Biyahe ni Drew: The rise of Baganga, Davao Oriental (full episode)

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[Music] Murata Kwanzaa propene chinito and is a subpoena Maha bandha ampicillin sabang bonza [Music] - a gamble hey Tito I'm gonna whites and unspoiled in secluded beaches [Music] now the Natuna mahal na ecstasy by the sea [Music] and Vanderbilt apply seen at lietenant Yama number Ganga Davao Oriental [Music] [Applause] [Music] down 2012 19 occupant but young pablo i'm mindanao who moppets a hollows 37 billion pesos and pencil and anyone about you is a patron by a Nutella be Nora number yawn Pablo some happen and of Oriental I Amba Ganga came from Baba go I said our faith in God faith in ourselves faith in the government is devastated when everything is already taken by Pablo what else is left is our own determination epic adaboost and Panama Talent I know malik al baba go we've changed our attitude towards life utilizing what's there and you know saguru you resilience no a toboggan guy you know Fellig on determination of my [Music] Italian wine so we make use of the tourism and then agricultural products are starting to sprout again and we are into wine began gonna remember Ganga and pencil and Delaney Pablo there mason yogurt and Cecil ping Allah Allah Natalie Lanka Anderson Twinkie Sakata Arase Boulevard at Eau de la silla simple analog are unwilling but banned by a number ganga velocipedes allah [Music] now again then simulate Oh namtar at economy optimal at Aqaba Ganga Ganga Yahoo I in a good ok oh dalsu mahakal call times sunrise Boulevard didn't hide the mirror Joe [Music] [Applause] [Music] 1970s bajas and bakery in the tough guys Nasir a known bug on Pablo mobility late tonight Emily param exhibition Delamar cover by Ann Veneman sir brewed coffee the photon bakery third generation of em it's a bakery not over by chemically beginning you this is our relation among costumers Sakai it's on an embezzler nominal suppose more along empandas on piece of Camille and atomic piece on condition people know karate permanent a Mason be Sarah McCallum digital Tao a portable subhanAllah horrible liebe throughout the years to master my ingredients than when this are becoming un para ver AP super in mobilizing value of my money opening and Peter Hammond Ito house that commits a me ND my headset in a fight raga lunchtime dinnertime all my pandas all but it might in a pie I need a me which means Camilla mamas and I don't experts of the things DiNapoli Hey which means diamond having given them but this I'll suppose Filipina which means widget happen review upon such a beam I'm using cool I don't put a 10 mm by yourself and all them but no you need one criterion freshness it's very focus or Intel opened easily okay not by military pretty solid you giggle factor means innumerable option is a Tina Fey table young texture new Nagi Gousha a champion Lhasa Mata Misbah well a machado lhasa baggage a pig but it's a butter can stand on its own give me hyper tastic it can definitely stand out absolutely I think Aviva well on window sill and even tsongkhapa Gilligan it's a defense a manga haha Tallulah saguru a Templar that's a piranha Padova angry no that long in irrational gamma gamma can recipe at all well and Pago Pago and he gets a hot butter put in somewhere now classic telega missing can you get all mine up and at them and say my day that was the money subbu I wish I'd met me so in my limit the mature within a minion with any other and say my Gerald Palmer would know hey sir danger [Music] but emits ensalada at pandas i'll but i will play on papa PPD and effective on class in until a pipe nurse walks on your palasa tight sign upon a new memory get new skills unlock the man and achieved an is a grupo knuckle a quien sabe ganga matha post aw then after Pablo mum Nikita I mean me do you know : young income na mean suppose my manga Vincent I could eat ownerless along trabajo nicely pan Amina ganito meringue nappa to incur a neat osaka sama Hanko messy young Salama after Pablo neck training in see Lozano began gah don't wanna get an Akuma go watch an agony to impregnate Sipan Karina subbu can go they put potato mom well Apple good Neto Pororo Mangano young Manasa boggling nano [Music] but no I mean rehabilitate our no you know I mean debris management Middle East Avenue my shorelines and even those trees uprooted so what we did is we've replaced Redeemer or nominee Mustafa minutina London know