Bloons Super Monkey was ahead of its time..

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balloons the franchise made by ninja kiwi has been going for years decades people have been born after not before after the first balloons has come out maybe you watching you might be younger than the original when did the original balloons come out what year again 2007 2007 bro jesus oh my gosh what is that it's the four 14 year olds that were born when that game came out oh my god we're geezers ryan we're old we're so old dude like i feel like every day takes i sometimes bro sometimes i don't even get out of bed until my third try like most time it's the second flight dude dude that snooze button is my best friend brother no dude actually bro no like i'm gonna i'm gonna let you all in a little secret okay okay i set my alarm 30 minutes before i have two alarms and one they're 30 minutes apart so i can wake up and then just enjoy laying in bed and then you're like oh yes i still have 30 minutes yeah no this is what by the way like if i ever got a genie okay and i got one wish my wish would be that when i first lay down in bed i feel like when i like wake up like that feeling when you were in bed and then i would and then it's like swap so when i wake up i feel like i just laid out on the bed so i'm just like not ready and i can just get up out of bed like that's that's my wish dude my wish would be for 30 more minutes [Laughter] but welcome back to td tuesdays the weekly series that comes out every tuesday on this channel that will be us playing every single balloons not just balloons but ninja kiwi game well no no just balloons related content that isn't just ninji kiwi official it will be every ninja kiwi balloons as well as any other balloons game that has come out related to ninja kiwi style balloons games i can't wait until we start getting into the weird stuff dude yeah so we're gonna do every ninja kiwi one and then we'll go play all the ones that aren't like ninja kiwi and we'll see we'll see what those are all about but we're playing super monkey balloon super monkey today do you even know what this is not at all i have no idea but all i know is that it came out after bloom's tv one right all right i want you yeah i want you to guess like what the gameplay is before we jump into it um i feel like it's like that one it's like that one game on the phone where you're like that hit man and you shoot a bullet to like bounce it around and hit like hit balloons around corners and stuff you know okay i know what you mean but you're wrong jump into it okay all right i have no idea what it is literally no idea bro okay it's one of these top down oh it's one of these bro okay yeah so okay so you want to make sure you get the blop so you want to make sure you get the blue blops because the power blops you want you can actually press escape and then that'll open up the menu and you can use that to buy upgrades for your character as you're going along like as i'm going along or after like a level i can actually take my time to pick no like right now right now yeah it pauses the game and you can just get an upgrade ryan i'm a little conflicted man should i put the music on or should i keep it off i don't i don't know is it good i have no idea it's been so long dude what does it sound like dude it's clat what is it copyrighted bro i can't even tell it's just like rock music kind of i don't know it's not bad you should get an upgrade get an upgrade i'm gonna turn the music back off though we'll let our editor throw on some prime primo music over it okay so what upgrade should i get bro boomerang monkey so yeah yeah so you can get all three of them by the way like you can just upgrade each path like individually all the way yeah like you can get all of that i'm pretty sure yeah okay well i can't get anything until wait how much do i have you have 371 blobs left so you can just you can get the boomerang the boomer yeah so now like the boomerang just randomly throws out and then so like it just it's a lot more like aoe you're doing pretty good look at that you're almost at the silver tier for level one which is not bad at all we can pop another 40 balloons you can do this you can do this easy dude i'm going to do a little slow sweep right there oh that was it never mind you're not going to get gold nice 20 let's go next wave dude i'm actually hyped to play this just because i know that there's more super monkey games so it's like dude how much crazier do they get you know if they came out super monkey 2 is so fun it's such a great game i mean this one's also just like you oh you got all of them nice bro i got them all you know it oh there's no way you're going to get all of these though that's way too difficult you have 500 power plops you can actually get another upgrade let's get this one yeah oh dude what oh that's so good actually that's insane no that one's so strong bro that's just like look at that just seeks out balloons for you that's like the it's like a dora dude it is like a dora you're right do you think they can get so sad i wouldn't be surprised so there's actually a hidden balloon in balloon super monkey 2 that was never used but it's still in the game files and it's called a coconut balloon and they've and so it's like dude i actually unironically think i actually checked that video out on your tutti channel yo that's