Blippi Learns Colors with Graffiti Art! | 1 HOUR OF BLIPPI TOYS

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so much to learn about it'll make you wanna shout with me whoa look at all of these colors hey my name's blippi and today you and I are gonna paint using these colors look at this be this this is a blank white canvas you see up there yeah there's a canvas with my name on it and I think you and I should learn our colors and paint the canvas oh okay so this is bright pink you spray it and paint comes out so let's let's pick one of these colors and spray paint the canvas yeah how about Orange whoa before you use spray paint you need an air filter so you don't breathe it in so this is a safety precaution so let's put on an air filter okay take the orange and let's go get up here we go [Music] all right that's enough Orange let's go get another color that was awesome okay let's see here let's do the color let's do the color blue all right Shake It Up [Music] [Applause] blue just like the color like my shirt hey Shake It Up now we're gonna spray it here we go [Music] that looks pretty darn good [Music] and I think that's enough spray paint yeah let's move on to these kind of paints oh interesting these look like the bottles okay let's start with the color pink let's go score the can [Applause] Shake It Up here we go all right watch out whoa that's awesome okay all right that's enough pink all right now how about the color green let's go I'll check it up real quick I didn't mean to do that look well there's no accidents here just silly little mistakes okay all right here we go that's awesome look at it up close do you see it running down yeah that's because of gravity [Music] how about the color yellow [Music] pop the lid here we go [Music] okay so we did Pink whoa green and yellow and now let's do the color blue but looks like we have to put the B back on hey it fell off [Music] all right hopefully that sticks oh the pee fell off now that's silly hopefully that sticks if not I have a great idea we must go fast now because I'm guessing all the letters are gonna fall off ready here goes the blue [Music] what other colors do we have um orange let's oh no oh [Music] stay there okay here comes the orange [Music] look at our art piece that is awesome okay let's go put this back all right and it looks like we have some other colors like red you want to see me squirt some red watch this red okay and looks like we have the color white okay here's some white ready [Music] and looks like we have pool are you ready whoa whoa oh our letters keep falling down so I think we should do one last thing let's throw some glitter on it yeah glitter it's kind of hard to use because it gets all over the place but I'm gonna use it with a paintbrush ready okay wow it's working look at this do you see the glitter yeah okay wow yeah yeah so I'm throwing these little metal chunks on it yeah [Music] oh it makes it really shiny look at it oh it's nice and sparkly okay one last one Mom's work okay a little bit more wait a second I was just kidding I meant a lot more look at all that Glitter here we go [Music] glitter on me for days check it out [Music] that was so much fun painting that with you all right now that some of the letters fell off I think we should take the other letters off okay let's take off the letter i let's take off the letter p [Music] take off the last I wow that looks so cool well I had a lot of fun learning colors with you let's recap the colors okay I see green pink yellow blue Orange and white yeah for blippi blippi see you soon bye-bye [Music] but before we play we have to take off our shoes all right cheers my first shoe okay here is my second shoe all right let's go play have fun oh thank you hey come on whoa look look oh some farm animals ooh a cow oh another cow [Music] a pig what else do we have over here oh a horsey oh whoa look at this it's a body interesting like my body like yeah I have a body like my abs my chest my back interesting and in this video you and I are gonna learn about the parts of our bodies wow all right let's go see what kind of parts we can find for this body come on [Music] follow ball pit wait a second look over here come here look at what I found whoa see these these are arms arms and hands yeah just like what you and I have whoa all right so let's take these arms and hands put them on our body I love my arms and hands because it helps me pick things up like this blue ball and throw it at you whoa or this red one whoa or this yellow one oh I did that with using my hands and my arms to throw the ball all right watch what else I can do with my arms and hands look at all these colorful balls wow I love my arms and hands all right see what other body parts we can find look at this red train here we go what's this a purple car and look at these tracks all right make way all right here's another one here we go perfect we have one more but this one I'm gonna