Blender 4.0 - Realistic Dry Ice Tutorial

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hey what's up guys this is Krishna here welcome to this exciting tutorial on blender 4.0 dry eyes now we're going to face some challenges during this tutorial and we're going to fix them along the way okay without any further Ado let's jump straight in so I have a brand new scene here pretty much everything is default the first thing is I want to create a pan on the right hand side here and choose asset browser now I have installed poly Haven asset browser here which is an add-on available and there is a video explaining how to install it Etc and I'll leave a link in the description for that so please check it out so all I'm going to do here is I'm going to go to models and I'm going to drop the brass goblets in to the scene here I'm going to go to the front view by the way I have installed keystrokes so you can see the keys I'm pressing um on the bottom left corner here okay all right cool so I'm going to go ahead and select that brass goblets all right I'm going to move this guy to the right a little bit here okay first of all when you drag and drop models from poly Haven add-on it's going to come in as instances okay meaning if I tab here I cannot edit these models okay so first what you got to do is pressol and a and now you got to select make instances real when you do that you can now tab into edit mode and make modifications to the mesh okay so for this one I don't need these two okay I'm going to go ahead and delete them I'm just going to keep this guy here and that's it I'm going to make this small or even delete it actually I don't need it okay now I'm going to press control shift shift s and selection to cursor so it sits right in the middle I'm going to go back to the front view and select that Cube and where did that go it's right here okay I'm I'm going to select that to the center as well and the reason why I'm doing that is because I don't know how big this brass goblet is so all I'm going to do is I'm going to increase the size of this goblet here just so that it hits this top part of the cube and for that I'm going to scale this guy up there you go that's pretty much matches up so if you now look at this the scale is 3.6 let's call it 3.65 so wherever you are you can just copy these numbers and I'm done with this Cube here I'm going to delete it all right cool we got this now and I'm going to now add a an icosphere here okay and this is obviously too big so let's make this 0.1 okay I think that looks pretty good I'm going to push this up a little bit 0.75 in the Z so that'll be our smoke object so let me go ahead and click on the object quick effects and smoke so blender sets everything for us okay and I'm also going to create a pane on the left hand side here and go to properties and select physics pin this because we're going to have to keep resetting this type here and I'm going to increase the resolution divisions to 128 okay and choose adaptive domain all right cool we're set to run our first s here so you can see the smoke is rising and it is all good okay but we haven't said this is a cotter okay so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and click on the fluid here and use fector and going to check his planner okay now I just want to point out to you that this is a manifold object object meaning it is a solid object okay you can see there is thickness to it Etc however when it comes to blender for some reason doesn't like it all right anyway so that's why it's planer we're also going to phas another issue later on with the Collision okay so we're going to deal with that when it comes to it all right cool so let me run this again okay as you can see the smoke is rising that's no problem there okay and let me just select this guy okay this is going to be a dry ice therefore we need it to go down all right so the easiest thing would be to just put a minus in here to the maximum level five is the maximum number so I'm going to add a little bit of verticity to it you can see the container is changing size okay the domain but nothing is happening nothing is coming out of it and let's see what's happening here so you will see that the smoke is being generated uh faintly you can see that let me change it to Warframe okay you can see that all right but for some reason in blender the volume is getting lost you know if I were to push the smoke down you know here that would fill up and overflow but that's not what is happening here the volume is getting lost significantly now I'm not sure because we don't have the dissolve enabled either so I don't know why this is happening but anyway so let's just maybe this is because of the Heat and that's what I taught so what I'm going to do is I'm going to bring this back up to five all right oops five so it goes upwards reset it and play again so you'll see that is coming up which is good and now what I'm going to do is instead of changing these numbers to negative I'm going to go to this scene here and change the gravity to the opposite direction and now we should see the same effect we had when we had these negative all right see okay this is to avoid void any problems with the heat itself okay because the lower the heat less is the chance that the smoke Will Survive Okay cool so now we have obviously made it different now it still doesn't look like it's doing a lot it just cannot come out of this okay so next step is to go ahead and introduce a velocity initial velocity what I'm going to do is I'm going to re-inject that 9.81 gravity that we switched okay I'm going to re-inject that back into the Z Direction and let's see if that helps okay as you can see it's definitely helped okay it's obviously going up it's going going quite a bit up but don't worry about that because we don't need time scale of one okay we need 025 because dry eyes is slow smoke so let's go ahead and resin this again and now you can see this injection of Z velocity is obviously pushing the uh smoke up so much so that doesn't even want to come down this is despite the fact we've changed time scale to 0. 