Blender 2.7 Tutorial #62 : Face Texture Animation Rig #b3d

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I'm a little teapot short and stout this is my handle this is my spout when I get all high I guess we're ready to get going cue the intro welcome to part 62 of a VCS 90s blender 2.7 in this video I'll be showing you how to create a rig for a face setup and instead of actually just having a modeled face this is a rig which will let you animate a character talking but only have the texture change different versions of mouths and eyes if you have not seen the last three tutorials no tutorial series in part 59 part 60 and part 61 of this blend 2.7 tutorial series I should try to actually create this Lego character from start to finish including the modeling including some really detailed work in beveling and creating materials and depth of field blur so go ahead and check those out to be linked to those in the description area below this video now for this video I'm going to be giving you a few files you can actually find in the description area below that you can download for yourself to follow along the first follow be a blogger file that contains just the head of this Lego character complete with the yellow material on the head but not the rest of the body so you can at least follow along with the head the other two files that you can download are the texture files of the mouth shapes in a grid and the eye shapes in a grid and I'll catch the eyes in just a second but here is the grid that I made actually drew these in a vector graphics program called Inkscape which is a free open source program that you can use to draw a vector graphics and as you can see I have mouth shapes or mouth poses for all the different sounds that a character might make with their mouth like the a or a shape of the mouth there the V or F so or the R sound the T sound or s sound the or so as you can see like the L look kind of L shapes so we have basically all the shapes that we would need including just some sort of angry and grinning and upset and jaw-dropping and smiling poses as well so this is the sheet made in Inkscape and then laid out in Photoshop onto a grid that's evenly spaced what's important here is that the texture is in a square so I have 16 different bells here of course you could make 25 if you want to make a 5x5 graded set of a 4 by 4 grid that will allow you more mouth poses and in the next picture I have the eyes I have fewer eyes here but again they're laid out in a 4 by 4 grid I have the round eyes and then just sorts of different emotions of eyes so closed eyes and kind of squinty eyes and angry eyes and unimpressed eyes and happy eyes and sort of just semi happy eyes so I have a lot of different options to choose from let's go ahead and press escape and jump back into blender now just to add textures to an object is not very difficult like an will be using nodes here so if you want to follow along you can download the files in the description area below the bugger file and the two texture files let's go ahead and get started the first thing I want to do here is I want to select my head and press tab to go into edit mode I'm going to segment off the different parts of the head or the eyes gonna be and where the mouth is going to be so I'm going to go to edge select mode I'm going to zoom in here and I want the mouth I'm going to hold shift in edge luck mode to select the edge of where my mouth texture is going to be I'm going to go and select basically for out from the middle and then I'll go one down where the head just starts to curve down and I'm holding shift and right clicking to get all these so this is the area in which the mouth is going to exist so what these edges selected I'm going to mark a seam this is how you do UV mapping so I'm gonna press ctrl e unlike keyboard I'm going to say mark seam control it brings up your edges menu and then mark seam don't confuse that with Mark sharp it's mark seen great when you mark a seam the edges become kind of that's red orange color let's go ahead and mark the seam for the edge of the eye section so I'm going to select just these edges here believe it or not the eyes and Lego character are only about halfway approximately up the head because there could be hair covering up most of this area so the eyes actually are bit lower than you might think I'm going to mark this as the perimeter of the I section so control e mark seen now the first thing I do actually here is make a UV map because I'm going to actually have two UV maps associated with the same mesh this is the first time that I've ever done this in this video series let's go ahead and take a look under the object tab with the head selected and edit mode of course we have a section here called UV maps and we're actually going to have two here but what I'll do is go into face select mode I'm going to make the mouse one first so I'm gonna put my mouse in that area in face lock mode and press L that stands for linked and as you can see we have that area selected I'm going to press u and then unwrap right there and that will make a new UV map right here now I'm not going to use the same UV map from my eyes going to name this one first I'll double click in there I'm going to type UV mouse great I'm going to press this plus to make a brand new UV map I'll press a B select the mouth section I'll press L in face lick mode to select the eye section and with the new UV map selected I'll press u and unwrap and that will put the eyes in this unit and I'll name this one UV eyes great so let's go ahead and take a look at these UV maps I've got several windows here I've got a no-doubter window my 3d view and a second three of you I'm gonna change this one over here into a UV image editor window right there as you can see the eye sore just unwrapped to the bottom here and the mouth