Biyahe ni Drew: Natural Wonders of Marinduque (Full episode)

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[Music] [Music] a lemon bar season swabbing the I my people kaolin attack our Agatha to bio support on Umberto at mug a la king of the world Albert in a canal where the sea meets the sky its colony to explore the deep and silent underwater world and cherish island life I see it viajeros and Emilia now how provincial islands that were in Duquesne sorry sorry invented ill indeed oh the heart of the Philippines Diane claman evil provincial to the most part a from blood Iloilo at Mindoro since having Bugis Pasir in and mop a number indicating geodetic center of the philippines they did all that legal Alec I am mark earnest central and parent ion and geodetic hydrographic at topographic survey Filipinas attempt ray marine do Kate and Lenten mecca of the South that's a popular diadem provincial doing Mahara leadership in indeed even anne-marie honest festival is on who lean upon the v1 over yawns festival Leggett 150 years now in a goanna member ingo Kenya - in Mahara and highlight memorial Ness impossible on a chi long he know Mason Roman on Sunday law even a hardened Angela groaning so save upon so doll Oh hiya in Odisha pero Mahalo attention huzzah huzzah Saleh Salahi no I feel was an igloo more januzaj semana town and SWAT namaskaram Iguodala Alpha Team Canada mean a mascara no busi single in Aiea in album isn't one Raghava hiya harmonica Mary do gay men and women of devotion relational Antonin Panetta Hyneman of anorexic India a collateral symbol unum Paul Simonon Sawatdee Ayane monomer in Torino mismo provincial amberbogie appear an Indian and AHIMA clapping on Kody Patten ARIMA hula at misogynist Polygram Nando be Marrero Yanam attitude on swabbing accompanying via remote IO a golden adenine illa you God soprofesh an unmarried okay [Music] she rode lay back at throwback fearsome our century old houses numbering the day how about chillin under the seat plus savor marine Dukas flavors by the inside I don't possess cinema it is so overflowing seafood then hides a Meza Malibu rocking a beach in marine Lukic well I'm shutting down lucky guy talk only in Mario game [Music] I know sama today I co I don't stammering to be I go it's an island province the Matata clients at southwestern Tagalog region Oh Nima ropa I'm going to head after little I am municipality of the walk-in territories on geodesics hundred ability nuts oops I'm a Baba Amr the Madeleine and massive attack inside I'm gonna feed on most peaceful problems I'm very moving that's a low crime rate Iapetus Toledo can I get a memory see what are eating our money doing will add election Port Salut Shana province down by the neck and ports of a book at Nora's and VI Steinem roll-on/roll-off fairy Aurora mo re scheduled at 6:00 a.m. and on a las ocho angry yeah hello dick be ready for sudden changes means and big lung Mohabbatein schedule Nabucco depend this condition alone Oh hiya Saddam in habanero guru play over the ice advice' bottom of the linearity again avoiding my sir I shall row I imagine a girl a smart idea Butthead well the hell is at least my heart condition with this fellow RORO we have all can also watch movie no sweat I was a living group galata bhai diba oh I know my workstation of man watches where the key almost a feel of my air-conditioned room or dragon fresh air fresh sea air where the gate is have been an object relaxing then at least where they remove all my money Verona Padova has a specific role of I'm complaining plan cobalt ahead well Emma Charlotte I'll diggity them in one at Punk fighting in again envy me Omaha Malayalam yeah he died fighting relax while giving the series of mini mooning over some Emilia's mud Instagram story a sample Sam time to Questor pocket is a delay the board I get a you Deku science Clarendon Mahina Sabina patron and in an umbrella Noah [Music] ro ro Cara Meehan I private cars at Mahara the male among goods I'm even a bi moolah Lucena Hangang marine Dookie vice versa III know Paula in transport remember into vo var inheritance a manila at Maharaja Khadijah [Music] okay so traveler playing some high similar jippy Tuvok saligan sixty pesos [Music] yeah century old that oldest standing structure in a black cathedral Minton and McGinnis ago and her mom were in the pen you don't see no woman subpoena Mahabharata my casa milà nakumo Almaty de pinna you come again Aditi baby dentist a bengali i'm cinda i'm next hit big fortress libertà ah horn [Music] beetle in darkness oxycontin ah gimme Laguna billion and billion our Maharaja