Blippi Visits a Children's Museum! | Blippi & Meekah Full Episodes | Educational Videos for Kids

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[Music] hey everyone it's me whoopi and look at where we're at today today we're at southern california children's museum whoa i love children's museums because you get to play around yeah and you get to learn at the same time but first i have someone really special to introduce you to hey blippi hey mika hi everyone this is mika she's my best friend hey you're my best friend oh no nika you're my best friend check out where we're at whoa the southern california children's museum cool yeah i'm so excited to show you around no i can't wait let's go explore yeah what is this hey it looks like a big mountain whoa why don't i climb to the top okay all right good luck look i made it to the top of the mountain oh you're up so high yeah and you're down so low wow that's opposite that's right high and low are opposites whoa so i'm gonna climb up now all right here i go whoa some people climb mountains for fun that's right and that was fun huh yeah that was really fun all right i'm gonna go down okay ready yep that was awesome hey whoa what is this it's like being in a bunch of spaghetti i love spaghetti whoa look it's like i'm an ant oh look i'm playing a flute or a telescope to look into the night sky a lot of stars wow so cool yeah what is this excellent whoa you push on the back side and then things come out the front side wow that's really fun yeah hey i know what do you know what this is check out the other side okay oh it's the number one yup whoa look it's the number two wow mika you did the number three yeah do you want to try sure four and what comes after four five one two three four five check it out whoa sandbox this is so cool yeah oh look a dump truck yeah we could put a lot of sand in here and dump it out let's try it all right here we go load it up yeah okay all right you want to hold the funnel yeah all right three two one now look it's coming out the bottom oh let's do it again that was fun all right maybe cover this truck this time okay let's cover the truck three two one [Music] all right start the engine don't forget me you can plow the road for me i'm trying my best whoa i love sand boxes what's over here whoa it's like the same but with fake snow yeah check it out it's white it looks fluffy i wonder what it feels like yeah [Music] whoa oh that's cold i know squishy yeah must be how you make it you must make it with water yeah i thought you're right blippi whoa looks just like real snow whoa makes me cold just thinking about it so pretty whoa yeah look at this it's like a snowplow no it's snowing whoa oh i'm trying to get to work but the snow's in the all way wow what else do we have here let's see [Music] wow a puppet theater yeah do you have tickets to our puppet show hello how are you oh hello oh hey friend what are you doing today oh i was just going to the store oh what'd you buy at the store oh i bought some fruit and vegetables yum i love healthy food you want to come over later and have dinner yes please yes thank you thank you thank you whoa what is this look it looks like a person yeah kind of like a doll yeah hello and there's all these ropes yeah they go all the way up to the ceiling whoa oh yeah look over there and back down on this side oh what do they do i don't know should i try and pull one and see what happens oh i get it this puppet's limbs are connected with these ropes and when you pull it the puppet moves that's so funny are you thinking what i'm thinking yes puppet dance party [Music] yeah all right your turn to dance okay get ready to dance are you ready mika yeah [Music] wow check it out nika whoa look at all of these cars wow they're so colorful yeah and look a ramp whoa that means we can race yeah maybe we should pick out some cars oh good idea how many should we pick out hmm how about three oh okay all right cars hey which cars are you gonna pick oh i like this one because it's purple and i love purple oh yeah yeah oh and i'll pick this one because it's orange one of my two favorite colors oh i also like this yellow one because i love yellow too wow good choice oh and look a blue car now i have my two favorite colors orange and blue yeah okay let's see one more hmm how about this one it's two colors red and blue wow cool oh and i'm gonna pick this really big heavy green one because maybe the weight will help it go down quicker yeah that's a good idea oh shall we race yeah let's do it all right which car are you gonna use first i'm gonna use purple first my favorite all right i'm gonna use orange okay all right here goes our favorite colors are you ready yep three two one go whoa yeah good job mika thanks you won the first round all right race number two which one i'm gonna use my blue car okay i'm gonna use the red and blue one all right are you ready yep three two one go oh yeah that was awesome thanks mika all right it's one to one and we have one vehicle left that's right the yellow car and the green car all right are you ready yep three two one go yeah that yellow one was really slow that's okay that was still fun though right it was so fun all right whoa whoa look at this flippy a super colorful train track wow it's the colors of a rainbow oh and look in here wow we have a locomotive that's right that's where the engine of the train is yeah the front whoa there we go bunch of train cars in here too oh what about this green one could go next oh yeah whoa wait whoa did you see that yeah it's magnetic that side made it go away and that one makes it stick together oh yeah you're right mika whoo maybe we can add another one then blue whoa there it goes okay there we go there