Block Party June 2018 "To Market To Market & Kentucky Chain"

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[Music] we're here good afternoon so guess what holidays coming up on Thursday no not my birthday it's do I look like a flag today I'm trying to look like a flag I'm waving my flag hi this is not just any old flag this is Teresa's flag you get to come in Teresa come on Teresa you have to come in because she she got this flag when she got her citizenship for the United States I was there Brian was there everybody was there and Marty and norm gave her a bouquet with this flag in the middle and she hangs it by her desk it's there every day I'm very special to have it loaned to me aren't I you guys yes she knew more about the United States at that time than I did they have a test quite a test to pass quite a test well it's not only Flag Day but it is also 40 fabulous years we're all that so just in case you forgot what the quilt look like looks like we have another one how many of you are new let me look around let me see we have any gasps any visitors we do we have surely from New York you get to see what the quote looks like surely okay ready you make noise when you see it that's how we do it we make noises as David's quilt and one two three so just in case you forgot all of these fabrics are solid colors this is what Orion wanted David to do and he did it he listened he's a good boy huh so anyhow we are doing two blocks today two blocks so the first one is going to be is called to market to market and there it is right up in the corner it's very interesting we've done it a long time ago to market to market for me is quilt market of course coke market I've been going for years and today I'm going to talk about three of my favorite companies I'm going to talk about baby lock benartex and a cue quilt and all of the other vendors and all the the shop owners and the quilters you've all been great huh we have such a great industry to work in don't we and then the second one is one of my favorite places to go and let me see oh it's right at the top it's called Kentucky chain so why would I mention Kentucky chain because there is Hadouken Paducah oh she said turn it this way yeah you know what would it be easier if you turned it sideways can you see all the blocks so how many of you have are you keeping up with the blocks I know you guys are because people keep on walking in with their whole quilt all done and I want to know what they're going to do the rest of the year huh that means I guess that the instructions must be pretty good huh pretty good instructions okay well Davis is really fun out of all different solid colors and then he just did the red and then the quilting it's very modern quilting if you if you noticed if you notice it's got like I'm circles like bubbles all through pebbles is a cone pebbles pebbles and then what's this is is like oh great Grecian chain Greek Greek key now we know okay Greek key none of us quilt we all quote with our credit card actually we quote with quilting the day's credit cart would you like to borrow our credit card sometimes a quilt like that it is truly amazing and then show the back because they can really see it honestly we we get quilts sent out so much it's just amazing how quickly people turn around and like this one we called yesterday and said Judy could you finish this for us and she said I've already got it done not nice so we always have something going on so this is what's really cool this is one of our old books it's called the quilters Almanac when this came out new this actually won an award oh it's pretty aggressive see I want you to see how our books have changed through the years just skinny little thing right here huh cool book and then you turn here and there is to market to market to whole pages Wow two whole pages that was kind of a different technique but we did really good we did really good because this book came out in 91 can you see it from here better Eric let's see you just go ahead and go in close on it cuz it's really fun and so that was one of my first block parties I taught there were twelve blocks in it yeah it was cool huh okay and then I want to show you the next book another little sampler cool this was crossing the Prairie here 1993 pioneer sampler and it was all about the different states that the settlers went through and here is Kentucky change a little story about Kentucky and Kentucky change Kentucky means Prairie did you know that and I want to show you how uptown we were in 93 there are bigger illustrations and now there are four pages whoa yeah oh you like that quilt that is a repeat block when you put Kentucky change would you like to see one of those Theresa take that quilt off the wall and woo them with it yeah where did it go sue did this one isn't that fun it looks woven it looks pretty tricky doesn't it but it's just a one block repeat but that's what happens whenever you put all these quilts together sue did it with the orange oh it looks beautiful in camera it's so fun I love it well let me see I want to go around the counter and I'm gonna start with Baby Lock whoo baby lock of course we have to huh look who I have my favorite person from baby locks Steve Jeffries he's the big guy here huh he is really a big guy and he taught us this chant you guys have to do it now just for Steve okay okay put your hands up put both of them up if your arms work okay got him you ready whoo okay and now say baby lock and now pull them down and say really sexy for the love for the love okay you ready baby lock for the love or you didn't say that's sexy enough what's the matter with you good thing we don't want to be taken down huh well where would I be without baby lock who supply me with all my beautiful machines we did a whole little corner over there I'm gonna try to make it easier for you Orion see all the beautiful posters baby luck does for me through the years it's just really fun there he is there Steve they actually have a print shop with baby lock and almost every year when I did a new book a new quote and hold right there you see all of those spokes purses all where all the ladies are go across oh there this is cool because they do a lot of spokespersons and and you cut off the top so I can't read it okay okay here we go for the love of sewing it's more than a slogan so there are all those ladies that absolutely love - so they're all spokesperson it goes back two years when I walked in and I said you know I don't get it you do all these ads and you just put ladies we don't even know look we don't even know if they sew or not you need to use real people they thought that was pretty funny I said real people and so look at all of the