Blender - Loop tools Curve Tool : Panel Beating - #21 Subdivision Surface Modelling

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OK. So it's been a while since I've made a video,  and to the disappointment of a few people this   one's not going to be about making the Knight for  the chess set. I want to go over another heavily   misunderstood and mostly unused tool. And that  tool is the curve tool, which lives within loop   tools. Now, the process we're going to use is  generally called "cubic interpolation" but it's   more commonly referred to as "panel beating". As  in the type of work a car mechanic might do to   work out the surfaces of a damaged metal panel  from a car. So let's get started. So if I just   delete the Default Cube I'm going to press "Shift"  and "A" to add a "mesh plane". I'm going to move   the camera forward. "Tab" into edit mode and  subdivide that, let's say four times. Two. Three.   Four. Good. So we've got this grid and what  you'll see people doing is - along one of the edges   they'll select a vertex, or more than one. I'll  just use one point here. And they'll move it. So   I'll press "G" and I'm going to press "Y" so that it  just moves along the Y-axis, and I'm going to move   it out a little bit. It doesn't matter where. Now  I can select this corner point. "Shift" and select   the point I moved, and then "shift" and select  another one at the other end of this Loop. It   doesn't matter which order you select the points  in. If I now press "N" to bring up the N-panel,   and go to the edit tab where my loop tools live.  I can press "curve" and we can see that this   edge is transformed into a curve between our three  selected points. I'm sure you've seen that before;   that's how everyone seems to use the curve tool in  loop tools. And they never go beyond that. And I   guess that's useful but that's not really what we  use the curve tool to do. It's much more powerful   than that. Let me just undo a few steps and I'll  talk about how it works on this simple flat grid.   Actually, first of all let's look at how I often  see people trying to curve a surface like this,   and we can see some of the problems. If I click  this little circle up here at the top of the 3D   view we can turn on proportional editing. And then  I'll go to the grid and grab a point somewhere in   the middle. And I can just press "G" and "Z"  to move it up and down, and you can see this   curvature being created across the surface. And  this tool is using the circle you can see around   it to decide how many points it encompasses on  the mesh to create this curvature. It's a great   tool and you'll see me using it all the time in  other videos. But it has some problems. Firstly,   the shape of the area that we're moving is decided  by this circle. And it's always a circle. That   can't be changed and that's quite a big problem.  When I scroll my mouse up and down to change the   size of the circle, I can make it quite large  you can see that the edges of our mesh are being   pulled up. And we very rarely want this to happen  or if we do we want much more control than this.   Proportional editing is powerful, but it's very  limited. There's a much better way to curve a   surface. So let's just undo this and start  to change the curvature using the curve tool.   So first of all I'm going to turn off proportional  editing. We won't be using that. And again I'm   going to select a point in the middle and move  it up in Z so I'll just press "G" and "Z" and   move the mouse. And this time it's the only  point that moves. And what we're describing   here is the peak or the apex of the curvature  we want to achieve. So, I've moved this point   out but we want the whole surface to match this  peak. And I do that by selecting the two points   at the very edge of the same Loop that our moved  point is on. In either direction. I'm going to do   it from left to right but you could go from top  to bottom too. So, I have a point to the left,  The point we've moved. And a point to the  right. All on the same Loop. And I can now go over   to the N-panel and press the "curve" button. And  it's just the same effect that we saw the edge,   but now we're doing it in the middle of the mesh.  And it creates this Ridge which has been created   by moving the unselected vertices into positions  between the ones we do have selected. And that's   the important thing to understand at this point.  The curve tool works only on unselected vertices.   So, we've made this Ridge, it's not really what we  wanted, but the next thing you need to understand   is that the curve tool is designed to work between  Loops, Not just between vertices. That's why it's   in Loop tools. So now I can "alt" and "click" on  this loop at the bottom to select the whole thing.   "shift-alt" and "click" on the loop at the top and  finally "shift-alt" and "click" our curved Loop in   the middle. And now when I press the curve button  in the N-Panel, we'll see that the whole surface   has now been curved; to match the single point  that we originally moved. But very importantly,   all the vertices around the edge are in exactly  the same place they were when they're started.   Unlike the mesh we ended up with when we used the  proportional editing tool. Which pulled up those   edges and all the vertices with it. We've decided  on the limits of the curvature ourself and this   is a really important distinction. So this is  getting a little more useful and we do use this   functionality. A lot. But it's still not really  what you'll use the curve tool for. most of the   time. the main use, when you're starting out using  it anyway, is to fix problems on a surface. And we   can use this newly curved grid to talk about that.  