Black Woman Who Escaped Basement Dungeon Of HORROR Says 2 Others Killed By Missouri Abductor

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let's talk about what's happening in Kansas City uh Kansas City Missouri police dismissed claims that black women were being targeted by a serial killer yet on Friday Timothy hasslin a 39 year old white man was arrested on suspicion of kidnapping and raping a 22 year old black woman the woman escaped his home while he dropped his child off at school now she told police she'd been the hell captive since September and he repeatedly raped and beat her she she said that her friends did not make it out meaning it Hasley killed him now last month uh a couple of folks uh Community leaders there sounded the alarm than multiple black women and girls have been missing the Kansas City Defender a reported of this as well reported missing women from Prospect Avenue now the defender discovered Hazlet to be a white supremacist found his Facebook post talking about race Wars as well as Brianna Taylor Ryan serosa founding editor of the Kansas City Defender uh and Ryan uh glad to have you back to give us an update and so uh the woman said that her friend brains did not make it out what what is what are police saying in terms of the investigation in his home uh have he discovered uh remains of others are they saying anything at all uh they're keeping the investigation quiet at this point in time and I also just want to preface the conversation with the fact uh I know last time I was on the show I was calling for reimagining I think it's important that we as news outlets truly reimagine how we practice journalism and I think that a lot of that is actually what contributed to how long this young black woman was kept captive how long she was tortured how long she was abused in this man's basement was because we sounded the alarm I think as you mentioned we sounded the alarm on this specific issue we said a little over a month ago that Community leaders were making these reports that black women were going missing potentially being killed and the police Kansas City Police Department unequivocally without reaching out to us without reaching out to any Community leaders and asking where these reports were coming from they unequivocally said that these reports were completely unfounded they did not take any time to investigate they didn't take any time to look into to why people were making these reports and they said they were completely unfounded and had zero evidence to back up these claims and of course come to find out a month later and this young woman actually told the neighbors because there are some interviews online that include testimonies from the neighbors who actually rescued her and the neighbors said that she thought that she had been in that basement for two years that's the type of psychological trauma that she has endured after only a month of being in in that truly horrific situation and so right now the police department the investigators aren't releasing any information because it's a very ongoing investigation there are multiple agencies involved but I think that the police department itself has taken a very large credibility hit and the larger conversation here is that black women are not being listened to that the community is not being listened to and that people prefer to listen to police departments and white news outlets because we are new outlet and the community at large the black community at large was took a lot of flack for reporting these claims that as we can see had a lot of credibility to them in hindsight we well we have uh every day in our show we have a second called Black and missing and so um has you said folks said there are a number of people who were missing have they posted those photos have they posted um their names and information uh in terms of actually showing that oh I think that that's the actual difficult part because for instance the woman who escaped she was not actually reported to the missing persons unit in the police department but the issue is that a lot of these women who are preyed upon don't have people who can advocate for them go ahead right that's no I don't mean I don't mean coming from the police what I'm saying uh any family members uh any anyone else uh reporting these folks to be uh these folks to be missing uh because because if I think back um I don't know I think back to the people we actually uh mentioned every day I don't think we actually have one person uh who uh was from Kansas City and so I'm saying as any any black media Outlets actually uh solicit the information from the public saying if you have a loved one who's missing send us their information so we can actually put that information out definitely uh yeah they're they're both myself and there's another news Outlet in the area here called Kansas City discover and they also they're a black news outlet and they very frequently uh solicit this information from the public but I think that the larger issue here is that the women who are being preyed upon don't have people uh who can advocate for them who are sending this information to Media Outlets or sending they're not sending the information to the police department to file missing missing persons unit reports and so oftentimes in the case uh this is this example is a very clear example of the woman who was held in the basement for over a month uh no one you know reported her is missing and clearly she was missing uh and she said that two of her friends were murdered and we're still trying to gather as much information as we can on who those women were or if there are additional people missing we don't know at this point in time but we are just trying to gather as much information as we can as much information the 22 year old woman who is has she only talked to police investigators um has she talked to anyone else as relates to what took place uh with her uh is she being treated somewhere uh what is her status uh well yeah right now she uh is definitely just recovering that's that's really the only information that we have but what we do know is that when she escaped uh because she was able to escape whenever Timothy went to Timothy Hazlett went to drop his son off at school and she was able to escape she had to get past a dog to escape and she was able to run to a neighbor's house and so they're actually interviews with the neighbors from The Excelsior Citizen and the Excelsior citizen is actually who reached out to us to draw the connection in this case uh and the Excelsior citizen has interviews on YouTube right now with the neighbors who actually spoke directly to the woman and so they're the ones who spoke who mentioned that she thought that she was down there for two years they also mentioned that she very adamantly said that two of her friends had been murdered by Timothy Hazard Jr as well and they also said some additional information but I would just recommend people go and listen to it directly from from what those neighbors had to say gotcha so she was she she relayed that information to neighbors who related to Media my question is regarding that woman is she being is she being treated and uh is it from family members or the organizations who is providing her assistance do you know that yeah no no one really had right we don't even know her name at this point because in the court documents uh right now all we have is access to is the prosecutor's uh the Clay County