connects oh and then oh it needs a red oh yeah the caboose goes at the end of the train whoa all right here we go [Music] wow this is awesome yeah this place is fun whoa yeah check it out we have some paint and balloons yeah look at all of these wonderful colors whoa looks like we have purple yep and red whoa and green and orange and yellow and blue whoa what should we do mika well we can use these balloons dab them in the paints and make a beautiful picture that's a great idea now let's make some art yeah all right i'm gonna take an orange balloon let's see purple paint whoa check that out whoa cool yeah all right [Music] now i'll take another balloon blue balloon put it in green right here all right here we go whoa good job mika thanks i made a smiley face see two eyes and a nice smile oh check this out i'm gonna take a green balloon dip it in some yellow and i'm gonna make a b for flippy there we go nice job blippi oh thank you whoa what are you gonna do let's see i have orange which is one of your favorite colors maybe i'm gonna make a little tongue on my silly smiley face now the face looks messy and silly just like you and me that's right right how about let's mix some colors oh that's a good idea how about uh maybe we can mix yellow and blue wow i wonder what color that'll make yeah let's see all right we made green yeah that's so cool whoa let's go yeah [Music] whoa i see a big whale what do you see a whale yep wow that's so cool we're on a lifeguard stand at the ocean yeah what else do you see i see a couple of dolphins you do yeah two of them yep wow that is so cool yeah whoa looks like there's some surfers right out there yeah right shall we go surfing yes let's go whoa check out the ocean whoa it's like we're on a whale looks like we have a surfboard oh surfboard how did you do that i'm catching a wave too look out there's a really big wave right there whoa keep your balance don't fall yeah makeup wow look at all of this cool it's a campsite yeah you have everything you need to go camping yeah it looks like we have a tent right here cozy yeah oh look a nice chair to relax in next to the fire we'll start that later and look whoa a picnic table that's a perfect place to have some dinner oh should we make some dinner right now yeah what do we have let's take a look hmm let's see wow oh we could have pancakes whoa yum or a tomato and a carrot oh there's also corn on the cob whoa yum oh looks like a plum yummy oh oh some salsa whoa that's funny okay what should we make there's hot dogs tacos there's a lot of good food in here yeah i have an idea why don't we barbecue some corn yeah that's a great idea one piece for you thank you one piece for me all right well there's some tools over here and some kitchen utensils for the grill all right thank you all right let's go here we go all right smells so good yeah looks like we already have some butter on it let's turn them over all right get the other side there we go should we shake it a little oh yep i love food on the grill i'll go grab the plates okay i'll be right back all right here's the place you want to dish it up yeah right one for you thank you for me yellow corn on the cob on a yellow plate all right wow i'm so thankful that you and i are having dinner together as best friends all right dig in [Music] yum i love vegetables especially corn yeah well since we're done with dinner shall we make s'mores yes i love spores for dessert come on okay all right fire okay let me start it okay whoa cool good job all right can i sit right here oh yeah oh thank you some marshmallows out all right oh here's the marshmallows put it on my stick okay all right thank you oh wow looks like mine is ready mine too all right let's try it i love camping because i always make s'mores after a healthy dinner yeah that's so yummy whoa i want to check out this tent all right well look there's a nice cozy blanket on top let's see tents are so cool check it out it's nice and cozy in here and it's kind of dark and i have this nice blanket actually getting kind of tired being in here maybe i'll just lay down for a minute ah my belly's nice and full the night sky is here yeah i think i'll just take a little rest [Music] it oh like she's snoring that is so silly i guess we should probably be quiet so then she can sleep ah but it is so nice just enjoying the night sky seeing the stars out in nature wow i love nature what a beautiful night a shooting star yeah that was so much fun what a fun day yeah i love children's museums because you get to play and learn yeah exactly we learned so many things today and we got to use our imagination yeah well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me yeah e-l-i-p-p-i flippy good job wait a second mika how do you spell your name oh i'll show ya n-e-e-k-a-h wow awesome all right see you soon see you next time [Music] hey it's me flippy and look at where we're at today you don't know where we're at yeah because it's an illusion today we're at world of illusions in hollywood california and this place is so awesome but first i have someone really important to introduce you to yeah it's my best friend hey blippi hey everyone i'm nico yeah this is mika she is my best friend you're my best friend oh no mika you're my best friend i'm so excited to get to hang out with you today yeah what are we gonna do well we're at world of illusions whoa i bet there's so many cool things to look at yeah there is and i brought my camera so i could take some pictures let's go come on [Music] wow look at this place wow did you see us we were so miniature back there yeah we were so little and now that we're up close we look bigger and speaking of big and gigantic whoa everything in this room is gigantic so big wow this