Blender to Tabletop - Easy and Lazy 3d Print Floors and Bases

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right so today we're going to do a quick easy and lazy method for making flaws and bases so i'm going to start with a quick 25 millimeter base start with a circle give it a radius of twelve and a half millimeters so then that gives it the required diameter of 25. dab into edit mode just one to get the front view numpad one and then e to extrude just right click and then press g to grab and z and move it up for four millimeters i'm going to scale that top circle down by about two millimeters just approximately [Music] then f to fill and we will poke that face now what i'm going to do is just insert a couple of times [Music] then select the center vertice [Music] press ctrl and b bring up the bevel menu and just change the setting in the bottom left of vertices which means you can make a nice little circle in the middle size doesn't matter that much it's just easy with a nice small one and select it and delete that face [Music] alt and left mouse gives you a edge selection and then we can just grid fill that little hole ctrl and r to ring select and then the center mouse wheel give you extra loops and what we're going to do is select all the new faces just leaving the two insets that we did to start with and we're going to turn this selection into a vertex group so side vertex you can name it if you wish and then click assign i know things to do fill the bottom however you see fit and then we're just going to put a couple of extra little bevels on the uh the corners of this disc that gives you the basic shape for a standard miniature base so the um the basis of this lazy method is just use the displacement modifier really you need a lot of geometry to start with to get that to work so next up is extras with the subdivisions i'm going to start with four and then the displacement modifier [Music] my favorites is to use clouds and oh yes then i um set it to uv and i just uv unwrapped that selection that we have we don't need the rest of it it doesn't matter so much for this [Music] project so then in the um displacement setting the vertex group is set to that uv group and then it only affects the vertices on the top of the model [Music] it also gives you much more options and versatility for what you might want to do with it um one of my favorite settings to use is the clouds type with the voronoi crackle and the noise basis [Music] and then it's just play with the settings find something you like as you can see here i set the size quite high put the depth down just reduce some of the detail nice big cracks and then shift and d to duplicate it if you set the space and the coordinates to global um duplicated ones will all be different so you'll get to see with it when i duplicate this next one you can see the pattern doesn't move with the uh circle it just stays where it is and you can position it where you want and that's it that's the lazy method i'm going to do one more thing just to reduce the file size down after this and that's apply the modifiers and then decimate them a decimate modifier as much as i feel um doesn't reduce the quality of the overall design [Music] that's about it you can use all sorts to make the pattern use whichever settings in the displacement if you use you can use images which is what the uv unwrap really helps with and you can get a height map or a displacement map that would work best yeah overall that's it there you go have fun with it here's a selection of different ones i've made several are made using settings from clouds or other kinds of displacement 6 on the right now are all image textures from [Music] and these are all available to download on thingiverse at the moment [Music] now it's just going to be a very to finish off it's going to be a very quick time lapse of um just doing a big square floor so enjoy and i hope you can make some use of it let me know if you do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: HuntsForge
Views: 991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -qdBRhwt8ws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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