real people Baby Lock has now as spokespersons I really like it and so this is one of my favorite ads that I love this is just so much fun this is ran in a magazine they ran a lot of print ads with me it says it's like I'm in heaven I'm in heaven when I sit and sew on my baby look absolutely true and down here it says if you're a quilter like me I dare you to sit down at the Aspire without breaking into a big grin and there I am can I get a bigger grin than that look at that I love it when I do the first when they do the photo sessions they always say something to make me laugh and then they take those and do you see my purple pal one year they gave you everybody purple boa and we handed them out it rode to California everybody had a purple boa and the next year we went back to the same booth and in a corner was a purple feather they were all over the convention they were on there for years it was just too much fun okay so if we have the sewing machine we have the baby lock for the love but now we have to have fabric right we have to have fabric did you know that I have worked with benartex I I think since about 99 a long time and I'm going to talk to you about all of my lines Orion I planned it so we're just gonna go there and just go around the room cool oh I like what you did here is David and um he is now the president if baby lucky used to be mr. B or mr. Benner debt for benartex and Theresa and I went out with mr. B all the time and Patty she would always go to New York with me to help with the lines but now I just want to show you the homestead is the most the latest line that I did the homestead and you can see some of the fabric that line was different I actually had an 1880 antique quilt that we took all the fabric from it so as it was very very fun and very different I enjoyed it okay so now swing around go clear across the door and we're going to go to my first line the anniversary florals I love your signs David thank you 1999 and that year we design a new line whoops my necklace is rubbing a new line that we put in grandmother's garden do you guys recognize that quilt how many of you did it grandmother's garden applique that was one of our block parties and if you keep on going keep on swinging and and then we go to Vic Oh beautiful Ryan let's just look at it closely that was actually it was a Nancy page club remember I had all the original newspapers and we did that quell a lot of fun block parties and this was another block party the fabric line was victory quilts in 2008 aren't we lucky to pick out all of the red white and blue fabrics we wanted to put together just gorgeous all of those blocks were taken from the Kansas City Star in the early 1940s they are all blocks that the readers to the Kansas City Star submitted so it was just a lot of fun and I love the line the different fabrics and such and then the little ribbon border around the outside edge that was a block party victory quilt so how many you did victory quilt huh you guys you got a lot of quilting to get done you're not raising your hand okay swing a little bit more to the perennials to the perennials in 2006 and that is just beautiful with the purples and the greens and both of those quilts were made out of the perennial fabrics this is like old time you know walking up to our stash of quilts and trying to find what we made with the different fabrics the different years but Loretta Smith made that quilt on the side you remember Loretta Smith I think she called it a tulip a tulip okay so keep on going so this is Zoey Christine take a guess who do you think named Zoey Christine benartex always called me and said name a name a pattern so I named one called Ellie and the next time they said name a pattern and I wasn't available but Orion took it upon himself and that's why it's called Zoey Christine and that cute isn't that cute that is a very very cute pattern and around the corner and then up the last one clear up on this stairs forever love Kylie was actually the one that named that one forever love I still have she makes all these little hearts I have them hanging on my bulletin board and she writes little messages she makes sure but in the Attic I took a block out of each one of my antique quilts and put them together and use that fabric for every love it's beautiful isn't it when that one is one of my favorite quilts the waterwheel but those fabrics are really fun and now if you come back to the front all right wasn't that better we did better this morning then this one no he did good dindi this morning I didn't he didn't know where he was going but I was going to just take you over behind Eric because that is Zoey Christine that I just finished this weekend I want to give it to Zoey actually Zoey had our birthday on Sunday but I'm gonna give it to her put her label you know that the names are always written in the salvage edge and so I'm gonna put a label on that says Zoey Christine she can have it forever when she grows up have fun well David said L we can't find anything on anniversary florals David I think I have it in my office at home and guess what from 1999 I found my notebook this is the very first line that we ever did Patti and I worked on this together and we had a plan and it is amazing benartex has stuck with this plan ever since but we do we just said for an attractive quilt we need prints of different scale florals large medium small right okay we need prints of different textures ferns checks right and then we said we need tone-on-tone which appear solid from a distance see light medium dark values so we can make a quilt right color selection and now an Nagas colors popular popular colors side-by-side on the color wheel and we said orange is not a popular color for decorating we suggest blue in place of orange and that's probably true there's a lot of a lot of blue but they put a little orange in Homestead they did just a little but we used it and as I look through I saw this is the original painting that it started the whole thing and we just pasted these all up I mean I can't believe I still have it this was Patty and I and you're not going to believe this I have this dress hanging in my office I'm gonna wear it probably next month this piece of fabric but we also talked about the best thing fussy cuts Patty is really big on fussy cuts every fabric has a fussy cut and we also have lots of stripes lots of stripes and so we had a plan then and it's just really stuck all this time through ten lines of fabric I asked them to put the signs up because I can't even remember the names of all of them but I have this one you will see how the quilt on the cover of Radiance star radiant star came from the fabric line okay wait I'm