Blade Runner Blues
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Channel: Vangelis - Topic
Views: 1,100,989
Rating: 4.5733547 out of 5
Keywords: Vangelis, Blade Runner (Music From The Original Soundtrack), Blade Runner Blues
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 09 2017
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Vangelis = Genius Musician! Blade Runner is some of his best work.
Driving in the rain at night, especially in the city...driving in the snow at any time of day, but especially in the evening or at night...put this song on and just let yourself sink into it. The atmosphere is completely unmatched.
Absolutely iconic track.
A few days ago I watched a documentary about Blade Runner on Arte and I found it was super cool that Ridley Scott in order to give ambience to the set placed huge speakers on top of the buildings of the street where they were shooting and pumped at max volume the Vangelis soundtrack.
love this shit. when i was in high school i found the soundtrack on vinyl at a salvation army, and thats what got me to watch the film
I just found this cd the other day in my collection of garage sale finds, dont even have a cd player to listen to it atm so thanks for posting!
Great post! One of my favourite albums of all time.
The sounds on this album and the images of this film mesh perfectly. One of those special moments where all the ingredients come together.
would anyone by chance know of a song that would go brilliant after this song..? or just songs with similar aural textures?