Blackjack Strategy: How to Win at Blackjack, the Perfect System

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Hey how's it going, I'm Alex from Gambler Casino and in this video you will find out how to win at online blackjack and this is going to give you an excellent chance of winning thanks to this precise mathematical method. Now look guys: blackjack is one of the fairest games in the casino which the player has the greatest chances of winning... now the win or loss does not depend only on chance but also on a careful evaluation of different options and this is the exact reasons why many gamblers have earned millions, millions thanks to blackjack but the question is how did they do it... that's what we want to know right? So, in this video, you will see one of the most effective techniques for winning at online blackjack namely the fundamental strategy that you will learn. Now the blackjack strategy that we will analyze today is the fundamental one used by gamblers who has made millions with blackjack, right? They made it and now look, me personally I've also had great success with this strategy and you're gonna see exactly what I'm talking about in this video so, in this video we're gonna mainly talk about how to win at online non physical blackjack now theoretically you could use this method in real casinos but it's much more difficult since you will not have the tools that the digital world offers you and it'll be much much slower right and we don't want any slow processes and the gamblers who ditch the physical casinos had to learn several schemes by heart right they were kind of mathematical geniuses. Now look: if you're a genius I'm super happy for you but if you're not a genius like most of us don't worry because I'm gonna give you the tools that will allow you to win without having to remember columns and columns of calculations from memory because not all of us have a memory like that, right? So since we talk about digital I have to make an important premise: you have to be careful of biased casino i.e. those that have a rigged algorithm because it's set up for the player to lose instead of being random, now the strategy to win a blackjack only works if there are real decks on the gaming table with the right number of cards and shuffles randomly, right? On online blackjack is very common to find casinos that pretend to be normal but they uses biased control systems to make you lose so make sure you be careful because this is much more common than you think. Now I have selected extremely reliable casinos both for the reason I just mentioned above and for the speed and reliability of payments, for example this is one of the few that I have selected which although digital uses several true cards randomly mixed all in an unbiased way, that's very very important... and of course I'm going to leave a description of that in this video so make sure you check it out you can find a link to the casino. Now, when you register, make sure you go look for it and make sure you add it to your favorites so you don't lose it and then make sure you click play. Now, I assume that you know all of it, you know the basics of blackjack but if you need more detailed information about the basics and how to play, make sure you write it in the comments and I'll make a video about it. So with that being said I wanted to remind you of some important things for an example, like us even the dealer can ask for a card or stay but he doesn't automatically with a very precise law: if the sum of the value of his cards is less than 17 he has to ask for a card; instead, if it's higher than 17, always stop and stay: that's exactly what they do, right? All of this for a statistical question: the dealer is not stupid guys at all so you have to be careful on what the bank has and how many chances of winning they have compared to us the players. So, over the years experts have developed a series of rules which we take into consideration now the cards you have and also the only card we know that dealer has all studied with a rule of probability for an example if the dealer has, let's say a 3, as the first card and the sum of our cars is 15 it's wiser to stay now this is because the dealer will have to ask for a card until he reaches 17. He's more likely to burst or enough with a lower number than 15 while we have a less statistical probability of being able to get a higher number with the next card without bursting therefore is wiser to stay. Now, there are dozens of these rules considering each number fortunately you don't have to remember all of them at all because there's a scheme that I have prepared for you so you can always choose the most mathematical advantageous option for your case now here it is simple and intuitive vertically there's a sum of your cards horizontally the dealer cards for example if your cards have a sum of 16 and the dealer has 8 let's see what to do together: what should you do? That's right: ask for a card, you want to ask for a card based upon the rules we talked about. Another example if you have an ace and a 7 and the dealer has 7... it's better to stay. In addition to card and staying there are other options: in some cases is better to double and in others is better to divide, right? So if you have a 17 or more of you always have to stay but for 8 and other you should always ask for a card now I'll put the link to the download in regards to this game in the video description and remember these are just tips guys it's simple math and statistics however this doesn't work 100% of the time all of the time otherwise everyone will be rich right? And you have to keep in mind that you may fail every now and again but it happens that's a part of the game but it's going to increase your chances now this table leads you to make the mathematically wiser choice however it often happens despite making the best choices you can lose your hand but, if you follow this scheme to the exact letter as I mentioned, you will have an excellent advantage. Now, in addition to the scheme you've just seen, you can get an additional advantage by using an adequate budget to increase your security, already the method works very well but the blackjack strategy that I will explain today will further increase the chances of you winning. So... what do we do? Now if let's say I have a hand in which I lose: on the next hand I bet twice to recover the money from the previous hand and I remain positive this way I maximize my chances of winning as much as I can and earn confidently that's what we want to do we want to earn confidently so let's see exactly how the win at online blackjack I recommend 155 euros if you're playing with 5 euro bets I also recommend bringing 315 euros to the table just to