Blippi Discovers Buried Treasure πŸ‘‘ Blippi Wonders | Learning | Cartoons For Kids | After School Club

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[Applause] [Music] activate flippy station it's time get up and shout I wonder what we'll learn about flippy [Music] wonders Land [Music] Ho hide our treasure first mate Deo I love playing Pirates yeah me too what is it [Music] Debo wa wow it's a treasure map hm I wonder how do you find buried treasure I can help X is where the treasure is buried so cool but how do we get to the X first we need to figure out where we are do you see anything you recognize from the map hey that elephant-shaped rock looks just like the one on the map now you see those dashes according to the map scale each Dash is equal to one step H there's five dashes so that's five steps right and according to my compass watch we need to walk five steps North which is this way 1 2 3 three four five the map says we need to climb up the tree how are we going to do that look a rope [Music] [Applause] ladder nice work first mate Debo treasure here we come wo a a secret door but how do we open it h this Hopscotch grid is on the map I've got it blippy try hopping only on the blue squares all right we did it let's [Music] goe w [Music] oh x marks the [Music] spot woohoo we found the treasure and I got the answer to my question how do you find buried treasure to find buried treasure you need a map and to follow the directions written on it to find the X upload answer Debo let's see what's inside the great big book of curiosity wao what a curious kind of treasure huh [Music] yay W who were they let's go find [Music] out wo that looks great flippy yeah now all that's left to do is make the horn sound like a brasis Bronto Brown let's sound it out brown toe s brontosaurus awesome stupendous Perfection oh wait I don't think this book has a section on dinosaur sounds H I wonder where can we find more books about dinosaurs oh I know let's try the library great idea Babel look the Bronto mobile is ready for adventure oh all right yeah books sh [Music] sorry wao hey it's me blippy and this is tabs hi I'm Katie the caterpillar here for any of your library needs and I'm Babble oh my oh my a whole section of balloon animals I love books so much hey Katie can you help us find the dinosaur books of course I can help wait for me I want to come too oh no wo W flippy W wo Yik welcome to the travel book section this oh no Katie thanks flippy look we've reached the fiction section oh fiction means the stories are make believe look out wa how to ride a bike where is how to ride a library card and there's nonfiction nonfiction sh means the stories are real over there are books about magic and wild animals and fire [Music] trucks dinosaurs to the left wao a whole section on dinosaurs sh sorry hey tabs can you help me carry these please dinosaurs from to Z the biggest Roar and more my friend the Triceratops hey Babel do you think I have too many books about dinosaurs you could never have too many books excellent choices thanks for your help Katie and I got the answer to my question where can I find more books about dinosaurs at the library yeah upload answer tabs bye bye-bye [Music] yeah I hope Grandpa blippy gets his birthday card in time H I wonder how does a letter get to where it needs to go great great idea Debo we'll shrink down and follow the letters to find out I'm going to need wings wings confirmed shrinking down the blippy mobile is ready for adventure woohoo I wonder where all these letters and postcards are going who hi there I'm Lana the letter hey it's me blippy and this is Debo Lana we're wondering how do letters like you get to where you need to go who what's happening we're moving one step closer to our destinations just stick with [Music] me everybody hold on we're in for a bumpy ride Lana where are we going we're being transported wao to Grandpa blipping mailbox not just yet we're at the post office wo the post office so cool wo now it's time for us to get sorted sorted how first by size just think like a lad blippy huh yeah once us letters and packages are sorted by size we are sorted to face the same way woo that pickles and then the letters are scanned for their stamps oh no but what if I don't have a stamp I got you covered yay wait where's Debo [Music] [Applause] he's probably enjoying the ride just like us [Applause] wo there you are Debo where are we going now to the mail [Applause] truck the truck takes every letter to the exact mailbox it needs to be delivered to so cool next stop Grandpa blippy house bye Lana thanks for helping us get around the post office bye blippy and [Music] Deo what do we got here a birthday card from blippy hot dog a he loves it and I got the answer to my question a letter gets to where it needs to go by being dropped in a mailbox transported to the post office sorted then