我們舉辦了霧鎖王國建築大賽! (上集) 我之前建的都是啥...

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Hi everyone In recent days Our channel hosted the ENSHROUDED building competition Open to all audience members for submissions After viewing the works of a total of 13 contestants Our feeling is that true masters are among the people Their masterpieces Not only stunning in appearance Some even reached a level where it's more like A historical and cultural learning material Rather than a contest entry I think at least 8 of the works Should be seen by the ENSHROUDED development team The characteristics of voxel construction Are fully exploited by these contestants Let's take a look together First, the first work is <DISCORD ID: Chiba>'s Siheyuan Chiba specifically placed our teleportation flame In the air Decorated around it Let us walk down a special staircase from the sky to the Siheyuan As a way to welcome our arrival And this is considered one of the simplest settings Among all the contest works To welcome our arrival But the Siheyuan he built Is one of the best even among all entries Let's take a look First, two guard rooms beside the main gate Each with two beds and a table Simple and rustic And through the main gate First thing you see is the screen wall A traditional element of Siheyuan To block direct view of the courtyard from the main gate It serves as a barrier and decoration Chiba's Siheyuan Is such a thoughtful work Then walking to the side is the back house For accommodating guests One is a four-person dormitory The other is a single room On the other side is a warehouse But the exterior of this warehouse is unassuming Dimly lit at night Not at all ostentatious Splendid where it should be Simple where it should be A true representation of what a Siheyuan should look like One of the many highlights of this work Passing through the second entrance, you reach the inner courtyard Which also has a screen And it's decorative Walking in You're greeted with a beautiful inner courtyard view With gardens, stone landscapes, and pavilions Both gardens have been color-matched Even the height distribution of flowers Is carefully arranged The stone landscape is carved from the terrain by Chiba Surrounded by flowers and plants for embellishment Gardens and stone landscapes Both make mixed use of firefly lamps and glowing mushrooms For lighting design Beautiful at night We'll see later On the other side of the inner courtyard is a pavilion Where you can sit and admire the beautiful courtyard view Next to it, a path laid out with terrain voxels Leads to the pavilion Looking up from the pavilion Even the ceiling, rarely seen by anyone Is reinforced with voxel structures Full of details Next, we visit each house Starting with the west wing room Chiba placed the blacksmith and carpenter here Meaning Two NPCs likely to cause air pollution Are housed together As this is a factory-like place You'll notice the windows are intentionally high And many wooden beams in the ceiling Make the building more realistic And you'll notice The shape of the roof Is different from normal roofs seen in the game Because Chiba felt The game's preset roof angle was too steep Couldn't properly show the Siheyuan style So all roofs of the Siheyuan Are specially built with 4*4 roof voxels Stacked one by one Opposite east wing room is a shrine Also with many architectural details The alchemist NPC lives here Managing the shrine Then the north main house is double-layered Looks grandiose from afar Rich in detail up close Entering through the main door There's another screen wall Being the main house screen It's larger than others With different decorations on each side You can see the furniture inside Also has a Chinese atmosphere The kitchen is made of stone materials And fire, pots, and other tools to build a stone stove Various items placed around are fitting The other side is for playing with water Since the game lacks water materials Chiba used fluorescent materials To mimic the atmosphere of water Second floor is a spacious Chinese bedroom At the end, where the Siheyuan's owners sleep You can grab a book from the bookshelf Go to the second-floor terrace to read Or enjoy the beautiful courtyard flowers below Courtyard is brightly lit at night Beautiful and tranquil Now let's look at the second work Built by <Disco ID: Big Watermelon>, a medieval town Upon teleporting Found ourselves in a cave With some bookshelves and tables around Exiting the cave There's a stairway leading up With flowers blooming alongside Big Watermelon carved the cave Shaped the terrain Laid stairs and flowers Built a welcome staircase Climbing the stairs leads to the town Big Watermelon built a complete medieval town Large scale Many houses and facilities Layout and architectural details of each house Are astonishing Like fireplaces and chests embedded in walls Specially designed collapsing structures for farmer's houses Each house is full of ingenuity Sadly, video length limits Prevent showing all houses fully Big Watermelon invented slanted construction ENSHROUDED voxels originally had no slant But Big Watermelon cleverly used eave voxel traits To create slants Applied extensively in interior decoration This large house we're seeing now Is the town's main house Or the town leader's house Complex and detailed Inside, the first floor has a small living space And dining area Magnificent and opulent Under the staircase to the second floor Found a secret door Leading to