Blast Off Sunday | Brian Welch | 9AM | Faith Center Church

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys under worship this morning [Music] [Music] today [Music] [Music] Sears [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Applause] be the mouse aware the fountain algae FUBU is let the key be the shower [Music] once again you are [Music] you [Music] [Music] really me [Music] [Music] [Laughter] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] my shoes [Music] you you are gotta have your way we worship you we lift up our hands in surrender as that you move in this place move in our hearts come on just speaking right now myself the party hands [Music] [Music] and [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] have your way [Music] [Music] [Music] this morning we have a credible speaker with us this morning just did a great job last night just so if you haven't read his book eyes wide open its back there he'll be signing books after the service today just for a few minutes because we got obviously can time constraints and so you know if you want to get one of those books but you would you you'll be just blown away by his just rawness of the book and I try to cover things up cover problems up but just got radically saved and God's just using him all over the world and and we're just excited about having Brian again so Brian come on up and join us this morning yeah I man thank you we'll change sides here see what happens oh so we got you up before breakfast yeah so is it true that you know rock and rollers they usually stay up all night long and then you know is that because that been your pattern or yep I still do it I don't even do drugs no more stabbed sometimes I purposely like book 5 a.m. flight just so I could stay up all night and I like it I'm a night owl you know we had a friend of ours that was in that scene and and we'd go on motorcycle trips with him and and there's just no way you're getting him up past nine o'clock in the morning and when he'd say that yeah he'd say well I'll be ready at 9:00 and he'd come rolling out about 9:15 in his pajamas to start the day off so can you relate to all that bro yeah I like had to be here at 8:50 and I set the alarm for 8:30 and his daughter's here with us - she's not here the smart but she'll be here this in the second service was here last night what appraisal and I raised a night owl same thing she making the service well he asked me if he could move he said hey man can we just move the service to like 10:30 or something jokingly office you put that in the contracts you like can we just do like the later service and then we'll add a later one instead the earlier there you go I thought about that probably should have four you probably do eleven and one probably was a problem I probably wouldn't get invited anywhere there are as much but you know I have a buddy of mine that was doing a one o'clock service and he was he asked because there's a lot of young people came to us he says how many of you been up less than an hour and half the congregation rates I'm almost 50 you know I'm right behind you and so but yeah I just I like to sleep yeah good for you man so tell us about your group how it started and what you know heavy metal what's how did you guys get started your personal life and give us a little indication of how that oh my I got bit by the heavy metal bug when when I was 10 years old and Bakersfield California home of Buck Owens and country music and man my parents for some reason got me back in black ac/dc album 1984 Christmas and I put it on and I gesture and that was over I was just like that's how's that for morning and I was just like I want to do that man and I would stare at Angus Young the guitar player on the cover just listen to the music I was like go on and do that and so I was like mom give me a guitar or actually I was listening to the music and I asked my dad said dad I want to be a drummer cuz I heard like a drummer Phil and it sounded cool and he was like uh what about once you try another instrument and I was like I want to play drums and he goes think about how many how many pieces you have to carry if you're a drummer and I was like I was so lazy I was like oh and he goes how about like something with just one piece like a guitar and I was like okay and so they got me and cousteau guitar and I learned all the basics you know this is little mary had a little lamb all this stuff and once I played them something like okay you're dedicated so they got me an electric and that was it and then motley crue rat Judas Priest Lord forgive me Iron Maiden Ozzy Osbourne was like Michaels oh all that stuff I just I would just I just sucked it in and tried to play it on guitar you know that was it was my life I would I would just hide hibernate in my room and learn the songs but yeah so how did the how did you meet the band about how the band get together I met the singer and I didn't really meet him I just saw him in elementary school just real little kids and he was like I was I wasn't a cool kid at all you know but he was like really weird he was just like you know mr. burns from The Simpsons you look I could give me his grandson he just carried his books I can use and I totally remember him back then and then I'm at the bass player field E and junior high I was telling last night that you know you write on all your books and school and everything and a motley crew and everything I looked over it at him his name was Reggie and and and he I sawed Duran Duran on his when I was like quiet so I started like going hey man you need to get in the middle bro and so he got in a metal and then the guitar player James Shafer who's like my guitar twin throughout the years he I met him and he came over my house and by that time I was shredding on electric you know and he came over I just met him