delivered by a mail truck upload answer Debo [Music] woohoo I'm so excited to watch the rocket launch [Music] Debo wow it must be so cool to go to outer space H I wonder what's it like to be an astronaut great idea Debo let's fly up to space and find out I'm going to need a rocket booster rocket booster confirmed the blippy mobile is ready for adventure last off there it is deo hey there Space Explorers hey hey it's me blippy and this is Debo hi blippy and Debo I'm Rihanna we're wondering what's it like to be an astronaut that's a great question come on board and I'll show you awesome W welcome Debo you're floating that's because Gravity the invisible force force that keeps your feet on the ground is weaker in space so you float astronauts call this zero gravity whoa hey Debo how about a [Music] snack oh no those snacks can jam up my sensors don't worry Rihanna I've got this um hey blippy there's one more over here astronauts eat special food from special containers that you have to add water to as well as fresh fruit and veggies over here see you have to put the water back in so you can cook the food and eat it wow oh no Debo how did you get out there he must have gotten out through the escape hatch blippy I need you to go out there and fix the Rockets Navigator all right blippy wait you need to wear a space suit to go on a space walk oh yeah hey come back here boot now you're ready the space sup will protect you from the cold temperatures of outer space and provide you with air so you can breathe [Music] w h I think I need a special tool to open this hatch and fix the [Music] Navigator all right thank you blippy you fixed the Navigator now I can keep exploring outer space yeah and I got the answer to my question what's it like to be an astronaut it's awesome you get to float around in zero gravity wear a space suit and go on Space walks upload answer Deo don't forget about the space food oh yeah thanks fan [Applause] bye-bye fun in the sun here we come good idea tabs I should put some sunscreen on first oh no I can't find it h i wonder why do I have to wear sunscreen oh no is it really that important what are we going to do no sen your super sunscreen to the rest rescue wo hola amigos that means Hello friends hey it's me blippy and this is tabs here blippy hold out your hands okay even though sunlight is good for you we need to make sure you're protected Perfecto bipy all right now we can finally have some fun in the sun uh-oh hey there boom flppy you can't go play yet you missed the spot huh how can you tell here look through these special sunglasses I made W cool that's the sunscreen working to protect you the sun gives off extra strong beams of light called ultraviolet rays even though you can't see ultraviolet rays too much can cause a sunburn what's this spot that's the spot you missed I hold out your hand [Music] bleepy all right oh no that person missed a spot too we must protect them with sun [Music] screen to the blippy mobile helpy go I'm going to need helicopter blades and the harness helicopter blades harness confirmed shrinking [Applause] down the flippy mobile is ready for adventure W save that sunbather from sunburn all right tabs let's protect some skin seor super sunscreen to the rescue more to the right tabs now left we did it throwing up nice job bleepy thanks for a super adventure sure seor super sunscreen and I got the answer to my question why do I have to wear sunscreen I have to wear suncreen because it protects our skin from the ultraviolet light of the sun which can cause sunburn upload answer tabs now who's up for some fun in the sun [Music] yeah are you ready ma yeah blippy let's go 4 3 2 1 do you want to have some fun let's have fun in the sun Fun in the Sun yeah yeah yeah let's have fun in the sun Fun in the Sun hey hey hey let's have fun in the sun Fun in the Sun yeah yeah yeah let's have fun in the sun Fun in the Sun hey hey hey summer is here let's go and play I wonder what fun we'll have today let's play catch with a ball and glove summer is the season that I love we can Splash in the swimming pool come on Blue you can join in too I'm excited I can't wait just remember to hydrate let's have fun in the sun Fun in the Sun yeah yeah yeah let's have fun in the sun Fun in the Sun hey hey hey let's have fun in the sun Fun in the Sun yeah yeah yeah let's have fun in the sun Fun in the Sun is Sun let's have some fun eating ice cream when the weather's hot please be careful or it will dry the cruise eating popsicles one for me please oh no watch out boom's got a brain freeze I like two scoops on my ice cream cone for Debo to instead of a phone I'm excited I can't wait just remember to hydrate let's have fun in the sun Fun in the Sun yeah yeah yeah let's have fun in the sun Fun in the Sun hey hey hey hey let's have fun in the sun Fun in the Sun yeah yeah yeah let's have fun in the sunun in the sun