25 okay and that is because there's not enough initial temperature or density so I'm going to bump these both up to 10 okay and let's try it again now you can tell that it is lingering around just above this goblet here all right which is exactly what we want because that's how dry eyes should behave you know what I'm going to go ahead and increase this to 200 resolution wise okay and then let's play it again okay just around here you can see that there is a significant gap between this U goblet here and the smoke and it's also a straight line here which is no good okay we're going to fix that by adding noise later on okay but for the moment there is an issue with the Collision itself okay for some reason if you were to use Ace PL R there is a difference so if I were to put a cube up here and scale this in the Z Direction so small okay and push this up a little bit okay so effectively this should become our collider all right so now I'll just multiply this guy by two so it goes up quicker Okay so so as you can see this is hitting the Collision object okay which is what we would expect all right so what I'm going to do now is I'm actually going to go to solid and go in edit mode okay and I'm going to choose the face and I'm going to select that top face and delete that face now it is a non- manifold object meaning it's not a solid object okay it's just thin sheet of paper or something like that okay now when you go back into object mode and this time I'm going to select is plan R because it's plan R and I'm going to run this guy and now you'll see that the Collision will have a gap you can see here now I don't know why this is okay but that's the way it is it's for some reason you know I tried everything I changed to mesh I increased the sub steps surface thickness no matter what I do and not just that I also made this a manifold object by going to edit mode selecting everything uh extrude s and pulling this in uh this should technically be a if I go to front view and press Z Warframe you can see that this is technically a manifold object you know it's it's not I I don't know anyway I'm just going to get rid of all of that and go back to our previous stuff here okay I'm going to create a duplicate of brass goblet okay so I'm going to call this guy Collider and this guy I'm going to remove the collider because this is our render object okay going just enable that render object and this will be our collider which will not be rendered okay so what do I want to do with this I want to reduce it size slightly in such a way that it's 0.02 if I bring that down by 02 maybe that'll be enough so all I'm doing is I'm trying to compensate for that Gap okay collider is slightly smaller than goblet and that's by 0.02 so now I'm going to get rid of that I here but the collider will still be in place all right cool so let's now check it out I need to actually change the this back to 9.81 okay now at frame number 46 you can see it's slightly above okay so we're going to have to bring that down even more unfortunately it is say uh trial and error okay so I'm going to just bring that down by another another 02 so in total 04 okay so this is going to be 3.61 there it is okay at frame number 46 we can see that it is still there but we're going to fix that by adding Noise Okay so I'm going to enable noise and I'm going to try it again okay now at frame number 27 you can already see that it is is doing very well so there it is so it is a combination of making the collider smaller than the actual object slightly and it's a trial and error and then adding Noise Okay and that'll resolve that issue okay cool let's move on I'm going to just disable the noise for the moment and I'm going to get rid of that guy as well what I want to do is I want to make a few changes to the the simulation itself so first of all I'm going to go to icosphere I'm going to check all this this is all good okay in the Smoke domain which is on this side here I'm going to enable collisions on the bottom all right let me go into edit mode and push this up so it sits right on the ground plane here okay and because this is going to be a smoke that is traveling downwards we don't need it this High all right let's go back to the first sorry go back to the front view G b z and pull it down so I think that's good enough okay perfect the next one is I'm going to increase the minimum simulation steps okay so it's going to have to go through two at least and that'll increase the accuracy of the simulation itself the last thing is I want to just change this small color to one and this seems to have an impact on the simulation okay all right cool replay so now you can see see that these changes have made it barely come out of the uh goblet okay uh that's a problem for us because it's just stuck here at frame number 28 it's just can't seem to come out now it is filling up slowly maybe it'll come out eventually uh let's wait and see okay we're on 43rd frame and this is not going anywhere so what I want to do is I want to bump up this guy okay so I'm going to multiply this by two okay so that goes up to 19.6 in the Z velocity okay I'm going to try it again okay we are on frame number 15 as you can already tell that it is starting to overflow which is exactly what we want okay and there's lots of it which is very good cool okay I think we got that I'm going to go ahead and enable noise as well okay and I'm going to run it again the only thing I want to change after this is going to be our ecosphere itself because this is static at the moment it's a standard shape I want to change it over time all right so that it generates smoke differently every frame okay let's just uh try this out first before we make that change okay we are on frame number 13 you can see that the Collision is working nice okay here after we introduce the noise and it's also starting to flow down all right that's good um what I want to do is I want to change the strength of the noise to 05 cuz this is too much okay and then let's go ahead and get these textur done for our source okay so there's our source I've just enabled the texture but we need to give it a texture all right and that is if I would just go into texture clouds you know that's good enough I'm just going to choose the texture here okay now that hasn't really changed a lot and that is because there's not enough subdivisions