is awesome wow let's count the eggs together okay one two three four five six six giant eggs yeah wow i was just going to say that i love how colorful they are what one is your favorite oh i think this one because there's yellow and purple and i like all these stripes this whole design whoa not like this one because it has orange and this kind of bluish color [Music] whoa look at this whoa check it out we're sitting in a giant dog bowl the dog food in here would be so massive can you imagine the dog that would eat from this bowl whoa that would be a gigantic dog definitely not a chihuahua wow do you have any pets out whoa let's go explore what's over here whoa what there's giant headphones yeah normally headphones are so small and that go on your ear but these are giant yeah they're really big this would be for a giant's i ears this unicorn yeah she loves unicorns do you want to write it yes oh can you help me yeah okay there you go all right actually i'm going to step up here and here i come all right be careful whoa whoa where are you going nico oh i think i'm just gonna go get some ice cream oh ice cream on her unicorn wow that is so silly how do i look you look really good maybe i should take a picture of you yeah whoa all right say giant unicorn on three one two three giant unicorn wow this is going to be such a great picture oh i love it thanks clippy you're welcome hey mika i have a great idea why don't we go play some and seek yes have you ever played hide and seek before yeah how about i hi okay and then you can help me find flippy oh we'll count together two five all right all right go ahead okay close your eyes [Music] ready one two three four five rub your i come come help me do you see bloopy see just flip you by the giant eggs hmm i don't see them there oh maybe it's a big doggo let's go back to the giant headphones not here maybe behind the really cool unicorn [Music] i'm over here did you hear that flippy did you see me oh nice that was awesome hey let's go play some more hide and seek together oh yes i want to hide all right let's go check it out we're in a kitchen yeah look at this giant piece it looks so yummy yeah i wish it were real looks like it's a vanilla piece of cake yeah and look at these yummy pink layers maybe strawberry pork raspberry whoa oh and the frosting up top yum sprinkles look at this whoa a giant cherry yum yum a piece of cake with the cherry on top whoa look over here whoa it's a flippy cup flippy tea coat yeah big saucer wow this would be a really big tea party yeah a flippy tea party nice and warm hey why don't you take my pictures that's a great idea all right i'll say tea party on three all right ready yep flippy tea party on three one two three flippy tea party yeah oh yes how does it look let's take a look together whoa i look so small yeah the cup is so big yeah wow oh thanks for taking my picture of course ooh thank you whoa wow it's so big look at this kitchen counter blippi yeah we wouldn't be able to reach any cookies if they were up there no it's so tall or if there's some bananas for some broccoli what would you want if it was up there i think i would want a nice tall cup of orange juice okay this would be a great room to play another round of hiding seats that's a great idea can i hide now okay yeah you can hide okay all right will you close your eyes with me and count to five all right here we go one two three four five okay ready or not here we come okay did she buy the cake hmm [Music] where are you mika i don't see you by the cake do you see mika by the cake not seeing her huh all right what about the teacup mika where are you i don't see her anywhere whoa where could she be mika oh maybe on top of the kitchen countertop chica where are you hi is she up here whoa nope i don't see her anywhere do you see mika where are you i'm behind you what she said she's behind me but i can't see her do you see her mika where are you [Music] what she's behind me i don't see her what you're saying that she's in a cupboard i okay check [Music] mika yeah we found her good job i love playing hide and seek yeah that was so fun yeah well shall we keep exploring yeah let's go whoa come doesn't flippy look so much bigger than me yeah nika you look so small whoa but check this out whoa now i'm really big and i'm really small [Music] you want to see how it works see how the floor is slanted it's kind of like a ramp yeah and mika was a lot closer to you and i was further yeah when i was closer to you i looked really big and when i was further away i looked small yeah you want to see an example see my two hands they're the same size yes but if you want him back and the other one forward this hand looks bigger than this hand because it's closer yeah this place is awesome really really funny yeah should we go explore something yeah let's keep looking [Applause] whoa hey check it out oh i'm sitting on an elephant trunk yeah and i'm balancing on an elephant tusk they sound like elephants together all right here we go oh will you act like an elephant with us [Music] whoa hey nika i should take your picture all right say elephants on three one two three this is gonna be such a great picture whoa wow it really looks like i'm sitting on an elephant trunk i know and it looks like i'm standing right now on the elephant oh yeah but if you come over here come over this way yeah you will see i'm just sitting on the floor and i'm just standing on the floor that's called an illusion wow this place is so cool yeah should we go explore some more yeah let's go come on surprise mama chick i'm not a baby chick i'm mika hello oh my god what are you doing hey flippy look i just hatched out of this egg you didn't hear me hey mika do you mind if i take a