Let's say we had some points selected on this mesh   and we were moving them around to shape it. it  doesn't really matter which ones or how many   or where we move them to. I'll just select these  two here and I'll move them up in Z, to make these   bumps and maybe I'll scale them out in Y and we've  created this feature, on our fairly complicated   curved surface. And that's great. But what if I  now moved some points somewhere else on the mesh.   I'll just select a few over here, and I'll move  them up in Z and maybe back in X. I'll scale them   in Y. Whatever, whatever you're doing to make your  shape. And all of a sudden, while we're working,   we decide that we really like this area here. But  we don't like these two bumps anymore. What can we   do to get rid of them? Well it's really difficult  to move them back into place or to smooth them out   or average them or rebuild them; without the  surface becoming very flat or too curved. You   will always end up with bumps and errors around  this area. We can't use undo because we like   this part of the back and pressing undo would get  rid of that. We may have done hundreds of other   modeling changes since we decided, we just don't  like these, and we don't want to have to undo all   that work. But we need to get rid of them, and the  curve tool is used to do just that. What we do is,   we select the points we don't like, then we press  "Ctrl" and "I" to invert the selection. So that   the rest of the mesh is selected, and our problem  points are unselected. And remember that I said   the curve tool only works on unselected vertices.  So if we press the "curve" tool at this point,   then blender will rebuild the curvature using  these unselected points. But with respect to all   of the curvature surrounding it and that's all  calculated cubicly, which effectively makes the   continuity perfect. And that is really impossible  to do any other way. And maybe I didn't want to   get rid of those features completely. Just reduce  their size. Well, again, that's possible with the   influence slider in the properties box down here.  As we move this, we can see we can actually reduce   the magnitude of a feature. Always with absolute  respect for the curvature around it so things   can easily be reduced in size. Or eliminated  altogether. And we can continue shaping this   surface and making changes and we will always  have the ability to reduce or remove features   as we want. Just selecting a few points we  don't like and pressing "Ctrl" - "I" to invert   the selection and use the curve button. There  are all sorts of reasons vertices can be moved   out of place on a mesh, and with the Curve tool  it's very easy to rebuild complex curvature. It   actually works very well as just a flattening tool  itself. If I select the two Loops at either side   of this mesh and press the curve button, the  whole thing is flattened down. Or if I want,   just reduced in magnitude, by using the influence  slider. And this method is great for altering and   fixing curvature on spheres, cylinders, toruses.  Any kind of curving shape really. So, well,   let's show you. Let's just start a new scene. I'm  going to delete the default Cube and press "Shift"   and "A" to add a mesh torus. I'm going to set it  to "shade smooth" and press "Ctrl" and "2" to add   a subdivision surface modifier to it. In fact  let's make it even more difficult to work with.   I'm going to go over to the modifier panel here  and add a "simple deform" modifier. I'll leave   it as bending but I might increase the bending  value. And if I apply this modifier and then   "tab" into edit mode, you can see we have a really  complicated curved base mesh. This is the kind of   curvature which can make modelers really nervous  about making changes as it seems very difficult to   reverse or reduce your changes. But we really  don't need to worry. A mistake often made   when working with the mesh is that vertices get  moved by accident. I might have, at some point,   selected - let's say, I don't know, three vertices  here. And they get moved somewhere by accident.   And the camera's facing the wrong way to see them,  and you might keep working away. It happens to   everyone. Happens to me all the time. I should  probably be more careful but it's not as big a   problem as you might think. But anyway you keep  working away. Maybe I've selected a loop around   the top and and, well, let's make something  quickly. I might use a "checker deselect",   and I'm gonna have seven deselected vertices for  every one that is selected around this Loop. Oh,   and you always need to enter "-1" for the offset  in Checker deselect. I talk about that in another   video, so I won't go over it again here. But you  do. So always change that to minus one. And let's   say I expand these points out to create these  little Islands at the top just by pressing "Ctrl"   and "plus" uh maybe I'll move these up a little  and then I'll press Ctrl minus and just move the   original inner point open maybe scale that out.  Whatever you're doing to create your models.   