going to show you first so these are we got big cards like this this is from 2011 this is the second edition so whenever you work with benartex especially for me they would go to a cool show I know I'm sorry an art show in New York it's called surtex and they purchase artwork that you can license from the artist and the benartex ladies always said let's go find roses and they're likes roses and have you noticed nearly every line has big hours in the big beautiful flowers in it well this is where it started and then this is the fabric then they just multiply it and they put it into a piece of fabric and you see down on the bottom but the monochromatic of the same flower and then we say small flowers okay get some small flowers okay so here's a small flower and here it is right here in the green isn't that beautiful and it's written above it Orion loves it Orion loves it Patty's favorite over here and I like this one it's funny but she likes this one too we like a lot of them and this is interesting down here with the check the check was straight on and we wrote change to on point a lot of our texts are on point aren't they and so it just goes on and on that is how we worked and we originally designed with all of the paintings and then you see look whoa these are the finals this was one color way you like it up on point and then always little texture the dots the golds and let me see this one not pretty you don't well it's no longer available except in my stash and here is the stripe that's really fun and you cannot believe how many people they they pull a book or a piece of fabric and they didn't you send me that it was about 12 years ago and we can't do okay I want to show you the radiant star from this perennial line okay you ready you're gonna remember ah that nice some of you are shaking your head you remember you remember huh just beautiful a lot of work but a lot of fun so on benartex has been so good to me I really I love working with David in banner text we called him told him he was going to be on TV this morning but hi David if he worked or not okay so you want to turn in your book can we ever get any the patterns repeated I think one of the best things they have done is that the lines have been produced for a large time for a long time longer than a lot of them a lot of different companies you know they're in and they're out and you barely get to purchase but it is best that you purchase when you see it when you like it it's just like an antique it's not coming back so anyhow I want you to take a look right here go to in your book did you bring your book oh yeah let me see gotta have your book oh good it's page 86 is to market to market I want to see this this plaque David come back in so this is to market to market there's the three there is benartex and baby lock in a queue quilt which I'll talk about later about a cue coat but that's a big company for me too it all started yeah I couldn't read that plaque I can't read the bottom of it um it made me proud to receive this I was the 1999 winner of the Michael Kyle award of achievement Michael Kyle was a a very important person in the industry he's since passed on hey I wanted to read this little thing saying why did I get this it's honoring commitment to creativity at creativity and excellence in the quilting industry from the International Quilt Market thank you so special so we're gonna do to market to market guess what we have two sizes 12 inch how many of you are making 12 inch 12 inch okay I'm not even making six inch yeah good that's good that's really really good so in this one into market to market we're going to start out and we're going to make half square triangles in two mediums yellow and green there's four of those the second set of half square triangles is in background and red there's also four of those and these eight half square triangles surround the very center block and take a look don't they match good that's why you need your books you need your books that you can follow the follow them follow them how do you like that I think I'm from from Kentucky I'm fullering around okay so let's just start there's your picture there's all of your yardage you're cutting chart got that and we are going to turn the page beep and we're going to start with making our eighth half square triangles they are two sets of rectangles and the first one I'm going to show you is the two mediums the yellow and the green right sides together and the second set is the background and the red right sides together right and you guys all know how to make half square triangles uh-huh let me see how many of you okay so we're gonna just fly right through this right okay so aren't we glad Teresa did it already so you're just gonna draw your diagonal line or straight line and then your diagonal lines and then you so how far away from the line quarter of an inch and on both sides of the line right right and you're gonna do both sets and then you're just gonna take your rotary cutter look at this look what I have something new I'm looking for my six by twelve is it around weird in my six by twelve go and look at this I have this cool pretty aren't I pretty pink cutter blue cutting that is that cute it's because I couldn't decide if it should be a boy or a girl okay so then not for me no I think I'm all done getting grandchildren okay so we're just going to cut it in half and then just slip turn your ruler cut it on the diagonal I'm doing so much better I had a little nap this morning I was forgetting to open my cutter to make the cuts but look I'm remembering okay that's a problem you got it open okay here we go we got for background and dark yep hmm and Theresa is gonna use our great wool mat did you guys get a woman that do you have you use it out you use it isn't it nice isn't it surprising how nice it is it's like oh my gosh it it thinks that it doesn't make a difference but it does it's because it absorbs it gets heated from the top and the bottom and it's just it's just the the seams melt right in it you don't see the seams from the front side it's amazing okay so I've got four more of the yellow and the green right flip them over okay and this is cool remember the beginning I told you to get a fussy cut ruler set did you pick up one because this is the block you need your fussy cut okay so just square these up I'm using the three-and-a-half inch less you cut ruler and it has an X on it we're going to use both lines but right now we just need to have the diagonal line right on the seam center it on there there's not much to square up Wow you got to be very careful there is pretty close ooh hardly any waist so just put it down it would help if you put like um an visit on the