and he came over and he was like man that is so awesome because he had cut off the end of his finger on a lawnmower or it was either a lawnmower or motorcycle forget but it's still gone to this day it's like a big chunk we call it the Land of the Lost so he can't play like a normal guitar player he has to bridge this finger because the meet right here's gone so he has to play like that so but but he bought my electric and I wanted this awesome Ibanez guitar this new Ibanez was coming out and he saw my electric he goes that's so cool and I was like oh I'm gonna sell it to I go you want to buy it and I jacked up the price so I can get the Ibanez and his dad pay we know you're an entrepreneur oh I've already so that's started back then huh yeah and so yeah we just we were just friends and we started bands and just like just a little cheesy bands garage bands Oh with jam out and and then I got I felt like I got them all into music you know I started the bass player he played guitar and he was like check this out now he was so bad that I was like I go you need to play bass there's less strings man you give so I felt like I got him all started and so when we were 17 though they got into the Red Hot Chili Peppers those guys and I was like I don't like that it's funk funk whatever I can't um I got no rhythm like that I could just these guys were like and so they started a band without me all of these guys that that that I grew up with and kind of inspired them to get going and then they left me and went to LA and started a band and so I was left kind of on my own and what happened was I had a girlfriend at the time she broke my heart I got suicide over the first time I got suicidal and I didn't share this last night but those guys they were my friends so the first thing I did when my heart was broken I went and visited them I said hey you guys how's LA and everything and they're like what's wrong with you and I'm like Shawna but she broke my heart she did she left me and so they invited me to move in with them and so I became their roadie and that was it and so that's and then we were in LA together so but a couple years later they kicked out the singer they got more back in the metal because it was like the grunge music or the movement was happening you know and so we kind of turned they turned into that direction and so that's when I could fit in and I joined them and started Korn so how did how did the name come we're underneath Huntington Beach Pier in Orange County and we were just like what are we gonna call ourselves and and our singer came up with it there's a couple just stupid stories we're thinking children of the corn that horror movie and whatever and and he's like what if because he's singing about child abuse and getting bullied and stuff and and he was like what if like we had a logo like the little kid is trying to to spell corn and it's kayo backwards our and that's how the logo got and it's pretty famous logo now and and so yeah it was just it was it was nuts how it just came about and then we started we were like okay how do we get our band big we're in LA and so we just printed stickers and shirts and we'd like plastered thousands of stickers everywhere and stop signs like all in our at home town we would anything we could do we were like okay let's go play la we will play a gig and then we would say okay how do we fill up the club and we lived in Orange County so we're like let's just rent okay let's rent a school bus put a keg of beer in the back charge people like four bucks or whatever and we'll and so we bust our friends and just people that we that the word got around and we would show up to clubs and that's how we got the record company's ears you know and they were coming out and we just we got a couple record companies looking at us we got signed went to the record studio and just went on the road so so that that's when the the upward rise as far as success goes and all that kind of stuff started right then so so you guys you you I mean for you guys at the pinnacle of success I mean one of the biggest bands in the world right I mean as far as I mean I mean there's a lot bigger than us but like yeah we made we you know 40 almost 40 million records sold over 40 million 20 23 years in the torn almost 24 years in the business course I took 8 years off but yeah let's let's get into that part so you uh you know you're you're at the pit the height of everything and yet life is kind of spiraling out of control where did the drug star the alcohol all that kind of stuff started yeah it's uh you know basically what rock music is or any music okay the you have this passion and it's in your heart and you're just you're like to create music and to start a band and you get your sound down and in a recording and you put it out and with CDs back then or tapes back then and everything now it's mp3s and no one buys them but uh thanks Spotify but uh so it's that's the passion right that's the cool part that's the like oh I love music and then when you get a record deal you find out that you go and create this thing this album and then it's like okay go work it and so they put you on a bus and you just go out all over the place and you do the same thing every day you play the same songs and it's exciting at first and but when you get there you're just like wow you feel like you're in a carnival almost you know because you're a different city every day you set up your show do your little dance and then and then leave to the next city so the crowd the fans make it fun you know but sometimes you feel like oh my gosh it's the same day yesterday and it's like that's how people get into drugs I think it's because it's a lot of it's a lot of waiting around for musicians because you you hire a road crew they do all this stuff and you're just basically sitting there waiting no we