if in a casino you interesado serve as a driftwood training a wound or bernie robert de san juan the order name Assange gurus are Eluga will alone who voluntarily lugar italian party by at war Marisa papa Nagoya surgery would that's a callous and Robert like iottery Nakayama abakada RK bigger not so clean and driftwood furniture making seorak Oh Hindi microflora mila kunis a pan a new meringue ganito Blessington it's okay Norma [Music] agriculture impunity no boo boo I Saba Ganga behen OMA sirivennela monopoly appease the Disciplinary prytaneum now a barista who bow at Papa Cayetana God [Music] because your tiny own young Chilean Atacama listener parama Fatima harvest cation Saddam in avondale on napa - boo silly eat tuna ina game one town one Prada or Auto number Ganga is a NASA moon ASAP ago an Amana chili products ABBA Ganga I see ed moon at the canyon Peduto and a Yana see Lincoln Mao gamma taxa Arena silly and scotch bonnet for sealing the volume doo doo Roo in am Pinot Pinot Milito sapa magnet and blender again i mostly do in unit aha Alaric is a birthday [Music] lisanna la una product owner chili sauce nibel tapas Elena irritable Oran and chili products nagar and asado [Music] Jr is a sommelier remarkable pragna hungarian air on another humming TV producer is not like a expert then hahaha Impala have been died in a municipal ombre Ganga I am Columbus Egon it was Here I am I become a hop on white sand coastline to the Vorian Valley campus amma beach a go at basic the basic [Music] hey mridu insulin lien beach besides connect violent alligator no mana tau at a jump-off point per Puentes abide beach which is a 20 kilometer or 20-minute boat ride using the mana bang ha yeah white and in and fight saline Kamat beach you don't to be assumed the here but i won [Music] there are already cottage has being introduced and then there is a pool there because when it's a low tide it's impossible for you to really swim saligan 200 pesos Marina high on mug our killer animal cottage the cash on bow and on you parenting cover tables my lap typical jalapeño a console on a little boy very well Munna at the same time and then tinder young man guru park human group rectified is the largest mangrove area in region 11 test around 2,000 hectares of mangrove areas you say it was a compassion beetle that are gonna see pooling wine Barranca after the typhoon Pablo our mangroves are affected but the roots are still very windy had some Hawaiian and Nepali gets a deal and buy an element will and began to lay on so because of that represented so an hour recovery of our place mangrove is one of the targets so we have to rehab though to have plan mangrove planting activities Masuda is an app on our roof park now this is a lovely and beach ready come on be trippin way to come we got an imbalance different accommodations either if you wish to do overnight you know be myself now go windy do I come by him I think you're doing a Pilate and then attend any time type of guy you know that Oh a very special honda we can attend the edita course you have your succulent and delicious looking crustaceans and generally Mahalo and joining lobster it mm a little the pass pick it all swim enemy paraná river otter pero a taya tyonne start the show and psyche tache apparently a tow and the game champion let Ron de leche beautiful did you know parameter I don't know all that includes equal to me let me get on I mean gorilla Pokemon tagging on a very typical Marissa waiter okay for the shot [Music] targeting is the lips part engaged part dancer am I gonna do parent beats in gonna deliver stuff organic mean I like in this look a lot of different spices usually after the bones [Music] we'll ask al saud an important guy pan out compensate but scene and I did not all will acid Olympus against at the pina colada mihari mihari I'd formaldehyde couple died that's a Treasure Island whites and in a multi-unit oh nana panini randomly but even Reformation treasure I let the Saudis oh I've been an inning island like a man indeed Oh Alma poon Yamashita treasure beyond in digital bury some root crop sustain a sham again that muggy damage that guy had combined a monopoly named Dylan Kubota Hui eternal anomaly talk is a aluminum lupa honey from any hints on buggy oh yeah epsilon a piranha para para tanto en el gobierno da boss'll animal product on Kauai Sakamoto e Suman salvar o @ economy is cassava crunch here in develop ero of Agra wine and pasaba crunch