hey Miss let's have some fun oh hey there son hey there blippy when you're shining it's so much fun H I wonder how do you shine so bright well I'm actually a big ball of gas which creates a lot of energy both Heat and light wow that's so interesting okay upload answer Deo and let's go driving the around in the blippy mobile me and Debo behind the wheel B in the sun playing on our speakers wind in our hair and feeling the beat yeah summer is my favorite time of year the sunshines bright and the sky is clear I'm excited I can't wait just remember to hydrate let's have fun in the sun Fun in the Sun this is so much fun let's have fun in the sun Fun in the Sun we can dig the pool with our excavator let's have fun in the sun Fun in the Sun hey there let's have fun in the sun Fun in the Sun is it's been so fun bye-bye Italy what a cool country someone's got the tummy rumbles I am feeling hungry great idea Debo let's get an authentic Italian pizza did someone say pizza I'm paa Paran hey it's me blippy and this is ma and Deo hi paa we' love a slice of pizza oh unfortunately I have some bad news I'm a sold out a but I could help you make a fresh pizza of your own yeah H I wonder how do you make pizza come on in all right I'm going to need the excavator arm and wings excavator arm wings confirmed shrinking down the blippy mobile is ready for [Music] adventure all right let's get this pizza started the first step is kneading the do kneading means to press and fold the D like this this strengthens the structure woohoo W the next step is to stretch the dough until it's the proper Pizza shape everyone grab an edge one 2 [Applause] three look out wo the next step is to cover our stretched out dough in the sauce all right W the next step is to put on the [Music] cheese the sauce is hot [Laughter] lava now it's my favorite part choosing toppings that you love to make the best pizza ever how about mushrooms olives coming through our Smiling Pizza makes me smile me too it's time for the last step are you ready bleepy ready POA time to bake the pizza but you have to be very careful the oven is a hot careful careful yeah delicioso thanks for answering my question Paula Pizza is made by kneading and stretching the dough adding Sauce Cheese and toppings and then baking it all in the oven upload answer Deo chiao for now chiao paa grazi for the pizza bye-bye [Music] whoops excuse me that was a big burp flippy H I wonder why do people burp I can tell you but it's more fun to show you off to the nearest mouth oh right I'm going to need frog legs frog legs confirmed shrinking down the flippy mobile is ready for [Music] [Applause] Adventure open [Music] wide this is perfect he's chewing way too fast look at all the air he's swallowing wa well that was fun Debo you can open your eyes now I think it's over there we go again yeah W I'm going to need monkey arms monkey arms confirmed wo wo what's that called the esophagus we all have them it's a l tube that connects the throat to the stomach woo esophagus that's a fun word Esopus whoa he's coughing up a storm oh yeah these are ideal conditions for a big old burp Bo mes away oh no hang on to your seats everybody wa so cool careful the bubble's delicate and can explode at any [Music] moment just kidding cannon ball yeah the bubble is all the extra air that this guy swallowed it's like a trampoline wo uh-oh too much bouncing it's going to blow wo the air bubble is rising up the esophagus and toward the mouth wa excuse me oh yeah experiment complete that was so fun and I got the answer to my question why do people burp people burp when they swallow too much air and it builds up inside the esophagus the body gets rid of the air by burping upload answer Debo I think it's time to dance boom cha cha boom cha cha boom let's boom cha cha with boom booma boom chaa boom [Music] wooo o time for bed aw but we're having so much fun H I wonder why do we have to sleep hey it's me blippy and this is Benjamin and Debo well hello there are we all ready for a bedtime story not yet we need to go through my bedtime checklist first pajamas yeah check brush teeth check okay Mr book we ready our Slumber Saga Begins with two familiar friends looking for fun and Adventure Ribbit that sounds like Debo oh no it is Debo we got to save him blippy and Benjamin to the rescue W Our Heroes could not begin their Adventure without a good night's sleep maybe we should rest first good idea blippy they soon found that sleep gave them the energy to scale any obstacle however Mighty wow I feel great look out Mountain here we come they danced and they leapt until they reached the top of the mountain we're coming Deo uhuh uh uh wa that was a close one maybe if we push the boulder in the hole we can walk across it but the energizing effects of sleep were starting to wear off it's no use maybe we should rest our daring Duo woke up with rested minds