ride on it ready oh do you see what I see look down there whoa see these these are feet yeah like your feet and my feet and and also legs wow I love feet and legs let's pick out a pair see let's do let's do the orange ones huh that's that's cute look has toes on the feet yeah see now our body can stand up whoa speaking of standing I really love my feet and my legs because look they allow me to walk they allow me to stand they allow me to jump and they allow me to do this [Music] I love my legs on all right whoa there's so many things I see with my eyes over here whoa hey speaking of seeing with my eyes I have a game for us to play all right I will look at something behind me and from there I'll tell you what I see and then you have to look and see if you see what I see all right are you ready [Music] okay I spy a butterfly [Music] do you see a butterfly yeah come here whoa this butterfly is so beautiful I love looking at butterflies they just flap their wings and they're so graceful oh [Music] okay let's play another round of I Spy all right [Music] I Spy eyes a dog [Music] do you see a dog [Music] oh what a cute doggy oh so cute oh perfect whoa look a bunch of eyeballs whoa look their eyes yeah just like you and my eyes they allow us to see ooh I love eyes yeah just like how I I saw something and then you had to look to see something we used our eyes perfect all right I'm gonna pick these eyes but there's so many different eyes we can pick from oh These are nice oh these are real cool but let's use these yeah okay let's put them on right here oh oh oh maybe I can't use those ones they're a little too big okay let's do these ones yeah perfect yeah there you go look we have a a body which is the ABS yep and then the chest yeah the core the back we have the arms we have the eyes the legs and the feet let's go see what other body parts we can find oh [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] wow that was awesome oh look Channel [Music] it sounds so pretty when I play this piano I'll play it again listen oh wait a second look at what it is oh look at what they are yeah they're ears wow whoa so these yeah are ears see just like these on the side of my head they allow for sound to come into my head and that's how I I hear you and you hear me when I talk whoa let's put these on our our body okay so these ears are on our head which those allow us to hear things yeah we can hear things like birds chirping outside or we can hear like people talking back and forth or we can hear things like like the tractor song when I play this piano [Music] they get the job done hahaha what an amazing song to my ears that was okay let's go find some more body parts whoa yeah right two for two yeah okay you wait right here I'll be right back okay hello hi I told you I'd be right back okay let's go [Music] whoa the stroller okay come on baby let's go I'll put you right here all right let's go oh hey some fruits and vegetables let's put those in there so we can cook them thinking of cooking vegetable vegetables look some corn on the barbecue whoa it smells so good oh wait a second look down here yeah speaking of smell how you smell things is with your nose that looks like there's a lot of noses down here like this big red one for this orange one or this purple one okay let's uh let's pick the purple nose yeah okay [Music] oh I think it's upside down there we go that looks good has a big nose that's nice I like it wow I love having a nose it allows you to smell things like have you ever smelled a flower before oh I love the smell of flowers or have you ever smelt the smell of stinky socks [Music] the nose allows you to smell oh geez I'm kind of getting hungry huh let's go get a snack come on [Music] hello can I have a snack sure what would you like flipping oh let's see what they have whoa so many options I know what I want hello can I have a veggie straw packet thing sure thank you very much huh come on yum to open it up ooh yum and Orange veggie straw hmm a yellow veggie straw hmm [Music] so tasty hey have you ever wondered why do we have mouths oh yeah look Mal's right here there's teeth there's tongues and there's there's lips wow I love my mouth because it allows me to do things like talk to you hello hello hello hello hello it allows me to sing oh it allows me to yell hey hey over here hello oh it allows me to eat things too like these veggie straws [Music] it allows me to whistle [Music] and it allows me to smile oh I love the mouth okay let's pick a mouth for our person okay let's do a big smile all right here we go look at that so beautiful I love it [Music] that was tasty all right come here [Music] thank you [Music] look a dump truck wow but look at what's in here whoa some hats ah I love hats see I'm wearing a hat right now because the Hat goes on your head which is another part of your body whoa your hat your head is where the Hat goes and your head has your eyes your mouth your nose