FRIJOLES NEGROS (habichuela, caraota, poroto, judía, alubia), GERMINACION, TRASPLANTE Y ENTUTORADO 🌱

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Hello, how are you friends and welcome to another new edition of Huerto de Cero. This time we are going to see beans or whatever they tell you in your region. What we are going to see is how to germinate them and then plant them, we will also see a way to make a correct trellis. In front of me, I have the method we use, as you can see it is very simple. These are wooden slats that cross at the top and are joined together by another slat, which is really very easy to do. Before starting, it should be noted that beans have two forms of growth. One in the form of a vine for that we need the guardians and the second form is in the form of a bush so it does not need entourage. As ours if they need to make vines we will remove this system of tutors, here you can see some that have more development are already making vines by tutors. Well said, let's start. For this first part we will make the sprouts, for this we will take our seedbed and fill it with our substrate. The idea is to fill it evenly and compact the substrate a little to avoid air remaining at the bottom. Once this part is finished we will prepare to sow the seeds, we will make a hole per place and we will be placing two seeds to ensure that they germinate in case of a failure. After finishing this, the only thing left is to do the first abundant watering and then we will proceed to monitor the seeds. Three days have passed and as you can see the beans develop very fast. We are now on the fifth day and most seeds are already germinating. We will leave it some time to continue watching the progress. It is already day 8 and although they are a good size, the ideal is that they measure between 10 and 15 centimeters to do the transplant so we will give you a couple of more days. It is the 11th and our beans are already the necessary size to be able to transplant them to the garden. We are already in the garden again but before transplanting the plants. We are going to assemble the tutors, for this we are going to use wooden slats and some seals. As you can see they are plastic seals, they are not very big. We start by taking two slats and forming a triangle with them and at the top we put one more slat to form the base of the roof in this position we will begin to join them with seals and in that way to form the structure on one side. As can be seen, we nailed a ribbon on one side and then the other to give stability to the structure. We take the ribbon that is going to go on the top and hold it with a seal on one of the two sides to shape it, but we do not hold it tight to later correct the position. We repeat the same procedure on the other side and also fasten the top strip on the other end. As we can see the structure is already beginning to take shape, it's just a matter of securing each strip until it is finished. It should be noted that you have to be careful with the distance between each one and try to hold it as well as possible from the ground to give more stability. I first put all the pieces in place before securing them. Seeing that everything is in order it only remains fixed. We have finished the staking as you can see everything is perfect, the only thing we have left is to do the transplant. As always the transplant is something very simple, as you can see here I have a bean seedling, its roots are well developed and as I told you, the ideal is between 10 and 15 centimeters to transplant the good. The video is in accelerated camera to save time but I wanted to clarify some details. I recommend planting two to three plants for each tutor to avoid waste in the event of a failure, in my case plant two in each. I also wanted to take the opportunity to talk to you that due to the current situation in a couple of weeks I plan to make a video with simple materials to make a vertical garden that anyone can do at home and follow the step by step idea of ​​this vertical garden is to distract yourself. little of the situation and as I said something accessible to all. Whether you have a space in your garden or a space on a balcony and with easily available materials, so if you like the idea, stay tuned. With this we have finished this part, remember that always after transplanting a good irrigation is important. As you can see, this is how the transplant was and the finished structure, now we will allow a couple of weeks to see how the beans develop. Two weeks have passed and how to observe the beans are perfect. It is only a matter of time for them to slowly climb the tutors in the form of a vine, well that's all in this edition. As you can see, we saw how to germinate and plant beans and how to make a guardian system for them. Well if you liked this video I invite you to give it a thumbs up and share. If you are watching us on YouTube, subscribe or if you see us on Facebook, I invite you to follow. Well if you like the content of this channel, stay tuned and see you next week. Chau Chau
Channel: Huerto de Cero
Views: 14,103
Rating: 4.9496403 out of 5
Keywords: poroto negro, siembra de frijol, huerta orgánica, habichuela, huerta biológica, agricultores, poroto, judía, jardinería, cultivo, cultivar, vainas, cosecha, masfrijol, caraota, alubia, Huerto De Cero GERMINACION TRASPLANTE Y ENTUTORADO, Huerto De Cero, #HuertoDeCero, #HuertoDeCero GERMINACION TRASPLANTE Y ENTUTORADO, black bean, bean, germination, cultivate, cosas del jardin
Id: YyAOt5hRnro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 40sec (580 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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