BIRTH TO DEATH of ROYALTY In Minecraft! 360

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friend oh you're finally here but wait you're so much tinier than i remembered hold the commissioner said going across multiverses could get a little messy look you're literally a child well that makes sense considering that i've been stuck in this child's bedroom for so long waiting for you i mean it's only been five minutes but still but still did everything go okay saying don't worry like we need to find out what's going on oh jesus footsteps okay plan of action i'm gonna go find out what's going on and you you'll be just fine okay i'll catch you in a second friend bye absolutely preposterous there's no way they're still asleep who's our beautiful baby hello i see you awaken from your slumber you are so adorable uh you you look a bit different nonsense nonsense it's because they rested up listen listen the the next royal generation needs to be speaking spanish beautiful with their beauty rest come come it is it is the training day for you come with us all right well it is very important to know that being a royal is it's a no joke but for now you are still a child and you will learn yes yes of course now come i'm telling you the pleasure trees they mean little in the grand scheme of things they need to learn defense how to defend themselves no no no no no is the poor's most important thing uh my king my queen i i love that you are so invested in in your in their education is your child's future yes yes yes i understand that but may i the tutor actually take over please of course thank you thank you so much so uh we will be starting with etiquette as the queen has demanded and first off the most important thing you need to know is [Music] okay then uh can you please name me all the teaser we have in the in the castle right at this moment oh oh i know this one oh there's ginseng there's sleepy time there's green tea there's green tea and lemon oh that's a lot uh do you do you know anymore i'm very intrigued oh yes yes also a green tea with lemon there's green tea with lemon and honey uh one of our advanced disguise magics to turn myself into this lotion creature oh i see you see my queen these pleasantries are quite ideal for the royal family but how useful are they if you do not live to tell the tale you make a good point uh shall we shall we follow you then yes please come this way i'll show you exactly what we need to learn always get in your way oh yes the training room i spent the better years of my younger life in here making sure okay um i am the tutor please can you please step back slightly you teaching them the wrong technique is not going to help their young royals [Music] like i know the wrong technique listen i must actually interject back four to you let me show you exactly how good i am these young boys you're going to hurt yourself oh oh the king is so agile as per usual now can you please get down very slowly and calm yourself down this is thank you so much for letting me teach my own class thank you anyway this is now your turn are you ready okay so what i have here is a bow and arrow and i want you to shoot at all the little arrow targets okay here you go here's that and here are your arrows you don't need to instruct them they know exactly what they're doing they are going to be royal after all oh yes that's how it is done you little royal tv come on there you go enough to bring a tear to a grown man's eye oh well done congratulations that was incredible it's not that hard oh my queen my queen would you like to demonstrate the skill for us yes perhaps your knowledge on tea time could be very useful in this segment fine i will all right give me the bow and arrow [Music] there you go my queen and here are some arrows thank you my queen you could do this all right [Laughter] that was a royal knee slapper anyway [Music] well it seems that you uh you passed this with flying colors my child you are exactly the royal that you are meant to be you're ready anyway thank you so much all our students for being here and good luck to your futures the lesson is over let's just let us away so are you excited you're going to be royal crown friend ah friend oh you're alive how have you been oh my gosh i've just found out so many things but i'm being chased i'm being chased by pink she's coming after me sorry sorry i didn't mean to hate you when it's not pink exactly it sounds like pink i think it's i think it's one of the invariants in fact they call themselves amber oh there you are yeah you thought you were acting so tough and just coming up to me now coming up to you yeah pink because we know each other remember pink who's pink uh you you you pink look i don't have time for this you and oh look at who we have here you guys are coming with me i'm amber all right you all you need to know is that i'm a thief and that's it come on dogs let's go friend of mine follow me easy hey please oh my head oh friend oh you're alive and you're okay thank goodness i'm telling you this pink this this amber chick this amber variant i guess is absolutely nuts she's absolutely off a rock jeez oh looks like you guys are awake huh yeah we're awake um what do you want from us exactly oh nothing really i just want the crown the the the crown yeah i want the crown that this one is supposed to receive on coronation day hold on friend what are you not telling me what did you get up to while i was out finding them hey you're a royal oh of course a royal and a nimwit ah i guess i'll just have to work with this but but can you just give up the crown please if you if you are in fact meant to be the royal bee do you have it i just just get out of here just give it to the crazy wait you don't they they say they don't have the crown pink pink why do you keep calling me pink that's not my name because you're