Blackburn To FBI: Is Your Job To Protect & Shield Joe Biden Or Is It To Protect This Country?

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chairman Mr abadi I want to come to you because tennesseans are incredibly concerned about the politicization of the FBI and they have watched the FBI Target parents people of faith people with conservative values and I am often asked what group is going to be next and how did we get to this to this point because they have watched the FBI under your leadership draw their guns on a pro-life advocate that was stunning to them that was done in front of his wife and children they have labeled parents interested in education is domestic terrorists and all parents should be interested and are interested in their children's education they watched the raid on a former president and a political opponent on his home and these have confirmed their worth worse fears that there are indeed two tiers of justice and that there is a political cabal within the FBI that sees it that way because when Hillary Clinton mishandled information and she wiped her email server with a tool called bleach bit and then beat the mobile devices with a hammer and destroyed those SIM cards you all basically said there's nothing to see here there is nothing to question and when President Biden mishandled classified documents there was no raid on his home or on his offices but you see how president Trump has been handled with this so it looks like the old Playbook of distract and deflect and the American people have a right to be concerned about this now I want to talk about Senator grassley's information from yesterday because when the FBI produced the document that you referred to earlier uh relating to the Biden bribery allegations and you gave that to house oversight you all redacted any reference to the fact that the foreign National who allegedly bribed Joe and Hunter Biden had those 17 audio voice recordings so first of all why did you redact that part of the information senator of Senator first um as I said before your assertion or anyone who makes the assertion that the FBI is politicized I reject it wholeheartedly it's wrong and it is not true the work we do okay I'll ask you this you said in your response to Senator Cruz that you and the FBI do your job to the best of your ability so why don't you tell me what your job is is it to defend and chill Joe Biden or is your job to protect this country and the Constitution of the United States which is it the job of the FBI is to protect the country keep people safe and uphold the constitution of our great country that's what we work to do every day objectively there are not two standards of Justice there is only one it's applied equally each and every person there are two standards very clear standards of Justice in this country we see it every single day the American people see this every single day they look at you and they see a politicized entity that is weaponizing an agency of the federal government against the American people that is not the FBI that I see Senator that is not the FBI you see there are a lot of good people that people that for the FBI but you have a political decide to conceal the information in that Revelation to the house oversight committee why did you redact all of that re pertaining to the phone calls we have exceptional people within the they're not answering the questions why did you redact that information they work relentlessly every day to keep this you chose not to reveal that the calls were there and Senator Grassley found it out anyway is that accurate with regard to the jobs you chose to redact it yes or no we often redact documents to protect so we chose to redact the the fact that there are 17 voice recordings two of those with the noun president you chose to redact that and not to give that to house oversight is that idea if there are voice recordings are not what I will tell you with respect to the document no the document was redacted to protect the source as everyone knows well then this is a question of life my time is potentially inspired but I think it would be how when you came before us if you were willing to answer the questions it would help to remove the perception that the American people have because this is what they see they see you do it every day and that is politicizing the FBI and using it against the American people who don't happen to be named Biden Clinton or one of the elites thank you Mr chair
Channel: Senator Marsha Blackburn
Views: 430,015
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Id: IytUsR5CqZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 42sec (342 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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