BLM Protests, Malcolm X, Kaepernick | Sheikh Abu Usamah w/ John Fontain | Young Smirks PodCast EP37

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because although I'm proud passionately proud to be african-american Who I am where we come from my history my culture I'm proud of the positive things although that's the case I don't believe in black supremacy the pagans were willing to share the religion of Mecca one year paganism one year Islam but they wouldn't sit with a black man they want to sit with the people with the poor people the lower classes Colin Kaepernick took a knee the football play in America he took a knee to raise the consciousness of America and the world there were just not some regular scholars who said it's okay to protest some of the great scholars and minds during our time said it's okay to protest in the West if the protest is peaceful and things are not going on that are Haram free mix in and all of these things although that is the case I don't take that position take the other position because I personally have seen that protests even when they are peaceful and my opinion they really don't change that much they don't change that many things and for me Malcolm X was an iconic individual who I have a lot of love and respectful he's actually a hero of mine but being a hero of mine just like when I say black lives matter and just like when I say being a black nationalist that is going to be explained and distilled and apply within the framework of Allison Malcolm X was a hero of mine but not a hero over the prophets and the messengers [Music] bismillahirrahmanirrahim Salam aleikum welcome to young smokes podcast were here with our share I will solve a cinema so I'm a while I'm doing that John Fantine nice to see you again good seeing you as well especially after not seeing you for such a long time you know I accept from you and shala your efforts in Ramadan that you put forward and also some of the traveling that I know I'm aware that you did for the sake of Darwin Allah Allah bless you for all of your initiatives and efforts I mean shakes upon Allah is a pleasure to have you back on the podcast you know and hamdullah last time the pot the last podcast my father a lot of people got a lot of benefit even just yesterday I've seen is being reassured and we shared you know it was a long time ago okay sure it's been an eventful few months you know we've had the the time of corona you know of the corona pandemic where you know people have been unlocked down throughout the world we've also had the reason if you like protests that have been happening throughout the states and also more recently the past few days here in the UK as well so I wanted to touch upon a few these topics first how have you managed in the lockdown with the corona lockdown well the corona pandemic was a disruptive force in the lives of everybody for the most part and our community here in Liverpool was no exception to that I remember quite vividly when we decided that we're going to lock everything down there are a lot of people from the community who we're not happy about that because people can fathom not coming to the Masjid you know we have Muslims at home do not who are connected to the houses of allies with a jet it's all from that day until today it's been something that everybody has been trying to get used to and although they are loosening up the these regulations in the request for social distance and although that is the case there's still that fear that's in the air at least in my mind anyway that there can be another spike there could be a spike in the number of people have been afflicted by this coronavirus may Allah protect all of us I mean I mean I mean if you had many people in your community pass away due to the yeah we had quite a few people especially at the beginning and we had to make call and make decision do we watch those bodies how do we deal with those bodies like many of them aside it wasn't something that was peculiar to us it was really a strange phenomenon to be honest with you but again there's a bright side and it a lot of bright sides and a lot of lessons to be learnt and to be taken away and one of those lessons is no matter what confronts us as Muslims and an Ummah we have a religion that teaches us and tells us and gives us instructions how to deal with it so we've been resilient and if shallow we'll be coming out of this pandemic soon inshallah shake you know that at the beginning of the the outbreak I don't want to make this the main topic of the podcast but I just waited to touch upon it in the beginning but at the beginning of the outbreak the the mosques were kind of you know shall we close shall we open this is before the the country you know the government actually made the lockdown what was your take on that in the beginning did you decide to close the Machine before the government advised that or was that something that happened later if my memory serves me correct correctly we got in front of this thing and got it in a bear hug right away as soon as we realized that the medical people were saying that this pandemic is going to be a cause of a lot of loss of life we shut the mischief down we didn't take a long time we were quick to do so yeah you know it's actually sharing with me with my father you know some of the some of the teachings from the prophets or the Lois and well from Islam if you like you know regarding what to do in a pandemic and things like that and he was it was actually something that he was very interested in he's been actually speaking about it over the past few months because I'm actually living with them at the moment because I'm actually stuck in the UK so we're a little panel so it's interesting that different things can actually you know warm people's hearts towards Islam and seeing that Islam has guidance for all these little things all the things that we that come up into our lives [ __ ] just to say something concerning that because it is important right now yeah you're absolutely right as Muslims and given dhawan inviting people to alice then there are many doors that we can knock on and many windows that we can knock on and trying to get people interested in our religion and also getting the message to penetrate their souls bylaws permission like this thing with what happened in America with the murder of George Floyd you know this issue of racism and Howell Islam has dealt with racism the Muslim has to be a person who as Allah commended the Quran rule in essa be little bigger bill hikmah call to the way of your lord with wisdom so we're gonna always talk to people about who Allah is we isn't and who the Prophet is so a lot of sudden the basics of allah so man but we're also going to look at what these people are doing and maybe take things from islam that would resonate with them because there was some companions who became muslims as a result of the wubble a man came and said to the nippy's so a lot even suddenly I'm gonna ask you some questions I may be tough with you bear with me and then the man said I ask you about allah llahu america be happy will do then Allah command you to do this will bow he said I love my Nam yes and a man accepted I said suppose there was a lady on swing she was a tremendous noble lady from the people of anima Dena the rich man abou Pell house from the leaders of the unsub he wanted to marry whom Saleem prominent lady from the society when he acts there would you marry me she said I'm a Muslim you're not Muslim if you say that either I have a lot let that be my dowry and I marry you so she used that in order to call the man to alice name so it just goes to show we have to be people who have with and we are balanced and we also know the environments in which we're living in yeah Sao Paulo I mean of course Islam we as Muslims we know that islam teaches and does not that we don't support racism that's that's very clear any Muslim knows that and these very clear statements you know the defiant final sermon to the prophet sallallaahu and where he's mentioned you know no white man you know his superior to a black man no other above or non Arab but this even more clear practical examples like at the beginning of the prophethood when the Sahaba it would be in persecuting you know by the pagans the pagans were willing to share the religion of Mecca one year paganism one year Islam well he wouldn't sit with a black man they want to sit was the people with the poor people the lower classes they could even hack a year of tower he'd but they couldn't hack racism look at the arrogance of the of the of the pagans in Mecca and subhanAllah correct me from wrong shape but when Allah revealed that they was actually considering possibly allowing as a temporary thing to allow the pagans not to sit with black people or or the lower classes but Allah said no he said you know he was not allowed you know and subhanAllah is it's just that the Islam has clear guidance you know even this was a time when who been persecuted when he wasn't strong you know and after that there was years and years ten years of persecution you know or more you know and well twenty years of persecution of a fighting and war due to that subhanAllah so this is a topic I wanted to obviously discuss today such as the I'm not going to call it the black lives matter