Blondie - Atomic (Official Video)
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: BlondieVEVO
Views: 11,878,408
Rating: 4.8794599 out of 5
Keywords: Blondie, Atomic, Capitol, Records, Rock, Blondie Atomic, Blondie Atomic Vevo, Blondie Vevo, Vevo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 13sec (253 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 16 2010
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Peak Blondie right here
Love the hi-hat in this song. It's what kept me coming back all these years.
Clem Burke slams them drums in the last half!
............ atomic!
I know y'all will make fun of me but I'm a 90's kid and the first time I listened to Blondie, specifically this song, was from the movie Bend it Like Beckham as a pre-teen. Love Blondie now!
Being born in 1980, I didn't get as much then current exposure to Blondie, so I'd heard Heart of Glass and I knew The Tide is High.
It took watching Trainspotting to finally hear this one, which I think is their best.
God bless Vice City's soundtrack
I just started listening to Blondie on my hour-long drive home from work. They were really an awesome band, even without the classic radio hits.
This was probably the first Blondie song I ever heard, and it's still my favorite.