your ears and your brain you are very smart you are very special all right let's put the Hat on the head of our character perfect look it's complete all right let's go over the body parts we learned about okay let's take the color red and blue all right let's put you right there and let's write all the parts so the head [Music] and the eyes [Music] the nose [Music] laughs the mouth the ears [Music] the feet [Music] the hands [Music] and um I think that's everything okay no wait wait come on yeah the legs Perfect all right so here we are so these are the body parts that we learned today I have a game so what I'm gonna do is I am going to say the body part and you have to point to your body part ready um okay your head point to your head your head good job all right let's cross off head all right now point to your ears yeah your ears that's how you hear things hear with your ears all right what about your mouth [Music] point to your mouth [Music] ah your mouth okay now your hands point to your hands hands yeah good job all right point to your nose [Music] with your nose yeah you're not your nose yeah your nose okay now point to your legs point to your legs yeah your legs all right good job and point to your eyes will you point to your eyes yeah right here whoa your eyes thank you and last but not least point to your feet are you pointing [Music] [Applause] all right there we go that was so much fun learning about all those body parts with you whoa that was so much fun well thank you so much for learning about body parts with me at fidgets indoor playground in Las Vegas Nevada well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name let's spell my name together ready b l i p p i B good job that's my name bye-bye hey it's me Flippy and I'm just reading this really cool book yeah it's called Penguins love Colors by Sarah aspinal it's about all these penguins that have a different favorite color green blue violet red orange and yellow whoa I love this book whoa check this page out yeah it looks like a garden there's so many flowers and So Many Colors oh even a rainbow hey rainbow Plus Garden equals rainbow Garden hi bliffy oh hey who are you I'm Sarah Oh Sarah aspinall wait a second like the author and the illustrator of this book that's me would you like to make a rainbow Garden of your very own blippi yeah I think that would be so much fun we'll come this way I've got all of the things you need oh all right here is a box full of lots of fun art surprises for you to have your very own artificial wow well thank you so much and we are very excited to make our very own rainbow Garden have so much fun blippi all right see you later bye are you excited yeah I sure am let's do this wow all right let's find all the things that we need inside this box whoa yeah hey oh wow it looks like we have a white palette okay that right there [Music] oh wow an apron yeah a green apron it actually has a lot of paint on it I'll set that right over here and we'll put that on before we start using all of the paints whoa hey bunch okay sponge right there oh salad spinner oh I know what this is used for I'll show you really soon okay and we have some scissors little paintbrush and of course a lot [Music] I think that's all let's see yep that's all okay let's put on this apron so then I don't get dirty all right here we go tie it nice and tight [Music] all right okay let's organize a little bit alrighty okay have our paint over there salad spinner right there big piece of white paper little Beanie paintbrush put that in there oh can't forget about the book so then we can reference what we're making how about that yeah perfect yeah remember we're making this picture bow Garden all right so first we need to make a big piece of paper of rainbow colors so let's take a little bit of red and a paintbrush we're gonna put it on the sponge okay just squirt it right here okay and now that we have a lot of red right there we need to do all the other colors but I actually have an idea I think I should use this palette and fill it up might make it a lot easier foreign [Music] okay now let's take the paintbrush all right and let's put some orange right here yeah so now we have red and then boring and wash off our brush perfect and we need some yellow here wow yellow is so pretty it's like the color of the sun okay lots of yellow right there now we need some green hey whoa green perfect [Music] after green we need some blue [Music] good amount of blue right there we're almost done and now we need some violet purple they're very similar in looks there we go how does that look yeah like a rainbow all right now for the fun part push it down right here yeah whoa look at that wow yeah and you do that same thing many times in a row all the way down so I'll do that now [Music] that is so beautiful okay I'm actually gonna set this over to the side so it can dry it's a little wet still perfect okay now what we need to do is take this