that's so funny actually dude you have a thousand drops bro oh perfect double hey there we go okay you're having so much fun doing tv tuesdays bro and i think the audience has to i hope you guys have been enjoying td tuesdays this is a lot of fun i'm happy that we're making a series out of it dude i don't know i'm excited no i completely agree it's really fun going down memory lane and being able to play these old fun games it's just like it's just a lot of fun oh what's this yeah oh bro you're so much i feel like upgrading the dark path is like the play i just can't help but upgrade all of them it's just so nice no i feel like upgrading all of them is definitely gonna be better just because i think like the cost efficiency like i feel like it's just gonna get really really expensive really fast okay so what does the plus twenty percent do i have no idea i was about to ask you i thought you would know i have no clue all right we need 800 as our next cheapest one right so all right we're just gonna go i actually i think the the top path will get nutty right now it doesn't seem that nutty well i don't too dark seems crazy oh that's right i thought i was already on there never mind nevermind no no that that does seem crazy okay let's go next i feel like two but that's two thousand five hundred dollars so 100 you can do this yeah i don't hear i don't hear anything i hear no sound it makes me very sad i'll just imagine it maybe you could just pretend like do this yeah yeah that's wonderful that was i honestly i thought you had figured out how to turn the sound on for a while because it was just so accurate so that was really nice i just wanted to give you the experience oh you just got 800. nice the double boomerang oh yeah so now does it send that yeah it just sends out the double boomerang so nice bro i can't wait for you to get like a gold getting a gold is going to be so cool i bet it's going to be really hard though i think we can do it i think we can do it you might have to like go back like and do all the levels like to get gold or like a perfect because it seems like nearly impossible you're almost there to silver no wait no this is level one bro this is just bronze okay well oh that's just bronze yeah bro now you gotta get to silver and then gold and then black you definitely gotta get the upgrades and then come back bro there's no way there's no no way it's really really hard but that was it yeah no i don't think so they're definitely going to be more on the way how come right oh there you go yeah look at that okay i was like yeah i was like what the heck is even going on dude dude games were like high key so much more fun back in the day bro yeah i don't know no like i don't know just like there's so much like passion and fun stuff like that was thrown into him you know well and then it's like you know i feel like the greed of companies not that balloons is really a greedy company like ninja kiwi i feel like they're probably the least one of like all like game publishers but i'm saying like just in general you know you play a game like this and you get just as much fun but nowadays there's like the expansion packs you gotta pay for the dlc and stuff you know you almost got gold you were so close oh see i almost forget it i almost did get it i i don't have enough i don't wanna i think i'm gonna save up for this one dude the three-way plasma is kind of nasty go for it get i mean get whatever upgrade you think is gonna be the best my friend oh we're in a new area we're in like a jungle now these are cool that's the that's the sun god temple oh it is i did not notice that origins like the origins of things like in the very beginning that's really really cool yeah because that was before they even did sun god right because this is after you can get the third the third thing you've ever done oh or i should get a heavy missile okay that that's cool that you should get that wait does it hold in i don't know oh disgusting that's disgusting no the missile's so good actually yeah no the missile is where it's at from come on come on oh god honestly i should just not even move like this is probably the most efficient way right here yeah probably so that okay it looks like gold does it not it does look kind of like old i could see that being golden yeah it's kind of weird that it goes like bronze to like silver then i mean i guess that is the normal the normal tier but holy cow there's so many balloons i have i can definitely upgrade something here let's hear 2500 for two darts or the three-way i think the two darts is like the play bro okay i'll save it yeah because i mean up at the top what is that like lasers or something yeah that looks like imagine just a constant stream of lasers like across the whole screen like you just win dude like you literally you just win at that point it feels like right though you're right 2 500 nice all right now let's see oh yeah like oh yeah the double yeah definitely take because it's like it's more of a thing that you don't have to worry about we got gold nice i still don't know what the plus 50 it maybe that's like a bonus in the next round oh you know like that would be like like plus 50 balloons in the next one or like uh percent like how many plops you get right or blocks maybe yeah do you like the plasma thing because you don't have to aim right like it just kind of automatically does stuff