Blake Adams Sings With The Kingdom Heirs!

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he's from Kentucky boy they grow 'em big up there in Kentucky son! and uh he uh, he sings with his family you sing with your family in church he said he wanted to sing with us one day and i thought well, today's as good a day as any don't pass out on me here son now you sing baritone and bass or low baritone and ok now i want can you jum... I want you to jump up and sing I'm gonna let him sing baritone and I'm gonna let you jump up there and sing lead and I'm gonna listen is that alright? can we do that? do you know the song you requested Blake: yes but I don't know the baritone part ok what part do you know? Blake: bass Arthur: you know the bass part Jeff: Imma go take a nap find some... find somewhere and sit down get out of the way OK. Alright we're gonna-we're gonna do Jeff now we had breakfast and Blake has no idea we were gonna do this and uh Blake: I had no idea alright here we go winging my way back home we're gonna do the first verse and chorus and you sing bass down deep in my soul a melody rings I'm winging my way I'm winging back my way back home a sinner is saved my spirit now sings I'm winging my way I'm winging back my way back home I'm a climbin' each day every day since Jesus is mine truly mine I travel the road narrow road to glory divine the way is called straight that enters the gates I'm winging my way I'm winging back my way back home Oh who read evil
Channel: Blake Adams
Views: 10,032
Rating: 4.7619047 out of 5
Id: EnO3YdwKcuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 55sec (235 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 07 2018
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