Black Lives Matter (Opinion & Analysis of the George Floyd Protests)

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wait hold up before you click the dislike button just take a moment to breathe maybe one more breath relax we're going to find our inner peace and we're gonna try to sit down today and have a conversation like adults yeah I didn't even want to make this video today I've wanted to I actually had a cute like funny video where I was shooting pillow rocket launchers and throwing thermite's and throwing knives at people in a live commentary and war zone with the idea being that I had seen the news and I knew how bad it was and I wanted to create some like distracting nice and friendly gaming content for everybody but the news is getting so bad and so extreme that I feel that it is my duty the ethical and moral duty of me as a citizen to use this voice in this platform and following that I have for something more positive while it's true that I am an evil greedy snake of a youtuber whose primary goal in life is to make more money off of youtube I also have a side of me that feels that I need to do something good with this channel something that gives back to the community and provides some greater service to the world around me outside of just servicing myself and usually that's videos educational videos or topics where people can learn things explore critical thinking and in the case of today it's exploring current events from an analytical stand point of view I almost said standpoint there so unlike a lot of the really inflammatory clickbait that you're gonna see all over the internet today we're going to try to have a real adult conversation here and we have five topics that I want to cover number one is the black lives matter movement itself number two is George Floyd specifically and then a lot of that's going to tie into right to jury trial and some of the issues that we have with police and jury trials the protests including their violent aspects I do not condone violence I can dim it and I have a lot of criticisms for the violent protests the police response to said violent protests for which I also have criticisms and finally some proposed solutions so we have a lot to talk about today and let's start with the most simple straightforward one which is the title and thumbnail of video which is black lives matter I support black lives matter because I believe that black lives matter I think that's like an objectively true statement that black lives do matter and I know that's an inflammatory one these days and right now immediately in the comments it's gonna be I can't believe you said that white lives matter blue lives matter there was another one that wasn't a lives matter but it was like it's okay to be white a while back that was kind of because like BLM and other stuff had some more radical sectors that were getting kind of nasty anti white so 4chan started this it's okay to be white campaign and all of those things are true it's okay to be white it's okay to be Casper the ghost white like me living in the suburbs looking like a fuck-boy it's okay to be black it is okay to be almost anything these things are true all lives do matter yes yes they do including black ones but the reason that we have a movement called black lives matter is that the black community does not feel or believe that their lives matter they feel that they are excluded from that all lives matter bubble and that what happens is when people say all lives matter what they mean is all lives matter with an asterisks and then you read at the bottom and it says well but black lives matter a lot less and and maybe some cases not at all black lives matter as a movement just wants to get black people to be considered living breathing human beings worthy of constitutional rights and I thought I would have hoped that was the thing that was already real but it's not in a lot of cases and I am literally a walking perfect example of this the liberal cup that you see here before you today making a black lives matter video is not always the man that I was I was born and raised in a very [Music] deeply divided racially segregated part of the south I went to an all-white school I lived in all-white Church all-white neighborhood in a town that was like 75% black it was like apartheid almost it was insane my parents and grandparents that raised me were extraordinarily racist as a child and I do mean as a very young child I was taught that black people are inhuman and I do mean that they are literally subhuman they are not worth breathing they're monkeys they're animals they should have been grateful to be slaves we educated them and now look how they treat us and they're only good for working or maybe only one in 50 of them is worth breathing the rest of them you just have to beat them and corral them into a line I was taught that black people exist only because in the Bible when K after Cain killed his brother God marked Cain so that he would be hated and despised until his very days and that the Mark of Cain was turning people turning his skin black that was the mark so that all black people were descendants of murderers I've taught been taught that it's better to kill all of them that we should have a difference just the system for them that they should just give jury trials and we should just go hang him if they break the laws I knew Klan members growing up I knew people involved in white supremacist stuff and I'm gonna let you know when you grow up in an environment like this it changes you you can't you can't be better than your environment imagine growing up somewhere where you're taught every day that black people are the worst things that happen to the planet since like ever basically and also in that town that you're in is so bitterly divided that you pretty much can't talk or interact with black people before things do get violent because it's that ridiculous there and I was not better than my environment I picked up a great number of racist beliefs really quite nasty ones in a lot of ways too as just some random examples when I started going to school I was taught to use the word african-american instead of just the n-word when I used the word african-american at home I was punished for it called an inward