here so first of all I want to go ahead and add a subdivision surface and and I'm going to pull this um first before the fluid I want to increase this and then I will add another modifier and deform and that is going to be displacement and again I will push this to the first so it's the subdivision first and then displacement and I'm going to select the texture we used earlier and now you can see it's different okay and that's pretty much it the only other thing I want to do is go to the size because if you change the size that guy is going to change all right so all I want to do now is animate that size go press I there to insert a key frame and go to animation and choose graph editor and this will be already selected and go to modifiers and add noise and now that's it it's done so there is going to be subtle movements okay so if I now just disable smoke demand for a moment and enable this you can see that it's flickering like that that is exactly what I want going enable this guy all right okay cool now let's uh run this guy and I'll come back okay we are on 13th frame here okay I can already tell this is going up way too um High uh for my liking really so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and change the Z velocity Again 9.81 multip by 1.5 so one 1 half times the gravity okay okay I'm going to run it and come back again I'm at uh frame number 36 now that looks uh pretty good to me okay maybe a little too much of uh disturbance maybe we need to reduce the verticity a little bit I don't know uh we'll check it out what I want to do next is I want to actually go ahead and set the camera and start doing some renders let's check the camera here camera is way too far out so I'm going to go ahead and lock the camera and if you want to know what that is and Camera there are your settings here okay so I'm also going to add a plane here and oops all right so let's do a render now okay let me go to shading I'm going to select Cycles it's going to be GPU and first of all I want to reduce this to 256 for viewport and Main render is only 512 I don't need more than that just go to camera view I'm going to select that okay that's what we got at the moment first of all let's fix the light and I want this light to be a an area light and I want it right above this so it can create the Contours and press number one and I'm going to just well close enough okay go back to our camera now you can see that creates these Contours we currently have a single light but let's add another light here as a matter of fact um just going to pull this guy onto this side here and go to asset browser HDR I indoor artificial light yeah this guy Auto Service I'm going to pull that guy okay so we don't have really sharp Shadows or whatever what I also want to do is go back to light here and I want to increase the size of this and make this a square and increase the size to one that way your shadows become softer because 0.1 is too small and it can create our artifacts okay so the next step is I'm just going to kill this guy here okay I'm going to go to plane and I want to set this out object it's going to be a new one and first thing is I'm going to go to specular and kill this I so it's nonreflective completely and the base color I'm going to drop this down to 015 so it's kind of dark next is smoke domain I'm just going to change this guy to one one and one so it's all white we still got a problem let's actually do a render first okay before I do the render I want to go ahead and change this to 50 and render region only and that just so that you know because we have enabled noise it takes longer time to load now I've tried several things but don't know how else to resolve just the loading of the geometry the render itself doesn't take that long but the loading takes a long time that's our first render okay I'm going to move on to the second slot here and let's set this up okay so first thing I want to do is I want to go to light paths and add volume so what that means is that when you have a light it's going to pass through and get scattered within the smoke okay the more number you have here the higher the render time so be careful with that I am going to have at least one all right and then next is I'm going to go ahead to the color management I'm going to change the view transform to filmic uh because if you have ax you're going to have over exposure and let's go back to light and check the light power and I want this to be a little more than that 2048 or maybe even actually bring this down because I think this is way too far and I'm going to bring this guy down quite a bit there you go so okay okay let me go back to that and change it to 1024 so that's a lot better I think anyway we can change that later if you need to okay let me do a render now again okay there you go that's how it looks the first render versus the second render okay it's obviously really bright so I'm going to kill the brightness a little bit more maybe around 800 would be good maybe 512 okay I think that is okay the next one is I'm going to go to smoke domain go to that guy go to render and enable velocity scale to 0.025 now I don't know why the velocity scale is one by default but that's just way too much so 025 is good and go back to the render tab again enable motion blur let's render it again okay there's our render done it took 57 seconds adding velocity blur added even more delay to the loading of the geometry that took 30 seconds in total just to load the geometry okay so slot two slot 3 and I think it's too much even 025 is way too much so I'm going to half that right 0.0125 okay I'm going to leave it like that I'm going to move on okay so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to go back to this guy here and reduce this to 120 okay cuz I don't want any more than that I'm going to try and get a full Sim down and I'll get back to you I baked all 120 frames but this isn't all 120 frames this was only frame 64 the thing is it's taking forever okay I'm not sure what happened in there but uh it is also a little bit faster for my liking but if I look past that the simit off looks pretty good I think I also did a render um just a test render on frame number 120 obviously I got to change Downs