back so this doesn't slide you trim to sides turn it very carefully so you don't bump the patch and just cut and cut again and that's your patch this this is all that's extra that's hardly anything I remember in the beginning I didn't even square up it was Patti that started me square you know she's so fussy okay so you're gonna repeat with the green good got it okay so I'm putting out there for Teresa to finish I'll give you the ruler to did you bring your own rotary cutter okay so now we're going to go on we're just gonna oh I should have laid those out like that ah I got okay so I won't show it right now I'll do it in the next minute green and red that right look in your book number six oh no that's not right hi her Brenda say no it's right Brenda it is I heard Brenda say it isn't right and I got scared you are mixed up terribly no okay so I'm just gonna set that aside because it says go on - making the quarter square triangles they come from yellow and red squares and if you look at the picture what does it show we're cutting how are we cutting these look at the picture and I'm going to cut it into a big X a big X can you see those lines they're not real dark a big X so just cut in one diagonal don't here take them apart but cut in the second diagonal so Theresa are you impressed with my cutting know that napkin okay so this is kind of a different way to so these patches stack up all of the green all of the green now I'm gonna talk crazy red and yellow okay okay and then in the picture it shows you to take and turn they're kind of different direction you're going to put one like this and one like this they're flat right across the top see that it I think it's tricky sometimes you just you just don't show it this way but this is how we're going to show it so that we can make the side pieces for the center square okay so get it laid out it's really good if you get it laid out get it laid out right in the beginning isn't that good right in the beginning then they will all be right or they'll all be wrong does that happen oh my gosh okay and the reason that I flip the right there red onto the yellow is I'm setting myself up for pressing I always like to put the color that I'm going to press toward on the top that way you don't have to reorganize it so I don't know if you realized that but that's what okay now get your stiletto I have my so straight on my sewing machine I'm keeping a perfect quarter inch seam this line going right down the middle is the needle and then this second line is the quarter inch and I keep on doing that more and more I just because I can start right out here getting it all lined up and then just as you push it up there you just keep on filing it right through and I just keep my stiletto right on that line so it goes right through so if you don't have one I know where you can go on yeah we all would be right here yeah so see we you don't cover your feed dogs but you do cover your bobbin case and I it has really good 3m tape to hold it down so it doesn't slide on there but David showed me if I want to change my bobbin you just peel it up take your bobbin out change it and this tape that's on here when you put it back down you can just stick it on again oh is that good it's very good it's very very good um I made Orion by the good stuff okay now you can just take it assembly line it and wonder where my gizmo is I care it's here okay so see you can just go right down along there press it up like that and while I cut Theresa is going to take this square that's for the center and fold it in half one way press it and then fold it the other way and press it and this is my cutting gizmo in case you guys wonder so the reason that I love this is because I just leave it right at my ironing board and Rupert really fast okay okay cool we're movement we're hot Dave you are hot okay so this is the center the crease is to go ahead and take this piece and line up the seam with the crease oh so it's centered so equal tips hang out on both sides you want to have your tips equal right don't say anything Brenda that's a quilting term right okay so let's just go ahead and sew this on one side use your stiletto hold that seam down and just zip off the one side off and cut your threads and turn it around and take a second piece line up the seam with the crease right in the middle drop it down there okay so while I do this look and see how Teresa is going to press these seams it's in bold did you see towards the square in big bold letters you have to read everything in bold yeah Chris knows right everything okay so now she's gonna just go ahead and prepare it nun got to take a little drink mmm good so see see how she creases first she lifts it increases that and then perfect see on the back side now we've got these tips hanging out on both sides you can't possibly so the next one's on I take my ruler and line up a line on my patch let's tip saying over just cut them off right there turn around line it up with the line and cut off those tips look we were gonna save these for our wedding one times what we never did now we have to get rid of them okay so then all you have are these two on the last two signs it's the very same thing so that goes along pretty good huh pretty good um so oh do you want me to just let this one do you have one already for me okay well this is for you to do later Teresa she gets it Brenda's gonna do your work for you oh okay so this is the second fussy cut ruler that's very important this is the six and a half inch fussy cut ruler very important you just take the the X in the middle is really good the diagonal lines because we have those quarter patches you just line up those lines with the seams that is good it's very clever very very clever I have to go into Alex and Ricky's show in August I think and they told me I had to come with clever techniques I think okay I hope I have clever techniques clever techniques okay um it's in Denver and I think it's in August it's for their quilt show coach oh yeah look at that is that not perfect whoa that looks really good huh okay and look this is the extra this is all you get okay Shirley are you having a good time good you can tell all your friends back in New York you got to come okay so now look at this we're gonna put these patches together so they just continue to look like a star point Oh doesn't that look good and you actually make four of them all alike so you just take and you flip this right sides together and they don't lock because we're going to do something tricky later with locking so anyhow and watch I want you to look at that picture right up there on the top page 89 the second column something different with that seam what are you doing at