lover and it was a very hot button issue and in my house however when I would call people the n-word I would just be rewarded with candy or praise or whatever that's that's how I was raised that's that's that's what little drifty grew up knowing and I did quite a few things that I am NOT particularly proud of things that had video cameras and cell phones been around in the early 90s you probably would not follow me or think much of me as a person today I removed myself from that environment I meet new people including a lot of black people new friends and learn new things get you know access to the Internet and keep learning and change as a person but that didn't come overnight it took quite a long time actually and quite a lot of experiences and a couple of ass-kickings - yeah I mean that happened - but the reality is then the reason I say that is that I am a walking example of the fact that there are still places and people that are taught that black lives do not matter and I don't think that that experience is true of the majority of Americans and I don't even think that it's true for the majority of white Americans but there is a significantly sized subgroup a nasty streak you could say that do still teach these things to this day and if I still go visit some of my family members if I were to just call them up today and put them on speakerphone here my god you would hear some colorful things more than just being like directly taught that because I don't think there's quite so much of that anymore it's the generational influence let's say that like your parents were Nazis literally or something it's an easy example it's a little extreme but they have to hide themselves they have to conceal themselves and even they're so paranoid about being found out they can't teach this kind of ideology to their children but they will teach it in other ways the children will observe them they'll learn they'll hear little comments and kind of pick up off after their parents and that even subconscious influence will carry on to the next generation it also finds its way into print art film media almost any sort of media that you can imagine it will find its way into that because media it's a pretty big topic a pretty big spectrum of things and it's created by all types of people good bad left-right ugly or whatever and you do put your own beliefs in it and some capacity and some people hold those beliefs and it makes it into media and it influences other people decades later and it carries on for a very very long time and ultimately conditions us to not make the most rational decisions when it comes to races and race violence and things like that which is the problem I believe that we're facing here in America so that's why I'm Pro black lives matter because after quite a long time of learning experiences I have learned that black lives do matter yes they are real people and they should be respect and I think most of you here would agree with that now let's move on to the next topic today which is the murder of George Floyd and then we're going to talk about only probably like a little bit of that and then like a lot about the right to a jury trial so George Floyd was murdered that there's there's really no way around it when you have four people sitting on the most vital points of your body including with your head Creek sideways and knee on the neck you die you can't breathe even if you can breathe sometimes it can close off arteries and you can cause brain damage in most police training classes they specifically trained people to never do that because it kills the suspect that they have in custody the officers decided to do that anyway there was many of them watching they ignored all the police from the man himself who was suffocating and please from the people on the street and got increasingly hostile and I wish I could say that that was an uncommon occurrence in the United States but it's not just a week or two before we had the are buried I who was shot by two rednecks with shotguns in the back of a truck because he failed to of a simple orders from people that were not police but though they were former police and then they were not charged until there were riots and then just after that there was a lady whose name I forget she was I want to say an EMT and her husband was a nurse or another essential worker police got a warrant to search for a different person they went to the wrong address and did a plainclothes no-knock warrant at 3:00 a.m. and the husband panicked and pulled a gun and started shooting at the police who then returned fire killed the woman injured him and he picked up like five felony assault on a police officer charges which is as black people of course which is ridiculous because imagine you being at home in the middle of the night minding your own damn business and being asleep and the next thing you hear is the door just smashes down and there's people running in your house with guns be I'm gonna start blasting that's why I'm terrified here where I live of being swatted because I know if somebody Kicks down my door at 3:00 in the morning I'm gonna start shooting and the [ __ ] up thing about that is that I'm not a big fan of no-knock warrants just in general is that they also decided to charge the only survivor of this incident with multiple counts of assault and felony murder and the dudes still in jail right now as far as I'm aware I don't think he could even post bond it was so high so the police kicked down the door killed his wife injured him and then you said yeah you know let's let's just put him in jail for a while and then that's [ __ ] up which leads into the next topic on George Floyd and all this is that we have a major issue in the United States with police accountability because these systems that apply to us as regular citizens do not apply to police equally and what you see over and over and over again is that police commit crimes and break laws that would land any of us black or or white and suburban as me in jail for years decades life and they get little to no punishment if any punishment and they still get to be employed as police officers you see this over and over and over again even the guy that killed George Floyd I want to say he had something like