Bivariate Choropleth Maps in ArcGIS Pro

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yeah so Josh Stephens has a pretty good blog post about this website and here is reported Sasquatch sightings and population so one axis shows population yeah population and the other axis shows the number of sasquatches claimed to have been seen right with low low low hi hi hi hi poppy are low Sasquatch sightings high populations of people right high populations of people with high high numbers of Sasquatch has seen that function successfully watch other low population high number of sasquatches and then shape between right and the argument is that if you take two color ramps and you intersect them you have a nine category bivariate corpus map it shows high high low low high low low high right but as both Hilary and Cindy were saying like these things are tough to read so if we look at let me try to open this and make it bigger if we look at this map here where are their places with high numbers of people in high settings I would point out and you said I would point out that in Florida it would not be sasquatch it would be the Florida skunk ape exactly we've got some clusters clusters of sightings here in Ohio a little bit or a long Mississippi River drainage but there's a lot of high population low sighting places as well well that's in the high population well oh yes here yeah yeah Detroit Wolfman well there's a lot of abandoned homes for the Wolfman to living so so this is a by very core puck map do you want to see how you could make one in our ArcGIS pro so I decided I was thinking about today and I was like one of the features the actual cartographic devices that was introduced in this chapter in more detail is the bivariate map and in our map they're used there is actually a plugin that helps you develop legends for bivariate Corp like map but we're all screwed because it's not available for arcgis pro so we have to make it on our own but fortunately the concept is pretty straightforward so here I'm gonna use one of the data sets for the lab that you're working on this week I'm going to use the counties crime population data set so this is just has census data plus one field about crime incidents right and so how you would put together a bivariate Cora is you get your data set I don't care whether it's counties or countries or whatever but it does have to be a vector data set and it does have to have quantitative data right preferably all that quantitative data are in there together actually it doesn't have to be ratio data it could be ordinal data right or actually yeah it has to be at least ordinal high medium low right and then we just want to make a normal Corp choropleth map to start so I'm gonna change this I'm in the symbology tool here and that's right here I'm gonna change this to graduated colors and I want a 3/3 class color scheme and I don't want a map I don't want to put in here when they were digitized right the number the order in which they were digitized that doesn't make a sense I want this to be based on maybe proportion male population so I have males as my field and mine or its normalized by population right so this would be the places as a decimal percent ranging from very male-dominated counties to ones that are about 50/50 and you notice the range is not too big here it's 49% at the low end 67% of the high end right and I probably want to pick a color scheme that doesn't isn't this one so and I want to pick one that's gonna blend nicely together right with another color ramp later on so maybe I choose I could either choose a grayscale one or a single hue one right so maybe I'll choose a single hue blue just for that covet right and then I want to now I want to combine it with crime right and see where the places where there's a high proportion of men and also a high level of crime right so I would come over here I'm gonna copy this layer and I'm gonna click on my map in the table of contents I'm gonna paste this layer in so now I have this map twice so when I turn it off you don't notice any change but actually I want to make sure it's selected head over to the symbology tab and change it from males to Crime reports so I could do some standardization like the number of crime reports per person right that would be what this is but maybe I want to do something like the percentage of the total mm-hmm makes Southern California need to be pretty violent or just the number of crime reports overall looks like we got some outliers big counties with lots of crying yeah so if we if we turn this off right we have you know it's in that slightly more than half of the county being male right so there might be some connection there but we also notice that some urban areas have higher numbers of crime right would we want to report this as a straight up number probably not because more populous counties are gonna have bigger numbers of crimes right so maybe we do standardize it by percent of total right so this would be 2% of all crime reports are in these counties here right it's yes it's also like in some areas here also where a lot of illegal marijuana was grown in that 2000s you've got border smuggling going on and probably because the crime reports are a federal database in this case that come from a federal database they're gonna be reporting crimes related to immigration trafficking and illegal I also point out that in Texas I'm not a Texas traffic yeah all the eastcoast megalopolis there has higher levels of crime too but still compared to this border region in southern california it's much lower well remember it's 2002 and probably not a complete database right so the trends now might be quite different okay so so like Washington yeah it is so it's at legal in caliphates we go in California yeah so so like I have a my sister-in-law's a DEA agent in Detroit and you know most of the time they're going after people who are dealing hard drugs right and are dealing lots of drugs so they're not looking for the person in you know in Arbor who's selling you