Bishop Sherman Watkins- The Integrated Believers

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praise the Lord everybody well let me say it again praise the Lord every don't you just love the Lord I want some people that love the Lord that's really love the Lord just tell somebody next to you said I really love the Lord yeah I just just saw that they're getting them you know why we're here we're here because we love God and because God first loved us we just bless him I don't know about you but it seemed like the trials is test is come from everywhere but look like the more that they come the more that I see the manifestation of the Spirit of God don't you I want you to just everybody can't say it but if you can say it I'm gonna tell you what to say before you see it was good for me to have been afflicted good for me my sweet Jesus we blessed God today this time we want to take our offering we're gonna give our tithes first and we thank God for the tithers the people that support this church we thank God for the ones online but even though some of them are sick and different afflictions some are temporary but they support online and we want them to know that it does not go unnoticed and that in my prayer everyday I pray for the people online I pray for all of our church people our body ones here because we have to have a good prayer life because that's our content it's good when you know people Peggy had the same yesterday at Bishop Moore's Funeral and blue field and and so I was thinking about Peggy and he said well she won't be at church tomorrow I told him I said you know I said you know I was supposed to be bad and I see you on the bed yeah and we here not had a bedroom in the devil and there she said you know what I know because there's something about when you have God really inside of you and you're trying to do his will and his purpose every time the door open you try your best to be there and you came how to sit at home on Sunday morning and knowing that church is going on I know I can I can't do it I don't care if I'm on vacation but Church time comes you would think I'll be on I'll be praying I'll be praying for the church because it's just got to be in us you can't came about to put it in you you just have to be inside of you that you don't take God for granted and it's just you've got one more praise [Music] the house the Lord bless him at this time we're going to lift our tithes up to God and Thanksgiving this is what God has entrusted in us to see if our faith would release 10% of a hundred to give back to God to support the ministry now God in the name of Jesus we do thank you for each person that is participating in this offering those Oh God that have taken you serious and we believe you and we trust you that you will open up the windows of heaven and that you will pour out to us bless you that we don't have room enough to receive in Jesus name we pray amen everybody bring your tithe at this time we blessing [Music] I want you to hit me to do something right quick right in between this offering one of my son's is this his birthday today and all of us fall all across the country and say so this is what I love them that I want to but not when I give you the signal I want you to say happy birthday to Bishop Martin okay now they read in the radio room because I got to send him this tape and he's gonna show it they are out behind us so he's gonna show it as soon as I send it so I would like to welcome all the members of higher ground to one of the special people in my life and that is Vishal Martin and the dancers birthday he's getting old but he's still my son so I say to all of you in the church there's all of us wish him mr. Martin a happy birthday let me hear you [Applause] ooh baby I love you in your wife and we praise God for you in Jesus name Amen now we're going to lift our offering I want you have the same enthusiasm often up to God in Thanksgiving God in the name of Jesus we do praise you and we do bless you we bless you for the strength to lift arms up we thank you God for the often that you have allowed us to have and have placed in our possession in Jesus name we pray we love you amen bless your offering turning off an hour to your left [Music] [Music] god bless you these are some fans that I brought back from Hong Kong and I'm gonna pass it out to the fire they say the one get them so fast it's out right now okay just keep right on crazy [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] praise the Lord everybody we're going to find our sermonic scripture for today in the book of Romans chapter 8 and we'll reverse 28 through 30 and we know that all things work together for good to them that love God to them who are the called according to his purpose for whom he did foreknow he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son that he might be the firstborn among many brethren moreover whom he did predestinate them he also called and whom he called them he also justified and whom he justified them he also glorified hear the word of the Lord [Music] we're going from our text today it's one that everybody basically know it's one of the most favorite books in the books of Romans and practically everybody know this text but I today I want to talk about this text and I want to use for a subject the integrated believers the integrated believers now when you when you really look at the text God we pray you bless this lesson in Jesus name Amen the reason I'm pretty long time before I preach is because I already been praying and so in case you think I take it lightly this not true but I want you to see what that what that word integrated actually mean integrated in the Greek translation that one of the synonyms that points to the word integrated it means a final and complete expression of an agreement that cannot be contradicted or to add to that it is modified by evidence and a integrated finish okay example Jacob was chosen yet he was not considered a integrated believer because when you like Jacob his life he worried about pieces of life and he will during the duration of blessing and he lives in sorrow