salad spinner yeah you normally put salad kale romaine lettuce inside here any spin it around [Music] and it flings all the water off of it but but today what we're gonna do is we have a white piece of paper right there and we get to put some colors in here and then spin it and then it pushes all the paint off to the edges ready we'll put some yellow yeah that looks really good and then how about we put some orange I love Orange yeah just like that wow yellow and orange how about a few drops of bread how about that just a couple there we go perfect all right now let's put the top on it's all sealed here we go [Music] oh that was awesome I just spun it so fast let's open it up and see what we have inside whoa that is amazing we just made that by spinning this around really quick okay it's pretty wet so let me put it off to the side so then it can dry okay now that I put that off to the side to dry the original Rainbow probably ready to use so let me get it yep it's nice and dry all right so now what we need to do let me organize this paint I don't want it to get all over me now that we're all done painting so what we're actually gonna do is take this and make a little squiggly line while we cut ready yeah yeah it's like this [Music] [Applause] oh kind of like a worm worms squiggle around or a caterpillar or a snake see this [Music] yeah that out okay now what I need is a white piece of paper that one right on the ground over here and then I put it on the top do you see that yeah it's like a rainbow just like in Sarah's picture so let me get some glue right over here all right now that I have this glue I can glue it down if you ever use the glue stick before it's kind of fun yeah it's not all liquidy like the normal type of glue this is a glue stick you just kind of like color it on but it's no color you know like as if you're coloring yeah there's no color to it it's clear perfect wow this looks amazing you and I are doing a really good job all right next step is to take this remember the rainbow and cut out some stems and grass from the other side I'm gonna set this down right over here so then I can start cutting hey let's cut a nice long stem that it's like a really thin long rectangle perfect let me do another one I'll start with two how about that yeah oh whoa there we go we have two long rectangles yeah one two and these are gonna be the flower stems okay put them right under there now we need some Blades of grass so what we're gonna do is some triangles just like that it's a nice tall Blades of grass as if you might need to mow your lawn yeah and these Blades of grass I'm cutting yeah our triangles just like I said whoa how does that look do you like that blade of grass I sure do all right let's put those right here I'm gonna set this aside and grab my piece of art that had the Rainbow on the top and then go I'm gonna be able to put these on the bottom and I'll actually cut some more but let me flip this around and take my glue stick again whoa one right in the center how about one to the side a little bit huh here we go I love doing art yeah how does that look and we'll do the blades of grass too so colorful wow here we go all right okay all right looks like I need to cut some more and then glue it all down so let me grab the piece of paper and I'll cut a bunch all right whoa check it out all right I did all the blades of grass and all of the flower stems now we need to do the tops of the flowers so remember earlier we did the salad spinners yeah look at all these other ones that I have Okay so let's cut them up so then we can use them for the flower petals let's do a half circle [Music] yeah like that I'm not that and then we can also do yeah something really big because this one is gonna be a very big flower perfect how's that look all right and then we need some leaves on this one so let's go like this [Applause] and perfect yeah just like that and then we can start gluing them down and making our flowers so let's go like this because this look [Music] that's a beautiful flower I love the smell of flowers then this one will be another flower ah damn hey let's do this actually not a stem a leaf we already have the stems right there so Leaf right there right in the center okay I'm gonna cut some more and continue to glue them down here I go all right last but not least put the center of the flower yeah that's like where all the pollen is all right how does that look wow we made our very own rainbow Garden ow what a beautiful picture well thank you so much for learning about all the colors of the rainbow today with me and about flowers and also that amazing book about penguins by Sarah well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me ready b l i p p i flippy good job all right I'm gonna go frame this and put this in my tree house alright see you later hey it's me blippi hi and I'm and today we are at the color factory in New York City New York yeah that's right there's