And then I've got my shape and I spin the camera  around to look at my handiwork and suddenly I see   these vertices here. It's not part of my design,  it's just a mistake and now our mesh is really   very complicated. To put these vertices back  into place is virtually impossible. You can try   to delete them and rebuild the geometry with new  faces or smooth them out somehow. But it's never   going to work properly. There are always going to  be problems in that area. Unless we use the curve   tool. So again, I just select the vertices  that are incorrectly positioned. I'm going   to press "Ctrl" and "I" to invert the selection,  leaving everything other than these three problem   vertices selected. Now I press the curve tool and  our problem's gone. It's as simple as that. All   the curvature has been rebuilt correctly. Light  will flow over this surface perfectly because all   the calculations are cubic and that's why  we call it "cubic interpolation". Mostly,   we do call it panel beating, but it is actually  cubic interpolation. And again I could just use   it to reduce the size of some features on my  mesh. Maybe I wanted these two pointed shapes   here to be smaller than the others. I'm going to  press "Ctrl" and "plus" to encompass all of the   moved points within the selection, then I press  "Ctrl" and "I" to invert the selection. Hit curve,   and of course they're gone. But I can just use  the influence slider until they are the size I   want them to be. Maybe that's all I wanted  to do, just bring them back to this smaller   magnitude. Or I might have done all this work and  decided I don't like any of it. But I do like the   underlying curved Torus base mesh. So again I  go around selecting all the top points. Press   "Ctrl" and "plus" and then "Ctrl" and "I" to  invert the selection. I'm going to hit curve   and make sure the influence sliders at 100  percent, and all that detail is gone. With   this really very complicated curvature around  this warped torus rebuilt perfectly. Light   will flow over this very smoothly. So that's  one very powerful use of the curve tool. Now,   another use of the curve tool is when making  vehicles, spaceships, the hulls of boats, guns,   all sorts of sci-fi objects. It's used extensively  in character modeling. In this context, it becomes   a modeling tool rather than a repair tool. And  you'll find it to be excellent at creating complex   curvature on top of other complex curvature. So  let's start a new scene. I'm going to quickly try   to show you how panel beating is used to do this  kind of thing. I'm going to delete the default   Cube. I'm going to press "Shift" and "A" to add a  new mesh plane. I'm going to "right click" to set   it to "shade smooth" and I'm going to press "Ctrl"  and "3" to add a subdivision surface modifier to   it. I'll tab into Edit mode and I'm going to scale  this panel by pressing "S" and I'll type "2" and   press "Y". Just to scale it along the y-axis. Now  we'll need some geometry to work with so I'm going   to press "Ctrl" and "R" to add Loop Cuts I'm going  to hover over this top edge here and type 20 and   hit enter to give it more divisions. I'll press  "Ctrl" and "R" again and this time I'm going to   hover over an edge at the side. I'll type "10"  and hit "enter" and we end up with what seems   like a good enough geometry for a couple of door  panels. So I'll go with that. And you'd often be   working with a reference or a blueprint. I don't  I don't have one I'm just, I'm just going to try   to quickly show you the general principle of how  it works. Anyway, you'd be matching these things   with a blueprint and to do that we might select  a point somewhere in the middle here and I'll   just press "G" to start moving it and I'm going to  press "Shift" and "Z" so that it moves on the same   plane and I'll just move this up here. I might  move this point on the corner in the same way to   match our imaginary blueprint and I'll move this  one at the other corner too. And then I'll start   using our curve tool again. I'll select the left  corner point, then the center point that we moved,   and then the right side corner point. Make sure  the "Edit" tab of the "N-Panel" is displayed and   press curve and that'll create the curve which  you just have to assume would match our blueprint   or reference image. Then I might do the same  along this edge. I'll just move a point out,   near the middle a little. I'll move the one  at the bottom corner. Just for the sake of it.   Select these three points and press "curve" again  to make this curved edge. Maybe I'll just move the   other corner the other side and just select three  points which will describe my curve at the bottom.   I'll add a final curve at the side here just so  everything flows. Select these three points and   press "curve". And that's great. Maybe that  would be the shape of the car panels from the   blueprint or the reference we're working on.  But you'll notice that the grid in the middle   doesn't match the flow of the overall shape  and again we use the curve tool to solve this.   I'll "alt" and "click" on the bottom row to select  this Loop. I'll "Shift", "Alt" and "click" one in   the middle. And I'll "Shift", "Alt" and "click"  a third time to select the loop at the top. Now,   when I press curve, it spreads the geometry  correctly between these loops. I have to do   it from left to right as well. So I'll "Alt"  and "click" this loop at the side. "Shift",   "Alt" and "click" this one around the middle and  "Shift", "Alt" and "click" one on the right. I'll   press the "curve" tool and you can see now that  the internal grid matches the shape very well   but if I move the camera around this panel it  looks very flat and we wouldn't want that. Nothing   is really flat in real life and certainly not car  panels. So maybe I'd select a point in the middle   and move it up. I'll press "G" and "Z" just to  move it up a little and as I showed you at the   start of the video we can use this peak to curve  the whole Surface. By selecting a point at the   edge, the point we moved, and a point of the other  Edge. And just press "curve" to create this ridge.   Now, I'll select the whole loop at the  bottom, the whole loop at the top and the   whole loop with the with the ridge. It doesn't  matter which order you select the loops in.   And I'll press "curve" again and now the whole  surface is curved, as a car panel might be; with   good topological flow over the surface and perfect  continuity for reflections and transparency.   