Bishop Latimer burned to death for his beliefs

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hi my name's Kevin Hicks welcome to my YouTube  Channel The History Squad now today's video is   about Hugh Latimer the Tudor Bishop he  saw archery as a metaphor for life but   unfortunately he would meet a fiery end  when he was burnt at the stake for heresy   so Hugh Latimer was born in thurcaston just north  of Leicester in the Midlands of England 1485.   his father was a yeoman farmer didn't own  the landi farmed earned about between three   and four pounds a year so he wasn't a wealthy man  but he was a yeoman and Hugh's earliest memory is   helping to strap on his father's armor just before  the Battle of Blackheath that's 1497. uh now his   father wanted more for you wanted to better his  life so Hugh started school apparently when he   was around four years of age but he entered  Cambridge University at the age of 14. can   you imagine that entering University just at the  age of 14 but times were different way back then   so it was while at Cambridge the Hugh Latimer  becomes a priest an ordained Catholic priest   and he regarded himself as an obstinate papist  Dead Set against the Protestant movements Martin   Luther dared against him and yet at the same time  Cambridge University it's a cauldron of debate   Thomas cranmer William Tyndale Nicholas Ridley  famous names debate this new religion reformations   and there's another one Thomas billney who also  gives sermons which Hugh Latimer and she listened   to him and he was a bit inspired by what's going  on however bilney Falls foul of cardinal Woolsey   he's arrested taken to London held in prison  questioned he's released in 1529 but upon his   release he goes back to Cambridge and he asks  Hugh Latimer to take his confession overnight   Hugh Latimer listens to the words of bilney and  it changes his mind on his outlook on religion   so overnight Hugh Latimer becomes a religious  reformer he questions the transubstantiation the   body and blood of Christ with the bread and the  and the sacrament wine and he begins to make sure   that he sets an example as a good Christian he  visits prisoners looks after the needy the hungry   he feeds them but in 1531 bilney he's burned at  the stake for heresy in Norwich and this deeply   affects Hugh Latimer it affects him for the rest  of his life Vladimir himself was actually arrested   under the orders of the Archbishop of Canterbury  he was held in London and investigated for heresy   now you can imagine the questioning for that  would have been quite severe but he gained   his release with the help of none other than  Thomas Cromwell now that is a name in The Tudor   history of Henry VII what a guy Thomas Cromwell  he had apparently said to Henry VII the king then   this uh Hugh Latimer might be helpful in the  forthcoming divorce from Catherine of Aragon   known as the king's great matter before I go on  I'd like to mention about Hugh Latimer's beliefs   he was a reformer but he wanted reform not as  we would say you know break with Rome all of   that kind of thing he wanted reform in a different  way one of his things was why spend money lighting   candles for The Departed because that money goes  into the church the church was often opulent   the higher-ups of the church spent an awful  lot of money on themselves he wanted that to   be reformed he wanted monasteries to spend more  time more money looking after the poor educating   people also it was at this time that the Bible had  been translated from Latin into English and there   was this belief now that people should be allowed  to study the Bible not be told no you can't it's   nothing to do with you the priest will tell you  what's to be done this is part of their reforming   of religion so what happens next is Hugh Latimer  becomes embroiled becomes part of the story of   Henry VII he is on the panel that debates the  legality of Henry VII's marriage to Catherine   of Aragon and in fact it leads to the divorce of  Catherine of Aragon for his part in this it will   cost him his life so he's in the court of Henry  VII that Hugh Latimer becomes the Royal chaplain   and his first sermon 1530 in front of his new  Champion Amber Len was a great success so much   so that the king gave him an extra five pounds  that's pretty much the wages of a friar for the   year so he's doing all right his first sermon  major success and Hugh Latimer accompanies the   king and queen on their Royal progress which goes  all down through the Cotswolds in gloucestershire   and it was at Hales Abbey there's a bit of an  incident and this reflects what Hugh Latimer was   about why burn money for candles when you could  give that money to the poor why do pilgrimages   when that money could have been used to keep  the family secure or go to help those in need or   education this was his idea you see at Hales Abbey  they had a vial of blood and that blood was said   to be the actual blood of Christ from when he was  crucified well it was investigated hulatimer was   part of this and it was found to be nothing more  than one case said Duck's blood but another said   it was just red candle wax and it was proven  to be false and the whole thing was revealed   in London a bit of a sensation but this was what  he was about he was about the fraud the opulence   education helped the poor this was his message  through and through and he became the bishop of   Worcester in 1535. so yes he is climbing but still  his beliefs are coming through each time you read   about him you think to himself okay yeah right I  can understand where he's coming from but the next   stage of his life Wow turbulent or what so in  1539 