Blender 3.0 Alpha - Interesting New Stuff!😍

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hey what's up guys and welcome back to ask ankit this is a weekly rundown of events updates and beautiful stuff happening within the blender community blender foundation and also blend as an app and this week we do have a whole lot of things that you guys would probably want to take a look at starting off the folks at blender foundation have just released the annual report for blender 2020. so just in case you want to read more about this i'm going to put a link in the description where you can see some of the things that actually happened in 2020 you know because blender is open source so everything is right here for you guys to see and for those of you who like to read a message from the chairman you can simply take a look at that and you can also see a whole lot of things that actually it has to do with blender that occurred in 2020 so there's a lot of things that you guys may probably want to read in terms of the offices the people in charge the people working the development team the financing and all that stuff so you know just in case you're looking for stuff maybe you're trying to see who and who played a huge role in the development of blender in 2020 you can also see some of this of course you would also read more about industry relations in terms of the companies that actually equipped it and also helped blender get to where it is right now and of course we're talking about things like the cpu and gpu support from the folks at amd intel and also nvidia and of course we do have the usd which is the universal scene description which the folks at tangent lab and also nvidia are helping to develop and of course there's the mixer add-on that ubisoft developers have actually started working on and they actually committed this into blender in 2019 and the alembic and cycle thingy which we've seen a couple of updates too and for those who like to see other projects there's also you know a conversation about other projects things that deals with scripting for artists blender today settlers and more financing is also a very nice part that a lot of people are quite interested in and you may want to see how much you know the folks at blender foundation made in 2019 2020 and also read more about how these things was made and how it was dispensed and all that stuff so if you like to see the numbers you want to see who is downloading more from where and what platform blender is being used more of course you would see all of those reports are right here so for sure the blender annual report for 2020 is extremely open and for those who are interested in knowing more about these things link to this is going to be in the description down thank you over to this pdf where you can read more about it now with that said let's dive directly into blender and talk about some updates and yes so most of you guys will probably be asking what are the new updates that we have now especially in 3.0 so with blender 3.0 the alpha open right here there's a very nice update that deals with the ui and one of the cool things with the ui right now is the ui join and close so at this point you can now join several panels together depending on what you're creating and you can create as much as you want so in previous versions of blender what you could do is if you just simply right click or you know you click from here and drag what you can do is you can simply join one part to another so you can actually join some parts that looks like this in terms of trying to join the part that looks like this which doesn't really work but now in blender 3 alpha you can actually do that so you can right click and actually go over to that part and you can join it we split the whole screen in a very interesting way and for those who are also thinking about can we also join these parts to this other part yes you can so you can actually do that by right clicking hitting the join button and you can join that and you can still do all the swapping thingy which just simply makes a lot of sense so this to me is a very cool thing to actually happen to blender and i do like the fact that at this point once you click and drag you can now preview what panel you'll be closing at given time so let's say we want to close this panel we can click and get that there and we can also do the same thing like so so having these workspaces is awesome but having this creative freedom where you can actually drag things around you know you can mix things however you want to mix them and you can actually go crazy with it just makes it even more fun to work with so something else that looks pretty awesome right now is the fact that at this point when you're working in blender you might be wondering let's say you you kind of work on a project before and blender simply crashes right now there is a brand new section that deals with last session so at this point you can now capture your last session and if you go over to file and go over to recover so the last project you're working on or the last session can now be loaded so at this point we'll go over to file go over to recover you can see the last session right there and we can say don't save and this would load up the quit dot blend file so in this case we do have this model which i was actually working on previously and you can see it and if you're wondering where does this file exist this file actually exists right here so for you to have access to this all you need to do is go over to explorer and then type percentage t e m p and percentage press the enter key and you would see the quit blend file and this is the file that gets to be loaded whenever you're trying to reload your last session and this is just you know it's just beautiful so at any point blender simply crashes you can now reload your last session and continue from where