Bharata Maharaja you know I'm smallpox Simba except avoid some Roberto [Music] I'm sorry Alma operating facial and available menu pot boil Aly Michalka time sovereign guy you up when every summer in Brooklyn I mean see similar I'm Jojo sparse anodized best time to dive between 6:00 to 9:00 in the morning para el mago on the gap [Music] I'm Kathy Jarrow Marin do behind by Hagen and very de passage has been doing a sensor of the center of marine biodiversity in the world hey i streetpassed divers pro man or amateurs [Music] Allen Adham but I knew on coral wall at school of fish I think you convert and more fishy no sea dives are really the same excitement having ice and water see my little first I possibility stack help this is visible we have my car is something like that now become a car okay probably 126 when we went down majority in Burkina you to be and we saw a suspect you're a sneaky sauce or a small seasoning but desk I think that's a kind of successful guys actually wanted to see more but that's that's the thing about scuba diving driven ex-military guy it's not like oh yeah thematic circus no guaranteed monkey tonight a Nagato fish so that's the beauty of diving how more laid-back can you get after a dime try munching on marine Lucas needed Connie and Mohammed Abu Musa part Vanita gonna need a disabled I'm Carolyn promenade or fried arrowroot fingers 50 intestine symbaloo hey I am super burrito very endure Mahabharata Anu L am be so formal expression abebe Inca my manga photo pow empanada beaucoup pie but as a more budget-conscious the heroes perfect uncanny design what we got to chat together with that because I a PDK janma have your hero from banana and for my one and a half hour land traffic what American and we are good here Santa Cruz Marine do it without mug evening jump off point of with that money why island I'm but--right philosophy with a ahora [Music] llaman Bureau my appetite will be my compass occupation gastronomical adventure [Music] happy Amina's Oaxaca boom seafood visa sahisnuna manomaya that one not two not three but almost twenty kinds of seafood delicacies it's truly our time oh can I design my island concern as usual as expected and again same offer you laugh I try to tell you I have a Chinese food the design the first types of fishes their entire secret Valentine mangle mangrove crabs to sit atop two months a million different types of plans turtle give me feel like deeper not in a feature number re basis I agree as a young man chick select Darlington Ethel Mars ji-hye Matsuda marabou Solana shindig Island merchants shell and aloha city in creepy-crawlers de mendieta Sadako now remember how I am dementia harmful mo Kahanamoku but yeah but apparently and my cheeks exactly like a balloon a balloon me very shocked and a couple but also Hong Kong met about the so much I miss rest and enjoy my look at the exam marbeth absorb annually the first temperature range actually laughs impossible afternoon a simplicity hmm I don't happen again is a shell parking lot composite but in Tecna mean these are some trembling texture Enya gonna need your recording lab and truly to go depends how you cook it but uh interesting after seafood siesta soup animal for dessert frenzied a my very ample Cap'n Arab summit in Lincoln and guy in a toe in a heated answer possible hashtag look what should I say hashtag boot sold [Music] to burn your excess calories which is a cosmic Armageddon beach summer giving food an anode or some other kite [Music] [Music] the wedding must comes out kidding so the main concern of each lollipop in Macau my overnight Baker 8 we go be with your friends family tradition eh oh my god Camilla Baguio feels a summer in Dubai peristyle MonaVie arrow Peter sassy boil strawberry farm button garden hose not at Laura's philosopher's walk through tofu and room temperature Barrington style and strawberries harvest and omen upon a minim do miss autonomy at a year-round dowon for tubulin strawberries after the in 45 days unharvested good parent in Thailand mini rice terraces this province is full of surprises [Music] Murray Newlands pretty low-key way of life well I'm melody hey or Grand Hotel's heya Laidback seen camino a la what better way to get the total experience than to check in so comfortable is this is it deal-breaker fourth floor no elevator but it's okay you need the exercise too much belong Scylla and operations this is the newest in hotel hotel the accommodations meters are in Duque at first time now hope opossum my limo surprise - a surprise Gina's birthday comin back AHA kita panicking towel on yet pero la muhabba