yeah no it's that's really really nice to have that that's why like honestly all of them are not worth like upgrading together you know it really does help and i mean the next one you get three of them so like that's gonna be just so good to have and you just be extra lazy with it that one's like the lazy path yeah it really i think it's the least effective but since it's it's just a nice slow constant stream of damage it's like kind of having like a sniper you know yeah like it's always just going to be shooting away getting a little bit of stuff on it but you don't have to worry about it it's very nice to have what do i need for the next upgrade let's see here 1500 2000 6000 but you throw four darts at once i'm almost down to just like full send and just go for that dude that would be crazy you i you gotta do it i feel like that would just be so good actually the midsoles are pretty good too though and remember friends we while we only film videos once for td tuesdays if you really like the series enough we're more than happy to bring it back for its own debut so if you want to see more of this game in particular more balloon super monkey make sure to hit that like button share it around because that's how we know you want to see more of this awesome content look at that power blobs you know you're almost at 2500. yeah you're going straight oh can we get the i think we can get solar we definitely can all right let's just save for the six thousand though i feel like we can get there pretty fast yeah i believe i totally so is each balloon only one like one extra pop here for points what do you mean oh no it's those blue things that's right that's right it's the blues yes the blobs bro the blobs why they call bob yeah yeah yeah oh snap dude bro this is like experbo guitar hero what the heck why is it so what is even happening yo gosh bro this is so satisfying that is so cool dude oh this is so chill bro imagine playing some like lo-fi in the background yeah no this is amazing and remember there's also a second one like i this game is just so the yellow oh my gosh what the heck i don't want to get distracted no yeah you stay stay on the path we're almost at 6 000 already bro we're already almost at 6 000. holy cow you are that's gonna be absolutely crazy once you're able to get that thousand get the six thousand get the six come on you can do this come on you got it all right all right all right imagine if i accidentally upgraded the other one oh that's so good it's almost like this level was designed for people to get to the 6000 upgrade yeah that's what that's what it feels like it really does you're already at 1600 again that's crazy and we get to gold i feel like we've been doing pretty good here there's no way you're getting gold i don't even know if you'll be able to get silver i'll you might actually be able to get the silver i guess we've been missing a lot of pops huh well we got the silver wait just another no no wait and you're not getting going i'm popping all of them right now i'm popping literally all of them you're not getting gold no way you're getting gold that's it that's totally it that's definitely it come on what's that what next upgrade can i get let's see 2 000. i could just do both of these because this is 5 000 it's cheaper oh because it's just extra speed gotcha okay i don't know getting that like extra like speed might just be really good i don't know okay well let's see penguins oh yeah cute little penguins dude someone just drew this like there was a person that legitimately just drew this like a real life person like i don't know why it's like kind of weird like someone spent their time drawing this yeah and like and like think about just like one really really long picture yeah one really long picture that's so true and it's just like scrolling okay let's do that let's hit that okay smart missiles oh these missiles have degrees from harvard they seek out balloons dude they're smart nice they went to college bro yeah they they know what's up oh my god we're getting so much wait this looks like it's dance dance revolution with the arrows going down i think that's what the intention was bro it has to be the intention like yeah it's going it's pointing up now too this damn there's no way that is not dude yeah no that is definitely that's cool seeing like nods to other games i like that no i love when that happens it's really really oh dude those pops are so satisfying bro i wish you could hear them dude no it's okay i'll just have to go back and re-watch the video yeah we're 1500 pops all right already got bronze a thousand more for silver bro that's kind of crazy i don't know if we'll be able to pull that off but we can do our best you know yeah you have to grow okay hang on what can we upgrade so we can do five thousand twenty five i think we gotta do the smart missiles yeah yeah the smart well like i don't know because it just like homes in but like how often do you actually just mess with the missiles actually that's true man i don't know i don't think there's always so many balloons that like maybe i don't even miss you very like he doesn't miss he doesn't miss okay okay well let's hear what so if we don't do that we could do let's do quad plasma let's do quad plasma super this is like liquid sun i kind of want to see what that does now uh it's 2500 it's not going to be bad let's see here 3 