protest and I explained why because there's a bit of misunderstanding regarding this topic right now because you have the hashtag black lives matter you know on on the internet and obviously all the protests that are going on throughout the world today regarding racism but you also have a movement and an organization called black lives matter which actually have a lot of deviant ideas as well so I wanted to touch upon the topic of what we've seen with no problem general racism and let's give this and I know you're the man for this because the thing is check you you you're from the states so you felt what it's like to live in the States you've also lived for a long time in the UK and I'd like your kind of perspective on racism personally and also in in America and also UK like what what experiences you've had I mean very quickly I think that the UK historically they can be considered the UK gave birth to America so the people who gave the blueprint for racism as far as I'm concerned is the British Empire they colonized people and they did so many unspeakable things in a way of atrocities to people of color across the goal they pillage and they raped the whole continent of Africa and so forth so on but I must say as you said I'm from America I live in America racism in America is more in your face racism in America is more chronic it's a it's a reality if I was in America I would sit down with my sons and my daughters at a young age to tell them this is how you have to act if you ever stopped by the police I don't have to do that in the UK I don't say that there's no racism in the UK because I did experience racism in the UK I remember years ago 15 to 20 years ago when I first came to this country and I was the Imam in Brixton I was close to Edgware Road and I got into an altercation with someone who was white who was trying to steal from me so I dealt with the situation I dealt with him because it was a very expensive area the police came right away hmm so without even asking questions they you know wanted to be aggressive with me but the stoners and the people of the area came out and told him no these the white guy is they were the ones who were around being the instigators because they made problems in our stores so that thing was there yeah but I feel relatively safe here I'm more afraid of knife crying coming from our communities then the police whereas in America John Fontaine I'm afraid of the police yeah I'm afraid like if I remember I was in San Diego last year and the hotel where I was standing the police about four or five cars came to arrest an african-american family there and I was videoing it you know it was surreal I was videoing it when they looked at me I stopped beating and I went and got went back into my room because I didn't want any problems I didn't want any problems and there was a level of fear that I had as a result of being out of America all of that time and the knowledge should I have I don't want to deal with the police and that's why I have to say this right now we do have a responsibility brothers and sisters in America especially african-american people to educate our children as to how we should act and how we should respond and how she would answer the question is when we are confronted with these situations where the police come at us because you can lose your life by the lord of a cop is real and there's another thing not to keep going no no but it's very sensitive like you I see you as my brother from another mother you told me about your story and we got close especially in Mecca I see nothing about like race that separates us there's nothing between us except camaraderie and Brotherhood and soul and so on but if you were one of those people who didn't grow up in America I didn't study the reality of the situation I would take it as his personal slap in the face if you came and said to me hey our lives matter hmm yeah yeah I know our lives matter don't tell me that a few months ago years I don't know a brother I made some statement in Birmingham to some Asian people giving them Dowell and he was saying to them some things that touch people in the wrong way and then as that discussion started going on and on and on some of the brothers were making comments that clearly indicated they don't understand the depth of this fitna racism yeah that we grew up with part of who we are and now a DNA so I know you know I was trying to explain to some of the brothers you know this they came out with a statement all lives matter and I said yeah all lives matter no no one's denying that but subhanAllah you have to understand that there's a time and a place for everything you know at the time now at this moment we're dealing with black lives matter we're dealing with the race is your issue for the next week or however long it's gonna last that's what the spotlight is on right now and the Muslims are bringing in you know valid things like Palestine Assyria raw anger these are valid causes right but it's not time for that right now you know the point is that Sao Paulo you know when you come and bring your other causes and other issues to the table you kind of dilute the initial cause and and right now yeah I do believe that it that Sepang Allah the success of this these the this kind of spotlight on racism will actually benefit Muslims in the long run well you don't have to bring their other causes yet you understand and people don't know the backstory like I put a post on Facebook the other day I was explaining trying to trying to explain to the people that you've got only thunder back the back story the back history of colonialism and you know what it's done for Africa what he's done for the Caribbean and the Americas and the the ongoing situation you know that there's a whole back story behind it yes maybe the specific racism that a black person is going through in the States today the specific one today may not be exactly comparable to what's going on in Syria or reinga but they don't understand that it's a whole history as well you know which has to be taken into context this is where this concept of al-hikmah comes in and hikmah is translated as being wisdom better translation it's putting things in the proper place so being able to see what's on the table and prioritizing things accordingly this is our responsibility I'll say it very clearly we have a religious responsibility to take care of our families first our own first the ayah says you're living in a man poem for sukumari Kunar oh you believe save yourselves and save your families from the hell fire whose fuel is men in stones the Prophet says allah llahu hari was celular of the sadaqa dinar to soothe detect other alack the best sadaqa is a denial that you paid for your family the denial that a man took and spent it on his family so Siddhartha begins at home so if the person's house is burning when needs tending to just take care of his family first and foremost so as a Muslim the ayat is very clear in the money known aqua verily the blood believers of brothers and Muslim non-muslim the Muslim is a brother to another Muslim so this is our priority so Palestine Syria and Iraq is always going to be front and center in our hearts and our minds and our desire is to make the begin to change that situation always always but now we're dealing with the situation that has presented itself to the dunya and we can't put our heads in the sand as they say the ostrich does and it's not true and we just disregard the reality of what's going on no we're not gonna be emotional about the issue we're not going to be an Islamic about the issue but we're going to address the issue in the way to get rid of injustice and also spread the religion of lslam from this nook that from this point you know doing our job then Allah made us people were responsible for standing up for justice even if it's against our own selves and so forth and so on so this issue of prioritizing and putting things in the proper place is imperative brother you know even even in the white community you know you have poor white people in the UK you know living in the poor area some of them saying well I don't have a white privilege but they don't realize that the whole country has prospered because of slavery and colonialism that somehow even even black people living in the UK somehow the UK as prospered and is built on slavery you know we're just literally walking through the streets of Liverpool coming through you see it everywhere the whole city is built on slavery Sao Paulo that's a Liverpool you know yeah I'm coming from my house to the train station in Manchester the whole I I see the the cotton factory you know the factories of the Industrial Revolution all the cotton came to here through Liverpool all the way to Manchester and it was it was my forefathers are weaving it your for thousands are picking it my for files are weaving it but the point is so Paula okay it may be that my fourth others maybe they were poor maybe they were the ones who were doing the colonizing for the elite the rich white people but we've still benefited from it you cannot deny that that's a good point you understand that's a good point John Fante another thing I mean a lot could be said about that but it brings to mind what has been said about Trump recently that Trump being a rich person he despises