unwrapped if I select I press a and then press L to select the mouth section just to the bottom and it fills up the entire space let's go ahead in this window and open so I'll go to open and to my desktop I've got the mouth layout with a number 16 because there's 16 mouths there and as you can see this unwrapping is way too big and it's sort of crooked what I'm gonna do here first though is make a new copy of my yellow material that includes this mouth texture but I'm gonna scale this down in other words the faces here down to only cover one of the Mel's let's go ahead and make a copy of my yellow material I'll go up here to the materials tab and I'm going to go back into object mode I'm gonna make a new slot in this area right now with this head selected I have one material and one material slot on this object so I'm going to make a new slot and I'm going to put that same yellow material into that second slot but I'm gonna make a copy of it that has the mouth texture above the yellow on it so we've got a second slot selected I'm going to add the yellow material as you can see here I have this number four that means four objects including sub objects sort of the two hands the head and the head has two so it's four in total I'm going to press this little plus and with this second thoughts material selected it's going to make a copy of the other material which we can then modify to add on top of the yellow the mouth textures with the transparency so I'm going to name this one yellow - mouth and now I can customize the node of this but what I'll do first actually is with your limo selected I'll select my mouth and click on a sign so now the mouth material which is right now no different than the original yellow material is on that metal section let's go ahead now and customize these nodes to add the mellah texture and so to do that I'm going to take my original yellow material and I'm going to layer on top of it using a mix node a diffuse texture that has this image texture on it so I'm going to press shift a on my keyboard I'm going to add in a shader it's going to be a mix Eider I'm going to put that right there so what happens after the yellow material is finished I'll press shift a I'm going to add a shader it's going to be a diffused some normal color shader I'll plug that into my mix shader' as you can see things are happening down here it turned white because this color here is white I'll press shift a I'm going to add in a texture an image texture and I'm going to plug that in of course this is going to be our mouths texture notice how it the mouth and eye images are PNG image files I have a checkerboard other words transparency around them so there's no white that's why I chose a PNG image let's go ahead and open that image just by clicking and selecting mellows layout 16 and as you can see it's giving me sort of what I want at least in terms of how the layout here is it's putting those images there but the transparency is not working properly and that's because I have to plug the alpha here into the factor of this mix shader' up I can't get with a noodle as you can see I have four little mouths and I can scale this down over here before I scale this down over here though I'm going to flatten these edges out and this is a big problem for people unwrapping in 3d in many different 3d programs including blender they don't turn out straight in terms of with the lines on the x and y axes so why not do and there are plugins or add-ons and blender to do this better but I'm not going to use the add-on I can just quickly do this I'm going to hold I'll press a actually deselect all I'll hold alt and right click on this edge to select all of those vertices now I'll tap s and then up and down is Y and 0 and enter so s Y and then 0 and then tail do the same thing again a to deselect I'll hold alt right click sy 0 enter that flatten that out it's like that one with Alt + right click sy is your enter I'm going to do these ones now I'm going to flatten these side to side on the x-axis so s and then X and 0 enter over here SX 0 enter I'm just going to do this very quickly okay so I've got my a UV map all squared out I'll select it all with the a key I'll tap s and because I know this is a four by four grid I'll tap 0.25 and press ENTER that way I know this is now 0.25 it's really drilled science I'm going to put it on the default melt pose which in my case is just my decision is the just happy metal so I'll put it right up there I'll zoom in and put it right at about the right spot I might have to adjust it later on for up and down but for now I'm looking how far away that is and that is looks pretty good to me good as you can see it's on there now now in terms of the animation that you saw to the inning of this video this is all I did for the melt material am I going to go actually almost it's almost as much as I can for this material I will get to the little plugin right there in a few minutes but what I'm going to do in this video is actually make the mouth material shiny because in the animation that you saw emails were just diffuse on top of a glossy material and I didn't like that so how you can fix that is this is the melt that's being kind of put on top of the yellow material but it's only diffuse I'm going to fix that I'm going to press shift a I'm going to add a shader it's going to be a mix shader' right there I'll plug it on top so in between this mix shader' and the diffuse mouth texture and I'm going to add in a glossy shader so add shader and glossy I'll plug that into there and as you know as you can see it's sort of becoming gray it's reflecting the gray of the world I think everything has for now everything has index of refraction and this is plastic in fact we already have the fernell note so I'm going to reuse that I'll plug that into this mix shader' which will blend properly