Blender Wheel Rotation Tutorial - Blender 2.8 Tutorial

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welcome friends I'm will Whitfield with w3 productions today I wanted to discuss how to make a 3d object follow a path while rotating much like a wheel you may want to do this for several reasons such as rigging a car or a wheel or disc like object flying through the air while spinning such as a discus or a spinning star or something else to come up in your imagination I will warn you this is not a 100% perfect solution but this can get you most of the other way where you're trying to go so let's go ahead and get started first we're gonna create our disc like object I'm not gonna make a wheel I'm just gonna make like kinda like a ring or a disc so I'm going to be by the way this is blender 2.8 I'm gonna delete the default cube and I'm going to add a torus so just a mesh torus and going to go to the options for that and change the major segments from 48 to 12 and the minor segments from 12 to 3 so we see this is our disc shape kind of flat on the inside and two sides and outside I'm also going to rotate it on the x axis by 90 degrees I'm going to hit control a to apply the rotation and scale so that now we have our object I'm going to add a little bit of color to part of the object so we can tell which direction the object is rotating so it's going to go to the edit mode go to face select and I'm going to hold all on one of these edges to select this edge face loop then go to the materials tab before I default material I'm just going to click on the material that's already there we want to add one more it new and give it a red color also so we can see it here going to go to viewport display and give that a red color and for that to work we have to hit assign so I'm going to tab back into object mode next part we're going to create our armature this is going to consist of about three bones so shift a armature now if you have extra objects so let's select it in your preferences you might have a drop-down list here so you just select single bone but I'm just going here armature because the only object I have and now we want to set this up I'm going to go to tab to go in the edit mode then for a rotation I need to rotate on individual origins select this bone I'm going to hit our X 90 this would be our axle so if I next boom I'm gonna hit shift D X to move along the x axis to about here rotate on the z-axis 90 degrees negative 90 degrees this would be kind of our for pointing like driver or what not hit one to go to front view and 500 orthographic view shift key to copy it again and this would be kind of our route bone I'm going to seiyya scale it up a little bit and I want to parent both of these sub home chef select those and parent them to this bone right here I'm going to hit ctrl P keep offset and I'm going to add a bone constraint for the axle actually let's go ahead and name these by going to our armature tab oops actually our bone tab and we actually need to go to pose mode to name them so I'm gonna hit alt tab pose this dumb selected let's go - I think this is our original bone boom 1 and bone - let's call this one the roof I want to call this one if I say driver it's gonna be kind of confusing code there are drivers in blender so let's say forward and let's call this one axle how does that you did this in edit mode but either way you need to be imposed moved for the next part so with the axle selected I'm going to go to the bone constraints tab add a constraint transformation our target is going to be this forward boom so target is going to be armature and then Ford I want to go ahead for a source one to extrapolate and for each one of these we're going to have the source be location and set each the x y&z coordinates because as the path turns we're going to be going in ooh cardinal direction so for each one I'm going to enter value of 10 for the minimum and negative 10 for the maximum 10 negative 10 10 negative 10 we're going to leave this alone for right now we're going to mess with a source to destination and mapping a little bit later put a destination make sure you select rotation and then for right now we're going to use the Y rotation and I'll show you why if we go to the armature tab and go to viewport display we're going to go ahead and check names so we see what bones we're talking about and also axes for right now you see we have [Music] locally our axle is pointing we want to rotate on its local y axis and then before we start off going in a negative x-direction globally is actually for this four bones heading in its local Y direction it'll make more sense in a moment so let's go back to the bone straits tab and put in a minimum value of 360 if you want your object spin faster or you put in a higher value here and for the max negative 360 and if you want to spend the opposite direction you would flip these two values well the space we're going to put in local with parent and destination local space or owner there's a local space so I grabbed this for bone and move it I'm at g YY to move locally in the y direction it's got the axle bone spins on its y axis now if I go and click on this axle and change the mapping from Y to X and move this like gyy no longer spins I've hit G X X it does spin same thing if I go here and map it Z 2 y gz z it will rotate