it's deep look at that keen at home oh good me talk to queen-size beds between tests yeah looks like winter flat-screen TV air conditioned room the LaJuan and record it very nice so far you're surprised cabinet free instant coffee about Community overlooking houses [Music] good night by the way guys here hey that's leg up a guy buzzing with them now love it so you know be one with nature somewhere in doing my hot spring my fault I worry about my balls chambray we wanna be a hero sestina by supporting a Nepali guy in the world ethnic group who - ambassador and imposes the for the medication that saga I know some oxy guy go hello Samus avi go go to Miami marine biodiversity he picked into huggabug on October 1 and were in doing some rocks on the market as a banana in active volcano the multiple ended up a rope hot spring continual and my therapy 6th at rose healing components and wipe sulfur deposits a hot spring there's no medically proven Natalie Gonzalez but base according to some and indigo we received some information are they healed Brenda portions of skins aspirin support Alabama allergy pepper any ordinary people but under for you to be table some photographers Selita Selita but legal Digitas Malvo had spring wedding my book now accommodation DJ mismo labora moralising hammelburg hot stream sub when I see stuff a lot many social having hora de la semana hot spring veto I'm fighting fatigue wad Tabitha Soren fast on sulfur content ki hindi played Emily burrito bar Civello up on hot spring hollow a low bar that will adapt perfect time to dip and get some more [Music] from natural attraction somebody move it and Fat Joe Falls number on a thing will have one hello hello Laura some fun piece on and retreat one to sour and higher support Obama we are now at the Roger fault it is located at barangay before move over into gate about two kilometers and the National Road in the ten minutes erectus go into the fourth area the fourth is a cascading tide pools and full below is about fifteen to eighteen fifty nine Seagal and Malak solution to be now is the best time to go be arrows adventures here waiting here are two Malone mule itasca poor little boy died Mulally Mon Papa tango song hero McGee Englishman campaign yo holla clean as you go and be a Pia hero in your own way Huna philosophize out at the place and in some elbow hot spring by be super famous even on Bougainville on capo mata temple and itza barangay san ysidro santa cruz marine Dookie makuhita possible woman cape oh mama depend on formation it's a poison underground river 150% bias by the 13 and cueva hundreds of falls by some of the heron of Gaston Carradine and cueva Octopussy noggin dude Oh make that Doug now 150 pesos a new Murphy Salmonella 200,000 helmet head lights up guide see saladna hasta la uncle met from Havana Cuba Marquita Libertyville rock formation now boy toe for hundreds of years ah kita tidak tahu famous AHA maha-baho opus bone affirmations me Muhammad jihad Deepa at KU Makena Pagnotta man allow number one rule Valhalla Hanna motto melody Bedrosian body tomahto at the fatigue and natural cycle suburban Amato use your imagination Vieira my subscriber see we're doing Adama Berta died my or slamming do so FiOS and indeed in the to be a director who see Allison abuse and to be partnering in homicide Lamia Pierrot Vivi remarkable absolute Antelope my mahi bot at metric at my order snap I landmarks a little bit for small semi-custom a homologous Lhasa too big extra challenge at a personal or a fox or a gotcha Akagi add sour ass and watch weight as a relaxing reward I'm gonna ask a beautiful I'm trying to enjoy and VND crew is producer ah good job guys within this adventure each station resource about and I follow Maria and happy also angle acaba while I'm a cap and all you gotta do is write and shout and have fun we may enjoy here on our water activities to India van de anza that number in do you [Music] you [Applause] [Music] yeah palpable aghanim wanted a more indirect channel acapella Topanga yo Sam we're a visa shanku Poonam Aneesa at Makaha uncle Ariana 12 and type at least Camila marine protected area Marin Hawaiian agua para allá guy in an opinion ago but but people when when a budget when achieve on doing it it's a supportive way I don't know but I enjoy ordinance given historical context because area right or commit to be a number one suburb you know otherwise communities people perform as a symbol of Maharani Shankar Dada is a foreign guy and mr. Fogg Malacca somehow goes with a felony offenders as I go for a given couple Newport education allowed many many