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[Music] hey guys this is Hell Hades this is a RAID Shadow Legends video guys I'm on the test server we're going to be testing out the current Fusion who I'm actually thinking the more I'm thinking about this dude more I think people are undervaluing him I'm going to test out if it's if that's true or not in this video so uh we're going to be testing him against the hardest levels of boml we're going to be testing him against the hardest levels of finite hard we're going to be taking him for a run in sanos uh against some high level like wave based content um and yeah and I guess we're going to test his damage as well why not so bzar the howler um yeah I mean I'm in that same camp of saying feels like he's okay perhaps not the best Champion we've ever seen but the more I'm looking at his kit the more I'm like well you know what does he just deal with some of the hardest bosses that people can't can't cope with so maybe he's more end game than he is early game don't know uh we we'll find out because a1's got a triple hit at random this is particularly good honestly for boml potentially especially if you're doing Auto bomb because you might be able to get those freezes on the bombs and the triple hit at random means that you got a chance to just kind of like freeze up the bombs around you uh yeah so triple hit it's okay obviously against fire Knight the more hits we get the better so that's good there as well especially for Fire Knight hard where the Freez is got a chance to lower ter meter so could be useful the A2 has got increased defense and allly protection this feels like a Hydra stroke Clan boss type of ability can't unfortunately get the removed stun effect in Clan boss lined up with your ally protection which sucks a bit honestly because these should be on different skills to make this a clan boss champion and well In fairness he just can't do the two things together you have to have him at the back end of the turn order to do Ally protection and at the front end of the turn order to do uh cleanse so it doesn't really work for that but I guess elsewhere where where are we going to be feared true feed maybe Hydra could be useful for that um you know and there's there's a bunch of places in wave based content where the rest of the things might happen and obviously Arena as well the a3s in AOE freeze books to a four turn it's okay um 100% freeze is great 100% chance of dropping ter meter as well is okay it's pretty cool that means you just got more time to get your your damage away from your team uh so it's a good control-based ability not brilliant What I've Loved about what raid have done recently and have not done it with this Champion is that when you've got Champions where stuff just doesn't work against bosses like freezes more recently they've given it an alternative like if if you cannot apply freeze apply something else like a drop defense or you know so the trouble with this type of champion is he just doesn't work against bosses which really turns people off like against Clan boss this does nothing this does nothing so literally this is all you've got and I'm not saying this is bad because actually for entry level clan boss it's great but yeah I really loved it when they were doing other stuff with these Heroes that just don't do anything in on Boss content which is really what people enjoy the most in this game anyway got passive here so whenever an enemy tries to freeze him he throws it back at the enemy that's pretty cool as well I guess are we going to have sorf in this rotation of Doom I don't think that we do obviously we won't freeze someone like a sorf but it might mean that he doesn't get Frozen and therefore can remove the freeze from your team which is quite cool as well and we've got here whenever this Champion is killed revives them with 30% HP and turn meter and then puts Revive on death on them as well so we're going to do a bit of testing around BM all with this is this going to be some sort of new mechanic which is going to help us so uh this is going to be bzar I think I think he's going to be solid if you pick him up but not a massive Game Changer but we'll see this video we can we can kind of test some stuff now I do have a bunch of Soul stones on my main account what happens on a test server is they transfer across everything you've got okay so none of this is going to stay on my main account but I'm really hoping that I can pull bzar Soul yeah it it makes a big difference having even a level one Brimstone on him honestly also looking for Souls from some of these other ones for other videos I want to do as well so let's just pull some soul Stones quick I'm just going to SP span through it and hope that we see blizzar but we know what soulstones are like and we know what the wish list stroke crap list is like as well so um just whiz through what's the chances of seeing gold very low just just a one star is what I'd love honestly one star give me a one star Brimstone I'd be happy with that that massively speeds up anything you're trying to do like for those watching this video that are perhaps a bit newer if you picking up your first fusion and it's oh sorry you're picking up any legendary then Brimstone makes a massive difference to your account okay when you get multiple Heroes you then start to be a bit more selective around what blessings you take but early on Brimstone is where it's at FL boss damage boss damage any of that stuff looks like though I'm going to have no luck here