000 balloons that's per like that's so many blops bro we're gonna be getting that looks really strong like instinct it's using an instinct to move right now yeah no it just goes it just pops off on it it literally literally literally it's thank you thank you thank you yeah look we're getting so many blops right now this is amazing yeah 10 out of 10. i wonder what the next upgrade we should do let's see i feel like i feel like the extra speed's the way to go yeah i agree five thousand we're getting money quite fast so i'm not yeah you mean blops sorry my bad the one of the problems with being low to the ground is i feel like you might actually miss on some blops unfortunately what do you mean like what do you mean like like when you're yeah i i don't i mean i have no idea i don't know what's like the best way to get blocked i don't know i'm not a vlog i'm sure there's like a meta strat that we're totally missing yeah i'm not a blop expert you know really dude you didn't go pro and call of duty black ops bro bro i want you to know i'm going to try to like squeeze in blops as much as possible yeah please blah blah dude silver achieved oh can you get gold come on please please please there's no way there's no way come on no this is it this is that we got this okay i'm pretty sure that percentage is how many more you'll get in the next weight like in the next five thousand so how much faster does it actually shoot now i don't know it's hard to tell uh-huh it really is what's the next up how are you supposed to pop those ceramics bro i i i i don't know man but this is insane but like i literally i don't know how we're supposed to pop any of this yeah it's going so quick yeah no it's flying oh that was satisfying three thousand maybe maybe you do need like the explosives just to deal with all these ceramics that are showing up now you know i don't know well no but ceramics i feel like i'm just not gonna get any pops from that i feel like i wanna go for the red ones you know yeah but like the reason you can so you don't have any explosives right 8 000 bro oh the lasers though like i feel like that's kind of the play though no that definitely seems like really really strong having the lasers there we have 5 000 blops so you know we're almost there to being able to whoa oh freestyle freestyle freestyle freestyle go go go go come on come on six thousand pops okay i really hope you no we can't lose we can't lose we have to at least get the bronze okay okay we got a thousand more though oh then i think we will oh look look at how long it takes to get the ceramics bro that this is why i was avoiding them you see that like we're barely yeah no it takes it takes forever to pop them come on yeah we definitely i feel like the explosives is what does like the most amount of damage i know but it's like i'd rather get the laser thing dude the laser thing just seems no i i think the laser oh we're in the lava area oh my gosh holy cow so you have to shoot it and then it just drops oh my gosh dude this is a great arcade style game man isn't it amazing we almost have a thousand blops we got it oh the lasers are so good what's the next one for those just shooting this thing look at how many pops or blops look at that that's insane bro the blobs are insane bro you're getting so many blobs bro yeah no just yeah yeah you already got bronze that's so good i wish you could replay levels we could just get like you just farmed this level 6000 bro i'm just going to farm this right now yeah you're already at 5000. wait what do you mean twin darts you're already shooting two i'm very confused by this um all right well you have it it no no it also shoots out like two guards on the side that kind of seems like garbage i'm not gonna lie i kind of don't want that yeah that does not feel like i should get the twin super here and then also get the uh smart missiles you know yeah let's just go for that then let's go dude moabs were insane my guys no that was so many blobs i was not ready for that many holy cow one more do it again please please wait wait wait me wave two what frieza wait what is this i'm going like super instinct right now what was that that was weird bro i did not know what just happened there oh oh my gosh that's so satisfying oh i love it keep getting more blobs i love your time okay we're doing great we're at three thousand blocks i can't wait to see super uh super monkey two bro it's really really good ah ice cream yeah i gotta get the upgrade bro okay ice cream ice cream i got oh it's the freeze out that's what it is oh my gosh that's insane oh okay so that's it's an ice cream it's like an ability you can pop or like so i wonder if there's any other abilities and stuff that show up you know yeah that's a good question actually yeah i mean if it's gonna do a freeze out you think that there'd be something else who knows it already got silver can you get gold this is probably the last one though i don't know whoa whoa oh yeah that was it yeah you know that was it that was amazing all right let's hear is there anything else that i can get here five thousand what are the moab looking things on the right does it say or is it it doesn't say until you get the next one we can just we'll upgrade that just because i want to know what the moab thing is yeah what if we can send out mobs for like extra pops or something that would be i think it's just like