and strengthened bodies I feel stronger look we grew bigger too all right but there was one more obstacle for our Duo to tackle hi Bella would you mind moving so Debo can get down I don't want to move I'm grumpy I think Bella needs a nap let's all take a nap okay fine I feel great me too that nap made me happy woohoo time to Hula that day blippy and his friends learned that sleep is the secret ingredient to happiness wow that was awesome and I got the answer to my question why do we have to go to sleep because it gives you energy makes you big and strong and makes you happy too upload answer Debo good night blippy Debo and Benjamin sleep [Music] tight nice catch Debo do you hear that that's one cool beat I Can't Stop Moving H I wonder why does music make us want to dance hi blippy hi Ma hey Benjamin that was some pretty sweet beat boxing you were doing yeah it made me want to dance Hey Benjamin do you know why music makes us want to move our bodies and dance I sure do just shrink down to my size and I'll show you all right shrinking down awesome now we're ready to party yeah hit it DJ Debs when we hear music we enjoy the sound of it this beat makes me want to move my feet I love this song and our bodies want to explain how the noise is being made so we move in a way that matches the Rhythm on the beat ooo a classical song love your moves blippy check out yours ma now we've got the same moves together woohoo Hey DJ D boops pick up that Tempo flippy I challenge you to a Daner it's it's on dance on go blippy go blippy break it down ma woohoo hey uh-huh wooo fill the groove wo woohoo all right I'm having so much fun this beat has a nice ring it makes me want to sing oh [Music] yeah oh yeah I almost forgot one more thing about dancing what is it that it's super fun oh yeah it's a blast thanks for answering my question Benjamin music makes us want to dance because our bodies want to match the beat it's a great way to connect with friends and it's so much fun upload answer Debo who's ready for a dance off round two it's on dance on woo yeah woohoo [Music] RAC you to the ball pit okay blippy huddle ball activate wa silly somersault wo that was totally awesome Deo is that a puppy I love puppies hey it's me blippy and this is Debo and blue what's your name Lily what a cute name great idea Lily flippy Lily wants you to throw the B for us okay Lily and blue are you ready yes yes yes go fetch look at how fast Lily's tail is wagging H I wonder why do dogs wag their tails uh-oh I think Debo's broken oh no Lily's probably scared Debo try giving her a treat now hold out your porw so she can sniff you and know you're a friend yeah Lily all better do you want me to throw the ball again she's so excited ready go fetch oh she's so happy too hard [Music] blue oh no is thebo okay Deo you're all better hugs not so hard blue good girl Lily good girl she's so [Music] cute hugs be gentle blue oh yes right hey look at how faster tail is wagging yeah dogs wag their tails as a way of showing emotion like fear or excitement just like my antennas glow different colors for all my different feelings I got the answer to my question why do dogs wag their tails dogs wag their tails to show emotions like fear or excitement upload answer Deo good girl Lily good [Music] girl okay Babble I spy with my little eye something that starts with j plenty of sea creatures start with J jackfish jelly noose fish even jewfish not now tabs I'm looking for a jfish oh it's jellyfish okay tabs your turn I spy a dolphin listen he's trying to communicate with us H I wonder how do dolphins communicate follow pursue Chase here we come little dolphin ooh [Music] W it's so murky it's murky and hard to see because of all the sand floating in the water look out wow uhoh hey there blippy oh hey Larry this is Babel and tabs sorry we bonked into you that's all right it's all this sand floating around well I'm off to get my teeth cleaned see you later byebye how can the dolphin see in this murky water think think think oh I know the dolphin is using echolocation Echo what echolocation it's how some animals like dolphins and Bs see objects by reflecting sound off them oh yeah I'm going to need need echolocation echolocation confirmed incredible amazing awesome we should try making clicks like the dolphin look the sound waves from the clicks are bouncing off the objects and coming back to us with information about how far and how big the objects are hey there's the dolphin we found her [Music] wait come back I didn't get to say hello that's it the Dolphin is using a signature whistle to tell you her name try mimicking her signature whistle to call her back all [Music] right she understood me hey it's me blippy and this is tabs and B I think she wants to know your signature whistle so she can say your name in her language H how about wow what an amazing underwater adventure and I got the answer