one more of the medium ones I'm kind of ignoring even what they are so I know that they're all totally irrelevant to me I'm going to do two big boy ones what's the what's your luck what's your luck what we got here I wouldn't mind that on the main account six-star Ugo we got gold we got a six star whatever anyway okay so that's that's useless to me that's useless right so we're going to start by taking a look at him on the hardest level of boml this is where I feel like if anyone's struggling with content and he might be able to bring some support this is where it is this for me is is going to be the spot so I built him like I would build a Samar gem curst yeah so Samar has got the ability to solo bomel uh similar to any solo bom or build I would do honestly so it's regen set with a mortal gear over 250 speed I've pushed High Health and good defense he's got a very high base defense and a good base Health anyway so anything scaling with that is going to work well I have built enough accuracy to land his his um freezes so over 350 is where you want to be for that I've not built him with any sort of damage so his damage is going to come through any wall Master procs obviously if I could put Brimstone on him I would do that and then basically what we've done is we just kind of Pumped Health made sure i' got some accuracy pumped some defense and some HP and then obviously speed wherever I can so I've still got room for glyph but I didn't want to go too insane um and yeah we're going to try them out in terms of masteries here I've got War so that we actually get some damage away otherwise like where's the dam coming from honestly uh we do have things like Spirit haste so that when our team die he gets more speed uh maybe I should have done Arcane Solarity for a bit more speed as well thinking on it might have been better uh I've taken worldwind of death so if he kills people in the waves he gets some more speed and then we got War Master for our damage that's pretty much the main masteries that I'm looking at now I was thinking about something like this so I've got a speed Aura from just a a someone who's going to die I've bought newtin not he he's not needed honestly but all I'm thinking is open with a blessed bash and hopefully uh hopefully he's dead before he gets a chance to try and push terer back but yeah open with a blessed bash to just get a load of the health gone we'll see if if this is going to help us I've got Wukong in here mainly because I would like him to um to land Brimstone yeah so I did this kind of strap thing is I did this strap with what's his name the big blue Big Blue Dude the solo dude I can't remember his name my brain has literally gone to Mush on names this guy bu and giri bu and giri I did this St with bu and G where actually Wukong dying gives him more healing so this is not going to be the case with blizzar so it might be that this doesn't work I guess we'll try it first I will say though blizzar is the right affinity for bom which is great so it doesn't mean that we've got a chance I've turned off on the boss the A2 and the A3 for blizzar the A3 unfortunately although it's an AOE freeze which is good for the bombs it also drops turn meter which we don't want we don't want any turn meter mechanics at all because that's just going to force more bombs but the A1 doing random hits I think might be enough to keep the bombs Frozen and therefore uh you know in in good shape honestly means that we we should be able to get the bombs Frozen which means they'll do less damage to us and obviously it will also um he's also got this revive ability right so big hit here start off with which is good one of the bombs is Frozen right now he's just A1 in A1 your life away my friend double freeze which is good he's healing through his uh Immortal and regen and then he's got the ability to to bring himself back to life it's tight already thinking Wukong is actually not helping us here hold on Wukong in this situation is not good although I would love his Brimstone damage um he's causing us more problems than not because we're getting stunned up as well so let's just throw someone else in this is level 90 don't forget so the other thing to bear in mind is we we can bring it down a notch like if you know this is obviously the hardest level of bomel if we can't beat the hardest level then it's still worth checking out like level 50 because that would that would basically show to us whether he's going to be helped for us in places like the Cur City sanos CU most people are struggling at the moment from what I'm seeing with the bomo levels same with my freeto play that I I tried a video yesterday and um yeah my freeto play struggled alongside it honestly I don't really want to have to push more stats than what I've got because already the gear I've got on him is decent two ads being dead here is good which means I've got less for bomel to kind of like stun up okay so onto the boss get a triple hit away it's about all he good for apart from yeah I guess yeah add in an extra layer of freeze good job n this is what I don't want though these these bombs ticking away are actually a bit of a problem so here we go we're basically Now One V one V3 and I guess there's a bunch of our G involved as to whether you get your freeze away or not so we've had the Revive on death freezes are coming in nice I don't think it's going to be quick because we've got very small like mechanics to actually get damage away especially having no Brimstone so we've had the Revive on death there