Blackhawks @ Flyers 06/09/10 | Game 6 Stanley Cup Finals 2010
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Channel: NHL Playoffs Archived Games
Views: 75,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vzGefmOZttM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 164min 20sec (9860 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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Praise Hossa
I was watching this game last night on NBC Sports Chicago and forgot about this brutal penalty call. The video is supposed to start at 1:05:19. There is literally nothing else Hossa can do to avoid Leighton when Timonen falls down between them. I like how Enzo and Pierre are bashing the call. That was official Kelly Sutherland who made the call. The same official who missed the obvious trip in Game 5 of the 2019 Stanley Cup Finals.
Damn just watching Hossa handle the puck makes me so sad now. What a beast that we lost.
Didn't realize I was still angry about that call.
Iām glad I kept watching the video after the terrible call, Sharp scores on the ensuing 4 on 4
Horrible call but a brilliant response by the Hawks. Not only do they score less than 30 seconds later, but absolutely dominate the ensuing PK. They looked like they were the team with the 1-man advantage for most of that powerplay. Man, what an amazing team that 2010 group was
Thanks a lot, now i have the entire game running on the chromecast.
This team was amazing, how spoiled we were.
Watched the call then watched the rest of the game haha. God I miss Hossa and Hjalmarsson