many of the poor white people in America who support his racist views he despises them because he's rich and they're not so for me I will not negate the reality that there are poor people and as a result of that poor people who are white as it was all of that they have it tough as well but they don't have it as tough as African American people have in America you know we start off with I guess 2 and 3/4 strikes on us maybe they start off with you know quarter of a stripe have a little bit right and the disparity and the disparity is just completely different it's a different animal altogether but that's not to say that poor white people don't say well that's not to say that doing this lock down I watched a number of documentaries on Netflix and one of them was documentary who fascinating who killed Malcolm X I mean no to yourself let's try to do a podcast about this but because of the lockdown weren't able to do it yeah another documentary that I watched from Netflix was a document you call the making of a murderer the making of a murderer did you see the Georgian Georgian Jordan Michael John oh Michael joining into that is nice it's very nice but making a murderer yes was a documentary dealing with a poor uneducated white guy who had been trying to times and convicted two times for a crime that it didn't appear that he did it and even if he did it there were a lot of you know travesties of justice doing the whole process which goes to show poor white people also stuck in this system of capitalism but when it comes to racism racism of America we had a more serious issue so sure I remember when you when you called me and you told me about the Malcolm X documentary and you encouraged me watch it and you want to speak about it what issues did you want to speak about because I know you being from the States of course you you also you you you originally with the nation of the Sun right are you not with them but you introduced to Islam through them all no there were some people who used to be in the nation and in 1975 they became real Muslims brothers like bulow Abdul Hakim from Paterson New Jersey amir pasha who was the leader of the community back the MLI rock my opponent and other brothers Saphir Abdul Rahman MJ you know some all heads those brothers were in the nation and then I became a Muslim from the dour of the brother Amir Pasha but I never was in the nation although I used to go with my younger brother who's died since we used to go and we used to listen to the call of the Nation of Islam and from day one from day one it is set right with me I didn't believe in it as a matter of fact my brother and I used to sit down we used to laugh as some of the stuff that the guy was saying I never Danette because although I'm proud passionately proud to be african-american Who I am where we come from my history my culture I'm proud of the positive things although that's the case I don't believe in black supremacy I don't believe in that because the religion of his son told us there's no virtue of an Arab over non Arab or a white over black black / white so forth and so on so I never was with the nation I was with the American Muslim minute American Muslim mission after the nation for a minute and I went to that area that you just mentioned black supremacy I want to ask you what's the difference between black supremacy and black saint nationalism well black nationalism is more general and black supremacy is more specific in my understanding a person can be a black nationalist and not be a black supremacist black nationalist pan-africanist individual who takes procure particular concern about the affairs of African American people about the affairs of the content of Africa where we're living where we come from where many of us are in the Diaspora as it relates to that so the same way as being a Muslim is the same way interested in this all persons Palestinian person was an Arab but personally whatever young Pakistani Kashmiri so you know the huger Chinese people they had that ethnic pride of who they are after people from Afghanistan pushed homes and so forth so on so personally I see no problem with a person taking interest in his issues his ethnicity is country where it comes from but that doesn't mean that you call to being supreme and over other people and this is very important because you know doing this fitna of what's going on right now you see like there's a lot of confusion people misunderstanding what other people were saying Colin Kaepernick took a knee the football play in America he took a knee to raise the consciousness of America and the world used this platform to say look every Sunday the NFL that football league people are tuned in watching I in a big market the team I played for has a lot of fans followers he decided to take a knee to raise the consciousness about police brutality the Commissioner of the NFL has come now and stated yeah we should listen to somehow our players okay but compared to me how did the people in the stand from what he did he doesn't believe in the American flag he's not patriotic he's not appreciative of the freedom he's not saying that he had a right not to agree with the American flag or the song that they sing before that's his right and he has wisdom and proof behind him if he decide but that wasn't his point and that's the thing when you start talking about race issues it gets real sticky with people we can't have open honest discussions you have to have your back against the wall who's right who's wrong no put it out there for the reality that it is the reality that it is upon you know this this is I've seen people complaining oh no people on the streets protesting they're smashing things up you know and one person commented well when we did a peaceful protest he wasn't interested in that you know when he took the knee you didn't you didn't listen so I wanted to ask you about this as well I mean what's our stance on because some scholars they say it's okay in the West specifically to get involved in peaceful protest some scholars say no especially in of course the Muslim world when you have other countries like Iran who are trying to there they've got their eyes on the Kaaba you know and things like that you know what is the Islamic position and not necessarily shake I'm not asking you to say oh this is the position you take what I'd like from you is I want some pros and cons from both perspectives because people are not going to accept all the shake said therefore I'm gonna do it I'm not gonna do it so we have to educate them to show them what are the pros and cons of both points you understand because we with scholars are not even in the position of authority now the people don't even accept what they say so can you give us some advice on these issues yeah like I said a lot of these issues are just being confused amongst the people and people get upset when others are taking positions other than there's conflating the issues and it's not okay if you believe in black nationalism then automatically your black supremacy you know bring those [ __ ] was that the scholars gave about Arabic nationalism there's a group of Arabs called the batty party Saddam Hussein was from this group these eras believed in the superiority of Arabs that if you are an Arab who is a non-muslim you were better than the Muslim who was a non arab this is what they scholar said this is Cofer you can't do that now someone comes and says you want to be and you can be a black nationalist someone brings me foot tours from shakes about Arab nationalism ireb nation ilysm as I'm understanding and explaining this not that Arab tomia hmm you know black nationalism it's not that come--as so as it relates to this issue when you say that some scholars had mentioned about protesting from them shaikh i beneath a name from them a ship ebinger bring from them is a ship as Barack rahmatullah a huge amia all three of them were from the kobato ulema that many of us love and respect but we don't force the whole world to only look at them which is an idiotic understanding that some people have also many scholars from India so conscious exactly they have there's a good point scholars who are really I love this religion from India from other hadith and other than that of the opinion that you can protest in the West with these conditions they don't change things and it's an opportunity for the miscreants and the riffraff the government people who are trying to sabotage you know the provocateurs and so forth and so on like what happened the other day they were doing a peaceful protest and it turned into something other than that yep so for me I'm of the opinion that no we definitely shouldn't March where we're pillaging and what you know bothering people and destroying and Luton and I don't believe that that's permissible but even the so-called peaceful marches I don't see it as bringing anything that's beneficent just real quick John Fontaine I saw a thing on social media where a white guy mmm came out in front of his establishment his business and he had a sword that's all he had and he was standing in front of the place threatening all the people to me my property alone that man had nothing to do with racism he was just protecting his property as we do in the sand whoever protection dies protecting his Deen he's a Shaheed