you stopped especially for those who already have the auto save option active this is going to save you so much time so with this set let's talk about some other updates so we do have a couple of updates for both the grease pencil and also geometry node so what we need is a brand new scene so let's go ahead and grab one and then we'll switch over to geometry node and take a look at some of the cool things that you can now do so in the geometry node right now we do have something known as attribute transfer so what you can do is you can now transfer attributes from one object to another and a very simple example about this is if you do have a simple cube hit the new button and you come right here and type att space t okay so you get to see the attribute transfer we can lock that in and we can also launch and obj info alright so we get an object info and this object is definitely going to be suzanne and with this we would connect the geometry over to the source which simply means that suzanne becomes the source geometry and our simple cube right here becomes the target object so what happens with the attribute transfer now within the attribute transfer you can do a couple of cool things and one of the cool things that you can do with attribute transfers is you can transfer a given attribute from one object to another now we do have things known as domain and also mapping and you can select from a long range of these things and you can use them but we're simply going to keep this one as automatic and then take a look at a simple example so one example that we can look at is within the source we can click on this button and we can see a couple of attributes that we already have now if you do have things like a custom attribute you can of course use this one but we're simply going to stick with the simple ones that we have what we want is we want to transfer the position all right of what we have with suzanne over to the queue so we can click right here and go over to position and then click right over here and go over to position so we're transferring the position that we have from the source object which is suzanne over to the destination of the target object which is the cube so to actually even make this in more interesting what we can do right here is we can throw in a subdivision and we can subdivide this now you don't really see anything because we don't have the order done properly so if we move this all the way up you can start seeing that so if we go ahead and subdivide this even more you can start seeing that you know we're beginning to transfer the position in terms of points for what we have right here which actually makes a lot of sense so for those who are kind of interested in reading more about attributes you can simply go over to this link i'm gonna put this link in the description and you can see a couple of user feedbacks and see what you know some folks are talking about and you can also follow up with the conversation about the geometry node and while we'll talk about the things that you might want to see in geometry node and also read up there is actually tiny t's about things that they are currently testing for the geometry node and this has to do with the new curve support so this one is currently not available in blender 3.0 at this point but you know hopefully this might be something that we will be seeing and while we are looking at the things that we might be seeing with the new geometry node there is also a very tiny question that was asked within the comment sections in one of those videos which i think it is pretty cool to talk about so this deals with the switch node so the last time we talked about the switch node so i'm just going to go ahead and delete this and actually delete this other one connect this back to this one click right here delete that and also let's actually go ahead and delete this one click right here and turn this off alright so let's talk about that switch node so the question was asked is can you drive the switch node with a color ramp and yes you can so if i type in the word color and get a color ramp right here and we go over and get a simple switch node and connect that right over there i think that was a wrong connection so let's just set this to geometry and connect this first one over to that section connect this second one over here we can now use the color all right so we can now grab the color and use a color to drive the switch so at this point you don't you know you don't get to see anything because the output is not connected to geometry so at this point if we go over to where we have as a factor we can now set this back and forth back and forth back and forth and you can see some good result actually you can even you know expose this a little bit by clicking on this factor connecting it right over here and then you can do all of these things from here now i don't know why anyone would need this but of course this is uh it's there and anyone who is asking about this there you go this is how you can get this one working and when we talk about things that you can get to work these things can be used for some sort of mograph stuff all right you can also combine what we have with the attribute transfer to do some very nice motion graphics stuff and of course there's a very tiny update for those who are working with volumes as volumes right now actually supports the geometry node so if you already have a volume so let's take a look at an empty if you have a volume if you click right here you can now use the geometry node alongside with your volume and this is a i think this is going to be useful for those who would actually do simulation on a different app export that as a vdb or maybe you have your vdbs and you want to drive geometries directly on top of this by simply using node this is also going to be very very very useful so with this set let's dive