a secret passage Quite long At the end, another secret door Opened to find It leads back to the cave Where we initially arrived Full circle Impressive design Or an emergency escape route Now it's night Retraced the welcome stairs Beautiful under the lights at night Or Can be seen as an emergency escape tunnel Now it's nightfall I walked the welcome stairs again Beautiful under the night lights Third floor has a party area With a chic bar and beautiful terrace Big Watermelon combined voxels and decorations To create a natural and attractive bar model Big Watermelon also built a tavern for the townspeople Inside, a small door next to the bar With barrels outside And a path leading to a nearby well Or a wine well Clever ideas Second floor of the tavern has various rooms Third floor is a small attic With a delicate terrace outside This tavern, although player-built Feels like taverns from RPG games like Witcher 3 Lifelike and fitting Realistic and natural Not forgetting to build public facilities Like the small pavilion surrounded by flowers in the NPC area Beautiful both day and night Or this very modest hut Entering reveals it's a toilet Although I built a bigger one In Sky Town City Hall This one is more dignified Than what I built But this one is more respectable The last building to see Is the town's cathedral As it's a cathedral The frame is very high Large front wall Carved into a cross shape Beautiful when the sunset shines through Like other buildings, Cathedral is also vividly portrayed Nana role-plays here forced the alchemist and huntress to marry Blablabla Are you willing to? and you? why do you come up? groomsman? Next, we look at the third entry Previously in our Sky City Built the Southern Heavenly Gate and Golden Sabre Tower Our employee number 9: Xiao Le's creation His welcome ceremony Starts right from the game's beginner area The Ashen Chamber And from the Ashen Chamber, you can see A huge wall in the distance Blocking the entire beginner area Xiao Le's welcome stairs Directly connect to the Ashen Chamber's platform Descending the stairs Then a welcoming path Leads to the main city gate stairs And here You can see several swords carved from terrain Floating in the air And beneath the sword formation Upon closer inspection Lo and behold, an eight-trigram pattern Turns out it's an eight-trigram sword formation And you'll notice The eight-trigram platform has burning flames With terrain debris nearby Remnants of the main sword of the eight-trigram formation Seems a fierce battle took place not long ago So the nearby Long Guard Town Was destroyed by this sect, right? Behind the eight-trigram formation Is a huge stone slab of granite flooring Engraved with golden letters "Golden Sabre" And these voxels are embedded into the granite Glowing at night Then climbing up the majestic stairs Along the way, Nana's name spelled out in flowers Beautiful at night Asked where my name was engraved Xiao Le said it's there Visible while exploring the underground later The wall is so huge Original game terrain Insufficient to support the entire wall So Xiao Le manually raised a long stretch Using terrain tools Upon the wall Southern Heavenly Gate 2.0 - Double Eave Version Both ends of the wall Have lookout towers Despite its size Inside the city is yet to be completed Currently only two houses Our building competition Was divided into traditional building and terrain carving Two tracks And Xiao Le signed up for both Meaning Xiao Le's work Though above-ground architecture is already grand Impressive in scale The real highlight is the underground terrain carving Actually, at the entrance to the city gate stairs There's a hidden floor door Meaning The stairs are divided into above-ground and underground parts Like an inner world and outer world setup Next, we'll explore the underground Remember one thing, dear viewers Not about the Southern Heavenly Gate being one grid off But understand Every inch of underground space you'll see Was manually excavated by Xiao Le Not appearing out of thin air Walking a long corridor underground Passing a door Finds a deeper underground layer Both sides are seas of flowers But Xiao Le chose unusual, haunting flowers Emitting an eerie vibe Ahead, a fluorescent material Mimics a similarly eerie river With a bridge And a small pavilion nearby Across the river A stone tablet engraved with the character <Three> Seeing this Can our viewers guess what's happening? Another character is engraved on the back of the stele Now it's clear what this place is We just crossed the River of the Dead And from here on The surrounding scene becomes terrifying It's said that even Xiao Le was quite scared while building it Then, through a narrow gap The corridor leads deeper underground And we find Despite being deep underground Far from any light source It's still very bright That's because Xiao Le hid candles under the floor tiles For indirect lighting along this path This lighting project Stretches from the underground entrance All the way to the end of this underground space The Golden Sabre stele we saw above Also uses indirect lighting Then we arrive at a small entrance Surrounded by eerily decorated voxels Inside the entrance is a blocked passage I need to cut the ribbon Behind is a small space Centered with various ritual items And a comfortable bed in the back After I lay down I finally see my name on the ceiling Seems I complained too much About the Southern Heavenly Gate being