died protecting his honor she died protecting his money Shaheed those are from the Douro react of the people's lives the essentials that we meet that man was out there someone came behind him knocked them down and the people came and beat him to a pulp I'm talking about he was mangled at the end of ACTA that they left them then man was mangled by which stretch of the imagination if someone going to say this is something that allows vigil is pleased with oh this is something that is universally accepted this is insanity this is something that is oppression and Allah doesn't love oppression this is the point I mean that's definitely one of the cons because it's uncontrollable you have especially because you have you know like you don't have a leader anyway you've got people from all different religions all different communities with all different ideas right and no there's no there's not even a leader to the protest on and no one's fallen in the Authority he always gets out of hand you know I don't want to comment too much but I personally don't think I've never seen a protest that has had much effect I mean don't get me wrong I mean even its recent protest now you know there's there's some positives we can't deny that there's some things that have happened that have raised awareness etc and well the other thing is that we can see from these modern protests right that the white people are out the Arabs the Pakistanis the black people from all different community now are actually supporting and things have changed things are not the same as they were 50 years ago I'm not saying this that racism is gonna weigh him by far saying that what I'm saying is that what do you think about that from what you've observed you know one thing that I try to be as I try to be realist I don't want to reject the Huq when it comes to me is looking at you right in the face and I think this is a fact that is not disputable there's no room for discussion because although it's a relative issue how much has protesting benefited the people who did it so relative issues so I want to say this much someone say that much but I will say there has been some advancements in the way of race relations from the time that Martin Luther King and those people were marching in Somalia Bama and I have to say as a young man I wasn't feeling Martin Luther King because I'm not into this whole idea of if the enemy slapped me and my left cheek giving my right one take my shirt giving my pants take my land giving my water no no no no no no in our religion as I mentioned whoever is killed protecting his Deen his family protecting his wealth he to Martha in our religion so I never can understand being patient people gonna SiC dogs on you German Shepherds and the firemen are putting you know the fire holes in the water on people and the cops are hitting people over the head I used to see that and I still have those images in my mind so we benefited from that no doubt about that the sittings that they did those Jim Crow laws that our parents had to suffer from after being citizens in this country so there's been benefit and I wouldn't deny that but I think that the drum and the fitnah outweighs the benefit as allah said in the quran that in the Hummer and Mason in intoxicants alcohol and gambling there was benefit manaphy ruling us and there is if M is harm is evil and Allah said well if more my up bottom in the free Hema and their harm the sin of it is bigger than the benefit so the clock that is not working is going to be right two times every day and there's a hadith that says lo la a la la la whoo and your son la culpa he bliss if Allah didn't want to be disobeyed he would have never created beliefs that doesn't mean that Allah wants people to be taught so babe but a lot could have prevented that issue had he wanted to the way he prevented it with the mattock they don't disobey but he created eglise and people will be on different levels of the Jenna because of [ __ ] lease some people fought against them and were against them and they they they they they they took him as an enemy and they'll be imaginative for the DOS and other people didn't do that they'll be in a level so there's higher even in EEB least that's the point so I think that yeah there has been benefit from those marches and those protests but I think personally the harm the lives that were lost the property that was ever destroyed four agreements my opinion check I wanna I want to get on to Malcolm X because we briefly we you know I want to get on to this documentary and some of the points that you were speaking about because in all this really touched your heart it was a during that time especially in February when Malcolm X's birthday that they celebrate as a holiday in America was around that time and for me Malcolm X was an iconic individual who I have a lot of love and respect for he's actually a hero of mine but being a hero of mine just like when I say black lives matter and just like when I say being a black nationalist that is going to be explained understood and apply with the framework of Ellison Malcolm X was a hero of mine but not a hero over the prophets and the messengers Saleh wealth Allah was sin my image may not a hero over the companions may allah be pleased with him but nonetheless he was a person who had a great effect and impact on me personally so when I saw that documentary John Fontaine it blew me away blew my socks off hmm I'm talking about had an ad an opportunity to meet the brother abdullah muhammad the narrator of the program we'll put it together i'd a hug that brother because by putting out that production he did something where effectively made me closer to Malcolm X because he brought a lot of information then I didn't even know I thought I knew quite a bit about Malcolm X but that program was an eye-opener and one of the things that happened there were many things but one of the things that happened was I was shocked and amazed that in Newark New Jersey where I gravitated towards looking for Sunni Islam because in Paterson New Jersey Passaic New Jersey Islam was weak it was weak nope New Jersey was a bedrock of Ellis land so I found my way over there with my man my brother chief Bulow Abdul Hakim may Allah preserve him went over there with those brothers I never knew that it was an open secret that a person from that area was part of the his squad that took Malcolm X out I was shocked alike that when I when I saw that part of that episode and I saw some of the people in the area who I know I'm not condemning anyone and I'm not blaming anyone but I took it as a personal insult that people didn't want to say that in this issue the Justice of Ellis lamb and that's another thing and I'm glad you made this point as african-americans is very sensitive to us what happened to George look Floyd don't tell me about the secrets of his life and the problems because it's not about that the issue is he didn't deserve to be killed the way he was killed so what happened to him resonates with us african-americans it cuts deeply we we fill this I say to people in north New Jersey for an example the same way we feel about that injustice where's the same sentiments and emotions as it relates to the murder of al Haj Malik Shabazz where's the justice in that it was injustice for the man to lose his life and this is the challenge of being a real Muslim this is a challenge of lslam one of the challenges of Islamic Muslim is telling us stand up for justice demon if us against yourself sure the thing with this he wasn't just injustice in the sense of he got away with it somebody else did the time somebody else what is one level of injustice where no one gets at the time but somebody else did the time as part of a Muslim as well and that brother as well that brother no no sergeant imagine that you've been promoted as the murderer of Malcolm X and you never did it the brother our brother and I don't know this brother when I saw him on the program I could see he was quite bitter and rightly so because he did all that time lost his family and he lost his family his kids and you could see that cut deep in that man where's the justice under that man he was given a hero's singing off his funeral right do you see the funeral yeah and I never knew about all of that I don't know if I was there at that time but and my issue is I'm not even sure if I know that brother he looked familiar to me and I'm not here to condemn him you know cuz people find this very useful on the program they were saying did you see the program they were saying to the brother who did the piece they were saying to leave that leave that no one talked about that and I guess that's because if you're walking around that area and you're trying to dig up those bones maybe something can happen to you Wow knows best but my question is Malcolm X for many of us as Ossie Davis said when he did his eulogy and he called him the Black Prince the Black Prince you go listen to the eulogy of Ossie Davis is a famous african-american actor who has died he played a number of Spike Lee flicks anyway Malcolm X was a tremendous without having a me Lulu and going overboard he was a tremendous personality who did a lot of shakin as it relates to the world stage going over to Africa being a pan-african is impossible yes Brian was a ambassador for the