the glossy shader and a few shader so that you get the reflections in the right way looks pretty good let's go ahead and do the same thing for the eyes now I'll go back into object mode here I'm going to select my yellow material I'm going to make a new slot on the head and it's empty right now I'm going to add that same in fact I'm going to make a copy of yellow mouths so I don't think we do all that node work so I'm going to add um up a new slot I'm going to press this little plus to make a new copy of it and as you can see it has user 1 now I'll change this to eyes I'm going to assign that to the eye faces so I'll select the eye faces and click on a sign I'm going to change the material here or the texture here the image is still set to mouth I'll change that too and I don't have the image yet so I'll bring that it I'll click the little folder and my desktop eyes layout 10 there's 10 eyes there were 10 eye pairs there and now hopefully if I click on a sign this is where things get a little bit messy in blender and I'm not quite sure if it's just because of my lack of knowledge about using multiple UV maps on the same object but if I go to the object data tab you can see that now there are two UV maps and only one can be set to render at a time so only one control to render at a time now we can solve this sort of it's been a little bit buggy for me bye and I'll go back to the material tab in the yellow mouth texture I'm going to tell this image texture to only use the mouth UV map in other words this UV map and I'll do the same thing for the eyes let's go ahead in our materials for the mouth I'll press shift a I'm going to add a input UV map node and I'll put it right there and I'll plug it right into the image texture so this image texture knows which UV map to use it's going to use them both and then I'm gonna select the eyes and the same thing here shift a input UV map and I'll plug that in whoops plug that in there and I'll use the eyes now I still don't know why it's not working at this point but it will work once we use the modifier to make the animation work but what I could maybe do at this point is try using under the object data tab is going to UVA see if those go back and forth but they don't so it will work momentarily if you render it out I'm not sure if it'll use the eyes right now if the eyes will show up we have to do now is create our rig to make the UVs slide around that means if I go into edit mode and I select on the object tab the eyes layout and then I'll open up the eyes image there and tap oh I know why it's not showing up I haven't scaled these down 0.25 to scale that down with the S key and then I'll move that up to Rea there that's good to me so now I have the eyes about in the right spot and you can always adjust these later I'm gonna just move these little bit over so they're centered roughly looks pretty good to me okay let's go ahead and create the ring that'll let us actually slide around these UVs now you can't actually animate you v's directly but there is a modifier it's called and I'm going to go back into object mode and select the head and go to the modifiers tab right now we have one modifier on the subject it's just subsurface smooth so the object but if I go to add modifier there's a modifier called UV warp which will get the job done nicely for us this is the perfect modifier to make a animated texture on a characters face let's go ahead and add it with the head selected I'll go to add modifier and UV warp now the way this works is you're going to define how much you're sliding around your UVs how much you're sliding around the unwrapped faces based on the movement or the distance between two objects so we're actually gonna be using bones here but not to distort a mesh rather to just have a distance between two objects what I have to do here is I'm going to go to my front view and this would I'll make this one a little bit bigger so we can work in it I'm going to press shift to see to put my 3d cursor back in the middle of my scene I'm gonna press shift a I'm going to add a plane in fact I'm going to add two but I'll just make one fernette will copy it later this plane needs to be unwrapped so I'll press tab to go into edit mode and then press you and unwrapped and that will actually unwrap it over here in my uv/image editor window I'll go back into object mode I'm going to scale this down because right now it is 2 centimeters by 2 centimeters and I only want to be 1 by 1 if you have not changed your units in your file to the metric system then it'll be just one letter unit by one butter you know but I used metric so I'll press s and then 0.5 and I'll press Enter so s 0.5 and then enter will make it down just one the scale is now off so I'll go to and this is very important I need my scale to be set to 1 and not 0.5 it actually knows that it's not the right size that I started off as so we'll go down to object and apply and scale there we go I'm going to subdivide this square up and then apply the mouth texture and I'll make a copy and put the eye texture on the other one this is going to be sort of our control center for animating the mouth in the eyes so let's go ahead and apply the texture onto this object right now I have only two windows up I believe now I've got three I've got my unloaded or window here so I've got this a plane unwrapped I need to add a material to it I'll go to my materials tab click on new it adds just a default material it's diffused so I'll press shift a I'm going to add a texture it'll be an image texture I'll plug that in I'm going to open up all my mouth texture so right there as you can see there are my mouths they look funny because of the transparency that isn't there so I'm going to press shift a I'm going to add in a shader it's going to be a mixed shader and we're going to mix this diffuse image texture