over and talk about some nicer and cooler stuff coming to the grease pencil so within the grease pencil right now there's a couple of updates okay so yeah you can now convert your text to greece pencils and that this is bea utiful so let's take a look at what we can do so by default if you go in and you throw in a simple text so let's grab that text and let's actually make sure that this spells the word blender all right so we have this here so with this going on let's press the tab key by default what you could do before is if you right click you can only convert to curves mesh and also point cloud right now you can convert this to grease pencil and once you converted the grease pencil it even makes a lot of sense because now like i said earlier for those who are working with motion graphics or for those who like to use blender to create motion graphics you can actually do even way more stuff with this right now so what do i mean this is just one of the things that you can do which is converting text to grease pencil but then you can now pick up any grease pencil you know stuff that you've made before you know something like this you can pick up anything you can go over to where you have your modifier and you know previously we talked about the noise modifier and all that crazy stuff that you could do with it right now you can even do something even more crazier so if you go over to the thickness section right now the grease pencil now has a thickness and opacity fall off control which is cool because at this point if you hit on the uniform you can set a uniform thickness you can go over to where you have as the fading option and you can select an object to be more like an influencing object that would make the fading happen so this is more towards those who are into motion graphics stuff so in this case we're going to go over to where we have our empty and load up a simple sphere as the empty and this is going to be more like our influencing object so if i select this object which is our grease pencil go over to the object section on the fade in and select empty we can now select these empty and drive a couple of things so at this point you might notice so let's actually bring this one all the way back so at this point you might notice that we're having something you know it's a little very little you don't really see it that much right okay so let me explain something to you guys if you have this selected right within this place is the fading start so once it's set to zero nothing happens the more amount you set here is the fading which you would get at the end which is being influenced by this object so the end factor on the other hand deals with how much thickness or how much falloff you'll be getting at the end so to make this even more interesting to understand if i pick this object from here and i move this towards this part you would notice what we are getting okay now at this point doesn't really make so much sense you'd be like okay it's the same thing no it's not the same because if you go down here and accept this to 0.1 for example and then we go over let's pick this one up and we start moving this you would also notice we're getting something now this still doesn't make a lot of sense until we set this to 0.001 and press the enter key and then once we start moving this all right so once we start moving this a little bit further you would now notice that we're getting even more fall off so to actually make this even more interesting for you guys is if i set this to the default value of let's say zero point let's actually set this to 0.1 and i click out you notice what we get if i actually dial this down so let's dial it down you would notice that we're getting that falloff so you can punch this all the way down to a given point so let's actually make this uh maybe let's bring this a little bit lower to a point like that and then play with the end so the more or the lower the end you have that deals with how much thickness you'll be getting at the end of your object while the other hand this deals with how much fading you'll be getting okay i don't know if that makes sense but that is what it is so at this point you can now use this to control a lot of things so this is just one now the fading feature doesn't just exist for thickness alone the fading feature also exists for opacity so in this case if you pick up an opacity and you simply want to have that fading thing you can also do that so we can close that and we can go over to the opacity so let's turn this all the way off and we can select our empty and use that empty to also drive the opacity of what we have so at this point this you know can drive that of course you probably wouldn't see that because we already went ahead to turn this one off so let's also play with the opacity actually less than this one off all right and then let's have a uniform opacity for this and let's see what we can get so at this point you may notice that it simply disappears let me zoom in a little bit so yeah you may notice that it simply disappears and this makes sense i kind of think that maybe there should be some sort of fallout feature that should exist for this one as this works for both the thickness and also the opacity and in most cases i will simply just use the thickness compared to just working with opacity since with the thickness i can actually get that same opaque kind of feeling or that same opaque feature which i'm currently looking forward to getting with the opacity modifier so these are some of the very cool things that you can now get with the grease pencil and speaking about things that you can get with a grease pencil if you also go over there is also a glow effects and threshold valley color mode for grease pencil there's an offset which actually adds a random offset option for those who like to play with these things and as well there's an ad