BLENDER SOLVED! Gap between particles and domain

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hey everybody welcome back to the channel and welcome to another blender video today i'm going to be speaking about something that tends to happen when we are doing liquid simulations and that is that sometimes when you are creating your simulation there is a gap between your liquid simulation part or particles and your liquid domains so let's have a look at that uh so i'm working in blender 3.1.2 for this video so please let me know if it does work for you if you're using 2.8 or 2.9 um if not then let's see if we can find another solution so just remember to put a comment down below so let's create our situation over here so we're going to use quick effects i'm not going to change anything i'm just going to go straight into object quick effects and quick liquid now if you leave it as it is and you press play you'll immediately see that there is a sizable gap between your particles and your domain it's pretty big so the solution for this is really simple and it was so funny because at first i thought that there was something wrong with my simulation but out of habit if i've created a new simulation i would click on my domain before i even press play out go to my physics and i'd bump up the resolution division but the other day i didn't do that and suddenly the gap appeared and it really annoyed me because i thought i was doing something wrong or i thought it was a bug or something but it isn't it's it's got to do with your settings and it is your resolution division setting so this cube over here kind of represents the size of the gap that you're going to have between your particles or your liquid mesh and your domain it also determines the gap between your particles or mesh and an object that your liquid might be interacting with so i'm going to place another cube over here just for our liquid to interact with i'm going to make it a little bit smaller and then kind of like move it off to the side here and i'm just going to make this an effector so let's click on our domain and then i just want to re kind of like reset the settings over here so i'm just going to say resumable modular but then i'm going to go back into replay just for to speed things up so if i press play we'll have an interaction so if i take it a bit back over here you will see that there is also a bit of a gap when it starts to interact with our simulation there so here you can see there is a considerable gap so if we go back we scroll to the top and we go to our resolution division let's bump that up to 64. so twice the amount of particles and if we step for step put it down we can see that that gap has started to shrink there is still a little bit of a gap but it is still there and if you pop it up to let's say a hundred that gap should almost be gone so let's just play player play let's see what's happening here oh there you go so we go step for step and there is a cost to this solution and that is that it uses a lot more memory all right so there you go but as you can see that interaction is pretty much perfect there is no more gap between your particles and your object and the higher you put this value the smaller the gap becomes between your particles and your domain so if we continue to let the simulation run you'll see that there is still a bit of a gap but that the gap is very small so from about 100 frames already from 60 well not 100 frames a resolution division value of from 64 already starts minimizing that gap but you get a better result from about a 100 and if you bump it up to 150 it's even smaller so as your i can't think of the word the number as the number gets higher for your resolution division that gap becomes smaller and you can see like if we do this barely a gap so if you really want zero gap you can actually make an effector so make a container and there'll be zero gap so i hope this video helps it's just a quick solution to a common problem let me know if it helps and yeah you know don't forget to like and subscribe and leave a comment below so i hope this helps everyone have a great day and i'll see you next time
Channel: VG Leviathan
Views: 3,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KO6DDJdlm78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 34sec (334 seconds)
Published: Sun May 29 2022
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