Abraham received yet it took time for him to become the father of faith it was not until we read in Romans 4 where he had become a integrated believer because he had learned God doing the process for information background information also if we consider Martha Martha was one of the Friends of Jesus as a family and you remember when he come to the grave how she was objecting to everything and he asked her this question he said Martha did not promise you if you could believe you could see the glory of God instead you see her fainting over pieces of the journey now when you look at verse 28 and let's read it again and then he uses words that sticks out into the mind in the hearts of every believer and he say all things see that's that's the word she got a hold in your mind is all things and then he said all things work and we're looking for Libyans and you'll see where they whether working comes forth all things work together and he said it works for good now you know if you take pieces of this you wouldn't look like that nothing is working for good but then he said for those who love the Lord who climaxes it if we stop with the text which is verse 28 Romans 8:28 we stopped just with the text it will not look like that that entire text would be true but it's not until you include the context when you include the context as we have it here it will prove truth now with God with God she's just a very sound with God then anytime you see with God you'll always see what follows it that all things with God all things are possible there's no no wondering about it just the verb effect with God because this when you when you learn God you learn the sovereignty of God you learn everything about God you know that we didn't have nothing to give him he gave us to us and so with God all things are possible so that means it does not matter what you're dealing with what you're going through with it means everybody ever comes up in your life their God if his God is in it it's God as it's possible for God and then he says this and he proves it in Ephesians when he backs up Ephesians 1 verses 10 through 11 when when he backs it up he backs up Romans 8:28 so here's what he say he said that in the dispensation of the fullness so you had a hold out that word fullness and the fullness of time that he might gather together in one talking about Jesus Christ gather together in one all things see in Christ then he turns to confirm it as he began to talk to us in the eleventh verse in whom also we have obtained past tense in inheritance then he goes right back to confirm romans 8 being predestinated according to the purpose same thing Romans 8:28 of him who worketh you see same identical thing all things after the counsel of his own will if you take those two together you cannot miss it Romans 8:28 and Ephesians and 1 and you go and you and you begin to read it you'll see that it's the same identical thing what God is doing now he says that God that that all things work together then every word work is important because that's what's going on inside of us the word is actually his inner gia that that dead word in the Greek comes to a place that it talks about how God is operating in you you don't even know it you don't feel it you don't see it but he's operating in you in other words he say that God is at work couldn't force power unless you go through some stages and you wonder how you made it through but it was God in you putting forth power and then the next word is he accomplishes he's accomplishing things inside of us that we don't even know that it's finished then it says not only is he accomplishing but then he's gonna come back fire within us and he's gonna put us on display he's going to let the enemy know that what you thought you had on them didn't work he's gonna let him see it he's gonna let him see it back when you become on display for God it is what God has acts worked inside of you now hold in mind the context of this particular verse 28 the context is the chain that comes down from eternity that actually integrates the believer and here's five pieces that he introduced to us in verses 29 Romans 8:29 through 30 and as he give us these five pieces he uses the word for whom he for no or for knew that that has to do with how God is one of the chains that God uses to bring us to verse 20 first to confirm verse 28 he said whom he did foreknow then he said he predestinated them and then he called them and then he justified them and then he glorified him because you cannot understand how he could use the word glorified when we're still here it's not it's not over but in with him he's taking pieces one piece is two for no other pieces two predestiny the next piece is he calling us in the next piece he justified us and then the next piece he go beside us and he's taking us to a finish that's what he's doing in the text now these are the powers of God that he uses to integrate us and to make us believe in now then you have to look at the posing the opposing verses the poles and things that we go through with the opposing sane is just life itself I mean just living just living just living there like ain't did nothing just living life life just coming slam things up on you you don't even expect it like and then we got to flesh things that we want that is not in the will of God and then we got trials all of these is coming from life and all of them are working against us as well in example Satan came to Eve when she was alone and notice how he dealt with her he dealt with her in pieces and that's this what she got messed up it he dealt with her in pieces so Satan bring pieces into your life to allow you to see a life in pieces so that you will not know that God is going to confirm and make it work together for your good so so when he comes he comes to bring doubt just to peace that's what he gave me just just just the peace yeah if God said just just just a peace and he takes this distal piece and try to live life on a piece you can't live life on a piece you came because right now he can see one thing that would tear you to pieces bring doubt bring fear everything