didn't have iPhones back then you know it's like so it was just like you know drugs and everything and and I wasn't you know I double dabbled with weed and when I was a kid and everything and but you know I I got into a little bit harder drugs methamphetamines I started messing with right when corn started and so it that was such a nasty drug that when we went on the road we were just kind of like you know let's try to be functioning you know we got a we got to build this band this is our this is our just our band this is our everything you know and so we we we we were like we would do we just drink a lot and then do some coke you know and stand but we would never touch heroin and so but you know once we got the second record came out went number three on billboard we start getting played on MTV in the middle of the night and everything they were scared to touch us because we were so weird but our third record came out it became more mainstream a little bit more mainstream and that's when it exploded and so drug dealers would show up to our concerts I mean we had doctors that would write us prescriptions of vicodin xanax anything and I but it was nuts we even had like I remember the surgeon was there after the show and he was like yeah I gotta work in nine in the morning and he's breaking out like coke for everybody and it was just like the weirdest life you know where there was cops and they'd be like okay shut the door if you guys are gonna do coke and we could do anything we wanted it was like it was really crazy and you know we're just kid in a candy store but you know too much candy you make you sick so how bad did it get what was the I mean you guys we obviously got out of control some at some point and yeah throughout the years you know I the drugs the drinking and everything and I just felt empty inside and I was never myself I just never looked in the mirror and said I like this guy you know so it was even when I had my my child you know my daughter I was married but me my my wife my ex-wife was came from alcoholics and you know drugs and their family and all that stuff so she was a mess like me but we were trying to be sober trying to have a good family but then we would always go back and so you guys knows I mean some of you guys just struggle with the same thing and you know and the money was there so like drugs were there's nothing that would stop us you know except our hearts and want to be good but we just couldn't do it and so methamphetamine crept back in and my wife got hooked on it when I was on tour with Metallica in 2000 it was 2000 and I had my friend at that time we lived in Huntington Beach California my friend called me and said there's some skinheads that are trying to sell some articles that he saw displayed in my house like a solid-gold corn necklace that a record company gave me from Australia all the stuff they're Hawking it and so I called home and I was like what who's in our house they're they're trying to hawk that's my friend he owns the pawn shop and she's like no one's doing that you guys are crazy and so um so what I did was I send my friend to our house my baby was there it was just chaos and and my baby was left with a 17 year old who I didn't know in my my ex-wife and bunch of skinheads that she was these gang member dudes they were gone and so I flew home I grabbed the kid and I took her out in the road and I got sober for four months and that was a long time for me and so I just dude I felt so depressed when I was sober I was like I was working out and I was trying to be healthy and that was like my new high you know like and it felt good at first but then I was I just never felt like like I loved myself you know I just wanted to I wanted to cover up with with this stuff because I just I didn't like me you know and so after that for months I fell back into drinking I fell back into doing pills and coke and everything and I swore I wouldn't do meth because I thought my ex-wife was just a scumbag and that I wanted to kill those skinheads that took her away because she left I got full custody of our daughter and everything and and but I slipped back into meth at that time and I started doing that was my rock bottom that was that was the long answer okay so let's let's get into the now we got the history let's get into what was that day when what's the day that Jesus came and you you turn I'm not was it a progression or was it a one-time event what happened to you I mean 2003 when I started doing the meth I did it for like a couple weekends in a row and I wasn't supposed to do that because I had a tour coming up with Ozzy and Ozzy like we toured with them in 95 so this was 2004 like you know years later and I'm just like Ozzy AVI I still get like butterflies with Ozzy you know he just he just played the other day at the Eclipse saying bark at the moon when the Eclipse went like it was crazy my friend went I didn't go but um so the tour came and math when you do meth you need to sleep when you're done because it's just jacked up and so the tour was like five days away and I'm like strung out on meth I'm like I have no time to recover so I grabbed eight and a ball and I hit the road with Ozzy that tour I did I never enjoyed Ozzy I was in the back of my bus but we had so much money at that point we had five tour buses I had my own house and on the road with wheels and I had a bodyguard and he would just like come knock on the door you okay yeah leave me alone and I was in there doing meth all day for the whole tour that turned into 2004 and by 2004 I started trying to get a little bit of help you know I was in Tel Aviv my friends I was a master at hiding or they didn't like they just no one confronted me you know they knew I was something was going on but yeah I tried to go to outpatient rehab place to get off it and it didn't work and so