that seam press it open that's what got you screwed up that is different it says right there it doesn't lock but it's gonna lock in it'll just a little bit let's see that seam as very bulky so we reduce the bulk by pressing that seam open so if that's your book why don't you circle that so you sure you see it right yep press it open that's on the second column of page 89 top team press it open okay see this press it open and the pictures there because when you take this now whoops wrong side Oh baby if I did it right side up it would be better okay so this is what we have to lock and the way the seams are pressed now when you flip this right sides together this green this green is just gonna just slide right in there it's just gonna start down here and it's just gonna roll right up and it's gonna lock together yeah really I promise see this is going that way this is going that way this is going that way this is going that way watch my finger you OOP OOP now do you get it is that clever that's why I took us we spent hours trying to I did this over so many times I can't imagine how many times I did this because the first thing that was kind of easy to with even without locking okay where did my jumper scrap go a jumper scrap is very useful it probably said that someplace get that little cute jumper scrap in there get these little scissors cut this ball off the end see what happens whew I think I got it I think I got most of the ball I think I'm gonna get it started now I just get started I get too excited and I move too fast and I know I should do a little bit slower there okay so now I'm just going to kind of peel this back and you see how I have two peaks I'm both sides right up here a peak and a peak I'm just gonna look and I'm just gonna lock those into place rule them into place and just use my stiletto so it's good if I'm actually doing this then you know I'm not faking it and Theresa's doing it huh okay so across let's see let's see Eric if I'm gonna show or not ready not good very very good that is tricky that is very very tricky okay so let me see what I have here I guess I better so this one on two huh that gonna be good there's a pattern you know when you're far away and you're looking in the camera you can actually see better than me right the yellow and the red we changed the color placement on this from the original one that we did and I just noticed how different David's did look in this up it did look really different in this yeah yeah it did look a little bit different but we just decided that in fact a lot of you when you were preparing to do this quilt you kept on referring to the blocks of stars people were saying they wanted to have all stars and so we said ooh we better make this look more like a star then and that's what we did see we listened okay I've got it seams are pressed open I peeked I got it all lined up if it's good I'll show Eric okay a little bit more oh is that why is that why cool another one another one right on okay so now whoops would you like but I'll take my jumper scrap back okay now how's Teresa gonna press the seams towards the center again yep it does say that towards the center again while she gets that one ready I'm just going to show you the next one these are the same direction but they now have squares sewn on the two sides and when you turn it over once again these seams are pressed open and the seams on the outside edges are pressed toward the outside edge press toward the outside edge let's take that that's looking good let's take this it does look like a star doesn't it it does and that's why we did it and so I think it looks really really good so when you sew across here these go in opposite directions they will look how about I show you from the back how about that whoa now you see it see they go in the opposite directions so they're a lock they're the opposite directions here that will lock and then all of these are going in towards the middle so it works really good ah and that's it for to market to market and all that is as just hopes I'm in the wrong quilt cut retake I'm done with to market to market oh cool and so let's see all right Kentucky chain Kentucky chain there is a really good picture let's see where that one is oh I don't know do you have the Kentucky chain so if we just turn the page to the next block its Kentucky chain yeah that one and I did lose it huh what page was that again okay now you're on 90 91 and I will show you the picture on the bottom this is this is just a group of people in Paducah Kentucky I have been going for years and I do three shows a day and it's kind of exhausting we have a lot of inventory to sell people travel it's like your bucket list I want to go to Paducah someday it's on your bucket list it's because 30,000 people converge on this town on go to the museum go to all of the exhibits it's the whole town the whole town comes out it's it's I think they said it's the second biggest moneymaker to keep that town alive it's a great old town and if you go on what did you tell me David on on Facebook on Facebook last year David and I took a horse and carriage ride around Paducah and he shot the video and the driver of the carriage narrated and told all about the city so you can actually still see that there's a lot of fun yeah you've heard that yeah yeah it's really a lot of fun so anyhow up here in the top this is my very first or it was run by my good friend Jeanne McLean her daughter and her mother Betty Byrd and all we had was just like this little storefront and we had a stage area about this big and that we had fabric and quilts and everything in there we lived out in katawa which is away from town listen I think it's about 30 miles out of town katawa at Betty Byrd's house and one day Jeannie and I were running late for getting to the quilt show she was my driver and we were putzing around and then all of a sudden we got on the road and we were so close to the freeway exit and we ran out of gas and so we like kind of coasted into the exit and then it was on a downhill and we're you know how you go change a little bit until we didn't go anymore we got to get to the show we're gonna be late so we both jumped out of the car and we started running down the ramp and I was so crazy we cried ran across the street to the gas station and there was a man sitting in the car with his wife and I banged on the window and said can you take us to the quilt show were late we got to get there we got it we got to do the show say yeah sure hop in so he got us to the quilt show and he sat with his wife and I looked at me even laughed he had a good time well the next year I went back and I was presented with this quilt this this woman was driving