five violent incidences over the last 15 years or so that should have gotten almost anybody fired but he's still employed and didn't ever get punished and I think that what I'm about to discuss next is by far the most important part of this video it's sad that it has to come so late in because how its structured but what's wrong with this situation is that police do not get punished for their actions the same way that we do because the system is in their favor so as an example let's say that I went out on the street and shot somebody a matter of fact some of you might be aware that there was a incident here at home at my house recently that had the potential for violence and I was armed and I had the opportunity to take a life if I had done that which glad that I didn't glad that things panned out differently that I would have been arrested yes the police would have listened and recorded and written down every single thing that I said to use against me in a court of law when I got to the court of law I would have met a judge that I have never met before in my life probably don't even know anything about I would be dealing with the district attorney and his assistant prosecutors whose jobs are by definition to get the most convictions possible their job as a prosecutor is to prosecute and the city job the one that I'm paying taxes for use in that tax dollars of mine to pay this guy to prosecute me and put me in jail and then I'm going to go to court and the police officers are going to offer offer their testimony on the situation in many cases it's not preferable to the defendant and then a jury that has never seen me before and doesn't have in real bias against me is going to decide and I'll say that with a little asterisks juries are kind of the wild-card in all of this juries always have bias for rich for poor for race for education for face tattoos and just age sex gender a plethora of things but if you look at a big picture juries are pretty impartial but let's say that the situation here at home had gone differently and the police had showed up and they just didn't like what was happening and they just shot the other person or shot me okay well just say this for whatever reason they're like this guy's this guy's a [ __ ] [ __ ] let's just shoot him and I got blasted what would then happen is that likely the police officers would not be initially arrested like the rest of us you would find it difficult for fellow police officers not just the ones with them but then the ones that would eventually do the arrest and first responders they would be reluctant to testify against their own because police are ultimately in a sort of it's them against the public or them versus criminal so they kind of stick together like a brotherhood we're gonna talk about police unions in a little bit you'll find that detectives that we didn't mention before would probably be less willing to really put a lot of work into cops and it's especially bad when we start talking about district attorneys and prosecutors because prosecutors cannot effectively prosecute without the assistance of the police if a police officer goes to court he's going to know the prosecutor and the prosecuting attorney by name in most cases and all but maybe the very biggest of cities and they've probably worked together before they probably have some rap rapport with each other and the prosecutor is forced to work and cooperate and get support from the police force because if the police stop arresting if they stop offering their testimony if they start cooperating with the prosecutor he's never going to be able to prosecute anyone anybody he's gonna lose his job and he's going to go under there's a similar but less extreme story with judges and that the police probably know the judges by name they've probably been to the court many times they've met they've talked they're in and around the courthouse they both do public service work so and then finally when we hit juries this is where it gets a little bit crazy because juries and and thus people in general have an implicit bias in favor of authority figures and especially First Responder so if I go to for a different reason like if I went to court knows my word versus like some cops word the police are going to be believed much much more by the jury and by the judge in most cases so the police start off with some what's the right word some little extra leg up on the jury so when I go to court it's all anonymous and pretty much all the cards are stacked against me except the judge and jury they're supposed to be pretty impartial but when a police officer goes to court then they have the judge on their side the district attorney on their side the investigating and arresting officers on their side and a leg up on the jury so it's extremely difficult to arrest and prosecute an officer and get the same kind of convictions that you would on a regular citizen like save me if you want to sprinkle in some influence of police unions you'll find that unions might tell officers to support the bad one or it could be difficult to fire them or the union could threaten a strike or police unions are extremely influential and they do protect their own you find that it's again incredibly difficult to force accountability on police at the same level of average citizens and what that creates is a system of no accountability where if you are a cop you can get away with actual crimes and bad things that other citizens cannot and this is not a direct criticism on police officers because I have to be very careful about that on YouTube I'll get demonetised but there's there's a ton of police officers thousands tens maybe hundreds of thousands of police officers in the United States it's a very very big broad and diverse group and you run into something called the big numbers problem and doesn't matter what system you put in place what hiring methods you have what background checks you have or what you try to do when you hire a hundred thousand people you're gonna have some bad eggs just naturally you can look at youtubers there's good ones and bad ones you can look at doctors good ones and bad ones you can look at anything that hasn't enough of them and there's gonna be good and bad right given fans of mine most of