vinegar an iminium casaba after hive in harvest na naman apartment Vina Balaban didn't oh god Sunday great man one on top of the grave and then in a hallelujah my ingredients go lettuce a milonga is my bed city by you thinkin my come think I seen you guys then a Pimenta then in a hollow didn't pin up lab they do not cause a steamer then after 15 minutes he sundry kina Scott Cohen August gonna be warmest then after a malignant bug dry a purnama tryna be billion healthy that you see Randy talk sila got five ten twenty pesos now the pencil [Music] and a lemon Sookie Ansel borrow by Athena [Music] Agustina movie cinema project Naveen Nikita no solution Center for study of shape [Music] goose Neotech man whereas the my last any Gosha centers that we know municipio producto instead of camp opinion - commercial air who ultimate codeine understand your name are adopted insulin go Hasani introducing but Ganga's best peanut brittle in sugar coated peanuts in salmon dose additionally you must go go and bow and Havana convertible Vita [Music] okay my be on the detaining it's a slap in Chile by slapping chilling apparently Marinette or Binet Fergus I wanna judge in Dutch language on slap and I sleep - accommodations at us chilling the hell no chill dial i resto par resto Munna and then I guess barks I could be or in a magazine [Music] at all I Pato Pharaoh cooked in a pot at my that's right Tina Overland Park Oh tip you know hippo merrily monomeric on pushing and sagging there are native chicken vomits amended at Cigna hehe born in the cinema no be Megaman oh gosh saguru name is Zhang munathara's vinegar I talk a lot about Nepal alone it's a type of fish Detroit rental Gilliam gun nice atonia the freshwater deep-sea fish nah leave buu type of clams upsetting Canyon sauce and you know yet you can see majority of the dishes set up an IV I thank you sir that guy but man every time and a gatita so you have to master myself you know Italy Marcus do you mean I think a DNA though [Music] people muscular muscular see in Iran a native chicken just the way I like it my rabbi hello it's just one goldfish apparently but I mention is that you know yeah I mean Oh interesting either my lighter but alone lasagna ready miss Mallon demonize him buddy nice lanai let me steamed fish is that pineapple point isomers mulatto [Music] para Mahara Kingdom pagada so Mahina Aeroplan oppa to have OCD mula Rito my limo or STI bag humanity I'm gonna sleep in a top manga is the beauty as the second-biggest municipality in Davao Oriental and we have a pin bar on guys 11 of which are coastal barangays and under the protected area we have a complete tourist destinations any tourists can enjoy in the daytime because we have long stretch of white sands and we have plenty of destinations I'm una etapa little passion and Lucas Lido I am lovin it all as an island island to Mumbai from a pig takes a guillotine lava kongsuni Mahuta gentlemen dinner I eat oh I am Naruto Nutella Naga halwa and cooling a soul our birthday say is impertinent to be [Music] technically in the lava on Lake Carolina is a from tidal Creek dylon to bonito making a path so hollow are known to be cool acid a gap so when it's high tide it's really a combination of the fresh and and the sea water cycle madam to big muharram okay ito there are the best now to monitor to big doom ahoy say let him nap Holly no not to be may part in Hong Kong Guinea Machado Melinda Marie it was animal island apart any lava sea first be heroes [Music] my name is Amara Beach a dagger my Amandine sat alone and probita number Ganga Ruby Linda is one of the waterfalls that can be found in compiled in diamond Allen and - viva la subida the Hindi that we learn on Tommy Tommy Panama our epedemic campus also tubing then upon save a burrito what Molina PAGASA nessamilan mahadji lumber and I compile one at court in La Paz [Music] if the one annuity - and compound curtain falls the height and in it in Melaka Spadina Alison too big [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] itís a violin Bernard aluminum tube except Rakuten amine Sudeep arena animal visitor [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well my the purpose of written falls erm I rent an MA cottage secured at all he can remember naman diatribe la máquina gonna dwell they'll to to took at ceceo cinema mayor tell our endowment and I sat alone para Indian Babu pool ahold of a senator Liu bang boom I'm tellin ya que la la la la