Blackmagic Raw Vs Apple ProRes RAW - Which is better?

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have you ever wondered which is better Blackmagic raw or apple pror raw well today I plan on figuring this out I'm going to compare black magic monitors versus Atmos monitors for capturing and recording I'm also going to compare both codex figure out which has Superior image quality and finally we're going to test post production to figure out which is the better for editing and storing on your [Music] computer let's get started with a quick test up here I'm going to put the letter A or the letter B one of them will be PR res row and the other will be black magic row and at the end of this intro we will pick a winner and you can let me know which one you think looks best let's quickly go over the setup the camera I'm going to be using for this is the S5 Mark I from Lumix as this lets us record both BR from Blackmagic and Pro rro from Apple for lenses I have a few different Elm out lenses one thing I will do is I'll make sure that every side by side image you see in this video will have had the same white balance and same lens on to make sure it's fair across the board to capture the bow I will be using the Blackmagic video assist 12g 7 in and to capture the pro rro I'll be using a ninja 5 now I'm going to break this down to three sections for the first section I want to compare monitors and not recorders so for that I have a shun 7 in just so I can compare it to the black magic and always fair with the screen size and features but just know that both black magic and at mon do 5 in versions also something else worth noting about this video is the reason I'm not recording the pro res r on the Shogun 7in I have is cuz it's a little outdated so it does not accept the latest firmware what means it's not compatible with a pro res raw out of the S5 Mark I only the S5 Mark 1 just know that as I'm comparing the features to the Blackmagic 7 in there might be some differences to the newer one you can check that stuff online but when I had a quick look it looked like it was 95% the exact same so this video is going to be broken down into three sections the first section is going to be monitor vers monitor ignoring all the recording features and just seeing what kind of waveforms video assist size weight price all that stuff side by side and section two is going to be prores Raw versus black magic raw looking into how both monitors record and how they capture it if one has different options to the other one and third and finally we're going to get into post production file sizes nle playback how far we can push it in grading until the images break find out which one is the most resilient codic right so which one looked better was it a was it B no cheating comment below either a b or same if you think there was no difference and three 2 1 a was prores raw and B was black magic raw you surprised is that what you expected One Last Thing Before We dive into the testing is I'm going to put all my test footage in a download link in the description this will be as simple as going to the link clicking it enter your email and it will fold just straight to my Dropbox to download all the footage we shot in the tests so please hit the Subscribe button and let's jump into the first test comparing both 7-in monitors here you can see they are quite similar in size they both have really similar height Dimensions both have 7in screens but the atmas is just a little bit longer um not sure why this is it just must be the type of build design they went for I must admit that I think I'm slightly in favor of the Plastics used on the black magic it just feels a bit more premium I also think it looks a bit better to the eye but getting into weight although the atmos is bigger as you can see here it weighs a little bit less around 100 or so GS less to be honest these are really similar ins size of M the one place there is an advantage is the black magic has no multi cam or like streaming features where atos have recently introduced kind of like multi cam input so you can put multiple SDI inputs into the atos sh gun as you can see to do that with a black magic you you would need something like this ATM switcher alongside it so it's good to see that atos have managed to squeeze that feature inside such a small package comparing Scopes they're almost again identical they go for blow for blow they both have like false color Focus peing waveforms Vector Scopes I would say when it comes down to operation black magic takes the window the menu system and the black magic is just far superior uh atas are a little Fini I don't like the way that it's kind of transparent and these really small text constantly accidentally clicking stuff I shouldn't be clicking both monitors take npf style batteries and can carry two at the same time for hot swapping they also have really similar power draws and are both rated for the same amount of run time off similar size batteries when it comes to the quality of the actual display I guess it's good to know where I've come from so I used to run uh an older style shun uh and I used that for around two or 3 years alongside when I used to shoot Sona uh I really enjoyed it but that did end up breaking on me I did pay to get fixed and then it broke again I had really kind of build quality issues with that monitor I now own uh Sumo the 19in director's Monitor and again although I love that monitor he has Tak a hit to the bottom left corner the backl is a bit weird where it's just too uh it's like a stop or two too bright coming to the black magic I've only had this black magic monitor for around a month seeing the shun and the black magic side by side I do slightly lean into the black magic monitor looks more accurate to the display on the Panasonic I will definitely say that it also looks to my eyes like it Nails the white Point more and has less of a tint in the image somewhere where the atos display does win though is on Peak brightness not sure what Peak brightness means as the Black Magic monitor on the spec sheet reads to you as just uh the NIT value but then there's like a knit value and a peak brightness for the atos I'm sure someone below will be able to explain the difference for that bit input wise these moniters are pretty identical they both have HDMI in and HDMI out they both have SDI in and SDI out they both do cross conversion they also both have a way of taking XLR inputs the black magic has two XLR minis where the atmos has like a little breakout cable when it comes to media and recording the atmos uh make you purchase this little like plastic cader that takes an SSD inside obviously is like really fast and cheap media where the black magic goes for SD cards I do really prefer the black magic way here cuz it allows you to put two SD cards and it allows for like relay recording and backup recording and although Angel be do make these like custom made ssds that are already in the shape of the C that look really cool and the black magic also has a USBC port on the bottom that lets you record to an SSD comparing price as it stands today the Blackmagic video assist 12g 7 in is on sale for 995 in USD and atos's latest Shogun 7in monitor recorder is listed at $999 so pretty much identical pricing although I will say in this latest