extra moab damaging like smart rockets i think that's what it does oh okay okay so it's just like you know it updates to a moab model dude there's like ceramics around me look no matter where i go why it just follows you bro so you can't shoot out of it it's okay i'll just bring them on the inside brilliant that's actually so cool that's amazing oh my gosh that like kind of helped though it just gave me a ton of uh pops okay was it moab maulers twin guided missiles that pack extra punch especially okay so you were right you were right you were worried about that okay okay that makes sense so far so good dude i just got it too i just got it oh no you didn't get the mo you got the extra you got the extra missiles man that's sad i was so sure i just got it man yeah i know you are so excited about it so sad oh it's stuck on me get it oh look at the yellow balloons all right all right we already got bronze we're doing great friends we're i love how many blobs we're getting right now this is crazy the word blops bro you're really fitting it in i'm proud of you i love it bro i absolutely love it it makes me happy five thousand six thousand five thousand which one i kind of wanna go bottom path just because we're almost near the end of that one i just wanna get it but also moab mahler seems crazy but also this triple beam seems like let's get the triple beam bro how much does it cost 18 grand that's so pricey i mean i guess you know it slaps bro you know it's gonna be nutty we're in outer space yo he is a super monkey bro superman could could be out in space does he just so when superman like just flies out of like earth and he just like is floating does he like is he just holding his breath or can he just breathe in his face i think he's holding his breath so he just hold his breath like forever i i would assume so but i don't know well i don't know if he came home forever okay dude look at these ceramics bro i gotta clear them out you know i gotta clear oh you can do this no no no no did i get them oh i can't wait did i think i missed a couple yeah i have no idea i wasn't able to see it we have you have 3 000 blops arena so we need to get to 18 000. that's so many but you know like that that upgrade it's gonna be just so good nasty dude it's gonna be absolutely yeah if you're able to get it it's gonna be so good i'm not gonna already have five thousand ceramics are kind of rough bro ceramics are very difficult to deal with that's like dude we're getting mega pops though yeah no we're getting oh my gosh that's so satisfying we've already got can we at least get silver we're missing so many how in the world are you supposed to get all of it are you supposed to be able to not miss any at some point i think so i actually think so but i have no idea we're almost the gold actually i don't know i don't think they expect you to hit all of those bro i don't know maybe we almost got gold bro we haven't gotten gold one time dude you are so close oh dude i got the ceramics covering me again that's kind of oh it's like yeah it's free pops but it's also like not as good of pops yeah no because the ceramics are just very very annoying sometimes i want to be able to pop that dude it's kind of lagging so by the way guys if if the screen looks laggy to you that is uh the game lagging just it's just how it is i guess so by the way your target pops just for bronze is 11 000 uh okay okay that's a lot well definitely upgrade this wave then i think yeah no we're at 14 000 already it was what sixteen thousand or seventy eight now eighteen thousand eighteen holy cow but we are only three thousand away the missiles are really good come on come on yeah i really like using them oh they're all of them all of them that's what we'd like to see sixteen thousand oh we're there we're doing it oh look at the blobs oh yeah we're almost there can we get to seventeen thousand come on almost there bro we're so close we're almost at we've almost gotten the 11 000 pops which is like crazy because at first it was like 500 and now we're all the way up here oh no one eighteen thousand all right we have a thousand we got it immediately here we go zoom is that it that's it yeah that was a beautiful friend yeah you know it oh dude 12 000 bro all right well you know what we'll call it here guys i feel like super monkey 2 is going to have a lot more in store for us at least the way ryan's talking about it right it's amazing it's amazing okay well thank you guys so much for watching td tuesdays you guys seem to be showing a lot of support on it so thank you so much as always you guys are youtubers we're tuber and this has been super monkey the original on tv tuesdays peace
Channel: Tewbre
Views: 79,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tewtiy, favremysabre, sabre, gaming, games, game, showcase, challenge, modded, mods, mod, gameplay, vanilla, playthrough, comedy, video, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, no cursing, no swearing, video games, let's play, lets play, cursed mods, bloons, bloons tower defence, bloons tower defence 6, btd 6, bloons super monkey was ahead of its time, bloons super monkey, bloons super monkey 2, bloons super monkey best combinations
Id: cKqMQkhGi-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 59sec (1499 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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