Blender UV Unwrapping Tutorial | Explained for Beginners (Arijan)

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here's a couple of correctly uv unwrapped objects and then here's a few examples of some horribly unwrapped objects and today we're going to learn how to correctly uv unwrap objects in blender so that we can turn this atrocity on the left side into this beautifully mapped object on the right now if you're a complete beginner to uv unwrapping then let me really quickly demonstrate to you exactly what uv unwrapping is and what it does now if you google uv unwrapping it's probably going to tell you something along the lines of projecting a 2d image onto the surface of a 3d model well let's look at a really simple example like this cube right here now this cube has a nice checker texture wrapped around it and it seems to be pretty perfectly placed on the cube there's no stretching there's no bending there's no distortion it seems to be placed onto the 3d object the way that you would want it to be placed on the object well the simple answer that you might imagine would be something like well we can just take a 2d a square image like this checker texture right here and just place it on every single face of the cube well that seems to be uh true for this example here but that's only because every single face of the cube is exactly the same and it shows exactly the same texture but if it was something more complicated like a cylinder that wouldn't really work too well i'll show you in a second why so what we really need to do here is we need to take this object and we need to unwrap it so that it turns into a 2d object and that way we can place it onto an image and then based on which part of the image that particular face is covering that part of the image is going to be displayed on the object now the reason we can't just take the image and place it onto every single face of the object is because then blender would have to stretch out the image so that it would fit into every single face and that would look very odd now the correct way to uv unwrap a cylinder would be to cut out the faces from the side and separate them from the circular faces in the top and the bottom and then we can place those faces onto an image and then blender is going to know how to display the image on the cylinder so the name of the game is to figure out a way how to cut the object so that we can perfectly unwrap it onto a 2d image now let's jump into blender and let's try to uv unwrap the sniper scope right here and before we do any uv unwrapping we're going to first put a texture on the surface of this model so we can see if we're uv unwrapping it correctly or not now let's go over to the shading tab let's create a new material for this object and then we're going to add in an image texture node and then in that image texture node we're going to create a new image we're going to name that grid and we're going to set the generated type to uv grid okay and then we're going to create that image and we're going to plug it into the principal bsdf node and once we do that you can immediately see that the image appears on the surface of the model except well it looks completely ridiculous it pretty much looks like the bad example that i gave you at the beginning of this video so now we're gonna start cutting up this model and we're gonna try to tell blender how to correctly display uh the image on the model and let's start doing that uh part by part first we're gonna do the main part or the biggest part of the sniper scope which is this kind of weird cylinder looking thing in the middle of the scope so we're gonna select that entire loose part and we're gonna move it up a little bit so we can see it a little bit better and then we're gonna focus on that shape and you can see that this kind of looks like a cylinder except the only difference is that well it's not the same width along its entire length this part is a lot more narrow than this part and there's something going on here in the front there's a little bit of extrusion it gets a little bit narrower than it goes inwards and it has this lens here in the middle so we can't think of it exactly the same way we think about a cylinder but we can think about it uh in a very similar way so essentially what happens is well we don't have a face here in the end but if we didn't have a face we would cut this part out and then we would place that separately and then we would also do the same thing here now here it's not a perfectly flat circular face but it's still pretty close and it's not a very wide face so if we just cut this part out and we unwrap it it's not going to look too bad because there's not going to be too much stretching let me show you exactly what that's going to look like so we're going to select this entire edge loop over here and we're going to press u and then we're going to mark a seam right there and then if we select this entire model and we press u and we press unwrap you can see that immediately this part that we cut out it already looks a little bit better over here because we just kind of separated that now that has its own little section on the uv map and we can see the uv map over here in the uv editing tab as you can see everything here is completely atrocious i don't even know what's going on there but this part in the front it doesn't look too bad it looks kind of like it does over here if we look at it from the front except we can see every face and every face has a part of the image assigned to it and we can very clearly see that this part is uh unwrapped correctly so now we're going to move down to the second part over here which is going to be the base of the sniper scope and this is pretty much uh the side faces of the cylinder so we just may have to make a cut right here right here on the bottom on all these edges and we're going to mark a seam right there as well and when we uv unwrap that once again you can see that the texture is pretty nicely displayed on that sniper scope and that's exactly what we want to have right there so this shape is ready to go now let's move on to a different shape like this little cube over here now usually when you have a cube and you want to texture it you don't even have to do any uv unwrapping because by default it's already going to be uv unwrapped correctly as you can see right here the texture is just played on this little shape right here which is pretty much like a cube with slightly rounder edges the texture looks pretty decent on that now yeah we have some lines here and we can see some seams but that's all right because if we put something like a metal texture on there we wouldn't really see any of those uh of those cuts and it wouldn't really be a noticeable problem so for the most part this texture looks pretty good and we're just going to leave it like that now let's take a look at a few other of these a few of these other shapes right here like this a little cylinder as you can see it's not terrible but it could be much better and this part here is a separate part and when we unwrap that this is already cut since it has no face at the bottom that's pretty much like it's already cut and then when that's uv unwrapped it pretty much behaves the