you are fantastic people some of you are horrible miserable [ __ ] and I know that some of you were crazy some of you were in any number of thing when you get a bunch of people and the issue with our system is that with no accountability the the small section of bad apples or bad actors can kind of do whatever they want and they end up being protected by the rest which i think is screwed up so one of the problems that we have an American have had for a long time that I think the black lives matter in the George Floyd movement is moving up to the forefront is that the systems that apply to citizens are not the same ones that apply to people in positions of power that they are unfair but it also hits a very difficult point where it's like okay well if jury trials are unfair for cops then what should we do because we're supposed to have one system of justice for all and overall I do really like our court and trial system and and the way that we do things here in America is fairer and better than just about anywhere else I can think of off the top of my head in the world so it would seem not only grossly unconstitutional but unethical for me to come out and say well cops don't need jury trials because kind of the argument for the pro George Floyd killing argument is that criminals don't need jury trials the criminals should just be killed we just skip all that trouble and get rid of that but a jury trial is one of the fundamental rights that you have as a citizen that protects all of the other rights that you can't be punished by the government unless your peers also sign off on this punishment so I don't want to take that away from police officers so why can't you can't up in the entire justice system for certain subsection of people otherwise nobody would do that the best solution that I've heard to this problem was was actually a Bernie Sanders one I know I just got about 500 more dislikes right there but he had this plan to create a new Department in the Department of Justice if I'm remembering this correctly not a new agency but like a new little division and all they did is review police homicides or deaths if you died in police custody were shot by police or you had a certain level of report or claim of violence that was high enough that all of those are federal crimes right like yes they're state crimes but they're also federal times so the federal government does have the authority to investigate which something they were doing with George Floyd with FBI and I might have been it might have been a department with the FBI but anyway what I need anytime somebody dies in police custody there's a federal agency that just immediately gets a warrant gets subpoenas gets the cameras the fax the info and they investigate and determine if any actions need to be taken and in doing this if say an officer did kill people like the guy that killed George Floyd and the state of Minnesota just like you know what we just don't care not our problem then the federal government could take a look and be like this is pretty egregious we do care and it is a problem and we're gonna prosecute this guy in federal court federal courts you'll be pulling jurors in from multiple states you'll have an entirely different structure and type of judge and the people involved won't have any implicit bias toward the officers or toward the local authority figures in the state and the DA and the judge and all that won't have any personal ties to the cops and I think that was the best overall system it adds more federal government control and oversight which I know like a lot of people aren't then like a lot of people like small government stuff but in this case it's like a safety net to kind of kind of kind of catch some of the bad things that are going unpunished and that's the one that I would support right to a trial by jury no matter how heinous your crime no matter how evil you are no matter how clear the guilt is is the best safeguard that we have against tyranny or one of the best and no people have different opinions on that but it's an extremely important safeguard that we have and police should not be judge jury and executioner on the street there's a lot of people that have been Pro just kill all the looters but we're supposed to be detaining people and giving them fair trials and all but the most extreme circumstances where a lethal force is necessary to protect lives a system where this is not true is in the Judge Dredd universe it got so bad that the judges themselves are police officers and juries and executioner's all on the street and the movies in the comics more recently some people don't quite get them they kind of look up to Judge Dredd as like a hero as like a lone man standing against crime but it was originally created as an anti-fascist parody of a system where a person who has extreme mental social emotional is given near unlimited power to punish people as he sees fit and does exactly that in the case of Judge Dredd he follows the letter of the law but to the maximum degree as often as possible because he gets pleasure from killing these people and it's supposed to be a criticism of those kinds of systems and I promise you that's not the kind of system you want to live under okay let's let's move on we've talked about this for a long time let's talk about protests I do not support violent protests I will not ever say that it's a good thing to burn buildings down or loot businesses or kill people or throw molotovs or piss or any of that kind of stuff violent protests bad not in support the number one reason is its criminal costs lives property damage destruction it prompts a greater response of force from the police and also I generally believe it's counterproductive let's say you know you're protesting any issue and you're protesting it because whoever's on the other side of the issue doesn't want to listen to you and you say okay well I'm just gonna set everything on fire the people on the other side are gonna move further to their side and be like well [ __ ] you you know we're not burning anything we're not the bad guys here I don't have to listen to your [ __ ] and I think that it's just super counterproductive you'll never convince anybody to join your side through burning or violence or fire graffiti