just by using pieces stabbing us with pieces you lay up in something that you hadn't even thought about in here bringing into your life into your mind because what he's trying to do is to punch and punch until he gets you out of the fight and you don't have strength to finish he don't want you to see yourself in God so God uses the devil's pieces to allow us to see the devil and what he's worth got some time let the devil just hang around and do things so you can see them you can learn who he is and you can know that he's not who he pretends to be and so God after he after you learned the lesson God then turns around and deliver us out of the devil's hand so that you can see now that if it had not been for God who was on your side you see this this is how you learn God so then he says when Satan come he comes and he gives us motives that God God compares the devil to motives with his own purpose that's what he's doing so motive is defined as helping to establish intense that's what that's what a motive is John 10 comes and say the thief cometh but to kill to steal and to destroy why would it be destroy if him already did that word destroy means that he comes to finish you off and to stamp out your future and to step out the good thing that you've done in life he comes to step out he comes to stamp out everything because all you see is one mistake and he'll come to to come and take that one mistake and make it your life when it comes to step out your name this is why you're out pray all the time God let me finish I want to finish because I don't want the devil to come and stamp out everything that God have done in my works God to be stamped out I don't want that if possible but but but but God comes to he said but I am come well aren't you glad that God didn't just allow the devil to come aren't you glad that God didn't allow you they have to go through things that's only the devil half but God was watching the devil when he was come to destroy you and to kill you and God say but I am come you see if you just take one piece of it and you look at the devil you'll think about this is over but then God said but I didn't send him by itself coming to your life Beck's time he said but I am coming I'm there too I'm right on the same level the enemy when it comes to bail I'm on the same level but greater is He that's in me then he that is in the world so when the devil showed up I want you to know he came to destroy you but I am come that you might have life and then you may have this life more abundantly my God my god so you got to choose between life who you gonna listen to who are you going to praise are you gonna let the devil come to destroy and you cry and weep over one piece when God is standing by with all power created the evil one and then turn around sir but I'm coming we said he said what I started in you I'm gonna finish and the devil is not going to finish in you what I have already started I don't care how much he come I don't care how much he bro I don't care what message he praying to you I don't care what affliction he put on you I want you to know that whenever you're going through with it's just a piece of the puzzle it's just a piece of what God it's getting ready to do in your life this is why he's telling you to stand right in front of the devil's face because he prepares her table before you in the presence of your enemies this is why he tell you to rejoice in the Lord all here time he's handling again I say rejoice he tell you to give God the praise right in the devil's face because you know after a while it's gonna all be over and you know you got somebody with you that's greater than the test that you're going to every circumstance that the devil brain into your life God is greater than your circumstance God is greater than your dilemma God is greater than your problem everything that they in them is trying to put on you I want you to know you can shake it off give God a shake our praise I want to show you something within this text now look at this stained glass window now this dish you don't see them much no more but this was done about 50 years ago and when I went to see about it I wanted a stained glass windows right there in that circle and so the man he told me said okay Reverend hey there's only a few places that specializes in stained glass windows and so he took this big piece of wood was plywood and he placed and he come and he told me what I told him what I wanted and he bought this little piece one of these it might just be this little eye in the Sheep just this little piece and when he bought the piece he said now here's the glass and this is how and I'm backing and it's really special and he said it's more expensive than it is now when you look at it now you can holla buy it for nowhere close to the price and so now he says to me he said this is the piece and this is how it's that what you're talking about that you want and then he went and got another piece and he had all kind of pieces well nothing put together there was all pieces and he told me he said it's gonna be nice and I'm thinking I don't see how because he just had little pieces no bigger than your hand just pieces and he told me said this is the this is really going to be nice but he only had pieces but he had seen the finish that I didn't see I was dealing with pieces and this is what the ticks it's talking about the test is talking about the pieces in the context what it takes to make us what God has intended first to be and and the reason that we can't stand when it seems impossible is because the piece of what God is doing he predestinated but but just the very fact that he called me and then the verb effect that he justified me when he justified me I'm going to show you what he did when he justified you he released you from the eyes of the critics of [Applause] God's elect [Music] [Applause] it does not matter what conclusion they have come to when they look at you then you have the background and the foundation you have been justified by God in other words justify just I am just in the eyes of God because when God justified me he freed me from