these people I was doing real estate with because I'd love to see money grow you know and so I just loved to invest I had stocks I was like to this methamphetamine Tweaker that was like a good businessman you know and and so these guys were I lived I had moved back to Bakersfield where corn started where we all grew up I moved back there and these guys asked me to go into business with them and they were doing real estate and that's not good real estate earlier we were talking last night and and so these guys were Christians and they ended up invited me to church and I did not like Christians because I thought it was like Ned Flanders you know from The Simpsons I just I thought Christians you just they're so annoying you know they're just so happy and then that's all you saw in the media like that not Christians nowadays but back then it was like you know you're you're drunk at home flipping through the channels and that weird Christian Channel comes on there in the weird chairs and the weird hair and everything and you're just like what and so that's all I knew but this guy's know he's like you know you got to come here man I went there and there was he's like it was rough looking at this church I mean there was like there was this expand a lot of Hispanic like dudes with tattoos all over and I was like this looks more sketchy than a corn concert and and they're telling me that they're like a recovering addicts gang members prostitue ex prostitutes all this and I was like what I was thinking Ned Flanders to connect with Ned Flanders and so the pastor got up you remind me a lot of him you know the good qualities of him in and he was just a regular just a regular guy not holier-than-thou just like breaking it down to just loving people and he he just got up there and he goes you know I used to I used to be an alcoholic one day I got physical with my wife at her against the wall and I messed up her back where she could have been really like like paralyzed in a way and she couldn't move and he was like God he grew up Christian and he and he ran away from it but he got down and he said Jesus if you make my life better and make my marriage better I'll give you my life I would give you my life and right then I was in his church and he had like ten thousand members but it didn't affect him I could tell he was just like a humble dude and so I was like this guy either has the answer for life or he's like a brainwashing all these people and so but I was like I'm gonna try it and I raised my hand to into the service I asked Christ inside and I went home I started praying Jesus if you're real come inside of my life and take these drugs from me I just want to get off drugs you know that's all I wanted from God and I was I had no plans to surrender my life and give my life to Jesus I was just like I was on meth and I needed help you know and so yeah after church I just I had this drug room it was my master bedroom closet I had my meth all out on this like piece of wood on top and I brought it down and I was just like chopping it up and you know I just stopped after I rolled it up I said Lord you know I want to quit this my daughter deserves better than this please take these drugs from me nor did the line cuz I was an addict you know and and so a little bit after that I had an encounter with God I kept going to church and I kept talking to people even all's on drugs because they said the pastor said bring all your junk to Jesus who cares he'll take it from you you don't have to step into my church and be perfect he was just so cool you know and so I kept going to church I'll be high on math I go to church and and um you know people were trying to I started talking to some friends and and nexi know so I'm going through the Bible and everything and every time I'd flip the page it was like talking to me it's say something that that would touch me and I'm just like wow and then when I would go off and do meth again I would put the Bible in the drawer because I thought that was a little talking to me you know it was it was really I was spun out you know but but I had an encounter one day I was like I know for sure it's real no some it was my last day on methamphetamines and and I just felt this I felt this presence walk into the room and it was from another dimension it was like pure life and I knew it was God but I didn't see anything or anyone and I was looking I was looking for an angel geez I was just like what is this ooh and you know it says in Moses Moses his day in excess it says that he asked God he said show me your glory and the Lord said I will let all my goodness pass before you that's what I felt I felt nothing but goodness and the spiritual realm pass around me and I was just like you know I was instantly it was like he dropped an invisible better high in the visible world that I was instantly addicted to right there and I was like what is that and I knew it was God so I threw away the drugs the next day and I've been chasing him for 12 years so then of course once you got saved all your problems straightened out perfection you live believe you lived a life of perfection from that point forward with no problems exactly cuz I think that's the gospel but I do think I do think that and you got to read his book but I do think that that's kind of the impression that people get is somehow you know somehow your problems are all gonna go away but I don't think that's true everybody has problems I think Jesus just helps us deal with those problems because he's the overcomer in our life so talk to us a little bit I know your daughter went through some stuff and different things yeah I mean it was such a bliss for like six months so it was just like every time worship came on it was like tears like God was just all over me and I was just like oh my gosh why would anybody do drugs or drink