this is like our danger moment I guess we need need enough turns to get it's why he needs to be fast need enough turns for him to get that passive back before he dies again so the difference I guess between him and Samar yeah is that he doesn't heal that much like the 30% heal is not massive on his passive you can kind of see there we're not still quite far away we're quite far away can I do anything to alter this so I've had a bit of a brain wave here I'm thinking I was building my bzar to deal with boml yeah so I'm up against bom that makes sense right I've come to hover on raid Shadow Legends down to the raid stages tool and I've just gone into Doom Tower rotation 3 which is where bomo lives hard 90 there's actually any content in the game that you can find in here to find what stats you need by the way um and what I was realizing is I was building enough accuracy to beat boml bom's resistance but I don't need that I need enough accuracy to freeze the bombs which actually means I can bring my accuracy down by like a 100 and still get a good proc rate on freezing bombs so that's cool means I can change my build up a bit uh to make him freeze the bombs that's what I care about so yeah so what I've done is I've taken his Banner off which was accuracy before and I put HP on it now I've also changed his gloves into HP gloves instead of Defense gloves because I felt like his Defense number was stacking quite High versus what I really needed more HP so the build is hard like I will say it like this is not an easy build 269 speed High Health High defense and then over like 230 accuracy is what I've gone for I've also changed up his masteries here and I'm going to be running in with Wukong so I'm thinking Wukong is my damage and bzar keeps the Run alive that's what I'm thinking so I'm grabbing some more turn meter when debuffs drop off I.E when bombs pop I'm grabbing extra healing from from my sets I'm grabbing timely Intervention which is giving me more term to when my Ally drops below 25% wukong's dropping below 25% all the time so I'm getting way more turns which means that I heal a lot more that's what I'm thinking uh we then build out defensive masteries I've got no war Master anymore on defensive masteries just trying to stay alive more turn meter if Wukong gets crits and the idea here is bzar has tons of turns which gives me more chance to get back to my passive Wukong does all of the damage through Landing Brimstone and basically they Duo it let's give it a [Music] go [Music] n [Music] [Music] the [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] well I didn't know if that was going to work on it honestly but it did you can probably see if I had a brimstone on blizzar here then that would be way faster and way more consistent but Sun Wukong plus blizzar against boml 90 hard is possible now I'm not saying it's easy because the build I've got on bzar here is high yeah it's a high level build it's a lot of stats but he he will help people that can't do it I don't know if without Wukong if that works the same because I've I had to take defensive masteries to be able to make that work but it does make it work if you've got Wukong which most of us should have because he was a freebie just recently the other thing is if I didn't have Wukong but I had Brimstone I think that works as well but I can't test that because I don't have it right now on the test server but definitely um it's definitely possible and that's that's the main thing is like is he going to help people with probably the hardest boss in the game or at least maybe the two hardest bosses in the game I think he does so I'm just thinking strip it back a layer here and just go with way basically strip all my accessories off and have a quick try of cranos with the same type of build cuz a lot of people are struggling with you know the first bomble boss here there's also I know I struggled with this on my freeto play where is there a Duo boss with boml as well pretty sure I fought a Duo boss with boml quite early on maybe I'm going crazy was it up here here you go yes you got boml and Ice Golem in dead rise is there any more bombo encounters there's no more bomo encounters I think there is a hard Fire Knight encounter so this type of freeze mechanic or yeah the ability to drop terer with freeze or try and deal with boml he's actually going to come up quite a few times in sanos so why can I not this is annoying now why do we not have ai setups in sanos the other question is can I even use him I can't use him can I now hold on yes I can yes I can hold on where is he oh support or attack type wow okay no he's not available he's not helping us with bomel uh this stage that's actually annoying let me just check this one Spirit Affinity no Ain tribes there so he's not helping us oh man ra you've let yourself down here you have let yourself down Force Affinity no aren tribes so anywhere where we might have wanted this Fusion in cintos uh he's not available that actually sucks you've let yourself down raid because that would have pushed people pushed more people to do this Fusion that's actually terrible terrible thinking from the raay team there right now we're changing up to a fire night hard build um which obviously is going to be or is the toughest content in the game yeah and you know doing a check he's actually not helping us in C tranos at all because they've actually they've made none of the levels relevant to bzar for in that we want all the bomo levels don't have Al tribes in it or they don't have Spirit Alan