Bleeding the Brake System

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you in the zone our children well the master cylinder is reinstalled it was pretty basic procedure on this vehicle here yours may be a little bit different but that's where you want to consult your repair manual the next step you want to do now is go ahead and fill our reservoir over up to the full mark and then we want to bleed all four of the wheels get all the air out of the system and we'll start with a farthest wheel away from the master Center which would be our right rear or passenger rear wheel and then we'll go to the passenger rear to the left rear and then up to the front I've got the vehicle raised I've got a place on jack stands next thing I need to do is bleed the brakes and when I'm starting with the right rear first is the farthest one away from the master cylinder now a handy way of doing this I've got what's called a one-man brake bleeder kit and what it basically is the hose is going to attach to the brake bleeder and then there's a check valve in the mechanism here and you'll see the fluid come into the bottle unless I get this hooked up I go in to pump the brake pedal now just keep doing it to all the errors out of the system let's go and hook it up the hose may be a tight fit just make sure it's on all the way so no air gets back into the system you'll have to bleed it all over again okay I have the hose attached to the bleeder and also the nice thing about this and has a magnet I'm just a chat to the drum that will hold it up right now at this point I just open the bleeder and go in and press the brake pedal I'll pump the pedal five or six times to get the air out of the system and that should be good you can see if the old fluid pumped into the bottle is pretty dark but the new fluid behind it in the bleeder tube looks nice and clean and doesn't have any bubbles in it if we still out air in a system you'll see bubbles in the hose you just continue the process to all bubbles are gone so the next step now is go ahead and close this bleeder take off our kit now go ahead dump this fluid and continue all the way around the car until all four wheels are blood something else keep in mind too during this process is we're going to make sure we maintain the level in the master someon so we don't run it too low let's do the next wheel always believe the brakes in this order we've shown the passenger rear wheel number one and now we'll show you number three wheel the passenger front out of front brakes all we have to do is turn a wheel out to gain access to the bleeder I up the one-man bleeder just like at the rear wheel even though this vehicle has drum brakes on the rear and disc brakes on the front bleeding is done the same way I'll open the bleeder valve and pump the brakes five or six times until the fluid comes out and looks clean and free of any bubbles close the bleed screw remove the bleeder kit and will believe the left front brake just the same way and we're done as with any job to do it right you'll need the right tools the nice thing is that jobs today don't require a large expensive assortment basic hand tools are generally all you'll need you'll need a shop manual for your specific vehicle dot three or dot 4 brake fluid as recommended by your vehicle manufacturer brake line wrench and a drop light you may also need screwdrivers or pliers to remove some components be cautious when working under the hood if the engine has been running components will be extremely hot so be careful what you touch when lifting a vehicle never work under it until it has been secured with wheel blocks and securely positioned on jack stands a hydraulic jack alone is never enough be cautious when working with oils and chemicals many are damaging to the groundwater environment and toxic to people and animals never drain or pour chemicals into the ground or sewer systems local municipalities and counties offer resources for proper disposal and always remember to wear your safety glasses you get the entire DVD for this repair and all other procedures covered in the complete car care series at your local autozone store
Channel: AutoZone
Views: 874,389
Rating: 4.7114611 out of 5
Keywords: brake system, bleed brakes, How To, Brakes
Id: lkd7iq-dIQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 0sec (360 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2012
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