the critics now I can serve God now if I have to crawl if I fall in the critics pointed we don't don't part too long because by the thing you put in it I'm gonna be up and going on about my business you see this is how you live this is how you survive this is how the devil has to take his hands off of you because you have already been justified by God sometimes even haha every now and then when things get too heavy on your mind remember that it's just a piece of what you're dealing with and God had something else in mind for you he said that he declared the in from the beginning God didn't wait til you got to the end he declared it he said it he was in the beginning declaring the end I think that something that God was so sure of what he was getting ready to do in your life that he already put it down and sealed it with the seal of his name and told the devil came nobody cross this seal because this seal is the identity of who he really is I don't get how you perceive it but who he really is is already stamped I thank God for stamp right now [Music] all these pieces is bringing us to the conclusion I want you to see something here because it's important that you understand that where you are now what you're dealing with you think it's the worst thing in the world thank you going through with you cannot understand how the opposition could be so cruel but you see when you stop and you look at it then you include this you include the journey I want you to look at somebody else I'm on a journey uh-huh now the journey is not done in one piece see the journey is not done in just one piece but the journey has traffic many times we call it obstacles but it is actually the traffic that tries to delay us from reaching the destiny of our journey that's what he's doing and so it is the traffic and the traffic bring the fears of what we see now and not only that plus what we cannot see all of that is stressing things you meet on the journey this is why you can't vote just because you live and right today I'm telling you what I've learned and what I know you cannot stand around criticize everybody else youyou can't do it I'm telling you because you won't learn that on this journey you're gonna pass something some traffic that's gonna jam you up and something ain't gonna be no way out not gonna be no way to get you can have a traffic cop but you can't make it through unless God releases and so here on the journey I learned and you learn that that when you hit your honeymoon it was different than the journey itself the honeymoon was just a one-night or three night or week stand but that's not who you're dealing with you're not dealing with the honeymoon hotel you're not dealing with your honeymoon because honeymoon was wonderful wasn't it nice the honeymoon was wonderful yes indeed just get somebody high five you gotta say nothing just give me a high five for the honeymoon the honeymoon was wonderful but let me tell you something how many people know that pretty soon the honeymoon became something different because the honeymoon was just a piece of the same that we're dealing with then you turn why he was on the honeymoon then you got to another place you learned that the personalities that you thought you knew some other words pretending and some other was real but you learn some new stuff yes indeed because you see the honeymoon took you a little ways but it was the personality that to constantly come then you learn on the journey that menopause came in ha ha this is all on the journey uh-huh we're going somewhere AHA but but but things are different than they used to be but but thank God tell somebody it was just a piece of the journey see you got to learn that that that man heaven midlife crisis you've seen me and get to a certain agent and they start to it's why I start wearing red when I was 18 so that you wouldn't know when I got ready to go through Midland to go through middle-age crisis yeah they do silly stuff huh those men that's those sixties 59 yeah yeah they go through they go through midlife crisis and so they never look for that to happen on the journey they thought that the journey was going to always be honeymoon but you see the more that they proceeded on the journey they found out that menopause and middle-age crisis and then I'm going to tell you something that is very serious this is why you can't punch your finger and somebody that fell and made a mistake and you just look at you like this it's the worst thing in the world and I'm gonna tell you why you can't do it and one reason you can't do it is because you have no idea what's down the road oh yes you see you think that because you live in Holi today when you have not been tempted in another way that you feel like you have already arrived but I'm telling you what I know hold down the road somewhere you never anticipate the one your wife died and death comes in you can't you can't anticipate that because at first you just ride into and you're just going like something you'll never have to deal with and you're gonna look a council everybody else and look at them like they some little poor lowdown no for good for nothing but you don't know that on this journey when when your wife is taken away from you then your knees that you used to take for granted now they become now a struggle it's because they're on the journey what how did you learn it I learned it on the journey this is how you will learn you learn things on your don't be so quick to cut somebody off over here because if you keep on this journey that God is taking us to you gonna make a whole lot of bad decisions and you think you got it all together but I'm gonna tell you something I tell you you've got to help my integrated faith you've got to have a faith that can take it take this blow and believe God take this blow and believe God and don't stop believing them I double dare you to give God one praise for integrated believer you be somebody that believed God for the testimony I thank God for being here save them sanctified filled with the Holy Ghost got a mind to go on sings pray for me are now not baby life is more than