I might want to move the corner points down so  I'll select the four of them. And I'll just move   them down in Z. And that means re-curving the  surface and I'll do it by re-curving the edges   first. I'll select these three points and press  "curve" and then I'll go to the other side.   I might even want to move a point up here and  curve between these three. We can have some   really complex curvature. Now I want the whole  surface to match up so I'll select the first   Edge loop at this side and then one in the middle  around the apex of the surface and then the new   curve point on the right. press "curve", and we've  got some great curvature. You can keep on moving   points and re-curving to get these shapes you need  but I think this will do for the main surface.   Now, I said that you would often want curvature on  top of your curvature so let's do that. So I take   a point of the edge here and move it up and then  maybe one further along this loop and move that   up. I can select both of these moved vertices  and then I might want this detail to disappear   into the original curved surface. So I select a  few points at the edge. This will make the new   curvature curve perfectly back into the panel  surface because all the calculations are cubic.   So I press the curve button and there it is. Maybe  this is too high. And if I felt that was the case,   I can select this entire loop. Press "Ctrl" and  "plus" a few times to select the surrounding   loops and then I "Ctrl", "Alt" and "click"  the ridge loop. Here. And I press "curve".   When you do it like this, just selecting a  few loops, you need to "check" the boundary   box to make sure everything else around  the mesh doesn't move. Because it can. So,   that makes it disappear as it did when we were  fixing surfaces with the Curve tool. But I can   bring it back with the influence slider. Make it  the height I want and the relationship between   all of the curves that's being calculated  cubically so the continuity is always perfect.   OK, that looks fine. Now I might want a much  sharper detail and again if you look at modern   cars you'll see this everywhere on almost every  car. I'll select a loop here and press "Ctrl" and   "B" to bevel it. I'm going to roll my mouse so  that there are three loops. I'm going to move it   to around here. And I'll do the same kind of thing  again. I'm going to select two points in this   middle loop here and just move them up a little.  then again I'm going to select a few down at the   other end to taper the curve off into our curved  panel. Remember, that the selected points won't   move at all. And press "curve". And now you can  see this sharper detail running across the panel   and once you start playing with the Curve tool  you can see that there are lots of interesting   shapes that can be made to match kind of modern  manufacturing processes. OK, so once my main   surface is done I would normally take a copy of  this mesh to use as a shrink wrapping target when   I cut holes and things and add other details. But  I won't do that here, this is just a really quick   demo of panel beating. But yeah, maybe I would  want to add some windows now so I'm just going   to select a face here, then "Ctrl", "shift" and  select one down here to create this rectangular   selection. I'm going to have "shift" and "click"  a face here and then "Ctrl", "Shift" and "click"   another one here and I've got two kind of vague  window shapes. If I now press "I" to inset that,   I would normally turn on edge rail for this kind  of inset, which keeps everything running along the   existing flow of my mesh. I can delete or even  separate these polygons out to use as glass for   my windows with exactly the right curvature. So  I'll press "P" this time actually to keep those   as they'll probably be useful later and choose  "by selection" and then you can see them here as   a new object in the outliner so (I've just) so  I would rename those to "Windows". It's always   a good idea to rename your objects as you go.  And I'll just hide them. I won't use them here,   that's just to show you how easy it is to  make useful elements. So if I select our big   panel again and go into edit mode I can shape  the windows now with this loop. I'll just do   something simple to one of the windows so you can  see how easy it is. I'll select the whole loop,   deselect a few points on it and use the curve tool  again. I may need to check or uncheck boundaries.   You'll get used to doing that and you can see  we have this curving at the back, and I can   shape the windows very easily with the Curve tool.  This is where I would normally use a shrink wrap   modifier with the original base mesh. But I've  not done that here for a Simplicity and speed.   Now I did want this to be two doors, so I'm going  to select a loop where I want to split them up   and bevel that by pressing "Ctrl" and "B" and  just make it - I don't know - about this wide.   Now, if I select the very centre loop, I want to  select everything on just one side. There are lots   of ways to do that, but a quick and simple  method is just to go to "select" - "select   loops" and "select loop inner region". And that  just selects all of the vertices on one side.   Now, if I press "P" to separate it into a new  object and choose "selection", we have these   two door panels. I won't rename them this time.  