Black Widows Tazers!?! (TKOR VISIT & VLOG)

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hey guys I'm Nathan you actually this night this is easily the best day of my life [Music] yeah it's Tara - yes - you've I've had four hammers real gun your grappling I've got like a man at wall climbers are there somewhere to cover areas and she'll seriously remember at least seven of Thornton my life I'm I'm last guard yeah I totally got this that was 73 pounds yeah process of making one with tungsten let's see how much the tungsten one weighs one hundred and fourteen point four pounds [Music] CNC plasma cutter actually gonna tolerate attacks that Brown portable garage is also filled to the brim with staff that's what the spy car is that's my neighbors barn unfortunately which was my own say I feel like if it came down to a battle between those two you might fight to the death to the barn so the new thing of this is the batteries are actually right there they're enough to heat up his back leg right hi well before tonight weapon I built was made out of foam almost we love all feel like a pure aluminum shield actually would have held up quite a bit better it would have been today but I don't think it would have shattered my version of boring claim through well we did just get the official one are you allowed to use the word boring into sentences flamethrowers IKEA boxes everywhere for Bart's yeah gain of the point where we had a couple dozen of everything so when it's time to build the project you can mainly just grab parts ago which is awesome this is kind of our editing pod so are we doing much the video any wait is it actually no I mean like is it actually cool fun filling a video take a nap wait what's happening you're not claustrophobic ation mode locked door axes yeah we gotta buy some updates you'll be stuck in there for the next 30 minutes [Music] [Music] so we made this project a while ago Oh like what is my dream project okay how does it work that's actually a gravity switch and when it rolls to this end next the circuit so what that means [Music] this is literally everything I've ever wanted in life [Music] [Music] would you get hey guys I'm Nate I'm the new hack Smith and today on make it real we're gonna be showing you how to heat treat steel to add a permanent edge to your knives so this is a tech position oh of course I'm not taking you over but Callie and I are here in Canada and we decided to stop by the hack Smith here at HACC Smith industries we've got a fun project to do yeah today we're gonna be heat treating steel to show you how to give a solid edge to your maddinames or any kind of weapons you want to make like we make on the x-men Channel so to do some tests on the steel we thought James would probably have some really good equipment and maybe some stylized weapons that we didn't really use as a stress test scared and horny all right so let's start by actually heat treating these pieces of steel so we've got our our control steel and leave over here and then we're actually gonna be doing the same heat treating process to all four of these we've got a killing here now the kilns actually is pretty powerful so we've got yeah we're setting it to 825 Celsius that's about 1,500 Fahrenheit you should get a nice orange glow on this metal [Music] so then we're gonna want to heat we're gonna be using cooking oil as the quenching liquid and we're gonna want to heat that up to the surface [Music] I was like my dress like full size I was this leeway 120 hundred and two pounds I'm girl this is easily the best day of my life 8:15 well it's actually gotten up to 822 right in the range we're looking for it and so all of our metal should be nice and orange pop again that's a good thing hypothetically the red-hot stone there should not be very magnetic [Music] [Music] all right one for two hours turn the oven off and let it cool down in the oven as well time to take it out we got our plane annealed steel [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] with our tempering this piece should not crack the same way ideally it will sort of spring it will actually like take some impact and bounce back so we are swinging quite a bit at it so we may overpower it just a little bit [Music] alright thanks for watching guys we've got no thanks for watching that was awesome we've got lots more time as you guys know we've got lots more content for you all you have to do is hit that button hit that box to the top you'll go directly to our last video you'll want to check that out the other box is gonna show you what YouTube thinks you should be watching next we've hit this bomb here in the middle you'll be subscribe to the channel that way you're never going to miss out on a cool video don't forget to hit that Bell and we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Hacksmith VLOGS
Views: 874,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: black widow taser, tkor, the king of random, tkor hacksmith collab, king of random hacksmith, hacksmith and king of random, black widow, black widow tazer, black widow bracers, black widow bracelet, tazer bracelet, tasers, tazers, scarlett johansson, end game, infinity war, vlog, black widow 2020, make it real, hacksmith, the hacksmith, make it real projects, marvel, mcu, marvel cinematic universe
Id: p9FK679VBV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 56sec (596 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2019
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