their life is more than you just being saved life is more than you bill filled with the Holy Ghost there's a whole lot more than the road that you are going to have to face and your minds whether get in your head now that these things that I'm crying about it's just a piece of what God's got how many people give God a praise just for peace lord I think it it's just a piece it's just a piece things you preached about now you got to face it uh-huh you got to learn God in the new way you now you've got to learn how to deal with new issues and then your prayer life that's got to change now you've prayed more now oh no don't you let nobody else tell you honey and you used to eat and I can go to bed but I tell you what you go through enough stuff you ain't got no appetite and all you want to do is talk to somebody that will listen to you and this is why when you start a hotel you start praying look like you can't stop because you're the one that will listen to you everybody else is pointing the finger at you but God knows your heart and God makes intercessory with you that came nobody else deal with this is with your praise come come but y'all to take that all things and I was resting Lord and I in every way that I can in all time and I'm gonna keep it in my mouth because my deliverer is gonna praise I can rejoice in the Lord right in the midst of the crisis right in the midst of the circumstance don't know how I'm gonna come out but I'm just gonna believe God in a way and I'm gonna praise them on credit because I don't even know the answer god bless him my god I know just something as simple as my brother's death my brother's death Wilbur but just like we would like like twins he was three years older but we were just like twins and I remember he was somebody that being a pastor you can't have nobody you can talk to you can't talk to the members because you're helping them you can't talk to the priest because they jealous it's the truth you'll be surprised I'm telling you grin up in your face and just as jealous as they can be uh-huh and you got to know their spirits and I remember my brother we could talk about anything I had to talk to somebody I could go to him and me and him talking he wanted to talk to me we could talk about anything we had one bicycle like twins we had one wagon we had one sled we shared everything and so now here you come to a place that he's gone nobody you have nobody absolutely nobody that you can actually feel safe talking to as a pastor mm-hmm that you feel safe because as soon as you leave every friend got a free and Ango telenovela with you and then angle chill no by W then I go to internet friends I hang go tell nobody but you then that friends everybody got friends so everybody is delivered something that you don't have anybody to talk to and then but you have to look at it this is just a piece of life just about I'm glad I didn't stop no no because you see if I had stopped if you had stopped you never would have seen the finish look at we're going back over there in a minute Romans 12 speaks to us like this it tells you that we'll just clay and then we surrender to the Potter the vehicle we are just the vehicles carrying the treasure and God tells us this he said if you want to survive he said I'm gonna tell you what you got to do he said you got to work the blessings of conformity in other words he said be ye transformed by how you think by the renewing of your mind and he said stop resisting the will of God in your mind and start working in the promises of God just somebody the Word of God it's a promise work in the promise not outside of it no no no this work directly in the pretty of a guard has promised I'm gonna give you something and some 37 some sturdy seven actually comes and and it starts off saying fret not thyself because of evildoers neither be thou envious of good against the workers of iniquity did he say this cuz they're gonna soon be cut off yeah somebody whatever you're dealing with whoever deals don't worry about it cuz it's not gonna last now see you got to start dealing in the promises of God it didn't go last I don't get what this safe pretty soon it's gonna be over and everybody's gonna be I forgot all about it and you're gonna still be in the praise this is fine when you start talking about God and their promise he says this he said but i'mma tell you how to survive when you're going through different tests and trials he said I will show you how to survive when you're dealing with the evil ones I'm going to show you how to survive and so he gets down to the next verse and he tells us he said I want you to do this I want you to delight yourself in God just about that's one Pig delight yourself in the Lord see I don't have to finish it just just one page delight yourself in the Lord that's one thing and then he says this I want you to commit your ways that's two pigs then he says I want you to touch to trust in him that's three things then he said I want you to rest in him that's four pigs tell somebody I got the stakes and I don't know why but I'm dealing with them because what I'm doing I'm doing like Joe because Joe turn around and say Joe got to going to tests and trials and when he got to the place in God he talks about how to delight yourself in the Lord and when lo he used these four pegs in order to make it through first of all he said he delighted his self and he turned around in the midst of a crisis with worms running up and down his body and say he knows that I don't know but he knows his way the Lord taketh away blessed be the name of the Lord because there's a reason in your life the reason why you are surrounded by God he knows I double dare you to give God a praise for the appointment my god sometime I just praise God just for the appointment because we're every promise God has already lady there so then when Isaiah comes on the line can I get just a praise right here right right in here because right in here we got we got four pays and God is like I didn't know what he was building them for I just kept on committing her I kept on the line I kept on resting I kept on trusting