on the freeway she saw us running down the freeway ramp you see you see the Hat do you see that this is me I know this is me because see the Hat in the book that's the Hat I was wearing David we gotta find that hat that is the hat that I was wearing and Jeannie is carrying a gas can and we're running down as fast as we can and so this has been in my collection forever it says Paducah or bust it's just too much fun I love the ribbons flying in the little car that we were driving so anyhow I was given it was a gift to me and she did sign it but I've had a little trouble I should actually give it to Eric maybe he can read it it says my name and you guys all see if you can read it it's from last name is Korb kor b-but I can't read the first thing what do you think it is MW it Eleanor's my name and w Korb 495 495 what's that I hope she's watching thank you thank you I just that's been in my collection all this time too much fun to have oh so are you ready to see how to make Kentucky chains it's lots of fun easy to do have you been reading the stories I was glad it sounded like a lot of you didn't really hadn't looked at the stories ahead of time it's too much fun huh okay so this is the fun thing just two fabrics and a background that makes it easy right two fabrics in the background red and navy perfect for Flag Day you could get this done on Flag Day the whole quilt yeah I thought that would make you laugh but anyhow if you look at on the yardage what's that Theresa you could have a little class here and do all of them for them when do you like that so look it says select one background one medium in one dark so look at your yardage because first it has quarter square triangles we need a 4 and 1/4 inch square we need four of them and then go to medium we have short strips and long strips and then dark the blue short strips and long strips okay that's a those are really technical terms but I like to use terms you will understand okay short strips and long strips okay and the background squares okay let's turn the back turn the page and what we need to do is take the background square and we need to cut it into four quarter square triangles and you can't believe this is such a cool ruler this is the six and a half inch plus he cut ruler now because look you line up a straight line on the left and the diagonal line goes right down to the corner and that cool and then just pick it up and turn it you can turn your little mat just a little bit this little mat is very convenient beside your sewing machine beside your baby lock for the love okay so now we've got our triangles we've got our short strips and our long strips simple right okay so what the illustration says to take your short strips I'm gonna do red you want me to sew two of them only one will do I don't need it okay okay there's the shorts tips and I'm gonna just take these triangles you do make four of them but I only get to make one okay that's what goes on the short strip medium this is the short strip dark okay and you do the same thing a little triangle on each side right okay okay now I'm cautioning you some of the people tried it last time they were glad they came to class take take note okay all right so I'm just going to flip a triangle line it up at the top just follow your picture exactly and [Music] just line up at the top you will of course it doesn't nearly fit okay so just go ahead quarter-inch seam but it right behind you would do for red when you're done with for red you're gonna pick up the dark the medium in the dark and just assembly line so for dark right through okay all of them okay I'm not going to press the seam on these yet because it's a technique so I'm just going to clip them apart and now pull back that triangle flip a triangle on the opposite side and line it up line it up did you notice that I'm wearing a cool pin cushion it was a gift from Joanne that is the woman who made my dolls but she didn't know I hardly use pins but it's pretty anyways isn't it it matches my red dress okay same with the dark little ones behind so now you press the medium in one direction and you press the dark in the opposite direction okay so look and see this is medium yep and where how am I going to press these seams out out in these and out T's this time it's an Audi okay and then this is the dark we're going to press it the opposite way so how do we press these seams on the dark in out ease and in ease it sounds like belly buttons huh okay so Teresa also creased the center it's going to help us with our marking so this is the medium this seams are out and it's crease down the center and that's the dark the seams are pressed in and so we're gonna give I'm going to give her these two so we're ready okay so these need to have folds in the center so we have centerfolds to match up these lines okay okay so take them unfold them and I hope I have others thank you at least one more beach one more of each okay so now we have read we have read short and we are going to take blue long the opposite okay there's blue long and we're gonna line up our folds in the center okay B side it we have blue shorts so what color do we put long red we always do the opposite now whoop there yeah okay this is good we're doing good easy so far if you follow the picture once again we made changes from the original ones we made different better sewing directions better locking don't you think Teresa we worked on all of these okay so I lined up the folds in the very center and believe me you will see if you do not line them up in the center you will notice it okay that is the long do now I'm taking the long red with the short blue I'm matching those little folds right there and just put it on and keep on good right somebody I made it she didn't she messed up it kind of looked caddywhompus and she called her new block Kentucky moonshine okay open that up that happens okay so we have red here we've got long we're going to do red on the other side right we're kind of like sewing X's right now X's okay so do you remember how I pressed the red look back at the picture out I pressed the red out okay just so we don't get complicated and confused you are going to take this block again and press the seams out just do the same thing out whatever the first one was pressed you do it the same way okay and now this one I'm doing the blue see that's easy to go right down through the middle huh that presses them out okay turn it over and show it to Eric on the back so everything's pressed out on one block everything's pressed out okay so this one is blue and how are the seams pressed and so how do you think we're going to press these last things I went a little crooked don't let anybody see that oh so there