version Atmos have removed the streaming features not sure why this is but they've chose to do that so now I guess it's even more of a direct comparison to the Blackmagic 12g something else a lot of people do worry about is a latency or delay when using an external monitor or recorder as you can see here I pointed the camera at a stopwatch just counting up in milliseconds freezing the frame and zooming in we can see that there's a 253 millisecond delay on the atomos and a 3 17 millisecond delay on the black magic to me I don't personally notice anything and both monitors work totally fine right let's get into some testing bow versus Pro res raw first up is a sharpness test this is just me pointing the camera at a lens test chart as expected just here without zooming in you can't see any difference to me but punching in to my surprise I do think there's a little more contrast or something here in the bow I'm not saying it's sharper but there is defin definitely like just a bit of contrast I would say it is using the same shot here I just wanted to move the cameras around a little bit see if I could get any alias in or morray to appear in the shot uh as you can see really similar don't think any are performing better than the other one again right here I pointed the camera at an XR color chart just to compare colors from each codec at first glance these look pretty identical again but if we dive in a little deeper and pull up a v scope this is the Pro Shot and overlaying the BR shot you can see the BR is like capturing a wider range of colors it's like the pror is muting the greens and magentas when it's like the cold and warm tones the blues the yellows the San the Reds they're almost identical but just here down the sides when you're flicking the on and off there is definitely a wider amount of colors being captured by the B comparing skin tones here again there is some slight differences but very very similar shots most people are not going to be able to tell the difference between these two but if someone made me pick a winner I think prores just maybe he's got a bit more green in there and I think it bounced out a bit better here we have a landscape shot I just wanted to get outside and see if we could see any differences but just as we've seen in the sharpness test there is definitely more contrast in the BR image so straight out of camera you're getting a bit of a punchier image I'm sure this is really easily to match these up but just good to know I guess here I purposely chose the wrong white balance I chose 3,200 Kelvin when it should have been 5600 Kelvin to match the key light just so I could correct both in post and see how it looks this is probably a good point for me to talk about why I'm in Adobe Premier people who have seen the channel before probably know that I'm a massive resol fan and use it for 100% of my projects prores ra is not something that you can import into result obviously black magic raw is definitely made for resolve and I guess Final Cut is made for PR res row Premier was the only software I could find without converting footage and stuff I didn't want to make it too unfair that would take both codex as you can see we have all the same raw settings that are available to us in the VIN resolve well it's fantastic you've got to appreciate black magic for allowing that to happen but if I just click that and click 5600 and press enter you can see see the shot once I come back to the one with the look on it you can see the shot is easily fixed jumping over to the prores version things get a little bit interesting but there is simply just no way to fix the wi balance using the raow settings I guess we do still have the 12bit row here so coming across to the temperature slider we can maybe let me just pull a scope up I would normally correct this using the offset wheel but but I can't seem to find it in Premier I'm not sure exactly where that is I'll just use a temp to slider for ease of use looking at the neon sign in the background looking at my skin just looks washed you can see how easy and fast it is to do it the way with the row settings and time is money and you get better results so this is something that Apple really need to sort out I feel here I Overexposed by two stops just so we could purposely recover here the pr res image should do much better as there is an exposure slider In The Raw settings all I did was go to the raw settings enter minus two enter on both images and as you can see they both look really good and have recovered really well here I purposely underexpose by two stops just so I could recover both codex to see how they performed and if there was any differences in noise or anything like that all I I've done here is gone into the raw settings and entered two in both exposure boxes for both codex I don't know how this has coming across on YouTube after compression but there is definitely more noise in the prores image not a massive amount more but there is like five or 10% more grain I would say um both images would need cleaning up with some do noiser but both images are probably savable but yeah the Black Magic raar Image is just slightly more clean so what do I think is better PR res row or black magic row I think your decision is almost made for you I think if you are someone who edits in Final Cut just simply capture PR res row and flip to that if you are someone who edits interent resolve simply capture black magic RW I guess it gets a little more complicated when it comes to working inside premium as this takes both of the Codex whether you're are a Mac or PC I just find it so much easier to recommend the black magic recorders and monitors they feel really well made while I've not had the most experience with them they do give you some sense of confidence that they're going to last quite a while and when it comes to using Pro res Ro inside of Premier Pro you don't even get a white balance slider you just get the exposure and the color space the options are really limited Apple should really release an update or something that allows better utility inside of third party software for pro redro it's so Apple the fact that they don't I guess my black magic are a company a lot more open to let other competitors and softwares use their fan compress R codc if you're someone who was definitely stuck with Premier and not planning on going to Final Cut not planning on going to the VIN resolve then I would still take the black magic raw route if it's an option for your camera but if you want to take your footage to the next level without going out there and buying expensive recorders use these five tips right here
Channel: OBP
Views: 14,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blackmagic pocket 4k, blackmagic pocket cinema camera 4k, prores raw vs. braw, black magic raw, prores raw vs. braw and prores in the bmpcc4k, is prores raw in the bmpcc4k, is prores raw in the pocket 4k, braw premiere, prores raw, dslr video production, frame voyager, behind the scenes, pocket 4k luts, braw, pocket 4k, pocket 6k, bmpcc 4k 2021, stronzv, bmpcc 4k, john owens, bmpcc6k, lumix, S5iix, panasonic lumix S5ii, panasonic lumix S5iix, blackmagic pocket 4k review
Id: 2r1VkTIeU2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2023
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