Blender Render Basics: Splitting into Layers for Ultimate Control

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[Music] okay so here we are inside blender 4.0 and uh I just want you to mention that this tutorial works also for the earlier versions of blender so let's get started so uh before rendering in layers it's it's quite important that you have your Z organiz it into collection into several collections for example I got this gold iPhone in this Standalone collection I got this blue iPhone here and also this red iPhone here so it's important that everything is organized in collection and you don't have a mess here um also we got the plane in a alone collection okay so to render layers in blender it's really easy first we're we go here and create a new layer call it gold iPhone and uh we're going to Simply I'm going to turn off the plane for now and let's make this render transparent let's go to film and turn on transparent okay we are in the gold iPhone layer and let's turn off the other collections okay so now let's go here and let's click on copy settings and let's goit a moment taking account that the bigger your scene is and the um taking account that if you have a bunch of 3D objects and stuff this will take longer to copy uh so here we are uh let's change the name here to blue iPhone and let's turn this off and let's turn this on so as you can see if we switch from layers we've got here the gold iPhone and we got here the blue iPhone okay so let's repeat the process go here copy settings let's call this red iPhone and let's turn this off and turn this on okay so as you can see we got three layers of our of our project so how can we do to render these three layers at the same time so let's go to the compositing top and turn on use noes and we got here these from the layers node and this composite we don't need this so let's delete this and let's let's duplicate this uh two times shift d and we got here the layer that we going to render here so right here I'm going to switch this to blue iPhone and this to red iPhone okay and actually let me change the color of the notes here to something like uh gold so we don't lose ourselves here uh okay now let's change the color here to Red awesome let's press shift a um let's put here the file output node and for now let's uh let's use the uh PNG format to render this let's select the 16 color dep and compression turn this down to zero and uh let's duplicate these three times two times sorry and let's connect the image to the image in the three nodes okay and now let's select here the file output so in the gold iPhone I'll go here and uh let's create a new folder call it render uh let's create a new folder here call it gold iPhone blue iPhone and red iPhone okay so in this case we are on the gold iPhone layer let's go here let's go to our folder let's go to the gold iPhone open it and accept let's go to the blue iPhone uh let's go to the blue iPhone folder that we create it do the same open it enter and accept and let's go to the final fin it to the right iPhone folder let's go here enter accept Okay so now let make go to my render settings let put this on 200 turn this off got the Optics dener and let's save the project before rendering and let's here the render image okay awesome so if we go to our render layers to our render folder sorry you will find that we got this this uh layer of the blue iPhone we got the gold iPhone and the right iPhone and I think that's it but let's take this tutorial to the next level uh for example let's say that we want to have a plane here okay so uh let's actually create another um layer let's just uh blank layer okay and let's call this ground uh let's actually change the name of these two ground around uh let's turn this on so we got a problem here so let's say we're going to render uh this ground uh separated from the other iPhone so let's turn this uh on let's turn this on and let's turn this on so here I will present it the hold out uh option so you just go here and activate that here in this uh icon if you can see this and what I'm going to do is to turn this hold out on here turn this on here and turn this on so the hold out uh what is doing this is that he's converting all the objects that are in our collection in like some kind of alpha mask okay so let's go to compositing and let's create another render layers uh let's call this ground let's create a file output let's connect this here let's go to the folder here let's create a ground folder and accept and let's render this one more time okay so the render has finished and let's check our folders We got the same image that we got before but also we got our ground here with our Alpha mask here okay so if we go to any compositing program like Nuke or after effects uh let me import all my folders here okay so I got here this iPhone the blue the red the go the ground and the gold so let's import here the ground and let's import all the other tree okay so as you can see we got this H Alpha layer here sorry this Alpha mask here but we also got this red iPhone uh actually let me create a new black backr here and post this here play this here and uh actually I can go here and maybe apply a curve adjustment here without affecting the others okay so I can do the same here and uh I don't know maybe apply another effects dear artist thank you for joining me today if you found value in this content please please consider liking and subscribing until the next time and keep creating
Channel: EgoMotion
Views: 5,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender tutorial for beginners, blender beginner tutorial, blender 3d, blender tutorial, blender render layers separately, blender render layers composite, blender render layers tutorial, compositing, blender compositing
Id: FPJcST7wuGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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