just gonna be mined after a color that's stupid you sound like her you have a friend you agree right hey [Music] fine i guess you don't have the crown just yet but once you do i will get in i whatever i just have to think of a new plan you guys are just gonna stay here all right and no food no no food hey you can't do that to us oi if you turn if you miss behave i will turn you into dark okay oh she's completely nuts like i said she sounds just like wait the commissioner said we're being inserted into his oh so that is in fact oh right i get it now i get it but she's also a variant a thief in this world that explains okay that explains a lot that explains a lot okay well if we could just find a way out of here and we could somehow get in contact with the commissioner that would be brilliant um i don't think my hands are going to be too good at breaking through [Music] oh it's just as dumb as the one we remember oh thank goodness can you get them can you reach the keys okay can you reach around can you unlock the door that'd be amazing can you do it can you do a friend oh thank goodness okay keep your voices down let's sneak out of here yeah just ignore it she can't be trusted she [Music] what are you guys not doing here in cage get back in there we're making a quick escape we'll catch you later bye uh no get yourself back in the cage i need the crown wait what i need [Music] wha what why why are you crying i'm not crying i'm amber the thief i'm strong and i i hate everyone everyone but sorry what was that photo that you were holding [Music] it's the picture of the queen king why do you want the crown so badly look i i'm their daughter wait you're meant to be the royal not friend yes and you appeared somehow in this world and took my spot and then i had to lose my family that's why i want the crown back i just want to be back together with that okay okay friends absolutely changes everything okay let's devise a plan um right how can we sneak amber in amber the thief um and make them more royal uh wait wait wait how do i know that i could trust you guys to actually get me back in there uh trust us because we are time traveling uh super commission work what what was all right don't worry don't worry don't worry you don't need to worry about that um look look how can we sneak you in um maybe we could do something do you have witches in this world uh magic i mean there's a lot of different things yes okay um do you have any access to any potions maybe we could sneak you and make you look like friend and they could crown you um um i think i did find something from a merchant the other day uh it's a potion but it turned you into some sort of animal wait oh a dog okay okay way that could work hold on if you take the potion and then we dress friend up to look just like you we walk back in and tell the king and queen that in fact you are actually friend that went missing the royal to be and you will only be turned back into a human if you are crowned they'll totally believe that we could just do it look look i i can convince anyone friend and you can with you by my side can you grab that potion if you literally just got in the drawer right here oh yep let me just grab it okay you know uh thank you guys i am i actually appreciate this um but it's okay anyways it doesn't matter all right you ready yeah let's get going [Music] excuse me sorry to interrupt uh me and this thief here we we have some grave news to tell you all oh brave news this will not be about my child your child well indeed it is about your child because in fact your child was cursed out in the wastelands by an evil witch and they got turned into a dog oh my lord what are we going to do you expect me to believe there's some peasants and a thief walk in here with a dog and it's turned in have you tried my indeed that's exactly what the witch said if the dog becomes crowned they will turn back into their human form you want to see your child back as a human right my lord please honey please i guess i guess we can give it a shot okay let's all get all everything sorted the sashes can wait um we need to get them in the line and start this all straight away shall we stop that just get on the throne get out of there let's go go go go okay um seems to follow directions all right let's get this over oh you uh royal tippy dog will be taking on the duties of the king and queen and ruler of the land do you solely accept this duty then with that i will still upon you this crowd back oh you look as beautiful as normal i'm glad to be here we did it friend we did it thank you guys i uh sorry about kidnapping you guys earlier but um i had no other choice i wanted to be reunited with my family but thank you guys i uh i appreciate your help if you guys ever need anything just let me know all right you got the royal favorite one thing thank you again i uh i really appreciate it i i don't even know how any of this actually happened but i'm just glad that everything is in its rightful place and you and your friend were able to help me yeah and friend look this is just what we were looking for but oddly our teleporter look they blanked out a you know a pink spot and then well i guess like the commissioner said they're not called that anymore oh maybe that means that it was only us meant to be in this world sorry i miss this is probably a little bit confusing to you right uh probably just get going get going yeah we'll still catch you later loser all right friend let's get going i've gotta think i'm gonna ask a lot of questions from the commissioner
Channel: Friend
Views: 237,060
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft roleplay, 360 video, video 360, 360 vr, vr 360, 360 minecraft, birth to death, birth to deaf
Id: 1_dw_bWTxWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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