Blender - Rantools [ All-In-One Addon ]

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hey what's up guys and welcome back to ask ankit today we're looking at run two run tools is an all-in-one add-on made available by amandeep the idea for rent tools is to get random tools that you probably need in blender in one easy to use package so the beautiful thing is amandeep is doing a thank you 20 percent off for those who like to get these or into the fact that rand tools collectively have gotten to a thousand downloads on both blender market and gum road so for those who like to get this right now you can simply go over to the link in the description and grab this for yourself and with that said let's explore some of the things that you can do in run tool so with blender simply open right here all you need to do is go over to edit go over to preference and install the addon one thing to mention before we get started is run tools definitely has a couple of shortcuts that can help you walk faster but regardless of that you can also tap n on the keyboard and right over here you'll notice that we have round tools and there's a couple of categories or tool sets that are sort of tied to what you can do so we have the curve tools the camera tools we have the random tools we also have the material tools the light tools and also the big tools so all of these are right here and you can simply go ahead and explore these things now today we're going to scratch the surface of certain things that you can do with this and to get started if we hold down shift and tap q on the keyboard you would notice that we have a pi menu there's a couple of pie menus that exist here so if you hold down shift on the keyboard and press w you'd also notice we have another prime menu shift on the keyboard and e there's also another pi menu so these pi menus are there to help you work faster else you can simply rely on the end panel to get these things to work the very first thing which we're going to explore is the boolean tools that exist here so if we hold down shift and tap q on the keyboard and we go over to the section called draw you would notice that we have a set of meshes that we can use to create boolean so the very first one which we explore is this that if you hold down control on top of the mesh you can click and drag and once you're ready if you move your mouse you can simply boolean this all right this looks cool so you can simply boolean this and that's okay let's do that one more time click and drag we can also let's actually do that here you can also boolean this if you also want to intersect it of course you can simply press eye on the keyboard and you can intersect and set this by pressing c on the keyboard slice this by pressing s on the keyboard union this by pressing u on the keyboard and also get a difference by pressing d using the cube geometry is not the only way that you can do this you can of course go in and also boolean based off other geometries like so so for example if you tap c on the keyboard and you hold down control and click and drag you can use the circle this goes for every other geometry that exists there now let's make a copy of this geometry or actually let's go in and make another geometry right here now the second thing which we're going to explore is the cables so if you like to create cables it's pretty easy to do with this tool as you can simply click on the word create hold down control and snap to the surface click to get that there hold down control and snap to another surface click to get that there and you have your cables if you'd like to increase the radius tap around the keyboard move your mouse left or right if you like to play with the tension press t on the keyboard move your mouse left and right and of course you can also play with the tension like so if you also want to extrude this or maybe you want to tilt it you can also proceed to do all of this but at the same time the cuff tool or the cable tool also has its own menu if you hold down shift and press e on the keyboard and probably want to create like multiple wires you can so in this case i'm just going to go in and roll the middle mouse and you can notice that we're creating multiple wires and if i press v on the keyboard and roll my mouse we can proceed to twist this so let's get closer and you can see what we've got if you would like to simulate this by all means you can also proceed to simulate this and these are just set of tools that you can also find within the curve section of the run tools so once you're working with run tools and potentially you're into product visualization or you're into rendering and you're looking for some cool backdrop that you can use to quickly create good renders then you might want to consider taking a look at this so if i move this model all the way up let's say this is our masterpiece and we would like to get some backdrops how we can do that is simple tap you on the keyboard and you can filter through the backdrops that exist actually let's cancel these and zoom all the way back yeah so if you have this object selected you press u on the keyboard you can filter through the backdrops that exist and once you're comfortable with the backdrop you want to go with you can click to let go and once you move your mouse left or right you can play with a bevel so i'm just gonna let this bevel be like so and that easy you've created a backdrop now in most cases after creating backdrop the next logical thing to do is to create some good light and how to create light here is also very easy let's get rid of this light and jump right here so you guys can see that we have no light so how you can create light here is also very very easy actually we should stay in this mode and select the monkey and then if we press l on the keyboard we can get light and we can cycle through the light types that exist here and get the fun and the best one for us so you can mix two lights together depending on what you want to go for in this case i can let this light be select the model press l on the keyboard as well and i can filter and select these are the light now once you click to let go if you move your mouse left or right you can increase or reduce the intensity of the light and this is also very cool and to all of the lights that you have if you like to make adjustments to them you can go over to the light properties and you can see all of them here and you