this is the best ever and so I didn't want to touch anything that make that that would maybe make that feeling leave you know cuz God was so real and so every I stopped like I had an email account and I was getting like these porno like emails every day and I wouldn't even look at him anymore then after a month I was like I should probably change my email address cuz there kept coming in and so I was like okay no more porn none of that no more drinking of course none of that and okay I'm gonna stop okay no more cussing I'm never gonna cuss again we'll talk about that later how'd that work out for you we'll talk about that later net second service could probably handle the answer delay no I'm just joking you've never been a pastor no I'm just kidding so it was just like everything you know and then and then I started learning more and you know I started getting I was always I'm fired and but I heard these prayers like ask God for more faith and I was like God I want more things give me fake give me the gift of faith and then all some problems how do you grow in faith walking through problems right and so all these bombs started dropping like you know I I remember with about two or three years after Korn I had invested in some shady guys businesses and everything I lost everything by four years after I left corn it started two years and then it was all gone and I was a bankruptcy court getting accused of fraud in federal court understand because I have been so stupid with my money and it was like I love Jesus I didn't do anything judge you know what the heck it was crazy I felt like Paul like understand you know and just a lot of crazy stuff emotional things you know I would after the six months of bliss I a lot of depression came back and and I was like you know Lord if you don't heal me of my depression I'm gonna go back on celexa you know and he never did honestly he never healed me my depression and and I take a non-narcotic mild depression like you know some of that stuff's good for you if you suffer with depression and so on you know I've battled that and then my daughter she turned 12 and 13 and 14 came and then one horn and then the other one I I can't say that when she's here you this won't anybody say anything when she comes next service even like but her mom okay just it was more from pain because her mom was she left her life and so it was me and her and so emotionally unstable dad loves Jesus with all his heart but man I had just aside that he wasn't he wasn't it wasn't miraculous like boom you know you're like yeah you know I hey it'll work some stuff out in me so and she saw a lot of ugly things you know and but I never went back to the drinkin of the drugs you know I just I just I didn't know how to function emotionally and so I did everything I could I went to I went and got like demons cast out of me I went I got had counseling I did everything I faced every fear I faced every ugly about myself one time I went into the mountains and confessed every dark secret behind the scenes I wanted every dark secret out and I turned these people were like this couple is like 70 and 72 and they were just like I mean anything I could to get free you know I was on a mission for those poor people god yes help them but um so yeah and then I lost my house in 2009 I lost two three vehicles I lost two vans who involved in a business and I watched him get repossessed in front of my house I lost my house and my my BMW 22 inch rims our guys loved our car yeah tell them what kind of car you're driving now like this I can't believe Frias I don't even believe for real I know bro you know I liked you up until that point last night but okay I'm gonna redeem myself I got a test a little ordered but I'm so cheap I waited till the 30 grand one came out I'm not those hundred thousand ones now that the cheaper ones out now so it's on order I'll get it in like two years so but um yeah so I lost all that stuff and just trials you know and I'm like and I would go through so many hard things and I'm like Lord you said this you said if we give he'll be given to us and I'm broke and my house is gone what are you gonna do where are you I thought I thought you took care of us and then I would thumb through the Bible and it would say that scripture says if you have food and clothing be content with that and I'm like dang it give me another one and he was it was like God was going you got me you don't have it you don't have much right now but you have me am i enough and I was like but I had learned that a lot of ministers like the Joyce Meyers and all that I read their stories and they went through hell before they got they got used by God and so that comforted me I was like okay I'll still be going through hell you know and so because there's a time that you get there's a time of humbling and there's a time of exaltation and he was gonna exalt me in his way and his time so I just I clung a clung on and yeah I got through it and he's been so good man there's calling and separation you know you you know and I believe you have a call in your life we've been talking about a little bit but so I think the controversial Christian thing now as you went back to corn and and write in your book you had an experience with God and I think people need to hear that I think the reason why you went back to Carney because you were gone for eight years let's just talk with us wrap this up and talk about that just a little bit why you went back and you tell them about that experience you have yeah some people I think back I think that I went back for money and everything but they don't realize I had I owned all these songs and I could sell my catalogue any point you know and and totally get out of any hole I was in you know and so I wasn't gonna do that with the bankruptcy and stuff because I didn't first of all I didn't