know a couple ounces of marijuana a month they're looking for people or trafficking large amounts of it if they even look at marijuana but she says look you know when we go in and we raid a home where we are a building or whatever where drugs are being dealt or produced or packaged or whatever and we find you know the the people who are act we're being hired to do things like package cocaine into smaller packages or something like that most of the time we're not going to arrest them but what we find is they'll have marijuana on them and then we charge them with a federal drug crime right so they're like you know we're not we usually don't arrest and prosecute people who are like you know basically workers because they're not really involved in the in the profit from the trafficking to any great degree but when we find that they have you know we search them and when we find that they have marijuana on them so there is this federal versus state thing you know Indianapolis announced it was going to stop prosecuting possession charges under some amount well the state you know every jurisdiction has a different way of approaching it you know and then there's different laws - right like in Michigan right now I think you can receive it as a gift but you can't buy it yet right or did they start buying and so my dad lives in Vermont they haven't come up with any kind of it's recreationally legal there but they have not come up with any kind of mechanism for the state to capture taxes etc yet so you can't buy it it is still a state and federal crime to buy or sell it right but you can give it or receive it as a gift for no no problem yeah or you know somebody who grows it or whatever right but so to all of this we didn't policy but um over the legal status of marijuana across the United States but probably the numbers would go down but because it was the new bra talk about the federal and state level disconnect our jurisdictional disconnects it might not go down that much because there's it's all federal and this is there's a lot more federal law enforcement here than there is here although what counts for federal law enforcement is crazy one of my friends in Indianapolis is a federal law enforcement officer he works her Housing and Urban Development right and she's like I've literally never been in a position where my life was in any way at risk were the life of anyone else is at risk but technically I am a law enforcement officer it's like mainly I just drive to and from courts okay so for this we have our crime and our males data set all I have to do is change my color ramp for the crime map here to something that might blend okay with the with the blue so I might go green or I might go purple let's see what happens when I go green okay there's a green map and the top map is covering the bottom map right so now I can basically given the way arcgis pro handles transparency now if I set this transparency slider to 50% for the top layer and I can just enter it about I will have a chromatically appropriate blending of those two colors well mm-hmm so what could some of my strategies to deal with this be obviously need to make a legend that is that I'm gonna have to make it by hand somehow actually see a variable one variable to stick them together you rotate them [Laughter] so we can do this in ArcGIS right we can we can reproduce this so first we need to color ramps right so how do we do that well we've got to go over here to map I'm sorry to insert we have to make a new layout and we'll make our layout with with the map here I've got to insert my map into this layout boom I'm gonna turn off these things cuz I don't need them I'm gonna position my in fact I might remove them so that I don't have the while they're there and then I'm going to position my map so that's taking up more of this frame to do that I go to here layout activate it's gonna allow me to reposition this a little bit yeah I'm not gonna fix that now they're perfect now I'm gonna go over here and close my activation right and insert two legends I want to insert they're both there all right so now how do I make these things all right well basically I want two squares that are horizontally aligned so so I'm gonna convert these to graphics and then I'm gonna go ahead in here an ungroup and then I'm gonna also ungroup and now I have my three boxes of colors right oh no I didn't mean to do that I'm gonna move them over here so I can work on them better now what I need to do is arrange em sort of like this low medium high and I'm gonna want to format my rectangles so that they have no square no no color around them like so and then I'm gonna group them all together let's see if this will work and then stretch them out now so I have here an X value of 4 let's see how wide are they so what I'm gonna do is set these up set up some guides so that I know exactly how wide this is gonna be because they have to be exactly the same width and height right so actually gonna move this guide to there so I want my width here something like that and then I need what is this an inch and a quarter so I'm gonna say add a guide here and add a guide here and this will give me my square looks like I fit pretty well so greens are done now I'm gonna head over here I'm gonna ungroup I'm gonna take these three boxes yep got to start over tor I clicked on the background move these three boxes over I'll zoom in this to here and then this to here no color color color I'm gonna group them all together again group I'm going to make them fit between these two lines mm I'm gonna make them fit vertically boom and now I have my three colour ramps but I have to remind myself which ones on the bottom the blue ones on the bottom so the blue ones on the bottom and then I need to take this and I need to rotate it which direction you have to rotate it clockwise right so I can just do that how let's see okay 90 nope negative 90 right look nope the first one was right you're right and then I go ahead and match them up maybe I need to zoom in and get this