can adjust them to your heart's content and adjusting the light is not the only thing that you can do with round tools you can also adjust the camera so before we get into adjusting the camera let's position our camera properly so i'm pressing there on the keyboard to jump into the camera view i'm going to lock this to this particular view press the home key to jump in and i will position this camera right here so once you have this going if you like to make changes to your camera you can simply do this by holding down alt on the keyboard and pressing c and from here you can start doing anything that you want you want to get depth of view tap d on the keyboard to activate depth of field and you can also change the focus so since we have just two objects within our scene if we press f on the keyboard you notice automatically our focus changes if i go ahead and press f on the keyboard one more time automatically it will also figure out and change the focus back to the monkey one more time if you like to play with the aspect ratio all you need to do is to roll your middle mouse button and you can get the perfect aspect ratio that you're going for and once you're ready click to let go position your model and then you can proceed to fire up the rendering so say for example you like to get some materials in here with texture and to do this is also very very easy hold down shift on the keyboard press q and go all the way to your library and within the library you can search for different materials let's say for example looking for wood which i think will be cool and we press the enter button it's going to go through the offline repository and also the online repository now the online repository that this addon actually uses is the ambient cg free textures that exist so you can search through these three textures and find something that works if i like to use this i can click and then click on the resolution type that i would like to get so if i would like to get this resolution i can click on 1k to get this resolution in and automatically it's going to download this texture and apply it to the model and the very same thing applies to hdrs if there are setting hdris you like to get you can simply hold down alt and tap n on the keyboard and search through the hdris that exist within the poly heaven now any hdr i like to work with you can simply select that and you can look that within your scene and use this to create some amazing stuff there's also a whole lot of other tools that exist with run tools and we definitely can't cover all of them but just to give you guys a glimpse there is a whole lot of tools that include cloth tool which you can use to create cloth so in this case if you have an object you can simply remesh the objects for cloth and then you can proceed to create clouds with it and this is pretty neat and it's very quick as well i'm also going to go ahead and get rid of that so let's get rid of that another beautiful thing that you can do is think about trying to create a tube so if you like to create the tube you need to go over create a cylinder and select a couple of faces like that delete those faces and then begin to extrude and that is just something you don't want to do all the time but with run tools you can simply click to create a tube and you have that with all the necessary parameters to work with the tube from here if you're also thinking about tapering stuff you can go ahead and taper stuff for example if we have the simple box here and we like to taper it we can just simply taper this however we want so you have all of the flexibilities and at certain instances if you like to slice stuff you can simply click use the slice panel and you can just go ahead and slice this however you want so you don't necessarily need to start fiddling with the modifiers trying to get these things to work you can easily do this at any point in time you like to break the modifiers to what you've just done if you tap e on the keyboard with the object selected you can proceed to apply the modifiers so that way you can apply the modifiers and get rid of all the unnecessary overlays that exist with it and you have what you want from here if you like to play with picata and explore some of the cool things that you can do with it you can also do that so remember the last time we said if you click on draw you can proceed to just draw some stuff so let's say we draw this and push this all the way down there is also this beautiful thing which includes creating radio arrays so if i tap r on the keyboard we can create radio arrays and you can use this to create some very interesting art piece so let's say you like to create stuff like that play with the thickness and that way you can create something like this so depending on what you like to make you're definitely going to find this tool and what you want to take a look at so this is more like it there are tons of stuff that you can do with ram tools and it's just crazy the amount of random tools and incredible things that exist with ran tools at this point amandeep is continually updating this as we have version 3 he's also promising that more versions and more updates are coming over to rentals so for those who like to get this and also get it for 20 off at this point you can simply go over to link in the description that will bring you right here where you can download run tools and start working with it and use the coupon thank you within checkout to get that 20 off for yourself tell me what you guys think about this one in the comments section and of course if you like this video or you learned something from this you can go ahead and give a like and don't forget to share with a friend and until i see you guys in the next one peace [Music] you
Channel: askNK
Views: 26,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asknk, maya, Reviews, Texturing, 3d Tutorials, Houdini, Cinema4d, Redshift, Arnold, Sketchup, BLENDER, affinity 1.7, substance painter 2019.1, asnk, blender2.9, blender2.91, blender 2.92, blender 2.92 new features, blender 3, blender 2.92 released, character creator, 3d character creator, reallusion character creator, blender 2.93, blender 2020, blender, blender 2.93 new features, blender 3.0 new features, b3d, unreal engine, rendering, free assets, free 3d model
Id: vCMrTC2aeM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Tue May 10 2022
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