so now we have that working say we move this the whole armature moves we need to go ahead and parent the disc to this axle so hit ctrl tab select the disk first then right clicking selecting the armature we hit ctrl tab will go back into pose mode select the bone want to parent to but just the axle hit ctrl P then select bone relative and now when we move let's go ahead and change the mapping back to what we're headed why do i i hit ctrl hit g YY the disc spins control tab get back in object mode right click to deselect everything the next thing you want to do is create a path before you create a path I do want to note that there is a way to recalculate the role of each object so that the axes point in different directions and do it kind of fix how we set keyframes later on so next let's go ahead and do that just to show you how to do that so go back to pose mode just a to select all the bones I hit I don't know the short key so I'm gonna hit f3 to search and type in and recalculate actually I think I needed sorry I need to do as an edit mode tab go to edit mode f32 search recalculate roll and notice for most of them the Z is up laying down right now recalculate roll global Z plus now all the Z acts as a pointing forward and everyone to mess with other axes we could recalculate those but let's go ahead and keep it as it is right now so back to object mode so we can create our path so shift a curved path can barely see it okay it's have to go to edit mode and we want to actually branch out in the negative x direction so going to hit our Z to rotate on the z axis it doesn't work because we are using a pivot point of individual origins and for that to work when you go back to median point our z 180 and we want to curve in different directions so I'm going to select this first point of the curve and zoom out here a little bit I'll put it way over here gonna take a second point you can make your curve any going direction you like but I just want to go basically in a straight direction curve up here curve down her back up and then we'll go down in the Z direction here in a moment take this third one here move it a little bit down here take this one move it up here I'm gonna take this last one and extrude eat it took strewed I'm heading back in the x-direction etx true it again so we have that we need some more points um select this point this point w subdivide we get a new point in the middle hit G move it down this way make this one a kind of a steep curve we do need a little bit more for this curve to move closer to this point so select these two points aw subdivide move this one further up this is not going to be a steep of a curve but we need one more point here aw subdivide move it kind of like that I think that'll be good for these two dimensions like I said we want actually they did curve on some I must have been looking down totally that's fine well stupid comma results we get I'm gonna hit either extrude move in the Y Direction a little bit and then one go straight down hit e Z here to do the same thing one more time tab to go back to object mode and this is our path we want this disc to go in so to get this to follow the path I'm going to select the armature controls have a good oppose moves like this root bone I want that to follow the path so a deep own constraint not an object's constraint but a bummer string for that one boom ad boom restraint follow path target the nerves path which is the only path we have here and I'm going to go any negative x-direction just in generous way the way that the curve is going and to get it to follow the path code right now if we scrub the timeline no movements going on we hit animate path now if we screw up the timeline zoom out here let's observe what happens I'm actually gonna hit play we have some rotation and it moves and moves down stop it stops rotating a couple of things happen here the first thing we see is that the animation completes in about 100 frames even though our scene is 250 frames that is controlled by the path itself so if I go to object moves like the path and go to the object data tab and go to path animation the frames here control how long it takes to complete the path also the evaluation type can controllers will keyframe the evaluation time patrol what happens when and you see if I make it below 100 it's actually a fraction of whatever the number of frames are so it's a fraction of 100 controls that but we don't want to mess with that for our purposes today I just want to increase this to 250 so when I screw up the timeline it takes 250 frames to complete the animation the other thing we see is that move this to around is that the wheel doesn't necessarily turn with the path it stays in one direction even though it rotates to fix that you just select the bone that is following the path go to the bone restraints and click on follow curve now it turns in the direction that the path turns now we observe that go back to the beginning while it's going in the negative x-direction which is locally the y-direction of this this bone when we start out it rotates as we expect it as soon as it turns it turns hereness it kind of slows down its direction it's spin but it it's pretty it's still pretty good then we go in another curve and it's basically going in a global y-direction it's barely spins it all here same thing