BLOOP The Giant Sea Monster Eats Ragdolls in TEARDOWN! - Teardown Mods

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we're on a mission today Dougie we're looking for the almighty bloop oh you hear that I think he might be out there somewhere go ahead and get in the boat let's go come on Chase the fish he wants a few pets I'll give him a couple of pets go on get in the boat don't you look at me like that okay I'm gonna have to grab him by his face in you get there champ nice let's go ahead and see if we can find the bloop it's really hard to drive a boat with Dougie in it all right let's go that's the stuff he's really good at riding in the boat though and Dougie felt like wearing his Frog costume today I don't know why I guess it's because we're out in the water oh what's that over there I think that might be him he looks way bigger than the Megalodon that thing is massive okay I'm gonna stop right here so he doesn't swallow us and let's see if we can catch this guy I'm gonna get the best fishing rod ever made it's a physics gun oh look at this thing it blocks out the sun okay we just have to somehow get this thing in the boat and we'll be fine there we go here it comes oh we missed oh doggy you Weighing on the boat champ the wall notice right there you just had to just jump around that's it Dougie I'm going in the bloop I'm gonna check out what's inside this thing looks a whole lot deeper than the Meg are you coming where is he oh he fell off the side of him all right he's coming inside oh he's on the outside come on come on you can do it whoa whenever I end up in the water Dougie tries to save me look what he's doing he's like okay he saved me thanks dude but he's stuck inside the bloom how are we gonna get him out come on champ you can swim all right let's get this thing on the boat ducky you're making this really hard okay we managed to get it ashore whatever that's that's not really sure it's just a block I've got a gun here called The Red Dragon I'm gonna try see if I can take out the bloop with this thing it's kinda doing a pretty good job I think this thing is supposed to set fire to stop me let's test him on the boat Dougie that is super annoying okay the boat's burning although I think we needed that to get home the only way we're taking the Blue poem is by its size pieces so I'm just gonna try and chop him into smaller bits and there we go oh my God ducky that we'll cut him this way we'll cut him that way oh that's the stuff we should be able to put those pieces in our pocket and take the Blue pond okay Dougie it's being a little bit annoying I'm gonna have to send you to space all right there he goes please please just leave me alone today Dougie I can't believe how big this thing is massive okay Dougie stay there no no stay wait yeah good job it's like his legs just collapsed into himself what else do we have oh come back all right his feet just fell off and jump whoa he's so good at jumping oh you just jump in the water you might want to get out of the water there we go all right stay right there let's see if this Patrol boat can survive being eaten by the blue here it comes oh he's getting right on the back of that road not too bad he can't fit the entire boat in his mouth though he's still really big but not big enough to just swallow the boat whole that's it keep going keep chewing he doesn't really have a chewing mechanism but that's fine he's doing his best he's just swallowing it like a snake unhinging his jaw hey it's actually getting in there we're gonna swallow that thing all right keep going just stuff the boat in his mouth nothing but net okay boat go right in there there we go oh yeah now he's chewing it good and he's dragging It On The Ground underground dragging it under water there it goes the boat has sunk oh our bloop's not looking good it looks like he needs a trip to the dentist okay we should probably get rid of this one I'm calling it an airstrike Dougie I'm doing it all right here it comes airstrike coming down see you later bloop now what happened I think we got hit with an airstrike of our own doggy did you call that second air strike where is doggy doggies disappeared and where's my wallet I think he's stolen so we've got a good old friend here the Meg we're gonna see who can win between the bloop and the Meg all right here they go They're going for each other really really slowly it's the slowest battle between giant fishes I've ever seen is the bloop even a fish I don't know I feel like he's a whale so he's an amphibian I can't even tell who's winning come on come on come back up here we need to see who's winning get out of the water why can't you be land animals the Meg is chewing his bottom lip oh no that's got to be bad for the boy oh oh he's eating his head he's actually getting right in there I think the bullet might be winning oh no Meg you get an eating champ okay okay I've just been kicked down I wanted to go have a look inside his mouth and I got booted out there it is he keeps munching on him okay let's stop it and see who's got anything of their head left I'm gonna pull the Meg out of there oh I don't think there's much left of the Meg at all so that's what's left of bloop he's basically missing his entire bottom lip and the Meg is missing most of his head I'm pretty sure bloop won that round let's see if he can handle being hit with a speedboat or at full speed which doesn't seem very fast I'm just gonna right into the Gob whoa he swallowed the speedboat entirely it fits right in there oh man that speed boat was actually bite-sized for it okay come on coughing up get it out of your mouth oh there's like nothing of it left just gotta shake him around see if I can make him vomit all of the boat back up again I can't even imagine what type of poop you have if you'd eat an entire speed boat hey Dougie what happens if you doggy doggy we're struggy doggy scone I think he's underwater I think he might be inside the bloop's mouth God that's terrifying to look at okay we need to cut bloop open to see if we can get Dougie out from the inside all right just gonna cut him right in half is he in there okay that's half whoop and I can't see Dougie anywhere I can hear him panting though I think it's his ghost Dougie what you do with my wallet champ go ahead and get in there dude nice let's see if we can get some ragdolls in there okay yeah we can get a couple in there I think there's probably room for an entire family well it's a