picture of you oh yes please all right what should i say how about baby chick on three okay one two three baby chick [Music] all right let's see this picture it does look like you're a baby chicken it really does thanks for the picture you're welcome thank you it's like we're jumping on a trampoline yeah with a bunch of cupcakes wait a second oh look at these cupcakes what colors are they i see orange [Music] is that why you always wear a purple shirt you know it yeah the green cupcake ooh it's wrinkled just like the camera another green and look it's not a cat it's another illusion it just painted on the floor yeah what cupcake would you want to eat oh this is probably the purple one yeah i would probably pick the orange one yeah yummy should we jump some more yeah let's do it yeah [Music] [Applause] wow what's wrong we are on the ceiling oh [Music] crazy [Music] we're upside down a second i have an idea will you jump with me on the count of three sure one two three one that's a little better yeah that's much better but now everything that should be on the floor fit on the ceiling yeah we were upside down but now the room is upside down we must be in an upside down house oh this is so cool i love upside down houses hey why don't we go see what other rooms there are in the uk yeah whoa whoa whoa whoa come on whoa oh and there's even some eggs cooking stove top wow [Music] whoa this is so cool what's for dinner look it looks like breakfast yeah [Music] yeah slice of pie yeah i love pie yum yum yum yum wow this room is so cool can we keep exploring yeah whoa bye-bye kitchen bye [Music] whoa the living room whoa this is awesome big couch is on the ceiling whoa i can almost touch it yeah look at the chair [Music] why don't we have a living room dance room party [Music] yeah good thing i brought my camera yeah and now we have this cool photo album yeah we took so many pictures yeah what was your favorite part of today oh right there i love the elephant oh yeah that was so crazy well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me yeah e-l-i-d-p-i yeah all right see you soon [Applause] [Music] and today we're here at medieval times in orlando florida whoa and look at it it's a giant castle yeah whoa we are at medieval times that was a really long time ago like all the way in the 11th century did you know back in medieval times people didn't drive in cars [Music] no instead they rode horses so silly hey have you ever wondered what it was like in medieval times yeah me too well today you and i get to go in the orlando castle and learn all about it yeah maybe we can even see a real life night that would be so cool come on let's find out whoa look at it it's a real life horse hello mr ah he's so sweet today we're here at the village stable yeah a stable is where the horses get to eat yummy food and take naps yeah and get all ready and geared up for the tournament yeah hey do you know what sound a horse makes yeah that's right they nay yay hey will you nail like a horse with me okay awesome here we go so silly well this is a really nice horse but how about you and i go help get the horses all geared up for the tournament come on let's go [Music] whoa look at it this table has all the gear that we're gonna need to get the horses all ready for the tournament yeah and look at this whoa yeah this this is a brush to help get all the dust and the dirt out of the horse's back yeah this is a body brush so it's for the body of the horse whoa and look at these ones right here spiky yeah these are brushes for the horse's mane and tail yeah they have longer bristles so that they can get through the hair kind of like the hair on your head so silly whoa and look at this this is everything we need to put on the horse we have the saddle pad yeah this saddle pad is really soft and squishy swish swish squish and this goes on the horse first to make sure that the saddle is super comfy yeah whoa and look at it this is a really big saddle the saddle can be kinda heavy and it goes on the back of the horse so that the knights can ride all around and it buckles in so it's kind of like a belt for the horse well just clip that in get on top and ride the horse super fast whoa and this this is the last thing that we need to put on top of the horse this is a comparison yeah and this comparison is the color green and brown yeah good job yeah the comparison helps the knight tell one horse and knight from another horse and knight so they don't all look the same in their metal armor and the white horses yeah so this comparison this will go over the saddle last [Music] well that's everything we need now it's time to get ready to get the horse ready for the tournament okay first let's grab a brush come on hello hey look this is a really beautiful horse hello his name is humo hi hilmo first let's brush hummo's fur his hair horses don't have fur so silly yeah brush brush brush all the dust brush off all the dust yeah and now that we've cleaned humor and got all the dust and dirt out of his back we can put on the saddle pad the saddle and the comparison let's go [Music] yeah we did it we helped humo get all dressed up for the tournament and look now he's the color green and brown yeah well that was so much fun helping humor get all geared up but now i think it's time for you and me to get all dressed up for the tournament ourselves okay we're about to go but i think humo's done a really good job being a horse and he's had all of his yummy vegetables and fruit for dinner so we're gonna give him a sugar cube hello good job humo that tickles homo you're such a good horsey well now it's time to go get dressed up ourselves come on [Music] hey it's me knight flippy that's so silly i'm not a real knight but today you