understand it but at the second of all like you don't just sell your music for a low amount because you it's stupid but I had that out you know and so but the thing was I was I was with my daughter and she when she was going through herself in 1314 she started getting into rock music blink-182 was her favorite band and then after that was like she was she like like Evanescence and and stained and some of these rock bands that were Chevelle and so she had me take her to a show I went with the bampi OD I wrote on their bus and and we would just watch the show and you know I think Five Finger Death Punch the band Five Finger Death Punch was playing their library car and I remember looking at the crowd and I got I felt like the Lord was saying to see all these people these are my people and I want them and I felt that and I started during Five Finger Death Punch I'm getting emotion on them and I'm just like he had to be God you know and so I didn't know what it meant but corn was playing that night they asked me to play one song I played one song with them and and the singer broke down in tears and he had to stop the concert because and he grabbed me and he told me after the show he said if we never have anything together again thank you for giving me this one last night because he's just and that was it and it was so emotional my dad was in tears the next day because the rock sites covered it and he was everywhere and so and next thing you know they asked me to join the band again and I initially said no but God kept tugging on my heart and I remember that thing that happened at the concert and I talked to my daughter about it I was like what do you think about that and and I talked to some you know pastors and friends that there's three people that are really really trusted and I said lord I need some wisdom from them if there's one of them that says they don't feel you know if they give me some reason to say no then I'm not doing that it's just because I had heard that God had done that miraculously before with people and so yeah I keep confirmed in me through others through my daughter family and that was it and I went back in corner you got to realize corns like it's not let me just go go watch like these sitcoms on ABC and CBS and you know the world is crazy corn is like mainly we are singer sings about pain and you know and anger and just you know some of the songs that were pretty crazy where he's singing about killing his stepmom back in the day and we don't even play those songs you know we're just we're we're different people we have like hundreds of songs and so it's a big catalog and and so it's not that bad you know people think Oh evil rock band you know but those people are hurting in the crowd like a lot of them are hurting and they were just like I was before I left so what better place to be it makes sense I mean if you think about Jesus that makes sense I think I think Jesus was more well I don't think I know he's more comfortable amongst the crowd than he was the temple I mean you don't you don't ever have him fashioning a whip and start beating people in the in the crowd it was always the temple that he did in the religious city but um you know after the f-words my my my my singers favorite word that's that's what I think people can't get over that hurdle but he's just like that word so that's the worst that's the bad as I get and then you're out praying for the sick afterwards and praying for people yeah like okay so we used to have these bodyguards mean-looking dudes in the 90s we'd send them out to go you know go get us to the chicks you know bring the girls backstage so when I'd rejoin the band I got these guys and I'm like okay let's pray to God ask him who he wants to touch tonight and so we go out and we gather like 3040 people yeah it's so cool only God can do that you know and so I've seen miracles man just one couple lost their baby after tonsils taken out their four-year-old died we prayed for him they got pregnant with next week they're pregnant they have a new baby right now a lot of people given their lives to the Lord just all kinds of cool stuff man have this one guy was like I was I was preach I was telling my story and he's like man what is this worth a strip club and and and I had my friend there and so I was really brave and my friend was a faith healer and he was like he travels the world he has a gift of healing and so we were like who anybody had pain in their body and that same dude goes man I broke my back at your concert ten years ago [Laughter] and my friends so bold he had some other fans and he said come here I'm gonna show you this is not me it's Jesus you put your hands on this kid and he says repeat after me in Jesus name I take authority over this right here and I command in Jesus name healing and the dude that was the own for a strip club starts tearing up but he's like oh my effing God oh my and he touches his toes for the first time in 10 years and I swear he looked at me he goes this stuff's real and I said this is not popular and I'm out here doing this every night do you think I would be doing this every night if it wasn't real this is the most realistic I've ever experienced she goes mom Osmond tell me about God my whole life I thought it was just all bs he gave his life to the Lord wow that's amazing oh that's fun I love it [Applause]
Channel: Reign Church Vancouver
Views: 3,548
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Glen Johnson, theresa Johnson, faith center church, faith center, jesus christ, jesus, local church, local, vancouver wa, washington, vancouver church, ministry, pastor glen johnson, clark county
Id: DpKha6tB6nY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 50sec (3290 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 12 2017
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