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hey everybody it's eric paulie at and i have downloaded blender gis and blender osm both of them are geometry geometry creating add-ons for blender that will take assets from a map and create them into 3d geometry inside of blender now i have plopped them both into a folder of my for my assets and i am ready to install them and i'm going to compare them and see what i think is better about each one um well i'm not going to look for it because it's not going to be there it's going to be in the assets folder um so i'm i'm using the free version of osm i should probably have said that in the beginning so i'm going to download this one and click that check mark and it will go over there we go and let's install another one click all right now let's start with the osm which i just hit n to go into my um your menu and then i clicked osm and just literally said git right and now i can click around until i like what i'm seeing zoom on down and let's go right here i suppose and let's copy now i have the um location copied and i'm going to paste it and import ah i need to set a directory that's in the preferences and oops that's not what i wanted and let's go over to assets again and create a folder map asset folder don't really need to put folder there it kind of goes without saying but hey whatever okay now i click import and let's see what happens here let's give it a second i'm not going to edit this so i'm just going gonna have to fast forward for me there it is that's the map that's the one i had selected now if i go into tab to edit i'm editing the cube that i started with tab uh let's click one maybe uh select all well now let's select just the sides select by um material so first of all i i have noticed that the um osm will at least separate the roof and the wall of each so if it comes down time to like let's say project from view and you go over here you see there it is and you're able to do at least something with this um could wrap it just the sides and then leave the top that's usually an issue in the first place especially if you're projecting from view you're only getting the one angle which is great for a shot that doesn't really go past there or there and that unwrapping issue is something that i've noticed on um both um systems however if you're doing like a background or something you don't need necessarily all of this however it is really nice looking to have that much movement of buildings and such i'm sure there's like an easier way to do this i guess you could unwrap each each one and create a nice little unwrap say like this fella and then just grab it and put it inside of your uv map say you're trying to wrap let's let's look for something a building that's already done perhaps uh like like this go in and essentially you don't have to do a whole lot because it's already all set up for you now texture assigned and we want to change this am i able to just drag it let's find out nope um let's go into uh shading shift a go into image plop that color into this color and let's open up that image that i was just at let's hopefully hopefully i can just find it right off the gate i didn't really it honestly doesn't matter what image i use faster than a speeding uh bullet yeah let's just use that i'm not going to spend all day looking for it it doesn't really matter a sign you get the idea it's a already looking like a individual building you can change this roof color into a little bit less so that way it kind of goes just with whatever you're doing so it's pretty intuitive uh but let's try the other one so it's up here actually for this one and i'm going to get a base map first and i'm going to use the google satellite it takes a second i believe let's go to salem see if it knows what i'm talking about uh i just hit g to go into that uh the keys don't necessarily make a whole lot of sense for me um i'm not really into it or salem go and things are a little bit harder to find like um maybe i i probably just don't know the keys to do it really is the issue let's go right here and uh i think it was e i hit the finish now it leaves me with a square little map if i go up here i could go get elevation but i'm not sure how much there's really going to be to be honest with you it might be a little bit because it's right next to the ocean not sure how long this is going to take either 30 meters i'm guessing i don't think it's going to be 30 minutes yeah that didn't do a whole lot it took a while to get there though let's go down to uh this one and get omosm and hold shift and select all these and say uh okay too large extent huh okay that's another issue apparently oh you know what let's do elevate from maybe that was the whole issue nope it was not something else is wrong so not impressed with this so far but i'm also not not really uh good with it i suppose huh yeah i'm not sure having an issue but maybe since there's not really any buildings or maybe it's not zoomed in enough i'm gonna try and get another base map so far i definitely like the os osm oms yeah sure now let's try just go straight to the osm and kind of try to get just what i'm after in the first place okay are you gonna give me some magic here yeah okay there we go that's way better for some reason i just picked a bad area um and uh this is kind of nice because you can just do things separated by what it is and you can just immediately start adding the color of water it had well okay i guess it's picking up the ocean line itself not necessarily the ocean but it did pick up this other like uh bay or whatever is going on in here and then there's this island area in between so it did do basically what i told it to i just picked an area with no buildings let's try uh one more but let's look for an area with buildings and try this again yes uh portland oregon see what that gives us yeah let's do just buildings this time and go into the web get osm okay work your magic see what happens all right i'm gonna just delete the map immediately oh that's not what i did though what did i delete i'm just gonna hide it actually so one thing automatically as you can see it does not add a material whatsoever it's just nothing so if i go in here and change something like that you're gonna have a hard time really noticing the difference the buildings seem a little bit less put together as well that might just be in my head but i i really do prefer the osm so i'm gonna have to definitely go with the osm but i'm gonna keep the gis installed in case osm for some reason is malfunctioning and i have to resort back to a crappier version of something it's not crappy it's just not as good as the osm that being said i i'm sure there's more of a use for each one i'm sure each one has a pro and each one has a con it's just my personal preference i'm gonna go with the s the osm yeah all right that's been eric paulie at thanks for the heads up
Views: 619
Rating: 4.7777777 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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