Birthday Time (2000) gay short film

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so so [Music] tag foreign it was empty see [Music] topher hi why don't you come all the way outside you don't have to always stand in the doorway like that how was school substandard did you work today no but when it rains it pours you know is jonathan coming on sunday no he um i don't think we're gonna be friends anymore hey do you think in the morning you look any different did you not till i turn 30. i'm gonna be back late from school tomorrow i've got drama class rehearsal thy hair is horrible it is covered with mire and dust it is like a knot of serpents coiled around my neck i love not thy hair it is that oh holy hell slow it down christopher what are you reading from salome oscar wilde they didn't have caffeine back then would you slow it down a bit holy hell it is thy mouth that i desire yo cain and my mouth is like a band of scarlet on a tower of ivory it is like a pomegranate like [Music] i don't mean [Music] oh my god a baby oh my god if i had a plastic bag and some breadcrumbs you could be shaken bait i mean i i thought you were someone else i mean i thought you were someone other than i'm sorry i'm a little drunk you look familiar all right hit puberty and come on topher i have to leave until sunday it's only pittsburgh i couldn't turn it down do you remember scott from new jersey you met him at the city picnic remember he's a jock yeah but he's a nice kid and so is his sister and his parents are real nice too i've asked his father to watch you until sunday he's not a jock you won't have to play football or badminton or anything mom i'm almost 18 years old i don't need a guardian honey he's not a jock it's his mother's fault she's sporty [Music] is that altoid or is that gum you know i have to get into the faces of my client sometimes and i get so paranoid topher hi this is scott's father tom he's from new zealand let's just nip this in the bud sport that routine in the bar of mine it wasn't appropriate i don't know what i was thinking i'd had a drink you know and i don't know what you were doing there but i think it's probably best if you avoid those places until you're out of school all right there we go all clear out in the open resolved so are you going out today can i ask you a question sure it's personal well then it depends i'm embarrassed what is it i can't go ahead no i don't know just go ahead sport what is [ __ ] like go do your homework [Music] foreign [Music] 18. hi your mother is some pretty precise notes here she's a stickler for detail your mother yessiree do you mind if i ask what this pit's about did something happen so so do you want to talk about a sport about what whatever so hmm we are going to talk about you and what you want who you are why were you in flapjacks dgif come on christopher i'm almost 18 and i've never been kissed [ __ ] it's true i've done other stuff but i've never been kissed other stuff nothing just falling around it doesn't mean anything if you're gay your mother would accept it you should talk about it with a sport yeah sure i've been around a bit more than you have well sure you're from new zealand you don't wear the same shoes i do your mother would accept it she's enlightened and modern is that why you're here i got myself in a bit of a hole i'm not gonna [ __ ] you christopher i like to play around a bit but i'm an adult and that's a choice i've made you've got better choices much better choices all right you are going to kiss me go do your homework i want my kiss goddammit no closet queen stop it kiss me i can't then have a drink hey so you're gonna go out today oh you'd like that wouldn't you well keep dreaming i'm going to get my goddamn kiss from you or i am twirling straight back to flapjacks with no underwear on because i am not turning 18 and not getting kissed [Music] [Music] christopher call me tougher right so aren't you going out today at all negative i don't really play well with others others may age at least you want to come inside sure this is a nice room you've got here you've got a better than scott his sister gets the larger room do you think that i would look better with shorter hair should i grow it long i mean i'd look even gayer though if it was long right like oscar wilde it feels nice though you want to feel it i believe your sport so go ahead and feel it no that's alright you're sure you don't want to feel my hair or have a drink quit it my friend janet believes that everybody has a type i mean she exclusively dates these big blocky football player types but most of them are functionally illiterate or dangerous actually a few are genuinely [ __ ] ugly ernie for instance used to play football but then well he heard somebody i mean that's how they found out he was [ __ ] because they ran all these tests and that's terrible am i not your type or something i mean am i too young or too gay or something why won't anybody kiss me you should get your first kiss from someone who loves you tofu do it right he won't kiss me and you won't kiss me i'm ugly i mean i'm so [ __ ] gay and i'm going to be 18 and i've never been kissed and even [ __ ] people who can't read get kissed i went in there because i wanted to get kissed guys like me we don't just want to kiss do you understand what i'm saying tofu it's great to hear about this promise me that i won't be 18 and never been kissed it's not your birthday yet okay good morning happy birthday come on get ready don't you want a present [Music] you wish it was the way that it was when it was the way that it was [Music] hey guess what it's my birthday tomorrow [Music] you wish it was the way that it was when it was [Music] the days of enjoyment they are not here [Music] you need some questions answered cause you look so confused [Music] you wish it was the way that it [Music] was that was fine for yesterday those [Music] the days of involvement the days of enjoyment is [Music] you
Channel: Lawrence Ferber
Views: 4,343,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LGBTQ, comedy, gay, coming of age, NYC
Id: pDM_NTeWvbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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