layer and material to blank objects meanwhile there is also a very nice thumbnail orientation change which is a very tiny update that deals with how thumbnails are going to be displayed in blender and you can see more about that right here so just in case you know you're wondering this is what it would be looking like right now compared to this so just in case you see these thumbnails within the asset browser this is what you will be looking like and speaking about the asset browser there is also a pretty cool update towards the asset browser right now so for the asset browser there is an initial prototype for snapping plain and just in case you know you're trying to position things within your viewport coming from the asset browser right now you can use contents of your asset browser to position things properly and they actually snap to one another now i actually tried out with a very default version of blender which we have but that is something that is currently not working and i think because this is still set to unpublished so it is still something that the folks applying the foundation are currently testing and for anyone who would like to try these things out once this is out i'm probably going to make an announcement for that so you can do well to try it out so there's a couple of you know teasers that are here so just in case you know this makes it to the final version of 3.0 this is definitely gonna be awesome pretty cool stuff that we have this week and with that said let's talk about some things that you guys would want to see within the community right now within the community there's a couple of you know plugins add-ons stuff that you guys may want to take a look at and the very first one is the prince note so how many times have you really wanted to get high quality screenshots of your note 3 and you find out that that is something that you cannot really get now the creator yatus blenders have made this possible by creating a simple simple add-on that can actually help you capture your note 3 in high definition so if you also go over to this page you would notice that it has a couple of things for free so for those who are looking for procedural brushed metals maybe you're looking for you know the image pasting stuff the notepad you're looking for the print nodes this is for free you can grab it and you can start using it and speaking about things that you can grab for free there is also the node relax blender add-on which is also a very cool one so just in case you want to brush around your notes yep you can now use this node relax add-on to sort of brush around relax your notes you know calm their naps down and get some good result and actually we would also go ahead and talk about something that you guys probably don't know happened so the creator of the grid modeler has now moved his add-on not really moved but he has now added his add-on to the blender market so just in case you know you had a hard time purchasing this previously when we did talk about it when it was available for gumroad right now on the blender market you can actually grab it so this is also a very cool and a nice add-on for those who like to create hats office stuff we've covered a video about it in the channel so just in case you're wondering i'm gonna put links to that in the description so you can check it out and also check out this adam and with that said there's also a free add-on as well that you can get and this is called blend farm it is an open source cross-platform standalone network renderer for blender so in case you have about three four five six pcs hanging around or maybe have like two or three different laptops hanging around you can now create your own very simple to use render farm across a network within your home so this is an add-on that takes advantage of the computers that you have hanging around and simply uses all of their processing power and all of the energy that they can generate together to render your stuff so this is a pretty cool one and uh for anyone who likes to take a look at this i'm gonna put a link in the description so you can do well to check it out and this is more like it tell me what you guys think about this one in the comment section we've kind of covered a whole lot of things today for those who are looking for free stuff you can go over to yetus blender tools get this in for free you can also get the node relax and you might want to also check out the grid modeler and of course for those who like to read more about the blend foundation annual report link to all of this is going to be in the description so do well to check these things out tell me what you guys think about this one in the comment section and of course if you like this video or you learn something from this you can go ahead and give it a like and don't forget to share with a friend and if you're new here it's going to be amazing for you to hit the subscribe button and also turn on notifications so that you don't miss the next video or the next update and until i see you guys again with a tutorial update free friday tutorial tuesday tips and tricks things like this peace
Channel: askNK
Views: 62,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asknk, keyshot, Texturing, 3d Tutorials, Twinmotion, Redshift, Arnold, Sketchup, BLENDER, substance painter 2019.1, asnk, blender2.9, blender2.91, blender 2.92, blender 2.92 new features, blender 3, blender 2.92 released, character creator, 3d character creator, reallusion character creator, blender 2.93, blender 2020, blender, blender 2.93 new features, blender 3d, blender tutorial, blender 3.0 release date, blender 3.0 features, blender geometry node motion graphics, blender geometry
Id: 1cKXtx6d1vQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 3sec (1203 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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