have that security, just in case. Now another way around if you want to try the method of you know minimum bets of let's say one one one euro all right let's say you want to do minimum bets: one euro, the budget is 31 or 63 for greatest security now that being said let's get started right away. As you can see below we have our budget of 155 euro. I recommend you choose a fast enough speed so as to not waste time the six is excellent and I eliminate the audio because it distracts me. I take the five chip and point it here, I click on deal... I have five and clearly with five I ask for a card now the sum is 15, he has nine... the table says that 15 and 9 the scheme recommend asking for cards 19 with a 9... you have to stop. The dealer burst and I win; I start again from the basic bet and point another five euro. I have 10 versus 7. Let's see what the table recommends: 10 with the 7... is a rather peculiar case it advises us... to double. Doubling I got 20 and the dealer only 17 so I win. I start over by inserting the five chip and click on a deal, again. I have nine and then the dealer has a figure so clearly I have to ask for a card, with 19 obviously I stop... the dealer has 17 and I went again. New bet, new deal: ace and a six against a figure the dealer sees he has blackjack and therefore I lose immediately. Now I'm in case we have to recover so I'm going to double the bet from 5 to 10: I click again on deal and in this case I immediately get a blackjack conversely if we had lost we would have had to double again until victory. I always recommend clicking on new bed instead of rebet to avoid getting confused. 5€. Click on the deal 4 and ace; it is a particular case, I go to look for the aces section: ace 4 against a 7: I should ask for a card... I asked for a card and I get 19 so I stop. And I win. I have 6 and 4 which is 10 while the dealer has 10 in this case I go to ask for a card: I look at the scheme to be sure but I already know it. so I ask for a card; 16 against the 10. You have to ask for a card again. We reach 21 while the dealer bursts and (I win) again let's take one last example together before talking about some important things; point five again. I'm 13 he has an ace... in this case the game offers us insurance: I advise you never to accept it for a long term statistical question. I ask for a card I get an 18 and I stop. the dealer gets 23 burst and (I) win this hand too. Well: now we'll speed up the video and see how much money I will be able to earn the 10-minute timer ♫ Blackjack Strategy in Action ♫ Ok, after 10 minutes I reached 345 euro from the initial 155 euro which means 190 euro of earning. So: here's how to win online blackjack this is the basic strategy used by all successful professional gamblers to win at blackjack on this many additional strategies are then created but these will be analyzed in the next videos of course so in the description you will find the link to the casino and this game scheme that I recommend that you use literally; I recommend you to use the recommended budgets and to use the suggested casino to avoid playing and biased casinos as I already explained to you at the beginning of the video. Before saying goodbye however I want to give you the latest tips on blackjack to further improve your gaming experience as well as the chance of winning: one of the tips I want to give you is that starting, for example, from 155 euros when you come to double the budget you will have two choices and you can decide to start the session over again and reuse the same strategy we just saw - I advised you from experience to wait a few minutes to rest and start the new session with greater concentration - you can continue playing without closing the session; this will give you an additional advantage for two main reasons the first is that having obtained and left on the table and double starting budget you can use it to continue using bets of 10 euro with the same probability of winning. Or you could continue playing with the bet of 5 euro further increasing your statistical chances of winning in the long term: as in this way you will have an additional possibility of doubling and the rare event that you lose the game session you can accept a loss and start over with the same budget but since the case in which you cannot at least double your budget it's very rare it's advisable to reopen a new game session with a double starting budget that is 310 euros playing with an initial budget of 10 euro. in this way by winning the session and playing about the same time or about 15 minutes you will have recovered also the previous losses. Now you will certainly have to choose whether or not to use insurance as already mentioned in this video very simply never use it. Clearly: on 13 cards those that give the dealer blackjack are 4 of 13 and therefore being less than a third of a possibility it is convenient not to risk this amount the best advantage we get by simply following our pattern without making any changes. Another thing, I would like to say, is that to win at online blackjack as with many other games where concentration is essential, always remember to take breaks if you feel you need it. Always maintaining your good mental clarity is key. Now: it is written in the table but I also remind you never to divide the ten even if the dealer had a low card and, as a last tip, I want to remind you that it's gambling and therefore the winning can never be 100% sure, ever. So play mainly for... you know... money you can lose and never risk what you can't afford to lose. Now the link of the best casinos as mentioned above is in the description of the video there you will also find the game table which you can download for free on your computer and... and if you wish make sure you print it for a paper version now it's going to be extremely useful in the way you play from your mobile device Now, if you liked the video, make sure you give it a thumbs up and if you're also managing to get good results with this blackjack system make sure you subscribe to the channel and let us know in the comment section down below: seriously, we want to talk with you, we want to know the strategy is working for you and we want to see that you're getting that success. So, with that being said, we will see you in the next video I'm Alex of Gambler Casino Channel
Channel: Gambler Casino
Views: 206,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blackjack strategy, blackjack perfect strategy, how to win at blackjack, blackjack basic strategy, how to win at online blackjack, how to consistently win at blackjack, blackjack, blackjack guide
Id: Y4g7T7Ayb8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 10 2020
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