] up there to commodify yeah my so I bet it's an old one though because my silver was only 57 I'm gonna bet this is 60s ball it looks like it's 1966 think I think it's 66 but we're like late on that so very cusp it sounds a good though man well you want me to show it it's so noisy your PIN phone is going off mine's going off I know it's 81 piece of junk well I met up with Kyle he came out of the woods and he's got more of those bullets this is his nicest one and I agree I mean I I never dig civil Civil War our three reports pile but this it's gotta be what it is I mean it's really heavy it's really large just odd that we never find this far north and he found like six of them theoretically you could make that bullet today if you had the mold and stuff yes but does have like that patina to it when LEDs in the ground for a long time it just I wish I had more knowledge of Civil War bullets but I just don't because we don't find them up this far north but that's in great shape man I'm really jealous because I've never dug one that's really cool that's clearly a real best one it might almost be dry I might hit something but that's awesome this is the homeowner and look at that thing cut Charlotte let me see that I thought she ended up next to you Charlie so I have some scale this is hanging up inside our house this my kid it's probably taller than Charlie it's probably taller than Charlie now child Charlie's only four foot eight but still no it's not but it's a big sucker no kiddin ignore the Lord of the Rings I could see it them the busket ball fits in here it's about it looks like it's the same size you think they shot it here off I might have its percussion nipple there and so I was looking for marking here it says London warranted if I came from Evans that's that is breaches that's amazing was there a ramrod on there - yeah right here oh and that's been in your family for 200 years yeah it was hanging in my grandmother's house it was hanging him that's amazing yeah yes sometimes it yeah I Charlie said he's got maybe a musket ball he got a nice Amish hit there and nibblers got a whole dogs on the other side let me see Charlie thinks he's got a musket ball oh I see it July or kenai yes definitely the homeowner came outside she showed us he's got a flintlock rifle probably 20 year old rifle and we're curious if this you know if this musket ball would be the same diameter you always find a musket ball I got all different sizes that's incredible hey nice fine nice heavy musket ball you so much thank you appreciate that alright the nipple or said he's got something he's still doing the front and French buckles oh look at that he's got the teeth now this is this a knee buckle oh that might be a knee buckle look he's got the teeth on there too and I see I see a manufacturer on there it says France is that what it said Karl it's a country no it's not is it yes I thought they'd use this to make them to dig into the fries like french fries that's now you think it's a shoe buckle or a knee buckle that's small a kid [Music] garment there's teeth on there like that oh man I've never found one with the teeth oh it's like a vampire's buckle you know the joke I play my kids let's see what's the joke what are you eating under there Wow underwear yeah Kyle just give me a regular face for a second home yeah see the vampire teeth that's incredible very nice fun where are you oh I see you up there by the tree yeah wow that's incredible I would love to find that he's got some good ball he's got buttons and bullets and he's got some good stuff I had the pa pirate said he's found something he walked over pretty far well you said you were looking for H cuz we haven't found the agent okay I'm ready my eyes are closed oh yeah that's definitely a piece of proto bell nice design that's a pretty good-sized one too would have been like a number four maybe it makes a fun back there that is definitely that's probably the first thing that I'm sure is probably at least 1800s yeah that's nice man Kyle are gonna walk out this way and you can see all this open pasture and we're just going to kind of March we didn't have too much luck through the house I mean we found a lot of mid 1900 stuff but age stuff is Kyle a hundred yards over he just put his stuff there to fool you so you didn't go over and try to find the rest of the Corolla but that sounds like he's a genius he's an evil mad scientist right see Kyle I came over here hoping that you missed one of those bullets because I would have loved the found one and I did I did find one yeah mine hit something hard and really mushroomed out you know yours were in much better shape but the one or two you had would look great but yeah I'm really curious if they're old or not so old but they're really intriguing whatever they are all mine's not the piles as well so I forgot the six car sevens Carcano of the day and oh look you see the Al Capone's got flames on it there to see the flame you get prices how we read something and if the flames are that's pretty cool [Music] already Kyle get your motor runnin that's not bad at least it some effort Paul listen some effort why would you invite him man here's our tailgate wrap-up we weren't here in the hot room something to eat Charlie who took a nap I got a piece of a chronal Bell you got this little bit up piece of metal that could have been like an old copper ring we're not sure that's a star signs modern change you did get one musket ball Kyle put out everything he's ever found in his whole life I'm not sure all this modern Cheney like just junk he's putting out he did find a couple of cool bullets he found this cool feast it's got like fancy on it this old toy and then this little Hot Wheel car we all kind of found a Hot Wheel car Paul stuff bunch of buckles the Model T at least I think it's a Model T strap the funny car which is kind of cool we all part from the jeez another piece of a chronal Bell Buckle Paul got like five wheat pennies I don't think anyone else he got one we penny I did oh you didn't get to use it you just ruined it Paul got one of the bullets like Kyle got as Paul this is my stuff not a whole lot I did get the big piece of the mantle cloth I got the 57 t-bird Hot Wheel the dog tag I got one of the bullets like Kyle's Hot Wheels pieces that piece the big piece of the car that was it for me and then Doug got this car it's got a pizza coming on it I got the two-piece button I didn't see Doug for a while he was way out in the field a two-piece service button Doug got an Indian which we think might be 1,900 even one flat button one wheat penny excellent job everybody sandy thank you very much I appreciate you having me Kyle thank you very much oh yeah dogs daughter dubs daughter opened a restaurant called sweet Aloha so if you're ever in the lawyers forever yours for an area stop in up it if you mentioned Doug's name you're gonna 1% discount you might get thrown out all right very good [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Quarter Hoarder
Views: 14,229
Rating: 4.8882351 out of 5
Keywords: Metal Detecting, silver, silver coins, Garrett, Garrett AT Pro, Coin collecting, Coins, Digging, digger, Treasure, Treasure hunting, Treasure Hunter, minelab, metal detector, Gold, Gold coins, Sterling, Sterling Silver, AT Max, Digging for Treasure, Metal Detecting Video, Buried Treasure, Curse Oak Island, Equinox, Diggers, Detectorists, Finds, Relics, Artifacts, History, Antique Gun, Revolutionary War, Old House, Adventure, Urban, Discovery, Lost Treasure, Musket, American Revolution
Id: -qBHv4UKxGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 32sec (1352 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2019
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