or any of that kind of stuff peaceful protest peaceful shows of force are the best way to go and I that's what I would encourage all the way but on a different note I understand why people are violent I like up here I don't feel it in here i guy I know it up here people are getting violent and pissed off because last 500 or so peaceful protests didn't do anything I'm people have been peacefully protesting for years and years and years and years Colin Kaepernick taking a knee you know marches standing in front of highways which is on borderline on peaceful disruptive no doubt but didn't do anything nothing changed nothing at all changed so after peace peace peace peace peace peace peace for years and years and years eventually people get pissed off and they're like okay violence let's try violence [ __ ] it we'll try something new I don't support that but I understand why it happened and I'm not surprised I'm also not surprised at how intense this is primarily because of oh no virus there are 40 million Americans that are recently unemployed that's 40 million is a camera if it's new or total unemployed Americans but that's not coming out of like the employment pool but just out of the total population which is insane we have more in total and per capita unemployed Americans in the United States now than we did during the Great Depression this is probably going to be considered historically the greatest depression that we have ever been in I think that was another helicopter people have not had jobs for months they're running out of money the government assistance that they've been getting is pitiful we've talked about that here on this channel they are not only did they lose their jobs they can't get other jobs the government has decided that some jobs are not essential we can't open we can't allow it because of the disease and those are decisions that I largely support but it's got an extreme and it's not surprising that 40 million people that are unemployed chronically unemployed have no hope of employment in the future don't have much savings have no government assistance and are largely from the working-class including a disproportionate amount of minorities that lost their jobs when they see something like this they're gonna get violent this is a boiling pot this is this is a bomb ready to go off this is somebody spilling gasoline all over the house while smoking this was going to happen this should not have been a surprise to anybody if it wasn't for George Floyd it would have been for something else just entirely people are pissed off in this country on top of all the things that they've objectively lost they've been forced to sit in their house and do nothing to have the things that they enjoy taking away what little money they have they can't even spend on the things they want because bars and restaurants and as you can tell clearly from this mess hairstylists are closed and it really disrupts people's lives after months of this and realizing many more months to come of this people are pissed off the people are really pissed off and they have nothing to lose like so many people are facing homelessness right now the prison at least keeps you warm I guess it's terrible to say that I wouldn't I wouldn't think I just rather be homeless than be in prison but there are people to think that way and it got nasty and I think it's going to get we're nasty with time we are in a what's the right word trial I forgot I forgot the right word I was gonna say an epoch or something but this is like a testing point for America to see how we react how we handle this situation what we choose to do and right now we're failing miserably all sides are failing we are not protesting peacefully we are responding with extreme violence to peaceful and non peaceful protests we're not handling coronavirus or unemployment or systemic racism properly or honestly at all we're failing in pretty much every single way that we can fail so it's not a surprise that people are pissed off it's not just a failure of policy but a failure on the individual levels there are police officers shooting rubber bullets or chalk around Zoar tear gas or whatever at peaceful protesters I've seen hundreds of videos and the cops of people select some dude on his knees with his hands in the air and they just shoot him just yellow it I guess and then there are protesters that just turn violent and burn down businesses and kill people and there's individ not only we have policy failures to have individual failures all the way down and it's getting ugly moving on to the response to this I think the response has been poor probably was always going to be poor because authority and power tends to try to protect itself but what you're seeing right now is gonna probably gonna be a fundamental shift in policing in America depending on which side the nation ultimately chooses because for years and years we've had an increase in militarization of the police they have more advanced weaponry more advanced tactics they're equipped to deal with more advanced threats the you know cameras security all that kind of stuff and police sentiments at an all-time low they're probably scared if you're a riot cop right now you should be it could get nasty but the response has been heavy-handed in many cities I have seen people getting shot for no reason people shot in their own homes tear gassed arrested run over all sorts of just gone just endless crazy stuff of heavy-handedness and one of the reasons that actually made this video today is because I'm gonna see if I can pull it up here I just woke up this morning and looked at the news and the first thing I see is President Trump saying that we're being too weak that we need to be we're heavy-handed and I'm gonna read some of the quotes here because actually shared this article where is it at Donald Trump criticized governor's for being weak demanded tougher crackdowns on burning and stealing Trump spoke to governor's on a video teleconference that included law enforcement officials saying we have to get much tougher including deploying more national guards using riot control tactics that have never been used on civilians before something we've never seen is the real quote and tried to make flag-burning illegal