same way that this lens here at the end behaves and it's pretty much shaped correctly it's pretty much textured correctly so we're just going to leave that alone then we're going to move down here to the second part below and we can think of this once again as a cylinder of course and since this part is wider we can think of this again as the lens at the end of the top part that we just unwrapped so we're going to separate this part by marking a seam right there and we're going to mark an edge right here like we did on the side or along the length of that sniper scope up there so if you unwrap that again you can see that it pretty much uh looks like a nice texture on there and then we're gonna do pretty much the same thing on all these other little knobs so we're gonna separate the part which is a little bit wider we're gonna mark a seam there and then we're just gonna cut we're going to make a seam along the length of the cylinder right there and we're going to do the same thing over here on the other side we're going to mark a seam there and then we're going to unwrap that to see what happens as you can see it looks pretty good now we can go back here and this is once again the same thing it's just that we can just think of it as a cylinder where we're going to separate this part here at the end let's say we're going to separate it over here we're going to mark a seam over there and then we're going to take a couple of edges over here let's use it from vertices and we're going to select those and then we're going to mark a seam on them and maybe it's better to do it at the bottom because then we're not gonna see the seam as clearly as we would if it's on top of the object so we have to make sure to get all the edges on the side here we're gonna select every single vertex like this and then we can press u to mark a seam and we have to make sure we don't have a face here at the end which we don't so we're fine and then uh once again we're going to uv unwrap that and as you can see it turns into a very nicely mapped object now the base of the sniper scope which i separated right here because i have the finished parts over here which are ready to go and i have this part over here which we still need to unwrap we can think of this in some ways much like we thought about the cube so we have to figure out the way to separate those faces here to separate the sides so that we display this texture here correctly as you can see right now if we deselect everything and we just select this part right now it's a complete mess on the uv map so we're going to start separating some of the faces here and try to uv unwrap that correctly now once again there's something going on here so we're going to immediately separate this part from the rex because it's like a hole and we're going to want to unwrap that separately okay so we're going to select this edge loop here in the front and we're going to select that edge loop in the back and then we're going to select some of the edges here at the bottom okay maybe we can select this entire edge loop over here and we're gonna do the same thing over here okay so we're gonna connect that right here and then once we uv unwrap that you can see that we can kind of just bend this uh this shape into place and turn it into a 2d object so let's mark a seam right there and once we unwrap that you're going to notice that the texture seems to be displayed pretty well on this part so that means we're we're successful there and we still need to do some work on the other part now over here we can also treat this part this section over here on top as a dent so we can just mark the seams and separate that part because we can just you can imagine if we just bend this face at the side there this is going to be a perfectly flat shape and it's going to be unwrapped really well so we're going to wrap one more time to update and you can see that that works just as we expected now from the side we see we can see that we can also easily separate or flatten out this shape we just have to separate it from the rest so we have some bevels over here but we're going to mark this edge on the side of the bevel over here and then we're going to mark this edge on the side over here now we have to keep in mind that there's still something going on here at the bottom so we're going to want to select some edges here at the bottom but we're going to deselect this one because we can also just bend this into place and it's going to blend right together with this surface over here so we're going to just mark these edges at the bottom here and we're gonna just mark these edges on the other side over here okay we mark those edges and we're gonna deselect the ones here in the middle okay we just want the ones on the side we're gonna mark a seam right there and we're gonna uv unwrap that and see how that works and as you can see it works really well so we're just going to go over here to the back and we're going to do the same thing in the back we're going to mark these two edge loops on the sides and we're going to mark a few more edges here on the corners at the bottom we want to make sure not to mark any of the edges that go around this face even though it wouldn't be too much of a problem if we did that but then we're going to mark a couple of these uh edges right here mark a seam there and once again we can just unwrap that and as you can see it looks a lot nicer now now there's a little bit of distortion going on and there's a little bit of bending which is not ideal but it's really not that much of a problem because it's it's really for the most part the texture is pretty nicely visible on most of the model and you can see it's not immediately obvious that it's not perfectly uv unwrapped and as far as the screws go it's a very simple shape which blender just stretches out we just have to delete this face in the back and then once we unwrap that blender pretty much displays the the texture on there because it doesn't have to stretch the object too much to place the texture onto it so all you want to do is delete the faces in the back and that's one of the other things that you usually want to do if you're trying to uv unwrap something is that you want to delete the faces which are in the back which are clipping through something which are not visible because if you unwrap those faces they're only going to take up extra space on your texture and that's going to make the resolution much lower or a little bit lower for the rest of the model so since this part is not visible at all we're just going to delete that face and we don't want that on a uv map as you can see now we can just unwrap everything and the texture is placed on there pretty easily let's move everything back down into place all these other shapes are still pretty simple they're mostly just cubes and cylinders and now we have a very nicely uv unwrapped sniper scope i hope you found this video helpful and i will see you in the next one
Channel: Aryan
Views: 95,739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender uv, uv unwrapping, blender texturing, blender uv tutorial
Id: 2vb1CDggpCU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 03 2022
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