so many colorful things here and you get to take pictures and maybe we can learn about colors we've never seen or heard of before that would be awesome let's check it out come fun oh check out this colorful ceiling yes paper do you feel it oh yeah it is made out of paper it's like a ton of colorful beautiful bookmarks yeah what do you think it looks like maybe it looks like hair really fun to have rainbow colored players yeah Mika can you find your favorite color or one of them oh I see yellow over here whoa look [Applause] hey [Music] let's keep exploring let's go [Music] whoa this place is so cool yeah so colorful yeah hey what is this it says welcome to color factory starch okay oh get a little card with a smiley face on it and there's a QR code on the back let's scan it here oh we get to use this to take fun pictures oh that's so cool where's poopy blippi do you see Flippy surprise what are you doing well I found these macaroons Chef blippi At Your Service oh macaroos they're moving yeah it looks like they're on a macaroon train wow this is so fun what color would you like oh um let's see there's a lot of colors it means a lot of flavors I bet too I bright pink one oh one pink macaroon please here you go thank you and that orange when they're fully whoa okay oh thank you so much and the green one there a green macaroon thank you I'll eat those later I think I'm gonna eat this blue one it looks so tasty I wonder what flavor of blue macaroon is let's see [Music] taste like [Music] well enjoy hey I see something over here I think I can use my ticket it says scan here okay okay three two one Jesus awesome that was a good picture whoa let's check out this room come on let me look at this hallway oh it's so colorful so colorful and look over here oh that's right and it sticks to the wall because it's magnetic whoa what's magnetic me when something's magnetic that means that one piece of metal pulls another piece of metal towards itself whoa It's like that really sticky yeah you've probably seen magnets before on your refrigerator that's fun wow and look at this I can take one from this color and switch it with this one whoa oh that looks cool let's keep picking up colors whoa oh clippy I see one of my favorite colors no yellow yellow is a primary color oh what's that mean that means that there are not any colors combined to make yellow wait a minute you mean some colors you can make by mixing up other colors that's right oh I'll show you I see one of your favorite colors over there whoa like it's the color orange yeah whoa check it out oh Mika what two colors make up orange yellow and over here I see red whoa check it out yeah to make orange you need yellow and red and then they mix together and make orange I love Orange it's so bright and fun oh I like this bright and fun color wow it's bright pink I wonder how you make pink oh you take bread and why yep mix it together and you'll get pink it's purple how do I look am I matching oh you match you look so good can I guess what two colors make up purple oh sure hmm well purple's kind of maybe red and let's try mixing Red with blue okay ready oh yeah red and blue make purple yeah hey let's go find some other colors another colorful room whoa what's this oh this is a mallet you use it to play instruments yeah oh whoa nice yeah look at this one whoa that's low yep it's pretty high yeah oh hey let's play some music together yeah let's do it [Music] wow whoa this room is so colorful this is so cool there's confetti everywhere oh yeah where's it coming from Steven oh look up it's raining from the ceiling this might be one of my favorite rooms yeah me too oh do you know what confetti is yeah look it's little pieces of paper that you throw in the air yeah usually for a celebration oh or a surprise yeah for a Confetti Party foreign hey Mika let's make the biggest confetti shower ever oh yeah let's do it no okay ready here we go one two three that's a lot of confetti hey what's that there's another scan here box oh I can use our little oh first I'm getting Betty in there okay let's scan it oh the camera we can get another picture okay here we go two wow that's gonna be a fun picture you make confetti angels [Music] yeah this place is so much fun I wonder what else is here let's go find out [Music] I don't know here you want to try sure whoa Amiga try them on oh fun music oh I know what this is It's a silent disco or a silent dance party yeah I love dance parties yeah the only way you can hear the music at the dance party is if you're wearing these headphones oh yeah you want to hear okay here fine right [Music] whoa yeah I like this song yeah should we dance yeah let's have a dance party [Music] wow this room is amazing oh look at the floor let's [Music] get moving and grooving and jumping up let's shake it all out another scan here box whoa let's take a picture says get ready okay [Music] nice picture wow such an interesting looking room yeah