Mohamed Anita he doesn't mean II run a guy and okay just singing about a professional yeah finally gaining the Burnett Madrid who javelina basura really nice the patella comedy nickname look at mommy param maha kassapa contains a particular other than political for the magician saga barangay open-air on Frankie urban and Sparta protection and I mean a marine protected area every la Saturday of the Ontario coming clean up time Nagina Goya tapas anime/manga fishermen community a sama-sama at Makaha too long at Mankato and etirsa panel again and one affected area Nami the second generation cm port for snomint para um in Spanish dandy Joey Fatu doing ba Piniella ganas no parameter voluntariness and vinegar animal the topic of Environment Protection Hashima Harlem in your allocation of 2014 an integer and marine protected area and fish sanctuary sovereignty Europe sama-sama Oh mom Osaka mr. Sabatini's Futenma a la Lala namana plastic regular insulin a poppet rose allowed episiotomy lon voila even Ramallah bergna mr. fish sanctuary amok so I threw some food a community service of Mouton 500 pesos Paulo Brazil and one by Benito Pavelich na Mendoza Nina Anthony Bishop Alvaro says collective efforts come committed aDNA Muhammed Sokka Appa está UN Tod named Sri Lanka ragged on Marikina ballon RL Marissa and fish sanctuary bullet put the silica diameter Malayalam bus accident [Music] we don't assign your bi heroes on century-old house is not Obama arena Maupin Aryan from Illinois my spray neon sub walk Kabhi Kabhi llama Heritage House clearly moodily next time travel can determine bosque de Santiago Casilla and Romo in Margarito license even demonically I'm sorry Africa opposed Louie upon Metallica and o1v DeLuca's and pass them down laughing I travel like a local diba you can get the round by the primary mode of transportation on tricycles - masha'allah now other than 20 centimeter Marinduque al nahyan go for Monica papaya novena mochi salamu adidas I mean Nevada moutains woohoo and I must in summary doing the traditional kneel and bow ties Quito and Carrie Carrie sounds like a great parent a closest to one time traditional moppet ah hey mom are you okay regarding demand opium baboy nastiness apanasana to commence to be' and the vu number boil valley laps to laputa som semana in aluminum in Nigeria in sauna gang pattern epitope very severe dope a rock addition Imbaba shibuya Jenna salmon given element between a Mufasa Lhasa at Madiba and cpanel and sukham to back top alone Azuga the magic bag and even bubbly and Bernadette and abilities [Applause] MCAD Akari 20 ordinance a subpoena matanda a restauranteur melinda lee yong-ki stopper in seminar web less an epidemic on a guard on an ancestral house third restaurant at all so how old is it a 100 years smell is not more than 100 mm and then it was a house before the before you come there the former owner actually you name the restaurant I was saying about the owner of the house nan de media largest Amano Kinue selection arrow this one is an old instrument it's actually made of four younggu like opal but an old owner I think this is our idea 70 or 80 years old so I've no alabaster Misha we kept it okay Tina got a leg anomalies will do it on nothing honor rafinha anonym garbage - ah this is the oldest trick Oreo our writing letters mommy no no Leela dense eleven to select no mana right Xena was like a desk well either a multimillion-pound my letters people I'm a secret compartment named a secret compartment so good evening we'll be out in the public eye name is a cocina supply sir this is our second time here somebody took way and it's a second time to feature this restaurant it's an old house it's aconcagua i plaza de cocina supplies ax and they serve really authentic when i'm duke a type of food very heritage style of cooking pretty Papa panting Eternia you have your Adobe below a double mathematic mirrored volume nature pollinated apparently a few years back where I forgot it's called olan olan it's a type of soup an appetizer entree buco strips and strips strips happy now sir we will endure at the type of freshwater shrimp now usually in Aldie toe but it's kind of slow so onion led to a different emotion anyway and tasted natural I think but the cassava ingredient component will ensue I element see but it's very hearty assumption for Ghana opal and higher now Bojan leather is very interesting the doubling category but a good way this character a partial more like didn't go on pork stew with blood yeah eater man from the looks of it it's it looks like lying I think it is but without gravy type penis oh