off by one grid There's another creative building idea here It's this scenery The plants growing directly out of porcelain After experiencing near-death underground We return to the surface I accidentally made a hole in front of the gate So we quickly fled this world This architectural competition The traditional construction category Is judged by votes from our audience While the terrain sculpting category With only three participants Was judged directly by Nana and me Xiao Le's underground carving and the Bagua Sword Formation You've seen earlier Not just massive in scale But also highly creative So Nana and I agree Xiao Le's terrain sculpting ranks Second among the three entries In the terrain sculpting category Ranking second Next, we see the fourth work By <DISCORD ID: Huang Da Pao>, a Japanese-style castle - Tenchu Castle Huang Da Pao's attire Is probably the simplest among the 13 participants Almost as plain as mine The welcoming setting Is a traditional Japanese structure - Torii Fitting its Japanese architectural theme And behind the Torii You can see the grand Japanese castle - Tenchu Castle Around the castle is a ring of paths Encircling the paths, various facilities lie around the castle Starting from the left First is the area for female farmers Around the houses, flower fields are visible early on But when we enter the house to look around There's basically no furniture Though not a highlight of the house It's not bad either A platform facing the cliff And a side passage next to it Are pretty well done Near the side courtyard We see a watchtower At first, I thought it was just a regular watchtower But descending the stairs inside We find a subterranean space Dug out by Huang Da Pao It's quite expansive As for the purpose of this space According to Huang Da Pao himself It's just for hosting banquets I thought it was for plotting something Like some Red Flower Society After seeing the farmer's area Continuing along the circular path We find a secret path hidden by a cornfield Following the path through the corn And a small tunnel carved from the terrain We reach a place like this Today, only heaven and earth know You and I know Exiting the cornfield and moving forward Leads to other NPCs' areas Huang Da Pao's work The castle in the center is grand and imposing But his work has another feature The surrounding houses are unevenly placed Appearing natural and three-dimensional These terrain differences Were all carefully designed And manually carved by Huang Da Pao Like the entrance on this side with lower terrain Leads to the underground blacksmith's shop Climbing the nearby stairs a bit Leads to the carpenter's shop First, the underground blacksmith's shop Natural terrain is used as a load-bearing pillar Fitting the underground atmosphere Coal furnaces neatly embedded in walls Occasional raw terrain walls Also add to the ambiance And since it's underground Huang Da Pao made a special ventilation shaft I thought it was just for show But he said it actually leads to the surface Over here I'm going to check it out Hey, you can dismantle it, it's okay Can you see it? Indeed! I'm going to block the outside! The carpenter's house above the blacksmith Also has a distinctive design First, its roof is in the shape of a cat Eyes glowing With pointed ears on both sides A small bedroom on the second floor is quite unique Next to the carpenter's, there's a secret path Leading to a small public toilet Unlike the city hall toilets I've seen This one has a door Seems like toilets with doors are trending Walking the entire circular path back to the front yard There's another toilet The small one earlier is for NPCs This one is for travelers Luxurious inside Even has a bath And separate dry and wet areas Next, let's look at the central castle Tall and majestic The large triangular structure in the middle is impressive To achieve the desired effect Each eave edge of the castle Is extended with another type of eave tile The castle's most significant architectural feature Is the use of roof tiles to outline The shape of a samurai helmet's horn Visible at both the main entrance and topmost turret The castle is quite an accurate representation Of a Japanese castle The interior of the castle Hasn't been fully decorated yet So we'll skip it Next is the fifth work The work of Wolf, employee number 13 Our terrain expert from the previous Sky City This time he bravely ventured Out of his comfort zone Challenging the traditional construction field Seeing the teleport arrival point Decorated especially for us And our real welcome ceremony Held in a welcome hall built just for me As I enter the door I see a long dining table And 11 disciples behind Plus Nana and me That's 13 people and a scarecrow Yes A tribute to 'The Last Supper' Almost identical to the original by Da Vinci After taking pictures and coming out The building's exterior and surroundings Are quite beautifully arranged Not quite Wolf's style Turns out he was guided by a mentor This mentor Built the exquisite employee garden And magnificent cathedral in Sky City Employee number 27: Rachel Yes, Rachel also joined this building contest And without the constraints of space this time Built a more magnificent cathedral And accompanying garden than her Sky City version To be revealed in the second part of the contest video Stay tuned Besides the 'Last Supper' welcome hall In Wolf's work The most significant part Is the long wall encircling the town Every