it is moonshine no it's not moonshine yet you can buy moonshine sous-sous always goes actually I think she buys Kentucky Bourbon her husband gets so excited when she goes to Paducah Kentucky bourbon okay so I kind of see my creases you have to be careful okay so it's out and out and so this one it maybe maybe you should I don't see my yeah I don't see my folds very good out here yeah press again and press those folds you got him kind of pressed out okay so she's folding all four of these little corners and she's pressing them so I can see the center lines this is so when we squared up and again I'm using the six and a half in Shh fussy cut ruler that fun we're gonna have a run on fussy cut rulers so look there's a blue side and a pink side and that pretty okay that's better okay see can you see the folds you really need to see the folds you can't just trust to just pop these right down on here and cut because you have to do it in Center okay so I am just moving my ruler around so the points of my ruler go right down through those creases and if you have to tweak it a little bit tweak it okay that's looking good so I'm just holding it down and just go ahead and trim one side and the other hmm and once again you don't even have to pick it up and move it just turn it very carefully keeping everything laying down and cut it again [Music] good oh very good very good you got the center yeah okay so now we need to have four you need to have two and two let me see two and two aren't I smart okay so we have to put all this very back very neat and get it all ready for the next class hmm thank you okay so we need to blue and move okay here we go to blue and to red to long red right to long red to long blue okay so we're going to make an X in the middle okay with the red hm let's do the long red okay like it goes across okay it goes across like that and so we can just do it like right and then there's we're gonna make like a it's like axes nose it's an X and then it's an O in the blue so it's gonna go like that and like ah and that's it oh that's cold so when you flip it together see how see how important this is that these line up that you get your Center points because they have to line up they have to line up and if they don't you know you kind of really have to fiddle around with them so let's flip this right sides together and we see that the seams go in and on the opposite side the seams go out whoa doesn't that make it good huh and so once you sew this together just like we normally do it has the little swirling and the little four patch you open up and whoosh it you swirl around and wish it so that it lays nice and flat on the right side see and so whenever you put it together two blocks together see how it starts creating that secondary pattern you make all the blocks the same uh-huh yes and they will end because they're all swirled around the center they will all line up and tucky chain that's good huh it's really easy once you follow all the directions that's just important so I only have one more company that I want to talk about another favorite company the Accu quilt honestly I realize I was a klutz until I started breaking everything and then I found the ocupados don't believe old age gets better it does not get better so I just totally love using my a cue quilt cutters for four since you know I toured this rotator cuff and oh my gosh so there's the go baby and the go big did you guys if you haven't ever seen how maybe you have a knack you pull cutter yeah because if you don't have a knack you call cutter you just go okay well I don't know how I do this but you put your your die a die this is a die and you put your fabric and a mat on top and you run it through there we need to have the whole demo the next time David because this won't fit obviously but this will go in the go big guess which one I have go big so this is the Accu Coco see go here whoops I'm didn't mean to be so friendly so what I like to do I like to go you go girl you ready one two three you go girl and so on the back of their t-shirt they say better cuts make better clothes and you can cut your you're gonna cut your clothes out so fast there's so much fun we have on some more dyes up here oh this little one would it fit I think no it's a big one do you have you don't have the Harrison Rose quilt you didn't bring it it's okay so I designed three dies I did the blazing star and then this one is the Harrison rose Wow cool and Teresa if you'll go over and put the Accu quilt staff on the screen of this one we have to take this one okay this is a happy anniversary for my 40 fabulous years and put it underneath Eric's camera this is the active quilt staff and I was not there that is a cardboard statue that they just put me they put me right in the middle but it really looks like he doesn't it and so back off this is the whole act occult stuff I really love working with them it's so much fun you see that cardboard statue babylock made a lot of those and people covet those cardboard statues mark Lipinski got one and he has me standing in his living room and sometimes people try to buy them and then they put them in the passenger seat so they can ride in the passenger lane and I'm sitting there going alone but anyhow that is really cute so um there's like Go Bag whoo everything is go and green and I did two books already with a cue quilt and I'm working on a third one good this is the one go cube really fun go cube and this is one of my favorite quilts especially for Flag Day it's very patriotic I have this Eagle that you want to help me with the quilt the Eagle died and to do this application all you do is take your size of fabric and you press paperback fusible web on the wrong side and then you cut it on the die and this is what you get oh is that pretty its and then we just put stars around it we made this quilt together at a a knack you quote retreat every person made a couple of blocks the magic of using a cue quilt is when a whole group makes the same quilt and they turn in their blocks they go together how's that great and so this one is just that with lattice and corner stones with the Eagle just so pretty it's perfect for Flag Day and David ran and got the Harrison rose is just beautiful we want to show you the Harrison rose some of these things you go oh my gosh or no way I wouldn't make this if I didn't have a knack you quilt cutter yep it's upside down oh yes we didn't we didn't do it you're sure that is very very pretty too very very pretty Harrison rose was in my tales of first lady's tales of first lady's the only lady that did not get to live in the White House because her husband passed before she got there Harrison Harrison remember Harrison