and i get to learn about what it was like to be a knight a thousand years ago whoa that was a really long time ago have you ever wondered what it was like to be a knight hmm well you had to be brave and you had to ride horses so silly and you have to be strong and kind on second thought it actually is pretty tricky being a real knight look at it a real night and now it's time tonight sir blippi i am so excited because you and i don't only get to learn about knights but i get to become a knight but first i need to complete three nights challenges whoa and look at this this is the first night's challenge it's called the big rings challenge yeah so the way to win the big rings challenge is to take a lance which is like a really long stick and to put it through two rings in a row one here and one way down there if you only get one you gotta do it again until you get both to complete the nights challenge yeah this is gonna be so much fun but first i need to get some night scare come on [Music] whoa look at this it's a real life night's lance and this is really heavy this is what i'm gonna use to try to complete the big rings challenge but what's a night without its trusty steed and hey look this is my trusty horse brownie hello brownie hello okay i have my lance and i have brownie so we're all ready to do the nights challenge let's go [Music] okay here we go ready brownie okay i'm ready too nice challenge whoa oh i only got one ring that means that brownie and i are gonna have to try the knights challenge one more time [Music] brownie thinks so too okay let's go okay let's try this again i think i can do it let's go [Music] [Music] that was really hard i'm getting tired after that night's challenge but look we got both of the rings thanks brownie for helping me out that was so much fun and now it's time to move on to the second night's challenge let's go find out come on whoa brownie yeah we completed the first night's challenge we're really close to becoming a knight yeah okay so the second night's challenge is even harder needing agility hand strength and really good horse riding skills yeah it's called the flag toss it's when me and another knight will toss a flag back and forth three times and if you catch it all three times then you complete the challenge okay here we go i'm gonna need a little bit of help so my friend sir david is gonna help me out okay ready sir david ready okay here we go one two three one two three one two three yeah we did it we caught the flag three times this is so much fun thanks brownie yeah okay so all we have left is the third challenge and it's a really really tricky one it's called the night's dress up challenge i have to get all geared up with all the night clothes in under 10 seconds whoa i don't think i'm gonna need your help on this one brownie buh-bye i'll see you later at the stables okay i think i'm all ready the time on the clock here we go whoa this armor is so cool yeah we did it we did all three of the night's challenges and now i get to be night flippy i'm so excited that i think you and i should do a victory dance okay here we go [Music] that was so awesome now i get to be a knight not so fast flippy oh hey sir david there's still two more challenges left oh two more challenges but we already completed three i guess two more won't be so hard so what are the next two challenges well first you have to learn the night's code whoa do you know what the knights code is me neither sir david what's the night's code a knight is sworn to valor okay so we need to be really brave his heart knows only virtue okay so that means we'll be really kind his blade defends the helpless and his might upholds the weak that means you should always help others who need some help and his words speak only truth always tell the truth those are easy we can do that what's the other challenge well the other challenge is the javelin toss whoa that sounds like it's gonna be really really hard but hey i got all my knights armor and i think we can do it yeah okay here we go [Music] i think i'm all ready to go come on [Music] [Music] wow i can't believe we get to meet the queen and start the nighting ceremony yeah okay here we go i don't maria isabella queen of this castle and ruler of this realm we blippi once twice and thrice as nights of the realm yeah we did it good job thanks for helping me complete all of the night's challenges they were really tricky but we did a really good job it was so much fun learning all about nights from the 11th century which was really really long ago and it was nice that we learned that knights aren't only strong but they're kind and they like to help others well that's the end of this video but if you want to see more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name hey will you spell my name with me yeah b-l-i p-p-i flippy good job well i guess it's sir blippi now so silly well i'll see you real [Music] much to learn soon it'll make you want to shout lippy
Channel: Blippi Toys
Views: 3,876,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blippi, Blippi Toys, toddlers, children, preschool, learn colors, learn shapes, learn numbers, tractors, fire trucks, garbage trucks, monster trucks, learning, learn, Educational Videos for Kids, Educational videos for toddlers, educational videos for children, blippi animals, blippi videos, blippi playlist, blippi compilation, animal videos for toddlers, meekah, blippi & meekah, blippi visits, blippi visits a children's museum, southern california children's museum, toys, stevin, play
Id: fLssAdxpP0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 39sec (3099 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 24 2022
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