African Americans you had no right do you see him as one of the leaders of Italy and then he has daughters for daughters who grew up what impact that had not been on the scene have on the Islam of his children hmm someone was responsible for all of that so if I know that someone was responsible for that then the religion of Islam is telling me stand up for justice stand up for justice so I want to make it clear because really I was telling you I wanted to talk about the Malcolm X issue by yourself at another time and it just came in like that and your position about marching and protesting we didn't sit and talk so I'm one of those people always say to my soul hey my students take your own position don't let people force you into a position I'm not gonna force you into a position I love to sit with people in exchange ideas and then I'm bouncing off of each other so we can benefit grow develop so I'm not condemning that brother because the Prophet says Allah he will settle amid tatoeba minute we commend them and let them below whoever may tow before anything it's like he never made a sin there was a man than the Messenger of Allah Mitch's so Malati was seldom killed 99 people and they wanted to make Tober wound up killing another man 100 and he made Toba any with the agenda so how I'm going to say somebody no that's not my point and he looked like he made tober and sha Allah because he went to he went to Hajj you know he was doing good working Shola but that's not the point you're talking about the justice side of it here yes so I was shocked at that as I was sitting there I was really I was blown away at that another thing I found quite interested was about Malcolm X himself and you know this is very important I believe like you know when you talk about black lives matter the organization any organization that we attach ourselves to and they have a mandate they have a you know ethos what they believe in what they're trying to do if it's not from the kitab and the sunnah and it's man-made it's going to have problems in it it's gonna have problem so with the organization black lives matter they support people's sexual orientations that are against this religion so you can't allow anyone to control the narrative you know doctoring my johnson he can't control the narrative for me brother polite can't control the narrative kill him i can't control the narrative as I listen and I'll get benefit but you can't take me the way you want to go because I have a religion I have a religion so would that be in the case Malcolm X I have a lot of love of Malcolm X but he's not beyond criticism he didn't have a lot of knowledge about the Deen but as it relates to the program I looked at Malcolm X and I said man Malcolm X was sleeping right Matali it was snoozing I don't mean that in a bad way with what I mean by that you know we used to say you snooze you lose and that the yeah an estimated Elijah one of the people in the program said Elijah was playing chess and mouth was playing checkers and the family of Elijah Muhammad yeah they didn't even believe they the other thing the other thing is his security is in a circle they were spies they were people who were plans they were people were there when he was blasted so one good thing from the Nation of Islam was that thing about being super hyped about security and that's our religion not going overboard but we have to take precautions so I felt that and I'm not being judgmental because I looked at Malcolm X when those things were happy tomb at the end of his life and I was saying man can you imagine the amount of stress this man is going through hey I took his glasses off I don't know at what point in time of his life that happened but they put it right before he got killed he was about to give a lecture or something took his glasses off and he was doing his nose in his headphones that man looked like he was stressed out of his mind he knew his turn so it was easy to be a Monday Morning Quarterback and to say he was sleeping I don't mean it like that but after seeing the whole program I was shocked that the guy who administered to him mouth-to-mouth over sex station one of his head security duels was from the New York Police Department boss so it was just an interesting program it prompted me to call some of the old heads that I know from Newark New Jersey to thank all of those brothers back there East Orange New Jersey the leading figures of the Masjid 61 Lincoln Street in East Orange New Jersey they're all done mr. Alda I called a lot of those older brothers and just say look after seeing this program the Prophet says southern light it was something whoever doesn't think the people hasn't think a lot I want to thank you and I want to thank you and I want to thank you I want to thank you because well like he you guys helped me to fine Anderson and helped me to be on Elissa and they were the brothers who were balanced as it relates to they were once in the nation and then they left it they appreciate it for what it was you know but they didn't have that thing that some brothers still stuck in the mud as it relates to the nation yeah some people still stuck on that you know an interesting point you made that look you even though it was a known thing in the community we don't know for what reason it couldn't be a mixture of reasons why people didn't speak like you said even you don't know maybe if you spoke there was you could have got taken out you know because obviously CIA and all them also involved in this as well it was it was a big thing and this is what I want you to reflect about his shirt I won't know what you think about this because I was speaking to below from Canada the features and he was saying how can such a widespread protest in the States happen in 2020 because if you think about it like the media social media TV radio you name it is controlled by the government right what comes through my Facebook feed is controlled so the individual video for instance I had my facebook a police advert come up you know trying to recruit for the police and the picture was a Muslim and non-muslim he gets a picture of a non-muslim you understand everything is so controlled black people get killed by the police every single day this has never happened before why now have half the government allowed these videos allowed the social media to spread so wide it just makes you think that was this actually and I'm not in space there is oh you could tell from the look on my face that I was saying this cat is a conspiracy nobody got now I'm telling you [ __ ] now listen it done I'm just saying this into y'all this is a nice look mystically right I'll give you an example today I'm watching a TV with my parents right it says all there was protests in London Nottingham and Bristol nothing about Manchester there was a million people oh no I about half of me I don't know Piccadilly garden was full [ __ ] all the way down from the train station all the way down to Market Street and I'll pick a little gap is like sardines for this the only thing yesterday this happened it wasn't on the news in Manchester pan right same thing Newcastle it mentioned Manchester didn't mention Newcastle so the point is that everything is very controlled you you seen the Captain Jack whatever his name is he raised like 4 million for walking it yeah oh hey it's all it takes the distraction of the whole he got so much TV time that's how you raise 40 million yeah the point I'm saying is media share as a huge thing in it and no doubt what shows up in the YouTube feed what shows up on Facebook what they allow to get seen these protests it makes you really think if they actually wanted this after the corona after the whole thing I don't know show you I'm just putting out it could be brother I have no doubt that they are conspiracies and some of them are really real what these people are doing and they're not playing around and and that's another thing about this black lives matters that we would hope brothers and sisters who are Muslims and they're not african-american they can look at it from this angle and that is you remember in New Zealand where you went when they shot those people at Christchurch and all of that and you win and you saw the carnage and aftermath with your own eyes the white guy who did it the media here famously portrayed him as an angelic white kid I mean with what he did he had no right to be portrayed in that way so they do that for us they criminalize us Nixon started it Nixon started it and then the guy from Alabama Clinton and then Reagan then Clinton but Nixon started it then Reagan really the war on crime and drugs they criminalized us so the way they report african-american people in the media and what's going on like now after this man lost his life this dirt comes out on him and now the narrative becomes he was a porn star and the narrative he had put a gun to the stomach of a lady who wasn't yeah yeah that doesn't sound like a nice guy to me the person who does that but he doesn't had he doesn't deserve to die so there's definitely conspiracies brother I just started talking I was looking at you know that voice in my mind that starts to talk to me and say where is this brother going is he from those brothers who during the month of Ramadan used up all of my dad I mean really you know drove me crazy