it's taking 5 minutes and 50 seconds for this render and out of which 4 minutes and 21 seconds was just to load the geometry that is insane that's way too long so what I'm going to do is I'm going to try and render some frames here you know 30 or 40 or whatever and then I'll come back to you okay I rendered 30 frames let's check it out and that's going very quick the uh cim solve looks uh decent enough you know but the problem is that it took forever just to render 30 frames so there's something certainly wrong with this okay this is one of the challenges I faced during my experiments okay let me just uh close this now and I've reset the cach here okay and I'm going to run this and watch the FPS that comes up here you see it's sitting at 086 we're only in the fifth frame it's 081 I mean there's barely any smoke why is it taking you know 081 FPS for fifth frame there's there's nothing going on really so there's clearly a problem okay let's uh try and fix this okay so you know this is what I figured so I go into the domain the domain size makes a significant difference to how the Sim looks how fast the Sim performs and not only that this adaptive SW domain here is also causing a significant impact on this okay what I mean by that is that if I go into edit mode and obviously I want to make this bigger because it's clipping down here okay I don't want that obviously so what I'm going to do is rotate it in the Z so that it it fits the camera okay and I'm going to scale it in the X and Y and not Z okay so I'm just going to pull this out and pull this in the again move it X and Y not Z okay so that way we got something like that and if you want to know the actual size there it is okay so let's just make this 1.1 1.1 and 2.2 okay what I also want want to do is this is a this is supposed to be a slow moving Sim so I'm going to drop the margin down as well because the smaller the domain size is the higher the resolution but I said that I want 200 divisions at a maximum domain size of that so your adaptive domain shouldn't matter as long as we are getting to an division per Vox all but I don't think that is what is happening and this could be a bug I don't know well let's play this now and you see the FPS is 3.5 you know that's what I'm referring to now it's significantly different to what was happening before and this time it'll load faster it'll Sim faster compared to our previous try so if you get a different result or if your sim is taking longer this could be the reason okay so I simmed 120 frames now and I've also got a a render okay so you can see that the render tell is only 47 seconds obviously the render does not look good the solution is that you you want to get your domain set up first before you start your sim okay that way you know exactly what you're going to get unfortunately we did it the wrong way around so we're going to have to go and fix this blob right now all right let's drop the lighting a little bit as well 350 350 should do it I'm getting some artifacts here I don't know what that is if I say no shadow that disappears so there is a an issue with the shadow here for some reason so let me pull this up a little bit there it is it's gone I don't know what is happening 3.5 okay uh no artifacts here okay I just don't like the color of this okay I think that looks uh pretty good I'm going to go ahead and do some renders and uh we'll come back okay the rendering is done now let's have a look that's got the right speed and it looks pretty solid uh I'd say okay so I want to to go through the shading part cuz I actually thought I already showed it to you okay but obviously I have not therefore I'm going to go to frame number 120 and go through the shading part again because I I recorded this so many times I actually thought I did this um I did it for this this tutorial I'm going to go ahead and delete all this okay and I'm going to press render okay and that's what you got at the moment first I don't like to use the density that is here okay so I'm going to connect this guy here and call this density and let me put in a math node multiply it by two so you get a lot more okay let me just copy this guy put in here and change it to add the more you add the higher obviously density will be but I want to have a minimum density of 05 uh actually this is going to be 05 okay I just want a very subtle amount of density without it with it you can barely see the difference right now but it's okay just look at this very closely here there are some elements of smoke that I don't want okay so I want to get rid of it somehow particularly things like this will start to happen where you'll see stepping okay I don't want any of that so let me copy this and create heat let me do that again in and multiply this and connect this factor into it okay what am I doing with this I'll show you now basically we'll add another color ramp okay and let me set this to default so I can get Alpha and if I start pulling this you'll see that the smoke disappears so watch here you can see the smoke disappears this is basically we're using the attribute heat to take out any density the doesn't belong in place where the heat is low the density will be gone okay that's the idea behind it so I'm going to set this to 0.25 because I don't want to take too much off just a little bit I'm going to clamp this add as well and that's about it and the last thing you want to do is just change this RGB to11 okay that's our material set up that's the end of the tutorial hopefully this was helpful if you liked it please give me a like comment subscribe and also if you want to support me you can purchase the files on all right thank you very much until next time see you
Channel: Resilient Picture Company
Views: 22,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender tutorial, blender smoke, blender realistic smoke, realistic smoke, blender smoke tutorial, smoke tutorial, cycles, cyclesx, cycles smoke, cyclesx smoke, beautiful smoke, 3d smoke, blender 4.0, blender 4.0 tutorial, dry ice, dry ice tutorial, blender dry ice, polyhaven
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 40sec (1780 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2023
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