to my question how do dolphins communicate dolphins communicate with their signature whistles and chirps and they can also use clicks to navigate and tell what's ahead upload answer tabs yes precisely correct [Music] woohoo this is going to be the best English Feast ever I can't wait to make all my favorite foods from London England uh-oh are you okay tabs wa tabs you look like a knight H I wonder what was it like to be a knight in shining armor great idea tabs we can go back in time to Medieval London and find [Music] out going back in time halt who who goes there hey it's me blippy and this is Tabs are you a knight sa Buttercup loyal Knight of Her Majesty's kennel so cool can you show us what a knight does of course I was just about to test the Castle's defense system which helps keep it safe my counterparts sir pudding will be assisting all right fire when ready whoa was that a tomato probably the catapults are loaded with rotten fruit to fire at anyone who approaches the castle take cover look [Music] out who turned out the lights are you okay yes my AR is made of steel and can protect me from the most severe of boo boos good job ofing for this next test we will need to be very careful Follow Me Slowly now the moat is filled with terrible creatures so that Intruders can't get across oh terrible creatures attack at any moment you mean the little ducks oh yes y a doggy dish s pudding must be hungry but how can we get inside the castle walls are built very high to keep Intruders out I've got an idea follow me I'm going to need wings wings [Music] confirmed wao an English Feast I can see why you were protecting the castle oh sir pudding what a wonderful idea thank you for your help I declare you sir blippy and Lady tabs wow what an honor and I got the answer to my question what was it it like to be a knight in shining armor it was awesome Knights Protected Their castle and kept everyone safe upload answer tabs farewell bye-bye sir [Music] Buttercup let's see what's inside the great big book of curiosity wo what a curious kind of treasure huh yeah yay hey it's me Flippy and this is ma Debo and tabs H I wonder who were they we better go find out hey sppy ma over here can you help us we'd love to help the name's boom we're looking for something that we need but we can't remember what it's called and I'm Benjamin the thing we need is kind of shaped like this but with the less bouncy stick wo booms [Music] away and it's frozen like this I'll get you out Debo looks like you got to shake it up oh yeah shake it up W purple no yellow no oh hi blippy amama I'm Barry can you help me find something sure we would love to help it's usually red red got it but it can also be purple or orange green or every color wo what's that hey hello I'm blue I need the yummy for my tummy you're looking for something that tastes good it's a yummy and makes me feel happy inside oh no h what's that no it's not that not that either was it bloomsical whoa oh yay Flippy and Ma I'm Babble can you help me find this word let's sound it out something sickle tricycle bicycle whimsicle good idea tabs let's review our notes it's rectangular and has a stick it's frozen it could be any color it makes you feel happy and it sounds like something sickle H this is [Music] tricky poles you were looking for popsicles yeah hey who are you all boom Benjamin Barry blue bubble and we are the Curiosity crew wow I got the answer to my question who were they they are my new friends the Curiosity crew upload answer Debo woohoo all right [Music] w wow look at those birds w wow look at all these animals we're finding maybe we'll find the king of the jungle [Music] next that's not the king of the jungle king of the jungle wait are are you looking for a lion there's not really any lions in the jungle you got to go to the Savannah for that out there H I wonder why are lions called the king of the [Music] jungle wa lion cool hey it's me blippy and this is TS hello blippi and tabs I'm jabori the king of the jungle I was just sharpening my kingly skills on the lion obstacle course the lion obstacle course that's so cool would you like to train with me if you complete the course I'll make you honorary Lions yeah our first lesson is here where you will learn to sneak like a lion sneak like a lion got it not so loud blippy you will scare off the prey the prey the prey is the butterfly oh I get it [Music] sneaky not bad for a first try yeah let's try the next lesson jumping [Music] Crouch down and feel your energy then when you are ready release the energy and jump are you ready Taps jump like a lion yes great job now there's one more lesson hop on my back and hang on tight [Applause] w [Music] welcome to the Roaring Arena to roar like a lion follow along first find your power lift up and run way to go Flippy and tabs you are now honorary Lions thanks Jabari we had so much fun and I I