it's also really colorful yeah oh it kind of looks like a desk there's some paper here and colored pencils yeah oh and there's rooms on the other side too oh I wonder what we do here hmm oh it says observe the person sitting across from you oh you should sit on the other side and we can observe each other anything we can sketch each other too yeah that's really fun it's like a coloring game yeah we can do it okay I'll see you on the other side [Music] I thought you would like the blue and orange table ah thanks I do okay so make sure you have a pencil and make sure it's nice and sharp oh yeah yeah this is a pencil sharpener you put the pencil inside like this and it sharpens Isn't that cool oh that's really cool yep nice and sharp okay so it says observe the person sitting across from you what colors do you see in your partner's eyes hair clothes or accessories oh okay [Music] I'm gonna color this brown because blippi has brown eyes whoa get away Nika I'm coloring it brown because you have brown eyes oh we have the same color eyes the next one says oh this is easy it says guess their favorite colors hey can you guess our favorite colors okay yeah you could guess okay if I had to guess I would guess that your favorite colors are red and I'm just kidding I know that blippi's favorite colors are orange and blue whoa yeah you're right those are my two favorite colors yeah I guess too hmm if I were to guess I would guess that Mika's favorite colors are green I'm just kidding purple and yellow you got it those are my two favorite colors yeah and I see their cards over here yeah let's see this says you deserve a blue ribbon oh that's so nice ah the Blue Ribbon is usually a first prize something that you would get if you won something and you did really well at something you get a blue ribbon so this is a compliment what is yours say this is also a compliment yeah oh it says you're the zest to my orange yeah this zest is a really good part of the orange yeah you can put not food it means you're really special oh and on the other side it's blank so I'm gonna write a compliment for you blippi oh okay all right a compliment to you to me okay a compliment is something nice you say about another person okay okay should I give you my card yeah I have something for you okay Mika is very good at making me smile that is so sweet thank you whoa and Mika wrote you are a great dancer oh that's such a nice thing to say this is such a fun game I wonder what else is here let's go find out hurry come on one two three whoa oh whoa wow this is a giant blue bumper yeah it's so big I know oh wow hey it's kind of like a snow angel whoa [Music] watch this flippy three two one whoa whoa oh hey Mika look there's a camera on the ceiling we can take another photo okay [Music] oh that's gonna be a really silly one yeah that's good yeah how do we get out of here uh oh over there over there over there oh yeah over there okay here we go [Music] we did it we made it yeah out of the ball pit whoa there's a window over here and it says surprise oh Mika I love surprises me too it looks like we get to pick one of these toys what are you gonna pick I don't know which toy do you want oh look at this oh no way look it's a cup but then it gets really tiny yeah and it would fit really nice in my bag I think I'm gonna take this cup yeah look at this oh it's silly straw you're so silly whoa and it has a little face hello I think I'll take the straw hey flippy we should go check out all of our photos from today yeah we took so many yeah these photos are so amazing I put them all in my journal yeah such a fun day with you oh Mika how many photos did we get oh let's get one two three four yeah four photos what a blast of the color factory right yeah we learned so much like primary and secondary colors and had a lot of fun with confetti oh and we had a dance party such a good day it was great to end it with a sweet treat and a surprise well that's the end of this video but if you want to watch more of our videos all you have to do is search for my name hey you spell my name with us okay here we go [Music] Philippi good job will you spell my name with us cool [Music] all right see you next time [Music]
Channel: Blippi Toys
Views: 531,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1 hour, 1 hour of blippi, Blippi, Blippi Toys, Educational Videos for Kids, Educational videos for toddlers, Kids, arts, arts and crafts, best of, best of blippi, blippi animals, blippi full episodes, blippi learns, blippi learns colors, blippi playlist, blippi videos, blippi visits, children, fire trucks, for children, for kids, for toddlers, graffiti, graffiti art, grafitti, learn colors, learn graffiti, learn numbers, learn shapes, learning videos, preschool, toddlers, tv
Id: h8Qezd-JhYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 28sec (3748 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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