my god be but happiness hope that back in the day we are granular after the slow cook at own dish not of Miller nearly patella sabes Oh 2% so pretty much everything is authentic Maruti style of cooking and I just plain old and good old Filipino food which I love Sabeena food means right walk on water what sorcery is this are you feeling king of the world say some secret Lagoon all that's I think somebody viajeros hello Sam honest with you I cough hello Sam I was a vehicle moves among a wilderness analyst Julia I'm a local product memories [Music] scenario and kuru CAPA giggling rana married okay castle are immortal conf indica mahaprabhu wheel an arrow roof cookies fairness attic in the bios non-organic order o organic carrot soup is a hindi lang in Srilanka sugar tree it's a no other preservatives or chemicals can be hazardous in ganito Valderrama be building up 125 pressures at whether improbable a Samana Pattullo boon Center in Dylan Yan an organic diet of an individual Marie do km wellness tourism Ito able to animal health worker naman apparent Geico Papa hammock and animal poses a school in organic usamos workshop and present a polymer organic of a kind patty encompass our nutritional benefits Emma motto the guests would be living a healthy lifestyle alive healthy vacation and us will be serving you the way more in Duke a would be serving guests in terms of healthy food and obtain some healthy environment amana's ozune animal health worker seminar workshop in Zion en la comunidad Greta Braun indila Christmas ants a segala deep attended in uncle pseudonym on Teresa good job or shall I see good eats be arrows don't panic it's organic don't be toxic it's exotic time for some kappa hahvah be our heroes deep fried crispy fried chicken yeah nice is a businessman Obata convene Olalla nato i ha ha ha a Lambo good to be exact you know personal chicken I'm a millennial randypepper Nahas we both non-alcohol new pen and it tastes like chicken everything tastes like chicken couple galaxy's I got everything tastes like screen take it for me okay - this one musky experimentation check record acapella ha ha in top-shelf agentic menu right chicken nothing for a reason you see some equilateral independent eating one right enough for Evelyn get her Parana leg lattice Elena Bellona ginger or turmeric stuff you call it it's a healthier time para para many in the will misunderstand afternoon you cried the Lhasa percolation stone a community my after-dinner ginger curry and I think this is a healthier version but it gaiden is oh shut up Hawking sorry Witter without right without fear not smug attitude a Jackie D it on salads and bars a Branca comes to many wire you mean how about Hollinger [Music] yes logical years between 5 6 p.m. during low died [Music] Saguna an abuti Minami ego a malukas in business of bar scene at the Mumbai the sand bar I'm gonna run some fishin Oh huh [Music] this is a life Guerrero [Music] while attacking ruling distance and happy noticeable dried molasses ala sandbar Abu Adnan seek revenue in amman a beacon of itõs a very moving albedo swimbot o rock formation obvious Domenico Vacca Deva [Music] during module have to getting them but one so usually Mother Teresa next stop already - senator - Iran but oh why well now it's low tide so well I Machado hunka heat until dig but apparently if I eat some mini lagoon so home Sandoval on Appa high on still do it see water until Jan at Moscow Nexus to nidito so popular heidi toe cap at high tide cool at comedy don't go for the eighth to master but all have any money [Music] this is how he chose the BND high tide dry dipping in the secret Lagoon paragonimus Miami homicide cabal autonomous ow my mana sake a hibachi impossible [Music] chicks get a laid-back experience beetle but if you get it's really the perfect place to chill and relax absolutely what a good day [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is a 1920 house you can also sit on the rocking chair with your view of my own life pretty cool [Music] I don't sigh Melissa bi go
Channel: GMA Public Affairs
Views: 893,104
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GMA, GMA Network, GMA News TV, Biyahe ni Drew, Drew Arellano, You love my job, travel show, Kapuso, Philippine TV, Kapuso Network, Philippine TV show, Philippine Celebrities, Philippine Showibiz, GMA Entertainment, GMA Entertainment shows, Marinduque, Poctoy White Beach
Id: 3-xVR9ijutg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 40sec (2560 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2017
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