today bypassing Congress and other stuff that most people just ignored that and that's not just that you know it's easy to criticize big orange man bad but it's a similar kind of mindset on lower governmental levels like governors and cities and mayors and stuff like that the people are protesting violence from authority they are protesting police overreaction they are protesting police violence they are protesting the powers that be that allow this to continue to happen and the powers that be are like you know what you know what would really sort this out more violence yeah I think if we I think if we crack down even harder and got tougher and meaner that the people protesting the medon as' would go away now I honestly I think it's gonna get even worse I think that people are protesting police violence and your solution is more aggressive police tactics you're just gonna get more protests and it's going to get where I'm expecting this to get quite bad before it's over oh god we've talked about a lot today and the final end of this video I'm supposed to talk about solutions and I can't say that I think that there are a lot of easy or clear-cut ones in order to solve this problem even if say the tough crackdowns work let's say the federal government and state governments roll out the army they shut this down hardstyle they lock down cities martial law everybody gets shot protests are done that doesn't fix the problem the problems with society and our systems are still going to be there and there's just going to be another protest just as bad or worse in five years ten fifteen just whenever the next time is right we'll just do this exact same thing again so I don't think violence is the solution of this I think diplomacy is the solution to this you see in cities and you've seen these video I know you guys have seen these videos on Twitter where police officers have decided to march in solidarity with the protesters and this kind of olive branch this compromise has been more successful in reducing violence than any crackdown that I have seen so far because when the people believe that the police are on their side whether they really are not just a different story they're way less likely to be violent and I think that's what you're going to need at a more federal level we're going to need to see federal and state governments really really a ting the systems that they have in place and I mean their entire systems everything from police enforcement with who again as we discussed how jury trials work to police accountability to police union power to who reviews it to who punishes it to licensing and just everything from top down is going to need to be examined and I am NOT an expert on this okay knowing local and federal laws is not my number one skill set I can't pretend to expert and know exactly what to do but I do know that we're gonna have to take some of these fundamental systems that have been unchanged for decades and really take a minute to look at them and identify the parts that aren't working and then as a society as you know us as citizens we're gonna have to listen to ideas that are proposed to us by governors by representatives by think tanks and smart people and try to find the best solutions to improve our systems that all the things that I've criticized today and I signed such a vague solution to this ideal solution we need more improvements what kind of improvements that's gonna be complicated and that the reality of the thing is that it is going to be complicated this isn't going to be an issue that you just like passed one law and everything fixes you're gonna have to have major overhauls god I've rambled today but I made this video because I felt that some of these things were important to say I feel like in the black lives matter movement a lot of people see it only as we hate white people and there's a streak of that in that movement there really is and it makes me sad to see I'm not comfortable with it I don't support that in any capacity for obvious reasons but the majority of the movement is about getting people to actually think that black lives legitimately do matter the the black community it doesn't have that experience right now George Floyd was murdered police largely not accountable until there were riots because the systems that are in place do not hold them accountable to crimes even remotely similarly to the rest of us so we have a major fundamental issue in the in the country with police accountability and the way jury trials are skewed in favor of police protests are violent protests are bad I don't support them never will they're not unsurprising because of the massive unemployment and systemic oppression and coronavirus and crazy stuff that's been happening I don't think that responding to this with more violence and more crackdowns is going to work I think it's going to be extremely counterproductive no I honestly expect the response to be more violence and I think it's just going to continue to get worse until something burns it's like a Capitol building or something crazy like that burns to the ground and the solution is to really stop and try to make peace to meet with leaders of various groups to start the ball rolling on change to be willing to evaluate fundamental systems and beliefs and change those and I don't know how many people are willing to do that but I think that's the way to go and that's all for this video I hope that you enjoyed it I hope that you learned something useful if you did don't forget to Like favorite and subscribe drift her out
Channel: Drift0r
Views: 141,713
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Modern Warfare, drift0r, driftor, Battle Royale, Modern Warfare Battle Royale, Warzone, Warzone gameplay, Modern Warfare Battle Royale gameplay, In Depth, Modern Warfare In Depth, Black Lives Matter, BLM, George Floyd, protests, protest, protesters, violent, violence, looting, rioting, police brutality, police accountability, police, law enforcement, drift0r driftor, opinion, analysis, unemployment, media, coverage, polarization, politics
Id: tHjYiWQeJ4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 43sec (2083 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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