Blender Basics - Gradient Materials | Color Ramp Node

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in this video we're going to be taking a look at making gradient textures so that's going to be like two or more colors as a material instead of just a single color like we've used in the previous videos so start off i'm going to get rid of the default cube and i'm going to go add mesh and i'm going to choose the monkey i'm going to zoom in a bit and we can see this is really rough at the moment so i'm going to right click and shade smooth and then i'm going to go into the modifiers tab i'm going to add a modifier and i'm going to choose subdivision surface and i can turn up the levels view part up one more time so that's going to make it nice and smooth so next i'm going to go down to the material tab and i'm going to click new to add a new material and i can just double click and rename this gradient so now to get access to more options for the material than what we've got in this list here we need to go to the top and we need to go into the shading tab so i can click shading and then i can zoom in a bit and then we can see that we've got the usual settings here but we've also got these pins here where we can plug in other nodes so first thing we need to do is go to add and then i'm going to search texture coordinates and then just left click and drop that in over here at the left and then i'm going to add another one and i'm going to click search again and i'm going to choose mapping i'm going to zoom in a bit with the scroll wheel and then i can click the middle mouse button and move around like this so i want to plug in generated two vector and then after that i need to add another another node so i'll go search and this one is going to be separate x y z and then i can plug the vector into that we'll see that each of these sockets are color coded to help you work out which socket you need to plug them into okay so what we're going to do with this is we just want the z axis like up and down so we're going to call add and then type in ramp for the color ramp and then we can just plug the z into here and then the color just goes into our base color so now we've got this and i can adjust the points like this we've got different modes here where it says linear we're going to change that to ease cardinal b spline constant so constant's going to give you like a a really sharp line which might be interesting if you were going to do an animation where it moves like this i'm going to go with ease i think because that looked the most gentle transition and then i can just zoom in a bit i can click this black color and i can go to the bottom and i can change this to the color by dragging this over the top and then picking any color so i think i might go with like an orange color and then i can click the other color and i can change this to maybe pink and again we can adjust the position of the colors and if we wanted we could have a third color so [Music] maybe i'll click the plus and i'll drag this over here and then i'll change this to maybe blue like that and then i can put this spaced out a bit better so we've got our three colors and i'll just go back to the layout tab and i'll just go back on the material preview mode there and then we can see that we've got our gradient material but i want to take this one step further and what i'm going to do is make the top shiny and the bottom not shiny so we're going to affect the roughness so i'll go back to shading and all we need to do is add a new color ramp so type in ram and then we can just connect the z to this one and the color to the roughness and i need to flip i'm going to flip these around the other way around and now we can see that it's shiny on the top but not on the bottom [Music] we could also make it metallic if we wanted [Music] so i'm going to go back into layout and then i can go to render properties enable ambient occlusion blur and screen space reflections inside these nodes we can always change the the mapping over here which is going to change the location so we can move the z position we can also change the rotation we can change [Music] the position of the the roughness gradient here and of course we can always change the colors [Music] so there we go so i hope you've managed to follow along with this video okay and i hope you've learned something i've got a lot more videos planned so keep an eye out for them thanks a lot for watching
Channel: InfiniteDigital
Views: 181,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender Tutorial, Blender Color Ramp Node, blender 2.8, Blender 3D
Id: ViqfL0LOwUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 43sec (403 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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