Prosecutors probable cause statement and they gave her an alias of TJ and so we actually don't know who this woman actually is but we all we know that she is a black 22 year old woman uh and they said that the the Clay County prosecutor's office said that she did get out of the hospital and that she is being cared for and that she has been put in contact with a number of agencies but uh yeah we don't know very much information because of course she wants to keep her privacy at this point in time so are you and other black media Alexander in Kansas City or are y'all establishing uh a listing or a database of missing African Americans in that city um to be able uh to help help folks uh and our folks actually responding with information uh yeah so we have already started to accumulate our own database it's something that we from the very beginning of this case even when we were being uh you know admonished and even when we were being uh you know caught out by all types of news outlets truly across the country uh we we remain steadfast with our community because even when all of that was happening when our community wasn't being believed when our news Outlet wasn't being believed we believed that we were taking the right course of action and so we began working with community members to uh start to accumulate a database and so we we are working on that and we're also getting in touch with other community organizations specifically for black women uh one of them is called the real Justice Network which has been doing this type of work for a very long time in our city and so we are you know in the earlier stages still but this is something that we think is incredibly needed because the police department is clearly not capable of uh you know adequately handling these issues this is a much larger issue than just this one specific instance them not believing black women and the police department not taking seriously the concerns of people in our community is something that has been the case since our Police Department was created uh you know 200 years ago and of course our Police Department is also currently under federal investigation for racism and discrimination and so we we have no belief and no expectation that the police department in Kansas City will ever properly you know produce safety for our communities and so we're in the earlier stages right now of creating that groundwork and foundation so that we can do it for ourselves you mentioned the database is being created um but where can the public go to actually see and what I'm saying is are there three four five ten names uh folks have come for the people who are missing uh who are African-American and missing and also uh have you all also talked to the black and Missing Foundation we've actually worked with them oh my goodness going back 10 plus years uh as well because this is the work they do nationally so somebody who's watching and listening they want to be able to go can they go go to your site or someone else and actually see uh names photos images things along those lines of folks who are being who are reported missing uh right now our the database that we have just because we're in the earlier stages it's just like a spreadsheet that we have privately but if people do want to see like images and right now the only place that that is centralized is by the Missouri State Highway Patrol uh they have a missing persons you know thing on database online that has how old the person is the race the race of the person uh the person is gender when they went missing so people who do want to report it or look up missing persons in Missouri that's available at the Missouri State Highway Patrol and also for the black and Missing Foundation I'll go ahead and other of the database you're talking about how many of them are from Kansas City uh the one in the Missouri State Highway Patrol uh to double check I haven't seen in Kansas City specifically how many people are missing okay uh and the you about to make a point about the black Missing Foundation go ahead uh yeah I was saying that they just because of this whole situation uh they have reached out to us and uh we are definitely that's that's definitely a relationship that we are hoping to continue because uh it's just been made so clear from this situation that we cannot depend on the police by any means at all to uh create safety for the people in our community to take our concerns seriously and we know for a fact now because of this situation which is just one of many and you know we're going to uh you know I think that this this specific situation is uplifting the conversation in a way that it should have been a long time ago uh around black missing women around black women who are being killed and no one is speaking up about it I think that this is a conversation we should have had a very long time ago and it's just very very sad truly that it took this horrific tragedy of this woman being abused sexually assaulted uh trapped and tortured in a basement uh for and the police calling us liars and the police calling the community Liars for you know reporting these things and you know really the reason that they they said that that they called us liars and that they said that we were spreading misinformation was because there wasn't a missing person's report and so I actually reached out to the police department and I said do you still Stand by Your statements of saying what we reported on was completely unfounded and I said I can understand if you said we don't have any evidence to support these claims because if you don't have any evidence then that's just what it is but clearly now what we reported on was not completely unfounded and all they had to do to handle the situation better would be to say you know something like we don't have any evidence but we're willing to look into it or we don't have any evidence but you know where did you all get these reports from anything truly anything that they could have said other than their completely unfounded and so that to us is what's most problematic and and harmful about the situation and that's why we are going to be uh making sure this is a long-term effort to ensure that we can secure and and create safety for ourselves and our communities Ryan's real founder editor Kansas Defender we appreciate it thanks a lot and then keep us updated on what happens next absolutely thank you very much absolutely thank you very much thanks a bunch I want to start with you uh and um the point there about being able to establish own database I mean at the end of the day it's one of the reasons why we do the blacks are missing every day because frankly uh when you look at mainstream media if you're missing white woman oh he'll get reported like crazy but if you black and missing it takes uh protests a lot yelling and screaming and typically that's six eight weeks later after the fact we know the most important time in the first 72 hours right I wish I would have had a chance to ask uh Ryan a question because he's right about what he's saying I just wonder you know how did they get the information that folks are missing because if the police department is saying that they had no formal missing persons report okay well I assume that the Kansas City Defender has some journalistic standards where they don't just print what they hear from one person they had to have multiple sources confirming that people that black women were missing in order for them to