lot of ragdolls I think there's about 20 in there maybe there's still so much room were you guys swim okay I don't think those ragdolls know how to swim okay let's just put them underwater oh he's submerging them going all the way down and back up again there we go just gave him a little bit of a bath you guys are okay no I think they all drowned except for Dougie Dougie's fine Dougie's indestructible a pile of few cinematic bombs in there and stand back okay Dougie you're about to get a really warm bomb here we go it almost looks like he's about to breathe fire or shoot a nuke out of his mouth that's it okay it's blown his head in half and it's actually eating doggy now it just rolls straight over the top of him did you enjoy that boy I think he did he still sat down just relaxing all right I'll give him some pets I'll make you happy me to go all the way up yeah he's super happy nothing happens when you do that though this map is called Big bunker by later gray and I guess we just came in on a chopper how did you even fit in there little tooth with that giant head he really needs to change costume the Frog isn't really work are you all right I guess he wanted to go for a swim Okay so we've got like a ship here oh here's the bunker excellent let's go inside what does that say does it say welcome or get the heck out dude this place is really cool they've got like a kitchen here and everything I don't know what that is looks like it's poison 10 liters of water nice that's enough water to drown oh they got Rubik Rubik's just gonna try and solve this thing I can't stop it I'm pathetic oh oh I just I just found a secret door tried to grab a book off the shelf oh man there's a bigger bunker than I thought there was okay what is this doggy I found a dead body come have a look it's really cool it's the remains of some person and an anvil oh I'm busted through we need to find out what's on the other side okay actually nothing I play some explosives get back doggy fire in the hole oh detonating two explosives okay uh oh we just blasted our other shelves that's fine okay it's definitely a dead end oh someone's been making a box Fort what is this is that a foam pit yes throwing pits are the best doggy come and have some fun where is he get out of the water all right let's go pick him up tell your mum I saved you come on mate come inside just make sure you wipe your feet oh that's not what I meant man I have to take him everywhere there you go get the foam pit yeah awesome have a banana whoa explosive banana okay have a bone that's a fish close enough all right have a couple of pets all the pets go on get the bone oh it just exploded half of the phone that's how you make a foam pit no one's hurting their back in that thing today all right let's put a couple of explosives in there let's get out of here we need to see if there's a secret in the foam pit oh there was a secret the secret was disappointment oh what is this I found a secret door or something I'm gonna walk into it see you doggy see you on the other side oh Red Room what is this room oh these are photos it's like a photo thingy it's a dark room for photos doggy is super annoyed he can't get through the rotating door thing returning bloop to his natural Waters there you go dude enjoy oh it's not very deep those things don't need water to live right it'll be fine okay get myself a mega as well whoa you can really see the size difference we might finally be able to do a T-Rex versus the Meg here we go we just need to get the T-Rex down here get him to attack the Meg and we'll see who wins you might need to use our magnetic powers to get the uh the Meg to go after the T-Rex all right there we go going get him oh he looks like he wants to sort of are you gonna go for him oh he's thinking about it oh the T-Rex just decided to die he was like no way man I'm not going for that Meg look at him he's smiling at me I'm just gonna play Dead come on Meg come on come on make your way over there he needs wheels or something okay super magnet Powers oh just bit him so well look at him fighting his head the T-Rex's head is just like vibrating like crazy I think they do that when they're scanned I'm not sure oh Dougie's not enjoying this he just got clobbered with the tail bloopers like wow I'm having such a good time here on the beach just staring at the sun he's getting some of that tanning in his mouth uh who's one I can't really tell because the Megalodon doesn't have a head all right guys what the heck is a bingas what is this thing it's fingers I think it's a dingus okay let's just put him there you can you can pet it okay that's pretty good did I just turn that thing to Gold let's get another one oh this one's you can pet that one as well oh Dougie you're all right I'd made him go by accident and he's stuck hang on Dougie oh no hey he's back again yes I think those things are explosive they're explosive cats oh yeah that's terrifying get in that dip gettings man these things are cursed ass oh there we go gone forever why just can't just me out of me all right explosives all the way around his lips and on the inside and I'm gonna use Chrono dial this time just for added effect here we go three two one and ow too close I have such a bad habit of standing right next to explosives you think I'd learn oh with Chrono dialed enable that looks so good look at him just floating in midair where is the stopwatch okay there it is all right pick it up and there's all the bloop chunks is that what they're called I guess so is t-rex still alive you're still alive buddy maybe oh no it's his head just caved in on itself I don't think he's alive anymore just gonna get a couple of asteroids just to clean up this mess here they come Extinction time doggy's so cool he doesn't even look at explosions when he walks away I'll give you a pat for that one dude
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 486,829
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, teardown, teardown full game, tear down, teardown campaign, teardown gameplay, teardown release date, teardown download, teardown steam, teardown new gameplay, teardown sandbox, teardown update, teardown beta, teardown alpha, teardown demo, Teardown mod, Teardown mods, teardown nexus, teardown new mods, Megalodon, Bloop, Monsters, teardown mods gameplay, tear down youtube
Id: 3EU1pu94vpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 13 2022
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