Blaming noobs in Among Us

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all right uh me and tempest are playing among us they're uh we're uh what role are you we're cheating we're not playing legit crewmate all right cool there's one monster markers here let's let's play it again only one should i have done more you should have done two dude there's ten people oh my god do you think one person's gonna kill ten people you know what don't don't actually tell me if you're the bad guy and i won't tell you if i'm the bad guy fine okay i'm the bad guy you're probably saying that because you're the bad guy no wait let's let's just do some tasks let's just follow him the whole time just to give him oh well i don't i play this game like twice if i die i'm shutting down the server let's go let's go emergency meeting it's evil unicorns [Music] no we're not so we're working together yeah that's cheating cyan man i think it's cyan too just a hunch i wasn't all right well you didn't kill anybody did not kill anybody wait what if they're all voting on you dude good thing there's no there's no like private chat in this game right wow they really all just you're really voting for it better not be me you could lead a country dude they're all just listening to you here goes oh no dude why was he taking his task then oh i look bad i like really oh let's get out of here dude let's get out of here i truly thought did he just he was just a noob then right because he just didn't know how to do that oh no uh cyan was suspicious is purple wait am i purple no you're not wait it's red red dead why they're voting out purple because one person said one thing about purple um yeah i'll do that until guys this is a good life lesson don't be unique at all two people over me die oh my god oh my goodness we suck oh i'm just halfway through it what this is not dark green when you come to that conclusion you're fine you're fine i'm right here dude i'm still i'm oh oh oh oh oxygen depleted i'll do it let me contribute oh they killed me they killed me report the body it's blue it's blue wait oh my gosh each other so they didn't realize they thought we were one person oh okay for context tempers showed this little this little trick that someone did look the people were stacked onto each other one night one came what no defend yourself defend yourself say you you say you want oh my i don't like this person this person's evil i think big red no you're going to lose dude eating i think you are the biggest on this team red i miss clay tired that was the rumor did i hate you he's turning it against you they're waiting for you you're going to lose what are you saying why you stick up for me okay vote vote i can't because i'm dead okay it's the time between me and blue oh no he's going to kill you dude no one got no no there's a target on your back now dude you gotta stick with someone else like i will i will follow him just so he knows i will not kill him no he's just gonna call emergency meeting like he's firing me he's gonna kill the wrong person dude you gotta go no i don't want to do a task because i want blue to be caught red-handed blue to be caught blue-handed call meeting call meeting call me don't meet him do your i want you to be task red-handed you i will not do that task you're going to lose that but doing the task will be like more of an insult you know that body report i'm literally telling you it's blue i did my tests green dead blue i believe you albert oh my goodness it's red red hates you they're already out so there's nothing you can do just do your time oh my god i have to just do it red dead we need to just kill red like violently no because blue's gonna kill you please do it please you're not gonna win this if you don't do this thank you idiots you won the game for us yay god dude these people are stupid all right i'm genuinely innocent oh yeah sunscreen eater yeah the people who just immediately call emergency meeting are the sun screen eaters of uh what's this game called among us why does he look like that you was not an imposter where are you oh hey hey hey how'd they do that lights together it lights together we're going to the lights together we're going to fix it okay wait look i got lost i got to finish this oh look man you're yelling at me to do my task last time when you were dead why did my body report i wish it was your stupid dead body it's purple oh we're doing this again huh we're doing this again huh player i mean it's not me so you know i'm gonna skip what if what if they're partners let's skip no we killed him we killed we killed him once you vote you can't you can't take it back i didn't know that claire was not an imposter well he wouldn't defend himself oh my yeah he didn't he didn't say anything that's kind of his fault fat how do i okay all right i'm gonna go call him meeting i'm gonna go call him meeting him no don't call him meeting i am no we need to call you back why he didn't do anything he didn't fix the lights maybe he didn't know how i don't like him dude not because he's fat but because does not like fat people well i know who it is what did i say i should have called it i should have called the meeting this is your fault this is your fault hey welcome back oh no that's someone else blue change your head i'm the hat guy no here we're just gonna try to vote him out we're just gonna we're gonna play dirty let's just play like everybody else and say it's blue it's blue by the way he was he was he was bad last round guys and he was at this round too no they're all stealing your hat now stop so they all stole it i hope you're the imposters you can kill them all i'm not wait check me out you see him right here yeah i reported that wait i can't blame blue wait who who stole your hat lucas lee hat it's lucas it is cyan i saw it cyan did it i saw it [Music] freaking hat steeler just make all these people regret it look sneaky in advent lucas has voted oh he skipped it he said guys i don't think we should vote on this one what if he was like other there you go oh he's not imposter who else wait who else slow your hat i got to see dark dark dark dangle angel yep i need to call an emergency i'm gonna don't do that i'm gonna kill him okay stole your hat hey wait that's me it's me it's me i know i was gonna kill you chill i don't like him he's getting a little bit too close uh oh who cares if you're in front of people i will have your back at all times this person's watching me i can't do it it doesn't matter if he's watching away you bear oh oh i didn't do that i did not do that maybe he's the other imposter no i can see who it is it's not that's not this person what are you doing yeah okay just kill him dude he took my ass he's giving me anxiety oh what okay that works i was gonna i'll be honest i was gonna try to vote you out okay guys it was separate i saw him i hate you i want to turn it back on you because you're bad at convincing people i'm terrible from the first round well guys let us know what other among us guys we want to do or you want us to do if you want me to play among us subscribe hey guys only a small p only one percent of you are subscribed make sure to subscribe to fill that number up you know that those youtubers are like yeah yeah yeah wait let me go on abandon let me ban lucas real quick you should be able to put a band message that says that like bypasses the swear filter there well can you leave a banned message i like how he's just chilling and he just got it off there all right this guy get this guy out he stole your hat too let's clean his hat only one person can wear that change you are is red it is red i think it was red let's let's vote out red all right guys epic content it's epic
Channel: Flamingo
Views: 5,382,638
Rating: 4.9233093 out of 5
Keywords: flamingo, flamingo funny, among us
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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