report that so if they had enough information uh credible information that they felt they could report on this why did the police not take that and say okay we don't have a missing persons report which is not unusual because we know a lot of times Predators will select people who they believe do not have family or friends who can come look for them so what this looks like is um sometimes Predators you know kidnapping sex workers Predators kidnapping people who are having drug addict addiction issues so that is not something that should have stopped the police from looking into this so I just wonder what where did how did the Kansas City Defender find out that people were missing and of course you know the police need to answer and they need to have a better answer then well there was no formal missing persons report they need to answer why they didn't put any effort or any energy into following up on this information uh that was a it was a actually a pastor committee activist uh who actually uh did a video online video and they actually reported that particular video that's what happened there omakongo uh Ron is correct the Kansas City Missouri Police Department is under investigation by the Department of Justice uh and uh look uh you know here's a question uh if you're the state you might want to send in state officials to investigate what's happening here so they initially just blew them off said there were no serial killers not only did they blow them off they did it in such an ignorant fashion I'm reading right here from one of their comments that they wrote they said we do still maintain that there's no indication that what you guys reported was accurate and there was no indication of anything that supported that claim so you know Ryan Ryan is talking about not hearing from them but then when you do hear from them you get that that callousness and it speaks to the tension that so many of us feel across the country in our communities and going off of of Representative renita's point we see this all across the country Roland this is kind of what we were talking about last week with the Jeffrey Dahmer uh documentary and how that underplayed the role race played and and what he was doing we talked about it with the man in California was targeting um young young black uh teenagers as well and so this is an ongoing problem and so really at the end of the day we have to stay vigilant we we know that there's going to be more pushback as the story becomes more public about all these stories being made up and falsified and so I think the questions that you were asking were really pointing as me as it relates to making sure that all the eyes are dotted and the t's across because these are members of our community who have been marginalized and thrown away and you would think with uh the types of cases that this department is dealing with they absolutely should be bringing in the state because what they have right now is a serious credibility problem and you would think that as a story like this becomes a nation Nation known nationally you would want to do everything possible especially when you deal with others lawsuits to have some type of credibility in some way shape or form because right now they have none oh yeah Julian I shudder when I think about what happened to this young woman reporting about her being uh detained whipped uh probably overhearing the the killings of her friends and her colleagues but beyond that I shudder at the kind of anti-blackness that allows the police officers or the police department to Simply uh dismiss credible possibilities they didn't have any proof of their possibilities their Buzz of the community about things happening people disappearing and they chose not to look into it it is anti-blackness at its very worst and it is why as Oba Congo says black people do not trust police officers but even beyond that role and there's a there's a colonel of joy in this if you will this young brother that you interviewed who brought broke the story he started a digital startup the uh Kansas City uh Defender is a digital form of media you are the Pioneer in looking at digital media and the way that people break stories that the mainstream media does not break so I want to know if the what the mainstream papers in Kansas City have done about this and what are they doing about it now because now we know that this man has basically tortured at least one person according to the young lady perhaps three others her friends who didn't make it so where is the investigation of this rancid corrupt ignorant Police Department where is he investigation of them that ought to be the next step and it ought not just be a Missouri story it ought to be a FBI investigation how do you simply ignore the torture of black women how do you simply ignore that I thought this video is just one moment [Music] the election is coming up it's super important that folks know who they are voting for but more importantly what they are voting for y'all we got some free shirts and free lunch right over here freedom is our Birthright no matter what we're up against we're sending a message in Dallas and Texas and in this country we won't Black down that's what this bus tour is all about the housing cost is one of the most capitalized areas that we have found people who are marginalized that are brown and black we are suffering the most and I think that we have the biggest vote and the biggest impact in this election I'm voting for affordable housing for sure we should not be paying the cost of a utility failure because our electric officials are too proud to say we need help I know that we can bring out our people to both as a part of our birth rights it's a part of our heritage and surely it's a part of our prison and part of our future that's right that's what's up and we won't Black down forward that message to five friends because in that message it's got links to how to get registered how to check your registration status like I said 2 30 we'll start Rendezvous and right here on this street I am voting to let our voice be heard in the rural communities that hey we are people too there are things that we need Supreme shirts bring food and lots of power we are in Longview Texas where black voters matter 365. [Music] whatever type of Oppression a white supremacist throws our way we will not black down we are in Relentless pursuit of liberation of our people freedom is Liberation for black bodies and black communities to make economic change through political power freedom is choice we won't Black down we want black Daryl we won't Black down we won't Black down we won't Black down we won't Black down folks black star network is yes Man black media he makes sure that our stories are told I thank you for being the voice of Black America rollers we have now we have to keep this going the video looks phenomenal see this difference between black star Network and black owned media and something like CNN you can't be black on media and be scared it's time to be smart bring your eyeballs home you dig [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Roland S. Martin
Views: 110,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roland Martin, #RolandMartinUnfiltered, Black Star Network, Timothy Haslett, Kansas City
Id: RsvypY6ou5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 32sec (1412 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 26 2022
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