Blood and Wine - Man of Glass

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so I took her by the hand and let her here seemed the only sensible place for her you did the right thing sir she should recover quickly here don't worry sir I shall see to Everything She is safe here and in good hands she'll soon be back on her feet might actually take a while she hadn't eaten anything in over a 100 years when I found her hored whatever brought this about told me her story on the way here her name's Marena she was once the very beautiful and proud ays to the trastamara estate one evening when she was holding a banquet for friends a beggar came to her gate seeking alms he had a bowl and a spoon with him he sat outside her fence and waited I've heard of the custom an ancient right of hospitality that obliges one to give food and drink to such a guest lest he departs hungry to neglect the custom is to bring great Misfortune down upon oneself Marlena didn't care a wit for the old Customs she drove Dr the man off saying she'd rather feed the leftovers from her Feast to her dogs than to give the beggar anything the beggar then broke his spoon cast a curse she was beautiful so he said she'd never wish to look at herself in the mirror again since she adored feasts he swore no one would ever wish to sit and dine with her and as she even refused him the crumbs from her table he swore she'd never find a spoon in the world that would Sate her hunger a harsh punishment I imagine lifting the curse was heartly simple [Music] curses are tricky they play on irony always got to figure out what the catch is marinaa had spent decades looking for a way to lift it transformed into a white she stole spoons and lured folk into her home trying each time to get them to dine with her didn't work so what did someone had to sit down and share a meal with her of their own free will they had to eat without using spoons and make her look at her reflection that's it that was all it required simplest Solutions are sometimes the last that come to mind besides when you're a white it's pretty damn hard to find willing human company for a feast I imagine so but most importantly it is now over please don't worry she will be in good hands here
Channel: FMAS
Views: 451,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #PS4share, PlayStation 4, Sony Computer Entertainment, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, HaSoOoN-MHD
Id: 0GsvXpK5qDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 30sec (150 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 03 2016
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