with all of this conspiracy stuff because I believe in conspiracy theories but I believe in conspiracies that they're more than theories I believe in that right now normative al Islam is under attack in this country right now they want an Islam that everything goes so that's not a theory about a conspiracy that's real but do I have the ability to spend a lot of my time you know and all that stuff no I have they do they may be true brother it could be I wasn't I wasn't as easy to take your physician I just I know I know I'm just reflecting because I know how media works I know how social media works I know how and it's just like look I'm sorry but if they wanted to prevent it it could have very been easily prevented and the other thing is that the the again the way it's portrayed in the media these protests is all negative there's nothing positive the way they spin it you know like you say the they want to they want to look at the history of Georg Freud they want to look at his history but they don't want to look at the history of that statue that man you know the slave owner you don't want to look at that history but they want to bring over his history you know it's like you know it's just interesting how things work there was this thing back in a day in the 90s called fit and working Muslims who over indulge in politics Machiavellian politics not Islamic politics but Machiavellian politics where it's built and predicated upon he says she said Peter were all is predicated upon lying conjecture hearsay you could just say whatever you want to say make any claim and this was fit and it had a lot of the youngsters going crazy with the people who called to this stuff thick and whopping the thick of what's going on contemporary times and events and the problem with it is when people were learning about this and indulging in it it didn't it wasn't bridled by the principles of Islam the religion so it was folder and it created folder it created fold up so I say to brothers now remember brother was telling me that yeah jujin my juju are here so we got some people say got juju my George there was on these other one say they in space portal this brother was telling me they're here right now and he gave me a picture yeah juju my Jewish people who were protesting anyway look brother there are other brother was telling of it did jealousy jealousy here well I know the Dajjal they are hadith about him and I could be protected from him if I memorize those 10 I act and sort of tokaiya their things I could do do I can make it my solo yeah did you memorize that the person doesn't memorize that but the person wants to flood the world with this stuff about the did job in the new or old order man lower your religion no doubt brother Mohammed Salim he had a flank he doesn't know his blind spots unless Allah told him he was going to have a discussion with a group of Yahoo the tribe of your hoodies going to have a construct the discussion with them Jabril came to him said don't go there on top of the house when you get to the door and you're not they're gonna throw a boulder on you and kill you the prophets Allah sent him subsequently expel that third tribe of the Jews and then Medina get kicked them out because they tried to kill him how did he know about that Gabriel came in to other than that if Allah didn't reveal to him the Prophet he tied his camels Allah why he was son look he was sin spies then they be so lesson Titus come he make du'a in the morning allah protect me from my friend gave me nor in front and back so it's a way that we can deal with this as for going overboard and learning about these issues I would with no now it's a problem and I'm not criticizing you I'm saying what you're saying possibly true but I know I was looking at you look shake this someone else alone I want to ask you about as well right it's quite important because you see a lot of this racism and white privilege in the media is that they never report anything negative from a racial perspective about a white person so if a white person does something their race will never be mentioned well what I'm saying is the point is that we need justice you know we know that racism does exist in the Muslim community no doubt white people black people Asian people Arabs these people are racist from all backgrounds okay now the point I'm making sure is our main loyalty is Islam this is our number-one lash up you understand don't buy that little tongue for anyone you know so mean that and I want to put something out there to you chef I want to ask what you think about this because you know when all the Muslims that bickering on social media the Asian Muslims are like all those matter or you know he's racist that black guys racist and the other no but this Pakistani guy said this and they all and racism in east and muslims erases muslims are racist and they never they never put a very strong caveat that islam is not racist that this is not Islam because the problem is sure my priorities are the non-muslims in my Dawa that's my job your job is a share my job is non-muslims yeah I'm trying to call normal things and all I'm seeing from my non-muslim friends over there white whether they're black they're looking at was Muslims and they're thinking they're bunch of racists the black people is calling them the Asian people calling them this that and the other the Arabs of this and we've forgot that the main thing I mean loyalty is Islam now of course Islam is against racism but we have to tell the people that we have to always give examples why Islam is not racist yeah well the problem is we have to the same way in the white media where they never have any negative things against their race we have to be very careful that when we calling out in justices are bad things that we're not making Aslam look bad do you understand I'm not saying don't publicly refute this person faze races I'm not saying though but there's a time and a place like the Prophet SAW low solemn when hafsa it'll be pleased with her she said something to Sofia she said you're you know daughter of a Jew you know racism right it not from the color but from a tribal perspective and the problem he rebuked her privately because it's done probably beautifully he told her no don't do that you know fear Allah and he comforted Sophia by saying you're you know you're the you know you uncle is a is a prophet your your father violet cetera the point I'm making here is that we have to be very careful and it was other times where the prophet sallallaahu saw him he did rebuke racism publicly as well but what I'm saying is look our main aim is to bring people to Islam and at the moment people just arguing and it's like how do you deal with it yes you know I mean you don't try to say if culture is a culture the Millennials social media this is the culture I'm fortunate it was Aisha who said that - Sofia may Allah be pleased with them you daughter of a Jew which is a statement that is inappropriate I believe ever said to a man of color you son of a black lady it's like the n-word as a racist statement some of the ins I said Olin Saad help me and then the other man from that mahadji's a mahajabeen help me the prophecy this is a stinky thing so it was something that was present during the time of these people were the example for us it's LOM for us is and should be following those companions someone can bring me proofs from the Quran and the Sunnah and those companions may allah be pleased with them and they able to show you know you said on the podcast this and that and here is the Quran and the hadith and the understanding of those companions that you're wrong I sell hamdulillah out of rights what I mean I take it that's our religion those people were from the Odia of Allah you know in the month of Ramadhan please tell the people later to Qatar that do I alone in the car food to a bluff of our funding say that Dora yeah a YCJA he told I assure that who's gonna be in gender with him who was the most beloved human being to him who was a scholar from the OEB of allah and yet she was toward that dawn and that's because you know we can make mistakes brother if those companions some of them said things that were racists and the Prophet dealt with it right then to me so a lot of a sudden now someone's gonna come and swept and down that he's not racist we come up in environments I need to be detoxed as a result of coming up in the racism of America and you're not going to tell me people come from Pakistan Afghanistan India Bangladesh where there I died their forefathers were Hindus and Sikhs where they had that racism that's in their religion you're not gonna tell me that people don't have racism Arabs don't have ring sysm Africans have racism everybody has racism everybody except those that Allah had Rama on them when I saw how people were behaving and what they were writing and saying it was disgusting like that young man who came and said doing these days that the miswak is more important than black lives matter that wiping over your sock is better more important learning the doís I understand what he was trying to say I think it's like my brother Saeed arathi Saeed rocky one time may Allah protect them was trying to tell the community if you don't have Islam you're gonna have problems and then he made a general statement that African