section of the wall Evenly outlines a convex-concave structure Adorned with torches A massive undertaking And the circled area is so large That by the time this wall was completed The building competition deadline was nearly upon us So the buildings in the town are mostly undecorated Wolf also constructed a mountain path Following the terrain at the back of the town Halfway up the mountain There's a small pavilion with a unique roof For hikers to take a short break Further up, there's an observatory Overlooking the entire town Or the entire wall, to be precise The layout of these facilities along the mountain path Resembles real-world hiking trails At least, it's similar here in Korea What this town doesn't lack is lighting Every road has a light every five steps Creating a scenic night view For the sake of the town's appearance The electricity bill must be substantial Next, is the fifth work from Discord ID: Liu Guang Ye Xiang In our ENSHROUDED series videos, the idea of the employee number system was initially his proposal. When we teleported to the fire location, we found ourselves surrounded by peculiar decorations. Between wooden walls, there were occasional luxurious materials of bronze and gold. From the outside, it resembled a building shaped like Xuanwu, or a ship. And after exiting the welcome ship, all the buildings were of a uniform metallic material. Liuguang YeXiang explained that it was because all the best items from home were used to build our welcome ship. The remaining parts could only use this material. And some bronze and gold plated on our welcome ship were indeed gathered by selling everything he had. Liuguang YeXiang's work is set against a backdrop of a solitary mage's dwelling. We walked a bizarrely shaped welcome path and encountered steep stairs. Just as I was about to climb, I ran into the middle of the staircase. Turns out, a part of it had no stairs. Just as I was about to get upset and deduct points, Liuguang YeXiang explained it was the mage's house, and that missing part of the stairs was actually a hidden entrance prepared especially for me. And he shared with me the spell to open the hidden entrance. "Boss... boss is handsome," My mood instantly brightened up. After I recited the spell, indeed, a part of the wall vanished, creating an entrance. An entrance appeared. This was Liuguang YeXiang's clever use of ENSHROUDED's build mechanics, the undo function, to achieve this. Quite creative indeed. Upon entering, I was instantly teleported upstairs, Liuguang YeXiang said, "This is a sort of elevator used by mages," a clever exploitation of the game's mechanics by Liuguang YeXiang. This method of creating instant teleport stairs has been shared by him in our Disco forum, in the strategy exchange section. Interested friends can check it out. Once upstairs, the small space was packed with various apparatuses, and in one corner, there was a cold spring for bathing, created from fluorescent materials and ghostly soil. Liuguang YeXiang described it as a social media hotspot. He even specially removed a piece of fluorescent flooring, saying sitting there makes it look like you're really soaking in it. Nana and I tried it, and it really did. Moving further up, was the narrow sleeping area for the solitary mage, and there was even a mage-style elevator at the back door, which was quite fun. The building wasn't large, but the voxel blocks scattered and floating around, and the various gaps that resulted, gave it a true mage-building feel. Liuguang YeXiang simultaneously signed up for both traditional building and terrain sculpting competitions. So next, we were teleported to the terrain sculpting site. We arrived at a hole dug out by Liuguang YeXiang, and stepping out, we saw a massive sword in the stone, with a small flower field behind it. Liuguang YeXiang sculpted a dragon's head, seemingly extending from the game's existing giant dragon bone remains. He used terrain to build this dragon's head, and the sword in front of the dragon's head belonged to a dragon-slaying warrior. After a fierce battle, it was left here, protecting the small patch of flowers behind. And the mist in front of the dragon's head is the last breath of dragon's mist before its demise. That's the story Nana and Liuguang YeXiang concocted together. The terrain sculpture was not small in size, requiring a significant amount of time to build. It was indeed a massive project. But as they say, there's always someone better, and a higher sky above. It only managed to secure third place among the three competing terrain sculptures But it's believed to be better than what most players could sculpt. Well, due to the length of this video, the remaining seven entries will be continued in the second part of the film. In the second part, there are many more breathtaking, masterly works, including the first-place winner in the sculpture race, and creations that have transcended the realm of competition entries, reaching the heights of historical and cultural education. Stay tuned for these masterpieces. Thank you for watching. See you in the second part of the film.
Channel: Kim和Nana的遊戲世界
Views: 62,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 霧鎖王國 建築, 霧鎖王國 奇觀, 霧鎖王國 建造, 霧鎖王國 遊玩解說, 霧鎖王國 介紹, 遊戲, 生存建造遊戲, 霧鎖王國 中式建築, 霧鎖王國 四合院
Id: bNBVbAk04RQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 49sec (1249 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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