better there we go look at that yeah I've got a group um so I have let's see group element one group element two group yeah now isn't that cool remove all guides so now I can say I can use I can actually reuse the text I have here so in this case I'm going to change this to say mail proportion male male population and crime intensity let's just say that mm - so I have my have my map title kaboom now I'm gonna I need to make a high low and then put my axes on here right so let's see I can use these get rid of this I can use these values I have to remind myself this is let me remind myself this way blue is population so as we go this way its proportion male population so let's see what would I want it how would I want this to say like low so I'm just copying and pasting the same thing and I can move it around you know right and then I can go and as we go up here this is high crime over here this would be high crime intensity in high males right and then low males and I'm just about to change the word this Nate I can now I can move it around right can get rid of this garbage here oh no I deleted everything control-z it's gonna make it good click click click click click and there is my sort of okay bivariate Corp lift map I literally never done it before I got to the overlay part before our meeting and nine and I was like well figure out the class hey but I had a suspicion that we get rotated why do you think they didn't update the so layout map layout tools in our GIS are actually a lot better than they are in our map version they were quite quite a bit better including this drawing order of things great why do you think they didn't move those tools over because this isn't that hard to do right and we could even do it with a 10 by 10 grid pretty pretty easily although such a map would be useless from an interpretation standpoint and by 10:00 right nope that would be not not really well advised I'd say probably in a vibe area core plus map a 4x4 grid would be the maximum should want to try yeah and really the two by two would be better than a three by three but then it's like well why don't you just show two maps right another thing about this is while it's not too hard to make this it doesn't update automatically so if we come in here and we change the symbology for the crime reports to kneel purple we'll get a different color scheme but our on our map but our legend will no longer be correct yeah however you can you don't have to do quite as much work you can come in here and ungroup and then come here and in the group element let's see which one yes so this one's blue we could change the colors here to match the other ones and then just regroup things and rearranging right so we could come here we could let me see here ungroup these right we could change the symbol properties so this is gonna be like some purple we'd have to go back to the map here and find out what purple that is and symbology come on which would probably be us going here and copying this hex oh it's very angry there we go and then coming to the symbol for this right so it's too bad they don't have in the symbology thing just like enter a hex value here right and then we go back and do the same thing for the second line like so so while it is more arduous than like just letting it automatically update it's not as bad as it could be yeah in fact that's what we're sort of doing here you could do it for raster data but you'll have to classify it right so you have to use a classification scheme of some kind and then we just put it under there and now we have I changed the wrong one so you change the green one but you kind of get the idea right you can so can you do this on rasters yes but you have to add them as classified you have to classify I'm using the geometric or equal interval or somehow death so though look that continuous version these color camps right again you'd only want to do that there may be three categories or so maybe four at most but you can do a faster you can even do a raster and vector David together you know they can be pretty effective well I just when you're looking at the map itself it's hard to distinguish the colors yeah I agree with you I I don't prefer choropleth maps either I think they're kind of they're sort of like a visualization technique that seems great until you actually have to put it to use and then it's like I don't even know what I'm seeing sometimes it's hard to interpret and a lot of times it's more the distribution that determines whether this is appropriate so you know maybe it would tell you more interesting phenomena if it was a more regional map in this case right and we weren't including the places in Southern California etc where there's a lot of crime reports right mainly due to border control operations there but it's definitely a technique you should be aware of and maybe have at least the ability to do what we just did yeah right toss together a quick one and as you can see you can make a pretty nice-looking map this also was that this method is not appropriate in arcmap right in our GIS desktop software package because of the way it does transparencies so transparency and our jethro is accurate to color whereas is not in all cases actually covering that because Pro uses your graphics card to actually render that alright on Wednesday we'll talk more color yeah we're sister bring a paper map with color on Wednesday so we can kind of look better and why are we doing it on with color or with paper because color is different on the screen versus the projector versus your screen if we can all look at a paper map together with full light all of these are terrible fluorescent lights it'll be better paper map yeah and that'll be what we do our map pretty cool you
Channel: Steve Aldrich
Views: 2,016
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: k0t4OuFrED8
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Length: 32min 43sec (1963 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 21 2019
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