Blind Couple Denise & Stefan Leave BGT Judges In Tears | This Morning

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Denise and Stefan join us now to tell us all about the incredible reaction that they've had to that amazing audition morning you guys good morning I start watching it with my two boys yesterday I was in floods of Tears the two of them were like Mom what some what tears I'm like I can't talk I'm so EXC and then I text eckan and I said oh my goodness I'm now in a puddle watching these to they it was such an amazing performance and he was like yeah they're great aren't they it felt amazing to get that reaction from it did it did and all those people in that theater it it makes a lot more noise indoors and it does Outdoors you know that number of people yeah but it was just it's a lovely way to um throw ourselves back into work CU you know because we we couldn't do a lot of work obviously you know during 2020 21 nobody nobody had any work and then whilst everybody else was rebuilding their Diaries I was having chemo and radiotherapy and and surgery so there was just very very little work yeah so there was and and I literally didn't want to sing during during covid because we feed off an audience and because there were no audiences I just one day I got up and I thought I I don't I don't want to sing anymore goodness me and then last Autumn you know I just then I had hooping Cal and I thought is it ever going to get better yeah I thought any kids got hooping C but apparently not no well we'll come on to your diagnos in just a moment but Stephan it's interesting that because that's quite a way to throw yourself back into performing isn't it to go from zero to 100 miles hour and Britain's Got Talent 4,000 people it is and it's it's been such fun um I mean you hear all these scare stories about how reality TV could be and but the we've had nothing but a lovely experience with them um the the the the song choice that we made was was wonderful and and I did a a crash course in um audio production to make the backing track that we used for for the orchestral sounds as well could you hear it though because the crowd were making so much noise well yeah because that's funny you should say that well yeah CU in in you know in the kind of the very mannered sort of classical tradition you know people don't don't react until the music's finished you if it's it's four movements W be tire if you cough between the first and second movement or Applause or whatever but no um what what we weren't expecting and what we probably should have expected was the sort of spontaneous outbursting of emotion after the first line of the song and of course I'm desperately trying to listen to this back in Dr please please land in the same place as everyone else like an extreme party game are we going to land in the right place and I wasn't convinced until the brass at the end it went and it's so crude I thought thank God Stephan there so vulgar but I just got them but it was a real Family Affair as well cuz you got Dimitri in the wings with you guys and then you got your other two sons out in the audience as well yeah and um Rebecca who couldn't be there cuz she couldn't get the D work cuz it was midweek um but she was there you know all day she was on the family WhatsApp are you all right what's happening and tell me what's happening and the boys were so supportive and that's lovely because my the older one of the of the boys is a marathon runner and um you know I I go and support him all over the place all over Europe and he's running and it was just nice for the shoe to be on the other foot actually and they were I don't think you realized did you uh because they were properly getting into it oh I saw it last night but it was the first time I'd realized what they'd been like and Mike just goes go no they text us a couple of days after going uh I'm not sure we can watch it when it goes out because I think we made a bit of an idiot of ourselves but that that absolute outpouring of emotion was so yeah it was so so heart so real yeah do you know what though you'd have had to have been made of stone not to have felt something in there yes cuz the audience were so warm yeah and we'd been we'd been waiting to go on we were actually the last act to go on of that sitting and so we'd been waiting for ages and you know we'd occupied ourselves then and then we' come out we'd gone on stage it's it's the way with most singers and most musicians you know 90% of it is sitting around and waiting to go on I do a summer series of concerts um at stately homes called the battle Proms and literally most of that is sitting backstage just playing Daft games but you know what from the moment you guys walked on the stage you had the audience eating out of the palm of your hand I mean I know they thought you were a com ACT first of all cuz you had got some great gags we had planned to I've I've got one lesson now that dem's told everyone that I I Dro that one out all the time he really did didn't he but how did you two meet as well cuz that's a lovely story too it was kind of serendipitous we were um we were doing I was hosting an awards ceremony at the baa buildings in the evening and I'd come down to London and I was going to have some lunch and I was on a train this blow young glad leaned over because it's quite an age Gap we are an age Gap relationship and he leaned over I mean it's a dirty job but you do it so well just you do it so well and he leaned forward and he said do you know what the time it is and i' got a tuck toil watch on which makes a very distinctive you you click the face off you can get your nail under and and you get and the time told him the time he says oh I had one of those and I thought that's the worst chat up life and then just went oh really and not interested till he stood up to get off the train and he flicked his Cane out and I thought you nasty woman he is blind he's not hit you know apparently he was yeah clearly he was clearly but and and then you ended up working together that night yeah we did and that was complete coincidence that you were sitting to each other exactly I walked in I thought oh God it's that man from the train that was rude too well just to further just to further add to her embarrassment she didn't know the penis was blind so she dragged two massive operatic scores across London thinking I'd have to sight read this music on on the evening but of course you know they were they were Sur them on the piano and said you won't be needing these then and I told him I think it was quite a while later that I was the woman off the train who' who'd rebuffed him because I just thought he was a creeper and I know you can't tell us too much about it but uh semifinals bigger and better we were lucky enough to be in the semifinals we'd we'd be bigger and better and more prepared I think slightly less nervous yeah yeah cuz I was terrified and I was only you know sort of a a month out of um antibiotics for for hooping cough so I'm I'm six months down the road hopefully well no I'll be four months down the road W so I'm I'm much better now good well also I yeah I've not got afraid of going on stage since I was 15 um and I was I was bricking it and I I painted the backstage area blue when I was walking on with ant and when we came off he says uh you're not going to swear at me again AR you you're got to watch your leg he made Bruno cry they made Simon say a million yeses I mean you did a great thr bits for you can't wait to see what happens cute dog I know and she dragged demy on that was so funny cuz he was not it was like I'm not coming on it really and then the dog just made a be line for me he's got his he's got his first day of SATs day and uh he he bounced in he's like oh yeah I want to tell all my I want to talk to all my friends about this audition that's going cele that's exciting thing isn't it that's ex listen good luck for the next you were absolutely incredible we l it incredible we loved itk just been the top hat on a perfect 24 hours thank you now we're going back to bed at home have catch up with some sleep tell me thank you thank you lovely to meet you both and the dog as well who's just been so well behaved just like a ha rug thank you for visiting our this morning YouTube channel we upload new content every day so go ahead and hit that subscribe button so you don't miss out and we'll see you in the morning
Channel: This Morning
Views: 33,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: This Morning, This Morning ITV, Holly Willoughby, Phillip Schofield, Alison Hammond, Dermot O'Leary, ITV, STV, Josie Gibson, Craig Doyle, Rylan, This Morning Funny Moments, This Morning Funniest Moments, This Morning Interviews, Alison Hammond Interviews
Id: b3PHvrp0U40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 47sec (527 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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