in Isaiah karma and I see looks down through the eagle-eyed prophet he looks all the way down to time when I feel he told us he was building those things he said stretch forth you can't shake him but somebody say now I know my god he said take your sticks put them down good baby said I want you to cover the curtains pull the curtains together just somebody I'm inside now now why was that so important for me to make it through there Tessa in their trial in the journey and he says this he said because it's gonna be yo look at the listener it's gonna be your breakthrough [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know how they say you a minute you I didn't feel like I heard what's gonna happen he said breakthrough in the midst of your crisis it'll break too I believe God I believe God because he's getting ready to give me my breakthrough tell you give me to people getting ready for a breakthrough and you believe the Word of God [Applause] oh god don't you love him don't you just love him well now look y'all sit down cuz I'm finished but I got to go back to the window because you see the window that used to be in pieces it used to be in pieces but when God got to putting the pieces together God put some braces he put some braces in this side to hold it until you and a little further on your journey when you gotta look further on a journey people some more braces the braces for the whole tell somebody don't stop because it's not Oh oh you're fake you're fake he's got to speak out right now because it's not now I'm going to show you something I must stop the man told me he said I said it's looking it's nice I said but you you can't see it you know what he told me he said wait till morning I said why I'm going away tomorrow he said cause in the morning when the sunshine [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is why you need he got to the end and he waited just as good till he got he said all things it's working together for good then you turn around and say it this he said for those who love the Lord just about we can close right here we're gonna close right here because this is for lovers only yeah yeah some of y'all might want to leave right now somebody might want to get up and go right now because the message is over [Music] when you say beloved only then when you love God you was rejoicing in God every time you got a piece you didn't let it stop you but you kept on praise just somehow I praise them when I didn't know [Music] so why did you why did you receive it is because he praised God and then God do for you and God spoke this to me he said you tell them that I am going to give them a bonus [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] right here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my god don't we bless him today Thank You sweet Jesus uh-huh there may be some other day that is not saved with somebody [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you thank you my god there might be somebody that is not saved if there's a sinner or backslider here today I want you to come and say preacher pray for me my God my god a sinner or backslider I want you to come and say preacher pray for me pray for me pray for me pray for me pray for me pray for me in the center in a backslider pray for me I need prayer my god I'm dealing with some things and then I need prayer oh my god bless her that's my God my god yes sir dad over there answer yes in the name of Jesus hallelujah somebody else another sinner or backslide 9 once you decline to price anybody don't have a church home you can make this your church home we'd be glad to help you my God my God my God all you do is come and sit on this first row if you hear it and you don't have a church home you just come forward my God make this your home Church my sweet Jesus oh my god [Music] Hey ask me not bless you son Oh can to say [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you hold out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I know we [Music] [Music] never without [Music] [Applause] [Music] well you're waiting so happy [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] way we used to [Music] [Music] [Music] in West Virginia when they baptize somebody like that you know we sang this song we just got to saying there's some time to say I'll be end down and shields name [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the water and the ones at your church listen how many people know that starting this Tuesday night [Music] this Tuesday I want the entire congregation to make a special four-day effort not to miss one night you'll be home I'll be finished at 8:00 and you'll be home in plenty of time to get some rest we're just gonna start at 7 o'clock in at 8:00 and we're gonna fast you can take one meal a day you can do the Daniel phase or you can do the sneaky phase now the sneaky face is something that it's you can't find it in the scriptures but this is the one where you act like you didn't eat all right so you try either one you just consecrate yourself really really good give us a good you've got a good prayer life of thanksgiving for bringing you food 2019 and we're gonna give god the praise all right looking for everybody make a special effort to be here each night all right God fashioned I know on Monday night now we won't be fasting on Monday night we start Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday and the reason I'm doing that is because I have some very good friends that love the Lord but I think they love it LSU just a little bit better all right god bless you lift up your hands lord help me to hell one mind and let that be the mind of Christ in Jesus name Amen god bless you love you
Channel: Church Channel
Views: 1,550
Rating: 4.483871 out of 5
Keywords: Dr watkins, Bishop Watkins, Bishop Sherman Watkins, Higher ground AAA, higher ground, td jakes, glen staples, bishop glen staples, 2020 church, church 2020
Id: 2YFT1vrrwPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 47sec (4907 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 19 2020
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