with a transparent shader so I'll press shift a I'll add a shader it'll be a transparent shader I'll add it right there I'll plug it into the shader here it made it all sort of transparent but I'm going to plug the Alpha output of the image texture into the factor of the mix shader' and i believe i have to reverse these now to get the way I want it and so now we can see our mouth texture is very nicely let's go ahead and duplicate this and make these square for the eyes before I do that though I'm actually the subdivide up this square so I'm go into edit mode and as you can see it's just sort of one square or one polygon um with its all selected in edit mode I'll press W I'll bring up my specials menu and then subdivide I'm going to make seven cuts the reason why I'm making seven cuts is I want a vertice I'll go into my front view so you can see this or if my top view actually we want a vertice right in the middle of each mouth or approximately in the middle of each mouth because we want to actually snap our bone controllers to these locations so I have vertice in the middle of each into the mouse but what I'm going to do is I'm going to get rid of the extra edges I can hold alt and right click and select that edge loop hold alt and shift and get these ones so I'm going to get all the edges that don't run through the middle of a mouth so I believe I have all those selected I'm going to press X and I'm going to dissolve edges right there and make sure you have dissolve verts so now I have edges running through the demos and no extra edges at all perfect let's go back into object mode I'm going to duplicate this plane so I shift E and then why put that down there this object now has the same material but I'll press this plus and I'm going to make this one just tab I don't care about the name actually but now we've made a different copy of the material I'm going to change what material texture it has I'm going to use the eyes right there and as you can see now if I go back into edit mode I still have a vertice because I evenly spaced things out in Photoshop between each one of the sets of eyes and there are extra speckles which does not matter let's go ahead and add some controller bones for that and I'll go back to my head object just for a moment we have this UV work modifier we don't have any from our two objects we're going to add bones for that what I'll do here is on my mouth plane I'm going to go into edit mode I'm going to select the vertices Altan out the same mouth that I unwrapped to over here with my mouth texture I put the faces that I unwrapped over this default mouth so I'll do the same thing over here I'm going to like that same vertice I'll press shift s I'll bring up my snap menu and I'll select cursor to selected right there because it's selected I'll go back into object mode I'm going to add a armature bone there so I'll press shift a I'm going to add a armature single bone actually what I'm gonna do is I'm going to undo that control Z I'm going to select my two planes and I never pressed our x90 for 90 and then press ENTER to rotate them up so they're facing me from my front view that'll make things a bit easier so I can start adding bones now and the bones will be upright I have them flat on the ground before so now they're facing me from my front view let's go back into edit mode of the mouse I've got that vertices selected shift s cursor to selected back into object mode shift a armature single bone will armature now I want to scale this bone down but it's very important that I don't just scale it down an object mode I'll press tab to go into edit mode and now I can right click to select this tail nub of the first bone that's in this armature and drag it straight down again in edit mode because we don't want to scale the entire armature just one of the bones that's very important I'll make that one about that big I'll press shift a Wasel and edit mode of that armature and shift a will add another bone at our 3d cursor I make this one it's a little bit smaller so now I've got two bones coming off the exact same location and one's a bit smaller than the other under the object tab I'm going to make them only display as wire so I can see both of them at the same time and under the bone tab I'm going to give these bones and names the bigger bone is going to be called and the bone name is right here it's going to be called bone dot base and then the smaller bone is going to be called mouth dot target actually I'm going to change the thing with a bigger one to mouth dot base perfect I'm going to go back into object mode of the armature I'm going to give under the object tab the whole armature a name object name not an armature name object name so I'm going to call it our mature dot mouth perfect what I'm going to do here is I'm going to now point that UV warp modifier to these two separate bones and we're going to animate only the target bone in the bones pose mode and this bone will move around we can press G and move it around to the different locations of the mouth and the UV warp modifier will actually slide that texture around on the surface of the Lego person hip let's go ahead and set that up so I'll zoom out I'm going to select little Lego head and then go to my modifiers tab there's the UV modifier I'm actually going to move it up to be above or before the subsurf modifier so now the modifier is happening after UV warp the from object is going to be the target so I'm going to select my armature mouth that's why we named the object name there and the bones gonna be called the target of target and we're going to use the same armature and the mouth base and we want to make sure we're using the right UV map here so I'm going to select UV mouth so now what I should be able to do when I'm going to make this window a bit wider is I should be able to grab just the