Hugh Latimer is forced to resign his C his   bishopric of Worcester this is a very dangerous  time for him he's investigated for heresy several   times and when Thomas Cromwell falls out of favor  with Henry VII Hugh Latimer basically disappears   to the Shadows of the Court as I say he was  investigated several times for heresy in fact   just a couple of months in the last part of Henry  VII's Reign he is imprisoned but when Edward VI is   crowned 1547 then Hugh Latimer is brought back  into the Royal Court he refuses a bishopric he   doesn't want it however he becomes a priest to the  Royal Court and in front of the boy King Edward VI   he gives his most well in my book it's his most  famous sermon and I'm going to read you a little   part of it and perhaps you'll understand why I am  a bit of a fan of Hugh Latimer so this is just a   small part of you Latimer's sermon to the boy King  Edward VI there are pages of the stuff but what   it's designed to is trying to guide people to a  better life but let me just read this little piece   charge upon them their allegiance that this single  benefit of God may be practiced and that it be not   turned into bowling glossing and whoring within  the towns for they being negligent in executing   the laws of shooting in my time my poor father was  as diligent to teach me to shoot as to learning me   of other things and so I think other men did  their children he taught me how to draw how   to lay my body in the bow how not to draw with  strength of arms as other nations do but with   the strength of the body I had my bows brought me  according to my age and strength as I increased   in them so my bows were made bigger and bigger  for men shall never shoot well except they'd be   brought up in it it is a goodly art a wholesome  kind of exercise a much commended in physics   wow he retired back home to Ferguson in 1550 but  he only had a few years to enjoy his retirement   because the sister to Edward VI comes to the  throne on the premature death of our boy King   so the young King Edward Edward VI dies his  sister comes to the throne Mary 1553 but don't   forget Mary Mary the first Bloody Mary was a  Catholic and she will have her revenge on the   Protestant reformers especially those who sat  on the panel that gave Henry VII a divorce from   her mother Catherine of Aragon don't forget that  Mary's mom was Catherine of Aragon and of course   one of those who sat on the panel was Hugh Latimer  he will find himself arrested and thrown into the   Tower of London so many of those Protestant  reformers were arrested and thrown into the   tower that they had to share the cells they were  overcrowded so later on Hugh Latimer together with   his old friend from his Cambridge days Nicholas  Ridley will be transferred to picardo prison in   Oxford to await their trial and ultimately their  fate interestingly the trial of Ridley and Latimer   one version says they were tried on charges  of treason others that it was heresy well they   were found guilty and they're going to be executed  they're going to be burned at the stake for heresy   the 16th of October 1555 and I've got written  down here the words from Hugh Latimer to his   friend Nicholas Ridley they are tied to the stake  in the town ditch as it so happens in Oxford back   to back and this is what Hugh Latimer says to his  friend we have good Comfort Master Ridley and play   the man we shall this day light a candle by God's  grace in England as I trust shall never be put out Hugh Latimer died quick but Master Ridley was not  so lucky the flamed burnt past him they set fire   to his legs and burnt his nether regions he cried  out to God people were so upset by what they saw   that they threw extra [ __ ] on the fire to try  and bring the Flames up which eventually they did   and they exploded the gunpowder around his neck  and he was no more if you walk through the streets   of the city center of Oxford you'll come across a  literally a cross in the pavement that marks the   spot where Latimer and Ridley were actually put  to death the martyrs of Oxford you know reading   about Hugh Latimer and the others I was impressed  by their beliefs by their honesty but with you   Latimer I truly found a connection there he was  an Englishman what a good man he was the way he   cared for the poor the needy the prisoners who  were locked up an honest man his word was his   bond but for me most importantly he was a Bowman  a longbowmen just like me well I hope you enjoyed   that video if you did like share and subscribe  and if you'd like to support our Channel further   take a look at our patreon community the link is  in the description now guys if you're waiting for   a patreon shout out you haven't heard your names  yet these videos we don't put them out in order so   just stand by now for this video a shout out for  three patreon members now I'm going to read these   names we have Adam deal Gregory Townsend and EOD  we remember hey guys thanks a million bye for now
Channel: thehistorysquad
Views: 30,660
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Keywords: Burning of Bishop Latimer, Bishop Latimer, Hugh Latimer, Archery, Tudor, Religion, Tudor Religion, Reformation, Tudor Reformation, the reformation, burned at the stake, execution, tudor executions, foxes book of martyrs, foxes book, history, history channel, tudor history, what happened to Bishop Latimer, who was Bishop Latimer, Nicholas Ridley, Why was Latimer burned at the stake, Why was Hugh Latimer important, oxford martyrs, latimer and ridley, Tudor history, hugh latimer
Id: atNmLrNPkc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2023
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