Bleach Brave Souls How to Get 5000 Spirit Orbs

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alright guys welcome back to another bleach branchless video today's video yes yes so the title says it how to get 5000 in just a couple days now this is an update to the video that I have done before and the description and it'll be in the description link below now this is for every player out there that wants to start a brand new account now some people may not be happy with their account some people may just want to have the latest characters and that's totally understandable this is the guy to show you how to go ahead and get 5000 orbs in just a couple days now there's really just three methods that I use that you can see I have almost 4000 orbs I started this account on May the 15th some time around the morning issue like around 10:00 11:00 in the morning and I just kept grinding I'm using my knowledge of this game that I've played for maybe a couple of years now to go ahead and show you how to go ahead and get 5,000 orbs or plus because it just depends on the person really between me editing videos and making videos and everything else I couldn't really play this game fully to the extent that I want to but maybe there certain players out there that can go ahead and do it I started this account er in the middle of a work week so it may not be the greatest amount of orbs but you'll definitely see the impact and difference two days can make now let's go into purchase history here as you can see we're on May the nineteen okay I started on May I believe the 15 okay and you can see here I've spent some orbs on characters now here's where you're good to see the progression and here's where you'll see more of the proof on May the 15th you're gonna see that I've you sell tickets got some summons had to buy some battle passes to get some of the missions going and the sold tickets now to update to the video that I did before how can you do it that's impossible at the point when I made the old video you were only getting 5 tickets and now that they did the update you get 25 tickets which is great but everybody was asking me how can you do it in two days well by spending 25 orbs to get 35 sold tickets this is the way to go ahead and do it this is method this is the start of this method now you see I've spent quite a bit of orbs but that's okay you get all those orbs back in addition to that I've also used 250 here 250 250 250 that's a thousand orbs right here that I spent already and then tickets tickets tickets so you can see I have played for a little bit expanding slugs I got curious and I wanted to do a summon on accessories but here's the main consensus salt tickets I've probably used I would say maybe about 400 orbs worth of tickets why to prove to you that it can be done in a couple days now I barely played on the 18th as you can see but what you want to do is go ahead and max out characters that's how I was able to get all those orbs so from the thousand that I spent on the banner plus the few hundred that I've spent on the orbs that not ticket accessories all that other stuff if you do the math I already have four thousand plus all that you see where I'm going with this so how'd it go ahead and do it now people my old video I said you can do the story you can go ahead and do some of the events which is great but the title is how to do it in two days so this is how you're going to go ahead and do it now I have taken the time out to max these characters out by maxing out characters this is the fastest way to go ahead and get the orbs in a short amount of time how do you go ahead and do that you need orbs to go ahead and get the characters from the summons true what you want to do is this event here cons Bonanza now you start off you do a little bit of the store admissions you do some of the the order missions and everything else you'll start getting orbs what you want to do start out and try and get at least a multi summon worth of orbs 250 orbs then afterwards we need to a summon let's say you're looking you get a 5 star and you get 4 stars and 3 stars here's where you want to go this right here by doing this you're going to go ahead and get a ton of experience and a ton of coins and characters to go ahead and farm now what I do is I take one really really strong character like let's just say Ichigo for example and then I put two non important characters that I want to max out I click on the 5 soul tickets so that way does it 5 times automatically and then I get 5 times rewards for the missions by maxing out a 3-star character you'll get 25 orbs by maxing out a 4-star character you get 35 orbs for maxing out of five star character you get 50 and fermenting on a six star 75 now let's say for example chaotic I don't have that many characters that's fine you go to the quest missions go to events this is also a place where you can get more characters so by doing Khan's bananas and you'll get a four star character that you can max out by doing the helpers movies you have a chance to go ahead and get Shirin that's another character do here as a good easel it's another character you get it Oriol that's five star I mean you can go play co-op and try and farm them out that's also an alternative but here the raid characters great characters are a good way to go ahead and get extra characters and the orbs faster now you say I just started a new account that how am I gonna go ahead and get these five star characters to six starts to go ahead and get those 75 orbs here and the reason why I say it's great to do it now is because right now the hogyoku drop rate is at three times the normal rate so you still have to max the characters out anyway so you have to do some of these missions when you do the missions you'll have a chance to get whole goat Q's polio kills let me break them from level 5 to level 6 and that's 50 ores for level 5 75 orbs for level 6 and that's already 125 off the bat for maxing out one character and then you just keep going that is the best way now in addition to what I was saying before chaotic I don't have that many good characters how am I going to go ahead and farm that many characters now the con event happens every two hours okay it's up for two hours but then it goes in to our increments so if the combin ends are started let's see I believe mine started at around 9 o'clock it's gonna end at around 11:00 it's gonna take a two hour cooldown you see there from 9:00 to 11:00 eleven o'clock twelve o'clock two hours and then it'll come back in around one o'clock so it'll be back frequently so you're trying to ask yourself how do I get extra characters if you don't do the rate characters that you saw there here's where you want to go ahead and start this sub story when you have access to the sub story all these missions here will give you sul tickets it'll give you characters it'll give you gems and crystals and everything else that you want now by doing all these missions they give you four star characters that aren't there in the game that are only exclusive to these sub stores which is great because you have extra chances to go ahead and get orbs get soul tickets and everything else now here's the great thing when it comes to these missions every two to three missions it'll give you five soul tickets so basically it pays off to do these missions because you're getting the new characters you're getting orbs for doing the story and you're getting the soul tickets so you can keep playing over and over and over and over No so this is the method that I used to go ahead and get these many orbs it's such a short amount of time now again I took breaks I stopped had to do a lot of other things so I couldn't really go even beyond 5,000 or 6,000 some players can so people can no life it and just keep going farm the story out really really quick and do this method and you'll be sitting on a thousand nine thousand maybe ten thousand dollars who knows but this is the method I used to go ahead and hit myself this video works and I said to myself how can I go ahead and prove to the people out there because the video I did was informative but a lot of people were asking the chaotic you know it doesn't see my you know doesn't look right because you know the math sounds okay but they didn't have actual proof they didn't see with their eyes the orb count they didn't see the process in depth I basically gave just a general overlay of what you can do to go ahead and get that many orbs but here's more proof that it can be done I had an account that had a lot a lot a lot of great characters but I said to myself I've already reached to the point where getting orbs was more of a task than anything else and I said to myself well let me go ahead and make an updated video to the video I made before and prove to you guys that this is actually possible and there are other people out there that may want to reroll some people have four or five different accounts hey to each his own but this is proof that you can go ahead and do that again the story mission itself if you were to grind out the story by itself let's say you wanted to take that route it only gives you one thousand five hundred sixty three forms and I believe that's just on Normal difficulty I believe you'll double that if you do both normal and hard and that's not including some of the stage stories but if you were to do part one all the way to part 13 you're getting about 1500 orbs a little bit over that but you want it fast you want to go ahead and get some of these summons before it goes away max out the characters start a brand new account max with the characters you use the con event and use the sub stories and I guarantee if you do that you'll be sitting on this many orbs or even more so that's it for the video today you guys like it hit that like and subscribe button let me know what you guys think how you guys have done if you guys haven't actually gotten 5000 or + orbs even faster than two days let me know and yet again this chaotic Jedi signing off to the next video take it easy guys have a good one peace
Channel: Cha0ticjedi
Views: 93,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #BleachBraveSouls, Bleach, How To Get, Spirit Orbs, Bleach Brave Souls
Id: Qep8vPLBGMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Sat May 19 2018
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