when it goes up in the y direction or the opposite direction y and it barely moves at all in a z direction so they're probably a couple of methods of how to change this behavior I'm going to do it through changing these parameters and keyframing them basically the source to destination mapping and messing with the Y rotation of that axle bone we could mess with the direction that these axes point in things like that I think that's probably little bit messier than what I'm about to do so from here to about here I think we're good the first thing we need to really worry about is going from here to here so let's go ahead and move we get to here I think about here's when we need to start changing our mappings so I'm going to hit I while hovering over this Y to put a keyframe and then move over one frame and we're going to change this to I believe an x and y you say X let's go back to the beginning here I said I move this any local y direction in spins this is its we go up and down from our perspective this is it dis booms local X so that's why we're changing that mapping to X so select that bone again just go back here one frame over from where we make that first keyframe we're gonna change this to X and add a keyframe so let's see what happens so we're going good so now we get spin good okay amount of spin but it is now moving in the opposite direction which is not what we want just watch the next part - now when we go to totally opposite direction it is spinning the way we want so let's see let's go ahead and actually trying to see where he actually starts changing direction so roundabout here don't want keyframe that we don't have to do it again when we get to this part to this section so I'm gonna hit I for keyframe and then let's move back to one I'm actually they know we're fine you know it's this skip everything I just said all I cuz not that's not permanent we want to change about here this is what won't change we're gonna flip these numbers over make this negative make this positive and then that will reverse the rotation but we want to keep the rotation the way it is now for this part so hit eye on these two and go back one frame and let's make this negative 360 make this 360 let's go back here we need to go right to this keyframe and also do the same thing actually yet keyframe right here I've been right here we need to flip it back to where it was we should have put a keyframe here earlier negative 360 keyframe keyframe one frame over so let's let me do a sanity check to make sure we didn't mess up anything we had earlier spinning good still spinning good all right so I think we're about almost done so these directions I'm just gonna hit play these directions seemed pretty good spin spin spin [Music] all right so now we want to take care of our Z direction so same concepts try to figure out frame by frame where do we where does it really stop spinning it's kind of hard to tell think about now let's go Ahead's go with this bar here so it's key frame right here yeah or I'd to insert a key frame 1 Frame over let's change this to Z make add keyframe there and let's see what happens scrub the timeline so now it does rotate on the way down but again is going in the opposite direction of what we want to do it just flips direction while spinning so let's go here add keyframes as they are now and then one frame over and flip them negative 360 360 at key frames for each let's go back a little bit and now it rotates the direction now I say this is not perfect because let's scroll on the timeline a little bit let's scroll in you can kind of tell right around went between two keyframes it jumps a little bit do you see that red spot jumps so you will kind of may or may not kind of stutter or rotate randomly between keyframes but if you're you know try to have a shot of a car or something spinning real fast faster than 360 degrees it might not really matter for your animation it might get you where you need to go if you're especially if you're not focusing on that during the entire shot but you want to have an entire shot or scene animated so hopefully this gets you where you need to and this will be helpful for you if you have a better method I love to hear about it I'm sure all the people would love to hear about it so leave something in the comments below you found this helpful you liked it leave a you know a thumbs up please consider subscribing to our channel it helps out a whole lot thank you have a blessed day and the words were all written in tongues so I didn't really understand them well how many of y'all know the Lord I always leave your ham in the bush [Applause] is that wrong
Channel: W3 Productions
Views: 7,270
Rating: 4.757576 out of 5
Keywords: blender wheel rotation tutorial, blender wheel rotation, blender wheel animation, blender wheel animation tutorial, blender wheel rig, blender wheel tutorial, blender car wheel rotation, Blender 2.8 Rotate Wheel, blender 2.8 wheel rigging, blender car rig tutorial, wheel animation, wheel animation blender, wheel rotation in car, blender tutorial animation, blender 2.8 tutorial beginner, blender car animation tutorial, Blender 2.8 Tutorial
Id: nrv34ABMEC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 23sec (1583 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2019
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