Americans were children out of wedlock man I know that brother I won't believe that he meant that I don't believe he meant that he said something he wanted to say something of the wrong way maybe this other brother was trying to say something said diller he's trying to say look there are other issues that are important and they have assumed of it but what he said was not correct and it was insensitive is doing the Quran Robina laughter China fitna to live enoch fo o our Lord don't make us a fitna for those people who disbelieve separa already the blacks of premise those Hebrew Hebrew lights there in London brother yeah there in London Hebrew licenese Black's promise they tell us you know al Islam and Islam and slave the black people and dis that Shuba heart that we can easily answer what if one of those people started to hear a person saying something like a miswak is more important than all black lives or black lives matter this man who was disliked people what what it's just not was it's not wise so our youngsters have to be careful all of us have to be careful that when we comment on the Internet we're giving down with a lot and people are looking at us there's public plazas and it always goes south but I ask you this question John Fontaine and I'm looking for an answer so don't forget the answer what do you think is going to be the reality of the community if those who are given dower and those who are teaching and those who are out in the forefront those people who are not the regular people they have some information and giving dollar if this is the way they are they argue and they want to bring each other down and tear each other up and not advise off the scene or lies in a nice wait if this is the reality with the people who are from the COAS people give in dawa connect it with knowledge question is what do you expect is gonna be what you see from the imma tonight no that's a question no you're right I mean think it no you're right I mean you know they babble oh they're gonna do the same thing yeah that's why the doors have to be careful brothers were given doubt Allah kill missus missus and I want to say this right now for those brothers who are african-american descent especially back in America well we were given dower to the kitab and the sunnah according to that standing of the set up of this ummah and perfection is only with Allah we're not perfect but we started that dower for us to start or to continue to entertain the battles and the drama of this ship and Mecca or Medina or Saudi Arabia or wherever at the expense of our own issues our own we getting beaten ahead our wives daughters are getting beat up shot down there was a Muslim brother went to a restaurant called boobies Applebee's beginning in Tuesday halau they eat an Applebee's where they sell comer and gay people are there in Houma yes I'm not giving in today person goes and he gets assaulted he gets disrespected he gets his human rights as an American citizen they're compromised and they're being compromised by people who don't care what poop is he from you're just a black man in this country and you're not gonna get your Hawk and yet maybe it turned out that that same individual he hates me and I hate him why do you hate me he hates me because I don't make blind follow into his ship and his shield and all that my dawa is the dow the Kitab and the sunnah contender senator Sullivan is oh man bite my tongue for no one concerning that and you and your ship don't have the ability to excommunicate me so the question is why would you and I be at each other's neck when we have broader more important issues on the table that are staring us and afraid something's wrong with that so I think people are giving Gallo life to be the first people who have to stop carrying on in this way of always arguing and fighting and bringing people down that's why it's just a folder fitna Dawa on the internet brother yeah there's another thing I wanted to just mention briefly as well because a lot of time culture is miss viewed as maybe racism as well so maybe if if somebody gets rejected for a marriage proposal it they might think always because I'm white you know maybe that Pakistani family are not accepting me or maybe it's because I'm black or whatever it is but sometimes it's because you're not Pakistani you know it's because you know how it is even with the Indian Pakistani Bangladeshi dog and even within there certain tribes you don't even marry between the different tribes it's not necessarily always the case that is because you're white or because you're black or because you're this is because you're not something you understand and it's kind of like you've got understand that a lot of these people they come from villages miskeen villages right where it's like they've only known one particular culture they're not as multicultural as like me and you have lived in these big cities where these people of all different races religions backgrounds so it's a new thing for them that you know the Sun brings on you know a possible merge you know they should be bringing on it's just how you say right because they bring home you know you know someone from a different culture and the moment that like what's going on you know it's like it's not gonna happen you know so you kind of have to also have a bit of understanding of the different cultures and different kind of position that people are in like these people who are not kind of as aware of different cultures and backgrounds like you you go to certain African cultures and African tribes you know Africa very well you know in Nigeria you go to set a certain tribe say you want some early though there's no chance white man black man even african-american whatever or even a different tribe you know so these other things that play here is not always that people necessarily being racist or they're evil or they have evil intentions sometimes they just want the best for their people their culture I think that's a good point and that's a fair assessment you know the culture is a must start from the mossad there of a to Sri it's one of those factors that make things halau and haram with conditions certain things have to be present and your culture can make something Haram or it can make something hollow depending upon what it is so it's more trouble it's a considered and accept and accepted in the religion Allah mentioned in the Quran holder offal what more are at energy he mean forgive overlook pardon people and take the earth work by the earth the universal like applications and understandings that everybody up on and turn away from the ignorant people so the Prophet himself saw the light of the centrum John maintain he came from parish he was from the highest level his nessip of the Arabs he only married women who were high in their nessip he never married an ex-slave or something like that even the Jewish lady was mentioned earlier today Sophia been to create she was a Jewish lady but what did the Prophet say as you said so I said your uncle is a prophet your father is a prophet and you're married to a prophet so she has a lineage so the point is the Nabil so a lot of you said didn't marry a lady from Rome or something like that or someone from a lower tribe he didn't he married people from a high caste similar to him so you have to have what's known as an Mikasa compatibility so before I because I will forget because it's important for our youngsters to know it could be and it is usually the case that there's racism I've seen racism I worked with young people to help them to get married and they were disrespected and as being an older person to them I could have been me a father their brother they disrespect it the man is younger than me disrespecting me and my man abdul rahim 'not a gnat i disrespected us straight up because he was from a girl was from a different culture and his brother was afro-caribbean and the girl's family was darker than the brother darkening me but it was that racism hmm but I always tell young people but if you have parents don't speak English or your aunties and uncles grandmother these people are not speaking English and they're very cultural then it may be in your best interest not to marry a revert not to marry someone who's nothing from your background because if you marry that person you're gonna create a lot of problems your family's not ready for it your grandmother your mother can't communicate with him he doesn't understand the culture mm-hmm so he's african-american brother afro-caribbean and brother he married his wife there's my wife you talking about she has to come over here and clean the house gotta come over there she doing that and his gonna be drama some reverts who have been in this religion for 20 years 25 30 years they themselves have children they have daughters 18 19 20 23 she just got out of the university a revert wants to marry his daughter he's not he's not warm to that hmm he's not one Tibet because he had experiences himself with reverts one example so the white revert the african-american afro-caribbean revert he saw this mmm doesn't mean all reverse are bad but he himself is not open to the idea right away so I think that things got a chill out with you know there's a time I remember there's a brother I know white brother and we lose in Medina and we lose with a