was the one that gave a very long speech the very his first speech and he caught pneumonia and he passed right away and she hadn't even moved in yet so at least we have a quilt in honor of her huh all right so have a good happy Flag Day huh did you bring something to share your dad can we share it okay let's give Theresa the night Oh Lou has a whole bag full Oh Mary oh good you give Teresa the mic so she can actually hand it to people on that side okay so you line up over there oh my gosh I see so many boxes this is what I love these boxes if you haven't watched where do you guys get your buck is Michaels Michaels yeah every to hop they have my Hobby Lobby and I know because when we get them they're pretty expensive but you can really get him for a low yeah half price okay Brenda okay come over here oh they're adorable really fun and then I doing my blocks and a cue quilt club in a kyouko Club we have been doing some of the blocks we can't do all of them but we can do some of them and so it's really fun beautiful last Friday we did these and what I did was I put my little girl baby on my sewing table and I cut them and showed them at the same time oh I know that's great you know if the Bears paws a little different than what we did because we couldn't we didn't have the right-sized eyes to make it the same as what is in fabulous 40 40 fabulous so this is our bear's paw that's cute huh and you know it's very very cute I'm I love your colors I have to be quite honest I had collected some of these but my friend Joan gave me some extras I recognize these oh look at this one garden walk I know log cabin so you know she's got these are four six inch and this is for the 12 inch good job and you have it in a project bag it's not any just bag it's Eleanor burns made a stripper out of me bag yeah they are but I therefrom they're free for me I put it on my account this is very interesting Alan last time yeah but look at it it's super lady and you got the stripes right she did the stripes remember that was our lesson doing the stripes that was the challenge huh good job Alan oh look at Mary's let me see you have a cute fuzzy cut too she's got a whole different palette very soft the peachy is really cute want me to hold him as you go through okay and look how pretty very springy and look the little fussy cut right in the center that's sweet very very cute very different she's gonna make the bear spot with the stripe very good Mary all right Mary Jane cool how are you doing I'm doing fine this is not really stripe and I actually made this before last month and I went home I thought oh that kind of does have it has wrong it does have a direction and I thought am I gonna rip it out and do it goddess I didn't know fine we'll just show them but you know what it looks really nice and a couple of months ago and so I got all my log cabins done and I got the individual blocks done up to this one and and you just did this in class today I know I know yes this is also my Yarn Crawl quilt yarn crop not not excuse me quilt quilt run quilt oh that's really different also knit so we do like a yarn run yes aren't wrong anyway but I if I find a quilt that takes lots of different fabrics uh-huh I will buy a little bit of fabric at each store for that quilt I know that's fun so I bought a little bit of fabric at each store and you March quilt room to make this oh so very good so we're coming up with a new run pretty soon good job and Athena is in the Accu kook class too right right and so oh you've got a regular bear's paw this is a little S I also have the other one the IQ quilt for the fair there we go I think these were the last two yes those are the last two that we did in a Q quote so there everybody's learning how to convert their measurements yeah see see the difference the dancing bear yes we called it the dancing bear this is for the fair on July 14th because they're doing a free admission if you bring a twelve and a half by twelve and a half inch block for quilts of Valor June 14th sorry flag June oh that's in two days you can make one of these in one day yeah you can just whip them up but isn't that nice Delmar it's the Del Mar fair yeah that's great and it's it's a big savings or you bring one oh she made it for her daughters but how it's completely different that's a lot of fun David figured out this one he told me we'd have to make adjustments and we did but it's cute everybody loved it very very cute yeah I'll look that's beautiful because I was going with the fabric that goes with it so luckily I didn't have to do streak ute very cute very nice look how pretty its we imagine me of your dress and your earrings challenge I had the wrong colors and then I finally went to the solids and it's okay and solid you think it's really pretty turn around and look in the end the TV monitor and you'll see how pretty it looks isn't that pretty hey it's very pretty oh good job good alright are we okay did we get to see everything did we have enough fun oh good so I did I need a Shirley did you have a good time did you what do you think about our class you learned a lot of things to take out the bulk we think of everything okay let me see you did you guys get a special invitation you're next Oh aren't we supposed to invite everybody we're supposed to invite everybody in the whole country to come to this aren't we David David told me to invite all of you to the whole country so let me see one of your papers okay so we're doing a special tent sale whoo you got to come you got to come because there's gonna be popcorn ice cream cotton candy okay it's a tent sale it's just going to kick off a party it actually starts June 23rd that's a Saturday and it's going to go on for a week there's going to be some prizes some giveaways and fabric as low as 250 whoa that's pretty good that's good pretty good but on Saturday we are doing a show David and I are doing a show it's the fabulous 40 show but it's unlike you've ever seen you must come just to see the costumes David makes me wear and the wigs and he will put them on straight unlike me but anyhow we're going to do a show at ten and a two and they're only five dollars you can sign up out in the store you all come sounds like we're gonna have a good time dress up for a ten sale oh my goodness fifty to seventy three percent off in the store only all right thank you so happy Flag Day everybody thank you [Applause]
Channel: Quilt in a Day
Views: 28,702
Rating: 4.8433733 out of 5
Keywords: quilting, eleanor burns, quilt in a day
Id: seydrpQl_sA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 4sec (5044 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 15 2018
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