mondaya and peanut butter done ethnic groups Filipinas Salonika Segundo categorical inhabitants of the uplands can renew America tank group inhalation Davao Oriental Davao del Norte at Compostela Valley where events upon Jesus aha killing arena Muhammad is a Catalan bug ha ha be [Music] based on company features and glassing homer i never gonna be no but I'm saying you made your own thing but didn't so I said Bernanke simulator and buying material again again with your money actually uno one on what the engine see are you gonna tell me mmm banana bucket of course janna didn't throw any ammonia no holding a dresser and in Allegan I mean jelly bean burrito the kernel Nakula need a little more than a meter ser para su soon up a great plugin and when Japan make Elena is - yeah so kinda wanna cool a uncool enemies a Latino Kohanim is here we've got some Oh someone there's public nah me neither so do that without the do you know I did a serious forget that was I mean my boy sir then stop alive might be nakulan coming to the jitter bearing incidents are dealing with in your pocket exact Gbagbo Booga kill 11 see last vanilla mono big word put it down ikaw will tell us at with us all a minion Molly arrow more possible ideas for you now you wanna make my casino did that [Music] all right so let's look at that in a son Victor island six years ago non-dividing detail about young Pablo totally in a wipeout Ian so if you think about it six years ago a llama hit the attempt uno there after six years through this friendly dementia here at a Maryland is hidden in a young walkway or walking bridge but with a similar Bangkok padam Appa doesn't suddenly Dana that was a five minute boat ride with a satellite [Music] on three hectare island oh I'm a powdery white sand the answer I would say is that [Music] sabaidee islam i so bring me now dan Youngberg swimming was not Li [Music] [Music] - indeed rippers my cottage is not pointing at the han kui lagina Moranis on an island life but overnight cacophony Lama dead param Emma Arthur in Paris amongst enormous social accommodation Alabama participle ego that it's a big anger but wait there's more it was a practically no movement on parameter fresh and in Yamagata one the island two bigs happily the hot spring i SuperDuper powers as a people in Yuma a wife for 100 pesos 200 pesos the man invites market except elegant cooks and boy Remo gluto Oh Magdalena sell Rebecca foodventurer mateo as we visit bag angus newest resto cabo baja spell unknown is someone and restaurant Oh ina gajja enum are ready to eat Filipino food and seafood event Elena vanilla yo-yo section unperfect I'm Candela alfresco seed interest oh hey a Sagrada homo poppadom yoga you know brn italians rendezvous restaurant de tousser Davao Oriental specifically sir Ganga Ganga forever now and this is the main highway and what happen editor young miss small town so looking at the antenna motto I mixed up meters restaurant oh come on the usual territorial they offer different types of seafood escabeche and an Italian Pinot Hadid oh man additionally Mohammed Sahib on Jerusalem but ba gua patent medicine and hala hala now at all you need a mature Hamid it's a territorial pero you can actually call an hour before I play the game of pollutant Amano [Music] let's run the legend para in our own an addendum CD lung [Music] I pray come gusta Numa panga pickin up some adventure disobey Ganga to only Lance a pension house not a simple animal part of her solo couples or group travelers Latin Pardo I'm aircon TV cable ceiling baño go home upon pure ito sweet dreams Vera's Samoa you gonna attempt inesita at small-town adding a Cannella de Laval on a Makita Pakistan blue blue Nara na Samba Ganga paradise ocarina sanyasa hanim Celina a bumper on para Mabuhay at Maga with Anthony Napoli grande para muling Abajo - naina Lara Wonka nappa Gaza began gah you you
Channel: GMA Public Affairs
Views: 421,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GMA, GMA Network, GMA News TV, Biyahe ni Drew, Biyahe ni Drew Full Episode, Drew Arellano, You love my job, travel show, Kapuso, Philippine TV, Kapuso Network, Philippine TV show, Philippine Celebrities, Philippine Showbiz, GMA Entertainment, GMA Entertainment shows, Baganga, Davao Oriental
Id: tAF258WR2hQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 9sec (2289 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 09 2018
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