chef and the the brother said oh he's married but he's much too somali from UK so the sheiks face dropped yay and so Paula because obviously this shirt he's understanding as Somali is some someone from Somalia okay maybe from the village you know and and you got this white guy you know you know from from England right mm-hmm he can't visualize it so I had to say to the shake-shake you have to understand that they're actually the same culture you know this the Somali he's married he's from the UK they've grown up in the same culture the same schools the same you know just because she's from that background York the sheiks got a kind of image in his you know of like a sheep herder in his head you know I'm saying I'm so you know you gotta realize that sometimes the different cultures are actually the same culture now you know now living in a multicultural society like Manchester or Liverpool London you know people growing up say you know very similar culture and same thing that sometimes now they tried to marry like maybe a Pakistani in London who's born in UK with some village girl but something just came to my mind LaMontagne and I want to share some light on this even if it's just a quick shout out because want people to hear about it and you're from Manchester and when you mentioned Somalia my mind went to this that little sister that was drowned she appeared that they murdered her and they drowned her I think her name was shukri shukriya what's the latest developments with that case they're in Manchester did they bring the people were accused of that crime did they bring them to justice yet I think it's still going through at the moment brother Salim his sister Shabnam he's actually a part of this help mashallah Shabnam is your sister you know mashallah so she's been actually she's involved with law something like that yeah mashallah so she mashallah she's done a lot of work regarding this and it's an ongoing case at the moment but there's been some developments regarding some one of the children I've actually spoke and said that the other two were laughing and things like this that it wasn't taking it seriously her being in the water and but there's no official outcome yet but this definitely it's not the same story now then it was you know when it first happened so he's still going on the case so hopefully we can keep updated with that that's another example of how they were treated differently then it was exactly yeah and that's why I saw as a connection and the sister and I don't know the name I don't know her personally but on Facebook she reached out to me and sacks me a long time ago would you bring to the awareness of people who were exposed to your Facebook what's going on with this young sister shukri yeah I said yeah I'll do it and she was seeing information and let me know what was going on you know I didn't even know this was her relative I even know I don't know her it was just that through the internet so I wanted to take this opportunity because there is a connection the way they went about investigating because there were white people who were accused of being the Committees of the crime so it seemed like the police of Manchester were dragging their feet walking like Frankenstein like you must go to school yeah seriously yeah they were not taking the whole thing seriously so you know you know they're just allowed it and do tried to say there's no like boolean and things there's lots of bullying in that school or the canal as far as I'm aware I think all the kids have actually died right so suicide is something if you can John Fontaine in this podcast at the bottom you just put like some kind of thread a link if people wanted to help I want to know they can go to it because I support that initiative oh sorry about that bro no problem known as good as anything else you want to touch upon before we finish sure yeah yeah I just want to say really for the youngsters from our community and you know our community in general but the youngsters specifically that'll I described the Nama sons of korah she described the Jews the Christians Sikhs Hindus and he said in the Koran women and nasi minyak Buddha la ilaha roof they're those people who worship Allah on the edge if good happens to them if something good they become happy with it but if evil happens to them they flip on the hills and they become problematic the ayah shows that we as Muslims can't be like those people who don't know what we're doing this thing with black lives matter who's gonna talk what you're gonna talk about what you're gonna write about how you feel who you're gonna support our religion explains this we are not left just to do what we want to do say what we want to say so I would like to say to the brothers and sisters everybody calm down calm down don't be so quick to put your voice in the arena when you may not be saying what's correct it may not be helping the situation but you're confusing it you're confusing it so that's my advice to all the brothers all the sisters that we slow down and we also need to learn this whole issue about how to be tolerant with each other because people who don't understand it the way you see it they don't understand the way you understand they don't see it the way you see it the brother is really trying to get at the hub he's really trying to arrive at the truth he has a different understanding in you why is it that he's mayor he's watered down he's weak he's a deviant he's scared he's a straight why why and we don't find this coming from the scholars of the slam there's a shift and Mecca Medina his name is Abdul Merson that I bad he's the Sheikh of some of our chefs the father of some I was chef so forth so on tremendous time this man when this corona thing had happened people asked him you know can we pray spread out in Jamaat if we pray can we pray two meters apart Sheikh took the position and said no if you pray apart you're praying individually and you become like that person who came to the message and he prayed and the role by himself and the Prophet said no one should pray in a row by themselves he said your salat is no good that's what your Sheikh said at the beginning so people took that who have an agenda and they put that out hey shut up the rest and said you can't pray apart this is what you got to get with hmm no I feel you can't pray apart you can pray two meters apart the Companions of the Prophet sallallaahu saw them pray behind in companion and he made more than two rockets for salat o fetcher and they followed him in that and it didn't destroy their they followed him in that something bigger than being apart now on the point is the chef said recently listen don't take what I say but go back to the authority in our country Saudi Arabia the people get [ __ ] wha they say you can do this they say you people go back to what they say follow them not me mmm which is a sign of humility on his part so now the question is the people who wanted to use the first photo of [ __ ] up the Senate are bad people in the head with it and over the head the chef said look what he said but now the chef says something else yeah and you are hardcore on the people's necks and their shoulders with the first one so now everything you said about those people do we now apply it to the show what are you talking about we got it'll slow down with this stuff about beating each other up and being in hollering and then whoever does not live in a glass house let him be the first one to throw the stone we all have shortcomings hmm we're all problems and I'm not calling to know Newman hatch about all of the spokes of the wheel lead to the cinder we shall overcome and you know the rainbow coalition Jesse Jackson I'm not talking about that I'm talking about being easy and gentle with people who disagree with you as long as you know the disagreement is based upon proofs and sincerity inshallah or the problem pursue the person's trying to do the right thing you know we could go on for hours anything else it's good happy you here man I wish I had the ability to feed you but no no no we cannot become it's a pleasure to be here again I have nothing but love for you job I told you more than once you are my mother from another brother brother from another mother I got nothing but love for you and I got other friends and brothers like you brother in Birmingham his name is Joseph I've almost stuff up same brother same thing he's from up north originally I mean so many white revert brothers that we know who personally I don't feel that inferiority Fingal that superiority thing when I see someone white I think he's better than me and I'm lesser than him well if I see some white someone why I think I'm better than him and he said no Chuck we've been with each other so long no your bedside [Laughter] bless you man Jesus in light equal soup I'm at the Lomo Iberico I said when you know inland stuff you know cover to buoy like sin MIT grew up to love it [Laughter] no more be managed
Channel: Young Smirks
Views: 30,985
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abu usamah, islam, malcolm X, kaepernick, BLM, Black lives matter, protests, riots
Id: Qeje3Hsl3yw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 1sec (5161 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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