But if I have them both selected and go into edit   mode I can press "A" to select everything, and  then "E" to extrude. And I'm going to extrude   a little further than I normally would just so  you can see what's happening. And what we end up   with is this very complex curved pair of panels,  with perfect continuity between them. With curved   detail on top of the curvature which runs, again,  perfectly between them and they're two completely   separate objects so the door can open or fly  off - whatever you need. And when they do close   they fit together like a jigsaw. And I would  now start adding other furniture like mirrors   and door handles and keyholes and all sorts of  other modeling techniques are used for that and   but that's for further videos. What I hope I've  shown you here is that the curve tool is one of   the most powerful tools in blender when working  on quad based meshes, which need to curve as they   do in real life. So let me see what else I have  in here. These sunglasses. They would have been   virtually impossible to make without the use of  the curve tool. There's really quite a lot going   on there but the curve tool makes this kind of  modeling much simpler and this is very similar to   the way NURBS work because they're also calculated  cubicly. But in subdivision surface modeling we   have more options so it's better for our needs, in  blender, to use the curve tool. This, er, this toy   train steam engine. It was relatively simple to  make because I could play with the surface a lot   with the curve tool, to experiment with details  and change all the curvature to match perfectly   around all the little features that I add and  remove. And it's tools like these that are one   of the multitude of reasons to maintain good quad  topology on your objects while you're modeling.   They won't work at all on meshes that have used  the Boolean operators. It won't work with n-gons   or triangles or extraordinary poles. You lose  access to the more powerful modeling tools in   blender once you start using a Boolean. I can spot  up sci-fi model made with what people are calling   hard surface Boolean techniques a mile off and so  will you when you start playing with these kind of   real modeling tools. Let me just load up a version  of this train with just two simple modifiers on it   and you can see that distortion and animation  work incredibly well. I can just increase the   height in this wave modifier over here and  the topology handles the Distortion with ease.   And these modifiers may not just be for  animation I might be using them as modeling   tools. Because I can. Because it's all been  made with quads and certainly no booleans.   Under this I've got a simple deform and I can  just play with the angle while it's playing   back and there are many times when a model will  need to be changed or updated in its life cycle.   We're always looking to create something called  the "framework mesh" for any given model. oh,   it's our Knight - which which I haven't shown  you how to make yet; sorry about that! I haven't   really talked about the framework mesh yet. But on  the left here we have what might be the "framework   mesh" for this model and it would always be all  in quads. You need to understand that there'll   be lots of versions of a model and some will be  triangulated and some versions will have n-gons.   Depending on the destination the usage and the  rendering technologies used to display them. But   all of these different versions will be derived  from the "framework mesh". That's the main model   and it'll always be quads and it'll always be  as easy to edit and change as possible and that   means good quad topology. When you hear people  arguing that everything is triangulated at render   time anyway so it doesn't matter; well, they are  correct of course but that's not the point at all   the point is that if a production or a game is  remastered or rebooted or redesigned in any way,   then the original models need to be adaptable.  If it costs a lot of money and time to change   a model, then the people who pay the bills  will not be happy. And framework meshes are   often quads just for that reason alone. So that's  the goal of modeling, to make this framework mesh   for any given model. Maybe Unity or Unreal or  Godot or VFX or 3D printing. They'll all have   different requirements and triangulations and  even n-gons, and you'll often need to make all   of these versions and they'll all come from  this one framework mesh - using triangulation   and decimation techniques. Anyway that's probably  enough of that. I was really just talking about   panel beating in this video. And hopefully  I've given you a good starting understanding   of it. I did miss out a few unrelated modeling  steps that would normally be done but the video   would just been too long if I'd covered all the  unrelated stuff so I think that's enough for now.   Now, I'm not really completely well at the  moment so making these videos is a bit of a   mountain to climb, but I will get a video made  for the Knight, for the chess set. There may   be one or two more in between, but I will get  there, I promise. And by the time we're done   you should have some really good professional  modeling techniques under your belt, which will   make you a much better all-around modeler. OK,  well thanks for watching. See you next time.
Channel: Ian McGlasham
Views: 17,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Curve Tool, Loop tools, Panel Beating, Subdivision Surface, SubD, Sub-d, Sub d, Hard Surface, Boolean, Modelling, Begginer, Intermediate, Advanced, Topology, good topology, Quads, Ngons, Triangle, Triangles, Framework Mesh, ngons vs quads, quads vs ngons, quad topology, Modifier, Subdivision Surface Modifier, Blender Quads, Blender N-gons, blender ngons, car modeling, Blender topology, good topology in blender, bad topology
Id: goJ4LVHXkC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 10sec (1390 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2023
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