target bone actually I'm going to select the base bone I'm gonna press H to hide it so we're not put that board anymore I'm going to grab this target bone and if I move it around you can see it sliding around the mouth texture so I can put it up there and then he's printing and then right there and then he's scared notice that it's going to be hard for me to position these in the right spot and that's what we made these vertices in edit mode we can use our snap tool down here this little magnet and it's set by default to snap to the closest tax what I can do now is grab and I'll go back into my front view and that's good enough I'll grab that bone and I it'll snap exactly to where each one of those mouths is and yes we could go way off but we won't so as you can see now I can put in any one of these spots and it's a little bit off you can see that the bottom of the L mouth is getting cut off so is that one so what I'll do is I'll go back over into the uv/image editor window and go into edit mode of the mouths UV map so go to mouth and right there and as you can see the bottom of this melons getting cut off so I'm going to slide I'll press G to grab and then I'll press actually I'm going to press escape and turn off snapping snapping happens in all windows at the same time and you turn it off and turns off in all the windows so office G and then Y and move that down just so that that mouth is not getting cut off that means that the smile is going to be a bit higher that's okay though let's go back into object mode and see how we're doing or any of the mouths getting cut off I got turned snapping back on of course that one looks good that one looks pretty good yeah I think we're doing pretty good and you can adjust it so that things are in the right spot but my texture should be pretty good for all the mouths once you correct one of them let's go ahead and do the same process with the bones and the UV work modifier for the eyes what I'll do is I go and select the eyes plane I'll go into edit mode with the tab key of course the default eyes are just the round eyes that's where I probably unwrap to hopefully I'll press shift s and I'll put my cursor to that selected vertice I'll go back into object mode I'll press shift a I'm going to add a single bone armature again we're not going to scale this armature down we're just going to go into edit multiple sync tab of course and I'll grab that top nub of that bone they could be the tail nub of that bone and drag it straight down still have snapping turned on and I'll put it about there that's going to be the base I'll press shift a in edit mode still this will be target I'll press tab to go back into object mode I'll make sure that we can see these bones under the object tab only as wires and let's go ahead and name these bones I'm going to go into edit mode of the armature select the bigger bone and that's going to be eyes dot base and then a smaller bone is going to be eyes dot target perfect let's go into the bones pose mode and let's associate it with a UV warp modifier on the head so I'll select the head go to the modifiers tab we have one you be more modifier I'm going to type in mouth for that one so we don't confuse it with the other one that we're going to add I'm going to add modifier UV work we'll name this one UV warp - eyes and we're the same process here again we're going to put it before or above the subsurf modifier I'm going to select my armature which we didn't name so let's go ahead and we'll select the armature and under the object tab I'm going to give this armature a name armature dot eyes and I think we're good to go let's go back to the head and under the modifier tab there is an armature called armature eyes the bone it's going to be the target that's the first one is a bit backwards you think you'd specify the base first but you specify the target first and then to armature eyes and then the base again the target is the smaller one I need to specify though a UV map and I'm working with it's going to be the eyes UV map and it's all set up I can minimize it and I'm going to hide the bigger bone each and so now if I grab with the magnet snapping turned on I can then move this one around and as you can see I compose the eyes and switch between the different eyes and yeah you could probably even mess it up and go to the edge too but that's the basic setup for a rig this is exactly the same setup that I had - a few of the eyes from animation beginning of this tutorial the benefit of using bones here and yes you could use other objects you don't have to use two bones a base and a target bone you could use like two empties or two meshes but the benefit here is that you can actually create a pose library to help you animate quickly but that'll be in the next video in which I show you how to actually take a recorded audio clip of dialogue bring it into blender so you can actually scrub around in your timeline and hear the audio wherever you are you can hear it slowly and an animated mouth to a piece of audio very quickly this is a very fast process once you have a rigged mouth set up just like we have here it actually only takes I only spend about 30 minutes or so animating the mouth in the animation you saw at the beginning of this video so it's a very quick process to use this setup that will be it for this video though please don't forget to like this video and subscribe to my channel to see more tutorials just like this one and please check out my facebook page at slash born CG that'll be it for this one thanks for watching you you
Channel: BornCG
Views: 170,093
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Id: 5NlvgMYZgaY
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Length: 30min 50sec (1850 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 03 2016
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