tribes I've had a look basically nothing on this rotation is going to help us so that sucks a lot honestly but anyway I've gone Relentless Gear with some perception we've pushed 100% crit rate high defense high accuracy and uh we've got warm in the build so what I've done is for now first first look stage 10 I've just removed my career down who's who I normally run in my finite team and put bzar in the same spot he's basically an upgraded kodan in my opinion for this sort of fight he's given us AOE control for the waves which is great he's given us increased defense actually for someone like nut who is going to hit harder and then on the boss all we're going to do is A1 and hopefully get some terer drops but it is it's not like a n 100% chance to drop it's a 50% massively but um anyway let's just go through the setup of everyone else I've got two Ally attackers longbeard and L theal basically when we get to the boss we need the Ally attack available we run in with Y call and get a double hit away and we also got decreased speed on his A2 so y Call's really good for this fight n's bringing us the A1 with all theery to drop as well as the Blessed bash for some actual damage and then it's just like multiple hits into the shield hopefully we get this guy dead fire night stage 10 my team is not a 100% team annoyingly but even with these stats it's not a 100% team if I get some bad RNG and this is where n versus bzar makes quite a big difference so if I had a second n with the 100% chance of dropping ter meter on the A1 I could make it 100% right but because bzar or crean in his place has got a smaller chance like a 50/50 as to whether he's going to drop turn meter sometimes I canot drop the turn meters um the boss's turn meter right the way back but that AOE control there is actually massive for the waves and that's going to be the same whether you're on hard Doom Tower hard finite anywhere in the game the AOE control is going to help you get through waves of enemies so that is actually quite a positive point for him here and when we get to the boss we're going to need our Ally attacks start pushing back Turner so 21 stacks of Shield is massive on this boss we go Ally attack drop a bunch of ter I've got n and bzar at the back of the group Ally attack now so new and Bazar should be dropping ter see that we got stacked back then drop Turner again from n should get decreased speed here from the car which landed drop Turner again from bzar and then n starts taking over and we get our blessed bash away and at this point you're just hoping that we get enough teret to drop in between the groups with the RNG now I'd say for me this might be like a 90% run it's all about that early part of the fight because at this stage we're now well in control yeah this I would say there's almost no chance I can't keep this under control now because bizar just dropping that Tate back one or two every time and we're really just looking now for the Blessed Bash from new to get the job done again without new in the team I still think it's incredibly difficult to do by Night hard like the highest level I could probably do it if this was cre down instead of N I could probably do maybe stage six but it would be slow and you know almost un unplayable unplayably slow but you can see here he does a job so on the two hardest bosses in the game he does a job and a pretty solid one honestly you know a pretty solid one he can be used in Clan boss as well and that's going to be decent for an early game player but this is for late game players is actually probably a you know slightly better area for him to be involved in so you guys thought I'd forgot no way we're doing maximum damage with blizzard the howler as well just to see if he does actually smack uh so we built him in Savage and cruel gear we've given him 6.8k nearly 6.9k defense 247 crit damage he's got Helm Smasher on and we're building him out with a increased defense Champion dropping the defense and weakening enemies and two Champions to buff a damage let's see what he's all about he's only got two abilities really to test here and let's not forget like you know we're looking for really for someone to smack hard on this sort of level we want to be seeing at least 300K I'd say's slow it down 300K would be big considering this is also a control ability A3 oh like 295 not bad actually not bad he's like solid damage not crazy damage I would say let's see what his A1 does his A2 doesn't hit so that would just be buffing your team let's just see what the a1's got going on not a lot not a lot his A3 hits kind of hard you're not going to build him for damage anyway but there you go lzard does do a bit of work anyway that's going to do it for this video it helps you on two of the hardest bosses in the game it hits kind of hard and he's going to be good for crowd control generally if you're an early game player or mid game player he might do some work for you in Clan boss as your Alli protector outside of that he's not really doing too much else on bosses but hey two of the hardest bosses in the game not that bad really anyway ho ho ho I'll see you later
Channel: Hell Hades
Views: 29,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raid, hellhadestv, hell hades, Raid: shadow legends, BLIZAAR WILL SURPRISE YOU! TAKES ON THE HARDEST BOSSES IN RAID! | Raid: Shadow Legends
Id: RiY7LZlKvvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 37sec (1597 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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