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yo hi everyone my name is n and welcome back to my channel and in this video I'll be talking about the branch preference cuz that was the thing I was being pinged up a lot for lately right so y before I start the video there just two information basic informations first is that the whole Branch preference that I have made for you guys is prepared solely on the basis of the placement stats Branch preference right and second thing is that different people have different aspect so brch preference like there's some people who only want computer science right computer sence then it's okay or otherwise they go for the Dual degrees to compete for the computer science degree right preference the second category of people are those people computer science they only want the top branches that is the circular branches or the electrical branches and after that we'll talk about those people single deg right there lot of people who do not want five years of engineering right I was one of them sing and then we have the degrees or they can skip the DU degrees right and the fourth category of student students are those students they not they're very confused about the fact interested like I can just give you a basic and what is the major scope of those courses and Y then you can prepare your branch wise preference accordingly also guys I have a very quick announcement to make and that is related to the constant messages I was getting on Instagram and Telegram and I realized like a lot of aspirants they need constant mentoring and guidance throughout their course of bitsat preparation so me and one of my seniors who is also a verified an academy educator we are coming up with a personalized mentorship program where we'll be guiding you solving all your doubts all your queries and also we'll be providing you with all sorts of resources and strategies that you need to crack your bside examination the validity of this mentorship program will remain till the second attempt of your bitsart paper so make sure you check it out and I'll paste the link of the Google form in the description so first of all we'll talk about those category of students who are you know interested in computer science to obviously like you can put B Pani Pani campus computer science and then you can go to Goa campus computer science and then Hyderabad campus computer science right and then moving on to the Dual degrees so dual degrees me the only thing that you have to remember is the branches are like more important than the campus right economics like dual degree economics Pani Goa hyad then you can go for maths Pani Goa Hyderabad then you can go with physics same order chemistry same order and then biology Pani Goa Hyderabad right and you can choose this till the time you have like Regional preferences you know you come from a particular state or campus is the closest then you can change the order otherwise this is the order you can go with and after talking about computer science we'll talk about the circuit branches or circuit branches may like the thing is keep pan circuit branches or the Phoenix Branch as we call it here right it's the oldest one and it is particularly more important than the other Phoenix departments in you know go or Hyderabad toi prence right so you can go with Phoenix like Pani Pani EC Pani e and then panii and then you can go with u Goa EC and then Hyderabad EC then you can with go with Gua e hyad e and Gua hyad right so this is going to be the order for your circuit branches after this and this is basically a very conventional kind of a branch preference that everyone follows in BS right can just jug around if that interested and you can do all that right so what I'm doing in this video is I'm just giving you a basic gist of the conventional way in which bran Branch preference is prepared and yep you can use your own personal biases and preferences to make your own order and to practice the mock test you can actually go for bitsat test series by fodu Club as their papers focus on comprehensive coverage of syllabus covering all the topics and Concepts that are being required in the exam and also you get personalized feedback and performance performance analysis highlighting your individual strengths and weaknesses and one more thing guys at this point of time branches preferences everything will all seem very overwhelming to you guys but you have to make sure that you are not losing your focus right you have to do the exam oriented preparation and you have to make sure that you're solving sufficient number of mock tests in each in every 2 to 3 days right computer science and we have also covered the electrical thing so we'll move on to the other branches that are mechanical and you know civil chemical and everything right so when we come to these branches what you have to do is that you have to put Pani first and then Goa and then Hyderabad right Pani mechanical then Goa mechanical and then Hyderabad mechanical and go civil I guess go civil that I know my campus so then you can go with Pani civil and then hyad civil and then same for chemical right Pani chemical Goa chemical and Hyderabad chemical right so this is the order that you prepare and like particularly interested then I do recommend you to do some amount of research about it you know which campus is doing the best in that department and then you can sort your preferences as well right just say for example in my campus MC bio props are doing like really well they are being awarded and felicitated and everything so you know that way then you can put Goa first right so these are the things that that you have to keep in mind particularly you know interest oriented Branch preference order then you have to see all these things so y that was it for this video and I think it helps you a lot and just prepare your branch list very wisely or you know just keep a cross check like edit option but there's a window to it right so be very cautious while doing all this all the very best see you at B
Channel: Benzene Guy
Views: 7,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nihit bits pilani, bits pilani
Id: v7dDBciMMq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 28sec (388 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2024
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