got the answer to my question why are lions called the king of the jungle even though lions are called King of the Jungle they actually live on the Savannah lions are sneaky Hunters big jumpers and have really loud Roars upload answer tabs see you next time we're in the savannah Jabari goodbye Flippy and tabs come back and Roar with me [Music] anytime whoa what a beautiful day flippy did you know that today his Earth Day I didn't H I wonder how do you celebrate Earth Day let's sing a song and find out look at what it's worth to live on planet Earth it's the place that we call home yeah it's pretty great we the buzzing of the bees the wind blowing through the trees it's the place that we call home and we must protect it so the plants can grow so blippy what can we do to help the Earth I'm glad you asked actually hit it instead of throwing this away we can make it into a house where a bird can stay sweet twet little birdie here's the new home for you wait or you throw that in the trash give it to me and in a Flash I'll fix it up for you it's brand new helping Earth is what we have to do when it's the home for you and me planet Earth is the place to be come on everyone join the planet Earth party it's the planet Earth party so blippy what other things can we do to protect the Earth we can sort the trash into different bins bottles cans and cardboard throw them in sort them out recycling is what it's all about woo but don't forget the Buzzy Buzzy Bees we need them to pollinate the flowers don't you see so the plants can grow come on little bees this way when it's the home for you and me planet Earth is the place to be come on everyone join the planet Earth party it's the planet Earth party what are you doing Ma I'm planting a tree see the world is full of plants flowers and trees the plant help the Earth [Music] breed when it's the home for you and meet Earth Earth is the place to be come on everyone join the planet Earth party but it's not just our home is it blippy exactly we share our home with so many different animals and we need to keep the Earth healthy and happy so all the animals can be happy and healthy too from the elephants on the Savanah to the Poland bears at the North Pole the monkeys in the jungle yeah we all call the Earth our home when it's the home for you and me planet Earth is the place to be planet Earth planet Earth planet Earth planet [Music] [Applause] Earth it's the place that we call home V Deo whoa I should have built a bigger M sorry about your Castle Krabby oh it's okay there's plenty of sand to rebuild it good question bibo H I wonder where does sand come from to answer that you'll have to go to the top of Mount pey to the top of Mount pey we go I'm going to need wings and frog legs Wings frog legs confirmed the blippy mobile is ready for adventure whoa hey it's me blippy and this is Debo hey there I'm Wayne the boulder I just woke up from the best dream I was a grain of sand living a top a sand castle in a beach Paradise that's so cool and I want to make my dream a reality erosion is a process that usually takes millions of years but let me break it down for you [Music] Cannonball look I'm already smaller erosion usually takes so long but I'm feeling ambitious today yeah let's go activate propeller propeller confirm I'm having a lot of fun flippy me too Whirlpool wao erosion makes me dizzy water slowly breaks down rocky surfaces but this Whirlpool is really speeding things up activate turbo booster wo look how small I am shrinking down wow Wayne you're so small we can barely keep up here's the secret to keeping up you got to catch that fish [Music] wa Wayne you're tiny yep even fish play a part in the process of erosion now let's go find my Dream Castle who oh boy here we go ah there my sand castles complete I did it my dream came true thanks for being a gem during my erosion it was a blast and I got the answer to my question where does sand come from Sand comes from big boulders as they break into smaller pieces through a process called erosion which usually takes millions of years upload answer Debo bye-bye goodbye see you later
Channel: Moonbug Kids - After School Club
Views: 435,718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: After School Club, Blippi Wonders, Buried Treasure, Learning Kid's Toys, Little baby bum, Moonbug, babies, babies songs, babies videos, baby shark, bath song, blippi, cartoon, cartoon videos, cartoons for kids, classic rhymes, color, edutainment, fun for kids, fun songs, funny cartoons, how to, kids learning, kids music, kids songs, kids videos, learning, learning videos, moonbug kids, nursery rhymes, nursery rhymes playlist, pre school, videos for kids, wheels on the bus
Id: 2jz6IySmEmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 23sec (3623 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2024
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